Who, when and why invented Bitcoin - the history of the creation of cryptocurrency from the very beginning: the most famous versions. Who invented Bitcoin? Who actually created Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin backed by?

Unlike ordinary cash, bitcoin is not backed by absolutely any material assets. In addition, neither banks nor the emission fund are engaged in supporting the cryptocurrency rate. How, then, can you trust this virtual currency if the owner completely lacks any financial guarantees?

The fact is that whoever invented cryptocurrency did not intend to back it up with gold or shares. This payment system has completely different properties. As a result, pricing in it completely depends on the real supply and demand for bitcoin. This is hard for ordinary people who have encountered various financial pyramids to believe. But the fact is that Bitcoin is created in such a way that its value will only increase over time. This is explained by the fact that the cost of creating each new coin exceeds the cost of the previous one.

Who invented Bitcoin and why, if there is no system for protecting investors, and the value of virtual coins is not protected by anything? The fact is that compared to other systems. Bitcoin was designed as an independent, decentralized system for anonymous transactions. In addition, this currency has no “shadow” owners. Most likely, neither government agencies nor large corporations can influence its stability.

Bitcoin: why is it serious?

The following facts can convince users that bitcoin is a serious project and not just another pyramid scheme:

  • Bitcoin has the highest degree of protection against falsification (it is almost impossible to generate keys or forge existing ones);
  • each has a complex security system consisting of at least 6 confirmations;
  • impossible without expensive computer equipment;
  • the number of goods and services that can be purchased by paying for them with bitcoins is constantly increasing;
  • changes in the system protocol are possible only if there is agreement of 90% of community members.

Interesting to know! Every minute at least 100 transactions involving bitcoin are concluded in the world. This is convincing evidence of the promise of cryptocurrency.

Who is he, a brilliant inventor named Satoshi Nakamoto?

To this day, the question remains open: who invented bitcoin? Although the history of the creation of the new cryptocurrency Bitcoin refers to Satoshi Nakamoto. Is he Japanese based on his name? Or is this a conditional name for a group of people who were involved in the creation of bitcoin and wished to remain anonymous?

Analysis of the name Satoshi Nakamoto in the history of Bitcoin

The analysis of the name of the person who invented Bitcoin is very interesting. If you translate “Satoshi” from Japanese, then literally it will sound like: “wise”, “resourceful” or “clear thinking”. The beginning of the surname “Naka” in Russian means: “relationships” or “internal environment.” And also the second part of “Moto” is translated as “foundation” or “origin”. Isn't it a very suitable name for the creator of a radically new, cunning financial algorithm?

No one has been able to discover the secret of who this great inventor, hiding under the name Satoshi Nakamoto, actually is. As a result, the only thing that is reliably known about who created Bitcoin is that this person has very unconventional thinking. This is confirmed by Jeff Garzik, one of the main developers of the system. He claims that:

The coding principle of the brilliant inventor of cryptocurrency does not fit into the intelligence level of a typical software engineer.

In addition, they claim that Satoshi Nakamoto is a very wealthy man. After all, at the end of 2013, he owned the amount of bitcoin, equivalent to 1 billion in dollars.

Now this person has retired from matters related to the Bitcoin system. He announced this himself in 2011. But he is confident that his brainchild, bitcoin, is in the capable hands of a team of professionals led by Gavin.

The history of Bitcoin is unusual. It is shrouded in a haze of mystery hovering around the name of the main creator. But the fact remains: the ingenious invention works, and the new cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular every day.

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The financial field has been considered for centuries to be a monolith standing on an incredibly established foundation. It never occurred to anyone that it could be turned over. Bank transfers and the widespread use of generally accepted monetary units are part of every person’s everyday life, but there were those who believed that this was not enough. Thanks to this sentiment, steps were taken towards innovative technology - . Its derivative product is Bitcoin, which has blown the minds of millions of people. He forced them to look at the concept of a monetary unit in a completely different way, virtual currency became closer to society than ever. Having gained incredible popularity, he forced people to involuntarily ask themselves the question: “Who is he, the creator of Bitcoin?” But answering this question is not as simple as it seems.

Bitcoin - what is it

In order to figure out who stood at the origins of its origins, let’s start the analysis with her. Bitcoin technology has revolutionized the financial industry and its creator or creators are the unknown heroes of a generation. At first, Bitcoin had virtually no value. Now it is the most powerful cryptocurrency that has gained recognition all over the world. have become so commonplace that political figures with world authority do not speak about them with disdain, but, on the contrary, treat them like any other generally accepted world will.

Everyone knows about Bitcoin, the price of the cryptocurrency is growing every day, but few know who invented Bitcoin, although the volute was introduced to the world back in 2009. Forex traders also paid attention to Bitcoin. Transactions with it often result in stunning benefits.

Interesting! There are many who are trying to create something similar to Bitcoin, but they all cannot even come close to its success. Which suggests that its creator is not an ordinary man in the street, but a genius of a generation.

The secret of the founder of the most popular cryptocurrency has not been fully revealed

Who is the founder of bitcoins

Almost 10 years have passed since the release of the cryptocurrency, and there are still a lot of theories and assumptions about the creator. Most likely, there is a grain of truth in them, but we’ll talk about that later. Now let’s look not at theories, but at a specific name. To do this, we will learn more about only one famous person, since many believe that the founder of Bitcoin is Satoshi Nakamoto.

What is known about him

One of the questions related to the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is the real name of a real person or a pseudonym? Moreover, it is not even clear whether this is one person or a group. The name, of course, is Japanese, but there is no evidence that the roots of Bitcoin come from the Land of the Rising Sun. Maybe this is just a profanation?

It is absolutely obvious that there are those who know all this for certain. Unfortunately, they are in no hurry to reveal this secret.

It is known that work on the cryptocurrency network was completed at the end of 2010. From 2009 to the specified time, amendments and improvements were made. At the moment, the network is working successfully and is quite convenient. The creator, of course, received huge dividends from his brainchild and is now one of the richest people in the world.

Satoshi Nakamoto

Most people who deal with cryptocurrency, to one degree or another, when asked who created bitcoin, will confidently answer: “Satoshi Nakamoto!”

As we already understood, this answer will not be completely correct. There are far more gaps in the stories associated with this name than there are reliable facts. Yes, the third financial revolution has occurred. Most people who work in this area cannot admit such a fact as not knowing the name of a revolutionary.

What did the creator and rightful owner of the cryptocurrency code, Satoshi Nakamoto, do:

  • 2008– cryptographers received documents that described what cryptomoney was.

The first half of 2009 - a program was created, thanks to which clients were able to work with cryptocurrency (of course, this was the first version of the program, which had a number of shortcomings, but even then obvious prospects were visible);

  • 2010– the creator leaves the established system and disappears.

To be clear, he was active with other people, but no one was able to find out anything personal about him. But as was said, he was involved in the development of cryptocurrency exclusively at the starting stage. The last message he published was dated early 2011. In it, he announced his departure from the project and to work in another area.

Interesting! It is not clear what could have been the reason for leaving such a promising project; the cryptocurrency he created had a stable growth every day.

There is still no reliable information about the creator of Bitcoin

The Secret Creator of Bitcoin

We have already said that information about the personality of Satoshi Nakamoto has a lot of blind spots and creates many questions. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Name.

Satoshi (Satoshi) Nakamoto, is he really from Japan? Maybe it's just a pseudonym? History knows many similar cases. What's especially interesting about his name is that it sounds like "Satoshi." In Japanese it means “wise”, “resourceful”. Quite an interesting coincidence. The brilliant idea of ​​​​creating a global cryptocurrency belongs to a man who has a name that can be translated as “resourceful.” So maybe this is not the name of a person, but a group of people or the name of an entire project? Accident? Maybe.

  1. Surname.

In the case of a surname, the situation is no less interesting. Let’s break it down into its components, “naka” can be translated as “internal environment”, “attitude”. "Moto" is the "foundation". Again, all these word forms can be interpreted with a certain meaning, which can reflect the superiority of the creator and the brainchild, and this is not necessarily the information indicated in the passport. In this case, only one thing can be said for sure: the play on words is very good for the creator or creators of Bitcoin. Of course, one cannot ultimately say that this is just a pseudonym. Japan is famous for its level of technology, and indeed such a powerful idea as the creation of a cryptocurrency could come to a resident of this particular country. And how can one resolve the question of nationality if there is no answer to the question of whether it was a man, a woman, or even a group of people?

Who knows what about him

To whom has the secret of the true identity of the creator of cryptocurrency been revealed? This person is no less difficult to find than Satoshi Nakamoto himself. However, it is obviously impossible to create such a global project in complete secrecy. There are very specific people who know everything about the creator, the place, the country, where and how it happened. Unfortunately, these people do not want to appear in public. The persistence of many people does not fade day by day, they do not lose hope of finally finding out everything about the mysterious personality of Satoshi Nakamoto.

Due to the large number of people involved in the search, there is a lot of misinformation that is more misleading than helpful in finding answers to questions.

What is available on the Internet is, as a rule, very modest information. It was received from people who were lucky enough to work with Satoshi in the early stages of launching blockchain and Bitcoin projects. It is known that he did not disclose personal information, but from the way he communicated, it is absolutely clear that he was not an ordinary man in the street (it is understandable that only an extraordinary person can bring to life what would seem like a fairy-tale fantasy to most). Creating a system that is thought out down to the smallest detail may indicate that he is an inveterate perfectionist.

Interesting! Jeff Garzik (developer) said that Satoshi is probably a programmer, since the blockchain was created based on standard programming methods.

Sergio Lerner (the largest specialist in the field of Bitcoins) dealt with this issue personally, since the issue of the size of Satoshi’s fortune worries many. From research it is clear that the creator mined a huge number of blocks during the development stage. At the moment, his fortune can be estimated at an indecently huge amount and reach hundreds of billions of American dollars. One thing is absolutely certain, Satoshi is not in poverty.

What new area caught the attention of the genius Satoshi? Absolutely nothing is known about this, since after his last message in 2011 (that he was leaving the project), no information was received from him.

There are many other versions about the identity of the creator of Bitcoin.

Other versions about the creator of Bitcoin

Although there is very little information about the identity of the creator of Bitcoin, and over the years it has become increasingly blurred, people do not lose interest in searching for the truth.

The scarcity of real facts has led to the emergence of radically different versions about the identity of the creator. Of course, these versions have a place, but no confession has been received from any of them, so the versions remain only versions. Let's look at some of them:

  1. First candidate, Michael Clair. A graduate of Trinity College, he studied cryptography. George Davis (The New Yorker) analyzed a huge number of online records from Satoshi, and put forward a version. That Claire and Nakamoto are the same person.
  2. Candidate number two, Willy Lechdonvirth. Member of a Finnish economic organization, sociologist, formerly involved in the creation of computer games. But as he himself states, he has never been involved in cryptocurrencies.
  3. Next, let's look at a group of people at once. Adam Penenberg added three candidates to the list of suspects. He did some pretty interesting research. I collected Satoshi's original recordings and searched the Internet. Matches were found in the patent application of three individuals. Their names: Charles Braia, Neil King, Vladimir Oksman. Unfortunately, this version is very unlikely to be true. The version is based mainly on the fact that the domain Bitcoin.org, originally sounded like Satoshi, used the same entry in an application filed in Finland. But the name Bitcoin.org received registration only a few days later, in the Japanese patent service (the service provides conditions of anonymity).
  4. Marty Malmi is the creator of many computer programs. Known for his fairly extensive work with cryptocurrency. He stood at the origins of mining, which contributed to his inclusion in the list of candidates for the personality of Satoshi. In addition, he was creating the system interface, another point in his favor. He himself, unfortunately for researchers, does not recognize himself as Satoshi Nakamoto.
  5. The last candidate on our list is Jed McCaleb. A man with a brilliant biography. Founder of Ripple and the first Bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox. Lives in Japan, a true connoisseur of the culture of the land of the rising sun.

It becomes absolutely clear that until Satoshi Nakamoto himself decides to introduce himself to the world. Not a single study about his personality will yield exactly any result...

At the moment, society is increasingly interested in cryptocurrency. And a completely reasonable question arises: “After all, who invented cryptocurrency?”

Why do we need cryptocurrency at all?

With the development of the banking and financial systems, some people began to think about how they could hide their payments from the state and companies. Then such a science as cryptography began to develop, which was engaged in the creation of anonymous transactions between users.

Its most famous representative is David Chom. It was his developments that were incorporated into the very system of cryptocurrency operation.

How does cryptocurrency work?

David Chom came up with the principle of “blind signature”, which made it possible to fight fraud and not openly disclose the subjects of the transaction.

An alternative algorithm was proposed by Adam Back. His idea was that the sender should make several sequential operations, and the recipient could track them and check the truth. The main technology for cryptocurrencies, blockchain, is built on these principles.

What cryptocurrency was created first?

It is officially believed that the first cryptocurrency in the world is Bitcoin - one of the most famous payment systems for now. The creator of Bitcoin is still classified and known under the name Satoshi Nakamoto, but there is no information about this person.

The first mention of new digital money from him dates back to 2009. Now there are many different theories about this mysterious person.

Alleged creators

For example, Nick Szabo, the creator of a decentralized project very similar to modern cryptocurrencies, has long been considered the creator of Bitcoin. But later he himself officially stated that he had nothing to do with the creation of Bitcoin.

Another theory was put forward by The New Yorker magazine. According to reporter Joshua Davis, Bitcoin was created by Michael Clear, a graduate of the Faculty of Cryptography.

A magazine employee raised such suspicions after analyzing all the online posts of the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, which he left on a forum dedicated to virtual money.

But the “suspect” himself stated that he had never had anything to do with cryptocurrencies.

Another theory pointed to Marty Malmi.

Suspicion fell on him, first of all, because of his place of residence, since the official Bitcoin website was registered in Finland, where Marty lives.

It is also known that he has been involved in cryptocurrency mining from the very beginning. Marty does not deny his contribution to the development of Bitcoin, but states that he is not hiding under the name Satoshi Nakamoto.

There are dozens more different versions of who the mysterious creator of cryptocurrencies really is, but not one has yet received official confirmation.

The last message from Satoshi Nakamoto on the forum is dated 2011, and in it he writes that he is leaving Bitcoin and moving to some other industry. There was no further information from him.

How much did its creator make from Bitcoin?

Are cryptocurrencies a unique technology?

In fact, Satoshi Nakamoto, whoever is hiding behind this name, simply transformed everything that the global technological community had accumulated and created his own system, which developed into an entire industry.

But his contribution to the future cannot be ignored. In a few years, cryptocurrency should become part of the everyday life of every progressive person. And all this was achieved by the technology of an anonymous creator who still does not get in touch and carefully hides his identity.

Most cryptocurrencies use Bitcoin's developments to develop algorithms. But many creators do not hide their faces, unlike Satoshi Nakamoto. This intrigue has not left the entire cryptocurrency community alone for several years.

The words “bitcoin”, “cryptocurrency” and “blockchain” are on everyone’s lips today. Of course, each of these concepts has its own clear definition. However, when we say that cryptocurrency is a revolutionary phenomenon in the financial world, Bitcoin is a real phenomenon, and it attracts the attention of others, and blockchain is a fundamentally new mechanism, which has no analogue in nature, this will not exaggeration. Today we propose to talk about who invented Bitcoin, and also consider the history of Bitcoin. We need this to understand one simple thing: why this phenomenon has become so tightly integrated into our lives.

It is difficult to name the date from which the history of bitcoins begins. It is not known for certain how much time was spent developing the concept and putting in order the theoretical aspects regarding the functioning of Bitcoin from the very beginning. However, in the financial world it is generally accepted that the history of virtual currency dates back to 2008. It was then that a document was published on the Internet that became a manifesto of a new phenomenon.

This is why many believe that Bitcoins appeared in 2008. However, during this period, the creator of bitcoin carried out preparatory work: published press releases, registered a domain on which the bitcoin.org website was opened. The very first block, which was created as a result of solving a complex cryptographic code, brought users the first 50 bitcoins. This is how the first Bitcoin was born.

It is clear that at that moment, most participants in the financial market had no idea why they had come up with a new payment instrument, whose possibilities were almost limitless. And during this period no one was going to use them for their intended purpose. It took many years before Bitcoin could become a powerful player in the cryptocurrency market.

In 2010, an event occurred that will probably be included in financial history books. One user sold and another bought two pizzas, which were paid for with bitcoins - it took 10 thousand coins. If you go back to the date when this was done, then 25 dollars was paid for the pizza - this was exactly the rate at that time. Considering the level of today's exchange rate, less than 10 years have passed since the pizzas actually turned out to be gold - their cost can be compared with the annual budget of a small African state.

The creation of the exchange was a major milestone in the history of bitcoin development, namely evidence that the currency is liquid and is willingly bought and sold. After a series of sales and changes in ownership, Bitcoin trading volume rose to US$1 million in late 2011 - and that was progress.

What is Bitcoin

The most difficult task today is to explain what Bitcoin is to a person who has never encountered it. To simplify it as much as possible, it is a gold coin, protected on all sides, which is capable of the impossible - in the blink of an eye, moving from one point on the globe to another. In addition, it has the following properties:

  • impossible to fake;
  • cannot be duplicated (this is especially convenient when making unique payments);
  • impossible to prohibit;
  • at any time you want, you can pay with these coins;
  • Inflation, depreciation and other depreciation do not threaten Bitcoin. In total, it is planned to issue 21 million coins by 2021 - this is what the creator of Bitcoin decided.

At the initial period, the distribution of the new currency was very difficult, there were few coins and network participants were actively involved in their production (mining). The concept involved the creation of a certain number of bitcoins, and as this number increased, the difficulty of mining increased. The first miners used idle at night personal computers, currently generating coins requires significant computer resources.

Who created Bitcoin?

A description of the cryptocurrency, published in 2008, was published on behalf of Satoshi (or Satoshi) Nakamoto. This year is considered the period when Bitcoin appeared and its initial release to the market took place.

It is still not known for certain who invented this most expensive and famous cryptocurrency, since a person with such a name and surname does not seem to exist in nature. So nothing prevents the development group, hiding behind a fictitious name, from those specialists whose efforts actually invented the new coins.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

The creator of Bitcoin himself claims to be from Japan. And we will not be able to find any other data relating to his life, no matter how carefully we search the network. Well, maybe it will be possible to add a few personal characteristics like politeness and education, which, in principle, have nothing to do with the product of the system. That is why so much mistrust and questions about who invented Bitcoin and why remained until the last moment.

In 2010, according to official documents, Satoshi Nakamoto ceased his participation in the Bitcoin project. But the question of who is the real founder, author of the idea and developer of the project remains open.

Where do Bitcoins come from?

If at the very beginning of the existence of bitcoins they were generated using ordinary computers belonging to ordinary users, then in the last few years the requirements for equipment have changed dramatically. At first, powerful video cards were required - ones that were used for powerful games and were expensive. Then special mining farms were needed. Their work, in addition to the initial investment, requires additional access to cheap electricity, as well as the availability of premises, because installing such a farm in an apartment means permanently disrupting the microclimate. Moreover, there are different types of trusses - it could be a rack that is located on the balcony of an apartment in a multi-story building, or there could be 10-15 racks in a garage or utility room.

The user mines bitcoins, and his electricity costs are covered by the price of the received coins. This is if everything goes well. After this, the cost of the iron that makes up the farm will return within six months.

Where can I get bitcoins?

However, mining is not the only way to own bitcoins. There are many more ways to get the coveted virtual coins:

  • buy from those people who have already acquired this cryptocurrency;
  • exchange in a special exchanger - fortunately, most of them already work with bitcoins;
  • if you don’t trust exchangers, arrange an exchange on the exchange;
  • you organize payments with suppliers in bitcoins - for this you will receive thanks from everyone who promotes the idea of ​​​​real and virtual trading for bitcoins.

As you can see, there are a great many ways, so in any case, if you want, finding bitcoins will not be difficult.

Bitcoin rate

It is noteworthy that at the time when the first Bitcoin appeared and the active mining process began, the rate of this cryptocurrency was calculated simply: the cost of electricity, which was spent on solving a cryptographic problem and as a result of which a block consisting of 50 coins was issued, was divided by the issue volume. Therefore, by the end of 2009, 1 US dollar purchased from 700 to 1,600 bitcoins. And then it seemed that it would always be like this.

The first exchanger where you could convert bitcoins into dollars was created in 2010. During this period, the rate of the popular cryptocurrency in question began to grow, and a secondary market for trading cryptomoney emerged - the first Bitcoin exchange MtGox.

At the beginning of 2013, the rate of this cryptocurrency was already 31 US dollars, and by May it was 266 dollars. However, he failed to maintain this level, so similar “swings” appeared for many years.

2017 is breaking records in value - today Bitcoin crossed the mark of 11 thousand US dollars. Remember those pizzas mentioned above? Surely, those who paid for pizzas with bitcoins a couple of years ago, with each new achievement of cryptocurrency, begin to bite their elbows more and more furiously.

I began to develop my own digital money, inspired by Bitcoin. Charles Lee's invention is based on the same principles as Bitcoin, but does not have the “cumbersomeness” of the former. Litecoin is much easier to mine (create new currency units). Lee does not believe that his product will displace Bitcoin from the pedestal of the first cryptocurrency. Charles Lee has little desire for external fame and is engaged in his own developments. But he doesn’t look like a mysterious person and doesn’t refuse to talk to journalists. In the past he worked at Google, now he collaborates with one of the famous crypto exchanges.

Jed McCaleb is another revolutionary in the crypto world. First he invented and implemented Ripple(), and then, based on it, another currency - Stellar. In addition to currencies, he opened crypto exchanges, file sharing services, etc. He developed grandiose projects, and then abandoned them for new ones that were more interesting to him personally.

McCaleb's inventions are not clones of existing designs, but products in their own right. Ripple is not only a cryptocurrency, but a system for financial transactions using blockchain technologies, although the project also has its own digital money. Stellar is a project that was spun off from Ripple after McCaleb left it. Now Jed McCaleb is working specifically on Stellar (), as well as new projects for which he is selecting employees, but has not yet disclosed details.

Evan Duffield is the creator of Dash, a truly anonymous cryptocurrency.

He participated in the Bitcoin project and offered to introduce his own developments into it. The fundamental objections to the already established system were that Bitcoin seemed to Duffield not to be fast enough in conducting transactions, less capable of development due to its single-layer nature, and not completely hiding its participants.

Since the Bitcoin community did not accept Evan Duffield's ideas, he founded and began to develop his own project - Darkcoin, which was then renamed Dash (). Dash is built on the software foundations of Bitcoin, but has different principles for distributing mining income. 10 percent of earnings goes to the implementation of new projects, which significantly accelerates the development of the system.

Who are all these people?

The individuals listed here are not the only geniuses from the world of cryptocurrencies. But they all:

  • made fundamentally new discoveries based on their own revolutionary insights or brought past theoretical developments to successful practical application;
  • were able to captivate a huge number of people with their ideas, because without this, the use of blockchain is fundamentally impossible;
  • managed to get practical benefits from their own developments.

None of the inventors named above fits the role of an “unrecognized genius.” Their talents are not only recognized, but also generously paid.

None of them are poor today. With the current surge in prices for popular cryptocurrencies, anyone who owns a significant amount of them becomes a millionaire. And the richest of all should be the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, who managed to mine 1–2 million bitcoins even before his disappearance.
