Is it possible to find a person on Instagram by phone number? How to find a person on Instagram without knowing his nickname

Searching for people on Instagram is done using special service, which allows you to find registered users based on several principles. Functional social network, maximizes possibilities by allowing you to search different ways. You can find a person with minimal information about him and his account.

Search principles

You can play detective using the following search principles:

  • user login traditional nickname;
  • personal data of a person – first name and last name;
  • photographs – tags or location are used;
  • phone number – you can find your account through contacts;
  • connected social networks.

The most elementary way is to enter the login used to register on Instagram in the search bar. It is a little more difficult to complete a task if information about it is missing.

Looking for no nickname

Let's look at how to find a person on Instagram if you don't know their nickname, using the social functionality. networks to the fullest.

Personal information

If the login is not known, but there is information about the first and last name, then this may be enough to solve the problem. Enter the initial data in the search bar and get a list of people matching the specified description.

All that remains is to sort through all the threads and, having found the desired person, subscribe to the page or read the publications.

Attention! A search by first name with last name is possible when a person provided personal information during registration.


If a secretive person decides to use Instagram incognito or under a pseudonym, then you need to use alternative methods.

When people share posts, they use tags to promote and promote their account. Phrases starting with the # symbol help unite all the people posting photos with the same hashtags. Such photographs are included in general access and are recommended to people who have posted posts with identical tags.

Knowing what hashtags the person you are looking for can use, you can enter them in the search bar, receiving a list of publications with the same tags.

For example, the photo was taken in Prague. We enter the corresponding tag in the search bar and get a list of users who put such a hashtag when publishing a post. We sort through the presented options and find the right person, which is quite labor-intensive, but possible. We have material on the same topic with the title.

When the hashtag is unknown, you can do the same trick with location.

Enter the name of the capital of the Czech Republic into the search bar. We go to the “Places” subsection and see a list of places with similar geolocation data. Here are all publications made in Prague and marked accordingly.

Social networks and phone numbers

Instagram functionality allows you to search for people by synchronizing your account with VKontakte and Facebook profiles. Go to the “Options” menu in the “For subscriptions” section and connect your page to the relevant social networks.

After completing the operation, the user will see the total number of friends registered on Instagram and a detailed list. Here you can subscribe to users or leave a request if they have private profiles.

In the same way, the search is carried out through a phone number. Especially for this purpose, in the “For subscriptions” subsection there is a “Contacts” line. Enter the number of the person you are looking for in the phone book. Click on the corresponding line in the “Options” menu and you will see the account.

Once you know the user's login, you can search for him on Instagram without logging in to the system. We will use the web version of the site for this and indicate the person’s nickname in the browser line, following the domain name.

More details can be found in the article with the corresponding content.

Having found the profile in this way, you can view all publications. Naturally, you cannot take active actions, but you are unlikely to count on this when searching without authorization. We use the same method to find our own page if the need arises.

Searching without a nickname can be time-consuming if the person is not in your phone book or friends on accessible social networks. Despite this, it is possible to complete the task with diligence and perseverance.

Looking for friends

The first thing any person who registers on a new social network will think about is finding their friends. That's where we'll start. Surely you have contacts of your friends not only on your phone, but also on such popular services as Facebook and VKontakte. on Instagram, if he is your friend on these networks? To do this, use the following simple algorithm:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile, go to the settings menu (gear in the top corner).
  2. You will see the item "Find and invite friends", click on it.
  3. Now you need to choose where you will look for your comrades. For this there are buttons “Friends from VKontakte” and “Friends from Facebook”. Click the one you need.
  4. The corresponding application will open, where you will need to confirm your connection with the selected social network. Then you will see all the users from there (among your friends) who have linked their profile to Instagram.
  5. Select those from the list you want to follow.

As a result of these simple actions, news from these people will appear in your news feed. Searching for people on Instagram using their profiles on other social networks is the most convenient and effective way. However, this option is not always available (for example, a friend has not linked his page to Instagram or is not on these resources at all). In this case, you can try the following search option.

Search by nickname or name

Let's say you know for sure that a specific person is definitely on Instagram, but you can’t find him using the method described above. If you are looking for a person, then you know his real name/alias, and possibly his nickname. How to find a person by name on Instagram?

There is a special tool for this, which is called “Search for names and usernames”. In the appropriate line, enter the person’s last name/first name and intended nickname. It is worth trying different spellings, as well as both Russian and English language. This way there will be more chances of success. If you manage to find the right person, it won’t be difficult to follow her - just click the “Follow” button on her profile (it will turn green).

Other options

Unfortunately, sometimes neither the first nor the second search method works. Perhaps someone uses a pseudonym for this resource and it is simply impossible to find him using the information you know. How to find a person on Instagram in this case? This is, of course, harder to do, but it’s worth a try.

Surely you know someone from his social circle and can easily access this person’s profile. Most likely, he is subscribed to the person you need or is among those whom she “follows.” If so, consider yourself lucky. View the list of his subscribers and followers. Perhaps in one of them you will find the one you were looking for.

There is another option. It is rarer, but it should not be excluded when there are no other leads. If you have contact information on your phone for someone you can't find in any other way, try using it. For this purpose, Instagram has the “My Contacts” function. With its help, you can find a person if he has entered his Instagram details into the address phone book. The probability is small, but it is there.

Search without registration

All of the above options are suitable if you yourself are registered on Instagram. Finding a person without registration is much more difficult. It’s worth warning right away that you won’t be able to use the search function. Today there are a number of sites offering such a service, but it is better not to resort to their help. They often redirect users to other resources, collect their personal information, and can even infect your device. What to do?

The only option is to find out the nickname the person uses on Instagram. Then all you have to do is enter “user nickname” into and enjoy viewing his profile. How to recognize him? Guess. Ask friends and acquaintances. In any case, if you know a person from somewhere, then it’s possible to get at least one of his contacts. And then all that remains is to simply ask him this question personally.


If you are new to Instagram, then the first and main task is to build contacts. The tips offered in the article on how to find a person on Instagram will help you in this matter. Expand your list of subscriptions, and soon you will start to have more and more followers. Good luck!

Millions of people actively use Instagram every day, publishing a piece of their life in the form of miniature square photos. Almost every person has friends and acquaintances who already use Instagram - all you have to do is find them.

By searching for people who use Instagram, you can add them to your following list and monitor the publication of new photos at any time.

Unlike many other services, Instagram developers We have made every effort to simplify the process of finding people as much as possible. There are several methods available to you for this.

Method 1: Find a friend by login

In order to perform a search this way, you will need to know the username of the person you are looking for. To do this, launch the application and go to the tab "Search"(second from left). In the top line you should enter the person's login. If such a page is found, it will be displayed immediately.

Method 2: Using a phone number

Your Instagram profile is automatically linked to your phone number (even if you registered via Facebook or email), so if you have a large phone book, you can find Instagram users using your contacts.

Method 3: using social networks

Today, to search for people on Instagram, you can use the social networks VKontakte and Facebook. If you are an active user of the listed services, then this method of finding friends is definitely for you.

Method 4: search without registration

If you do not have a registered account on Instagram, but you still need to find a person, then you can complete this task as follows:

Open any browser on your computer or smartphone, and in it a search engine (no matter which one). In the search bar you should enter a query like the following:

[Login (username)] Instagram

The search results will display the profile you are looking for. If it is open, its contents can be viewed. If not, authorization will be required.

Since Instagram contains more than a billion images, and more than 100 million people use it, the issue of working with search engine service is critical. Fortunately, on Instagram, searching for people and searching by tags are implemented very conveniently, and finding something of interest is not particularly difficult. If, of course, you know how to look!

In this guide, we will talk about search and Insatagram: we hope that after reading it you will not have any questions about how to find something in your favorite online microphoto blogging service.

In addition, we will talk about how to search on Instagram using our website - how this process differs from searching through the application. But in some ways it is still more convenient... first things first.

What types of search are available on Instagram?

In fact, the question is not as simple as it might seem. The fact is that on Instagram, searching through the menu is carried out by users or hashtags, but there is another way - searching by location tags.

Alas, due to some imperfections in the application interface, which the developers are in no hurry to fix, this search method remains “semi-official”.

In addition, as you can see, search is also possible through our website! Its principles do not differ significantly from searching through the application itself, so everything said below will be quite relevant for our search string - except that it’s even easier to work with it, especially on a computer.

So, let's talk about each method in more detail.

Search by users

Searching for people on Instagram is extremely simple. In order to find a particular user, you need to know the name of his account - at least approximately. Unfortunately, search by additional parameters like gender, age, place of residence, but not on Instagram - the service allows you to indicate not much information about yourself.

In order to search for a user by account name, in the main menu of the site, just enter the name and click on the magnifying glass icon.

After this you will be taken to the search results page:

The left column contains accounts with names matching the search query.

Search by hashtags

So, the first way to search by hashtag is to simply click on it where you saw the tag. Each hashtag is a clickable link that, when clicked, takes you to the search results page.

The second option is already, one might say, familiar to us. Again, in the main menu of the site, enter the tag you are looking for; the queries that interest us will appear in the right column in the “Hashtags” tab. As with accounts, the service will offer you options similar to the text entered in the line.

Is it possible to search by geotags?

Location tags are a very handy feature of Instagram. We have already talked about them in the article about tags, so we will just briefly repeat the point: when sending a photo to your microphotoblog, you can indicate where it was taken.

Unfortunately, there is still no form of search by geotag on Instagram, and the only way to carry out such a search is to click on the tag that you see under any photo (available only in the Instagram application, this function is not yet available on our website No). It will work as an active link and show you search results.

This is how we search for information and people in the service we love so much. Read other articles about working with Instagram on our website - we strive to tell you everything we know about this application and social network!

Not long ago, a friend approached me with a request to help me find his classmate on Instagram who lives on another continent. A standard search by First Name and Last Name did not produce any results, and the geo-referencing also turned out to be a bummer. The phone number was known, which was our last hope. After simple manipulations, my friend’s long-time girlfriend was found, and (according to rumors) they began quite serious communication with far-reaching plans. I hope many will be interested in how to find a person on Instagram by phone number. This will be the topic of this publication.

Looking for a person on Instagram by phone number via PC


In this article, we tried to clarify the situation on the issue of how to find a person on Instagram by phone number using a PC, smartphone and built-in application tools. The main thing is to add the person to your gadget’s contact list. And if this phone is specified in the profile or linked to the account, then Instagram will definitely pull it into the “contacts” section of the application.
