The Chinese phone has poor network reception. What to do if your phone doesn't connect to the network? The phone bought in China does not connect to the network

What to do if Nokia doesn’t connect to the network? First you need to establish the cause, and the cause can be several factors. First, let's try to determine whether this is a problem in the network support or directly in the telephone itself.

To begin with, you need to make sure of this - is there at least one network reception division? Try changing your settings. To do this, go to the “SETTINGS” submenu, select the “AUTOMATIC” search mode. When these actions have no effect, you can try to select your operator's network manually. The problem may be related to your SIM card: either it has expired or it is faulty.

It happens that the Nokia device does not catch the network only in some places (for example, the basement floors of a building, underground parking, houses with concrete walls). Then, most likely, your mobile operator has poor radio coverage in this area. You can try to solve this problem by calling the technical support of your mobile operator. Otherwise, try to restore communication by going to a window or going out into an open area.

You can test your phone by replacing the SIM card with a similar one from a different operator. If, as before, the Nokia phone does not see the network, then, often, the problem lies precisely in the malfunction of the mobile device. There are many reasons for the non-working state - from damage to the antenna contacts to a malfunction of the mobile phone software.

The first, most common reason may be moisture getting into your phone. If you notice droplets of water inside the case, you need to remove the battery and thoroughly dry the components, after which you need to reassemble the mobile phone and try to resume communication. If your Nokia still does not receive the network, it may have caused a short circuit in the contacts and damaged the radio elements. There is nothing you can do here on your own, so to restore the device’s operation, it is advisable to visit a service center.

The second reason is a fall of the device or a strong blow, as a result of which the phone’s antenna was damaged. It will not be possible to solve such a problem without the intervention of a SC specialist.

The Nokia phone does not see the network even if the software has been disrupted. Then, the mobile phone can be restored to operation by flashing it, which must be done at a service center.

Hello, my phone from time to time stops reading the SIM card and does not see contacts, call log, it says that the list is not ready yet. This used to happen once a month, but recently it has happened more and more often. After starting the phone it lasts for some time, but I don’t know how long. Although they don’t make diagnoses in absentia, what could it be and is the phone worth repairing? I mean the financial side of the issue.

Good afternoon, Arthur. Looks like a software issue, could cost 1300 to fix.

How much does reflashing cost?

Hello Roman. The firmware costs 1300.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

It is difficult to explain why there is no MTS connection when you have no idea about the situation. There may be no connection for a variety of reasons, so no one will give you a definite answer (with the exception of a help center specialist). Many forums advise not to look for an answer to this question on the Internet, but to immediately contact MTS customer support. This advice is not without meaning, but what if there is no connection at all? In addition, connecting to a help center specialist sometimes takes a lot of time, so many people prefer to find ways to solve the problem on the Internet.

As part of this review, we will talk about the most common reasons for the lack of communication on MTS, and also tell you how to restore cellular communication. As for restoring communication, this is not always possible and much depends on the cause of problems with cellular communication.

Reasons for lack of MTS connection

Don’t know why there is no MTS connection? This problem annoys you so much that you are already thinking about it? Before resorting to such measures, you should figure out exactly why there is no cellular communication. It is possible that similar problems will not arise with another operator.

There may be no MTS connection for the following reasons:

  • Network congestion;
  • Engineering works;
  • Location;
  • Bad weather conditions;
  • Problems with the phone.

There may be no MTS connection for any of the reasons given. How to find out which one is relevant in your case? Each reason has its own characteristics, based on which you can understand why there is no MTS connection. Of course, not all causes are characterized by individual characteristics, but even in such cases a solution can be found.

The following information will help you determine the reason for the lack of network:

  1. Network congestion. If you have carefully read the contract for the provision of communication services, then you probably know about the existence of a clause according to which the operator can limit the speed of the Internet or even deprive the connection for some time, if the network is highly congested. If the network is congested, you will face problems not only when using the Internet, but also when sending messages or trying to make calls. It is difficult to determine this cause, because in this case there are no visible signs. The signal may be strong, but there will be no connection due to network congestion. At such moments it is especially difficult to get through to the operator, so you just have to be patient and wait. As a rule, such a problem quickly resolves on its own and there is nothing you can do here.
  2. Engineering works. This problem is in many ways similar to the previous one. It is also not possible to influence it. But, it will be easier for you to call the operator and find out why there is no MTS connection. The operator must notify the operator in advance of technical work, but for unknown reasons, not all subscribers receive the appropriate notifications. If you don’t want to wait for the operator’s response, try going to the operator’s official website - there will most likely be information about technical work and its duration.
  3. Location. Notice the signal indicator on your phone? If the signal is weak or absent at all, then you should not be surprised at the lack of communication. You yourself understand perfectly well how to solve this problem - you need to change the location. If you are unable to leave the area, for example, you live here, then you should consider purchasing a SIM card from another operator that has a stronger signal in your area.
  4. Bad weather conditions. Is there strong wind or rain outside? If the connection was lost precisely after the weather changed, then most likely this is the problem. How to solve this problem? Not at all, unless you can influence the weather.
  5. Problems with the phone. None of the above reasons suits you and you still don’t understand why there is no connection on MTS? The problem may be with your phone. First of all, check if the SIM card is installed correctly. In addition, the problem may be caused by a malfunction of the phone's operating system. In this case, it is enough to simply restart the phone or reset it to factory settings. A more serious problem is possible when the phone itself is faulty and needs repair. In this case, only a master will help you.

What to do if there is no MTS connection

The problem of lack of communication is not uncommon for all Russian operators, which is especially true for small settlements. MTS, like other cellular operators, regularly increases their coverage area and perhaps soon even the most remote corners of the country will not experience communication problems.

Unfortunately, this time has not yet come. So what to do if there is no MTS connection? As you already understand, a lot depends on the reason, and there are more than enough reasons. In most cases, you just need to wait and the connection will improve. If there is no connection for a long time, you need to call the operator or go to the nearest MTS office. It’s also a good idea to check if your phone is faulty.

If you came to this page, then most likely your phone has stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network, or networks. This could be a home network, somewhere at a party, a public wireless network, etc. The problem is that the network we need does not appear in the list of available ones on the phone. He simply doesn’t find it, doesn’t see it, and accordingly it’s impossible to connect to such a network. There are often cases when a mobile device does not find a specific Wi-Fi network. Which, for example, a laptop sees and connects without problems. Or it may be that the phone does not find any networks, but other devices see them and work perfectly with them.

In this article I will try to collect all the most popular reasons and solutions that can help you solve this problem. As usual, it is first advisable to find out what the problem is: in the mobile phone or Wi-Fi router. If there is a problem with the Wi-Fi network at home, then we have a better chance of fixing everything, since we have access to the router itself. If this is someone else's network, then it is unlikely that anything will be done.

Basically, it doesn't make much difference on which device you have the problem. It is clear that this is most likely an Android or iOS phone. Well, maybe Windows Mobile. Since this problem can hardly be solved in the settings of the mobile device itself, it doesn’t matter what device you have. Same thing with the router.

I have already written separate articles on Android and iOS devices:

The phone does not see the Wi-Fi router: possible reasons

1 Disable/enable Wi-Fi, restart your phone and router. To get started, just go to your phone’s settings and turn off Wi-Fi. I think everyone knows how to do this.

Then turn it back on.

Reboot the phone:

  • On Android, just press and hold the power button, then select "Restart". Depending on the manufacturer and version of Android, the steps may vary slightly.
  • On an iPhone, you need to press and hold the Home button and the Power button. The phone will reboot.

Reboot the router. If you have access to it. It is enough to turn off the power for a minute and turn on the router again. You can perform several reboots in a row. You can read in more detail.

2 Let's determine what the reason is.

Check all three points:

  • If your phone doesn’t see any Wi-Fi networks, but they exist and other devices find them, then it’s clear that the problem is specifically with your smartphone. All I can advise is to reboot it and remove the case from it. If he is. If this doesn't help, you can try doing a full reset. If this does not help, you will have to take the device to a service center.
  • When a device does not find one network, the first thing you need to do is check whether other devices can see it. If they don’t see it, then most likely the problem is on the router’s side. First we reboot it. If this does not help, then see the article:.
  • If other devices find the Wi-Fi network, but your phone does not, but still sees other networks, then most likely the problem is in the router settings. As a rule, changing the wireless network channel and region helps. Below I will talk about this in more detail.
3 Change the router settings.

You need to go into the settings of your router, go to the section with Wi-Fi settings, and try to set a static wireless network channel and a different region. You can also set the channel width to 20 MHz. It's better to take turns.

On TP-Link routers it looks like this:

More details in the article: . You can experiment with the channel and region. For example, set the region to USA. If you had a static channel set in your settings, then set it to "Auto".

Other problems with detecting Wi-Fi networks

I also noticed that people often write that the phone does not see the laptop’s Wi-Fi. As I understand it, the problem occurs when distributing the Internet from a laptop or PC. In this case, I advise you to first make sure that the laptop distributes a wireless network. For example, view from other devices. You may have started the access point incorrectly. This is where the article will come in handy. Bring your phone closer to your computer.

The next case is when problems with Wi-Fi appear after the phone has been repaired. For example, after replacing the battery, screen, glass, case, etc. In such cases, I advise you to immediately take the phone to the workshop where it was repaired. Since the master most likely did not connect the antenna or the Wi-Fi module itself.

Well, there is no need to rule out hardware failure. Everything breaks down, and the module that is responsible for connecting to Wi-Fi is no exception.

As always, you can leave your question in the comments, or share useful information on this topic. I am always happy to answer your questions and grateful for additions to the article.

Every person has at least once encountered a problem when the phone does not connect to the network. Such a nuisance can appear at the most inopportune moment. Users often discuss this topic on the Internet. Surprisingly, this has no effect at all. This can happen with both an expensive iPhone and a cheap Chinese one.

However, if the phone does not connect to the network, this does not mean that the device is broken. Before drawing conclusions, you need to check whether there is a signal. The corresponding icon should be displayed on the main screen. It often happens that the user chooses a network that is not supported by the operator. All the necessary information about this is in the gadget menu. And this is only one reason, but there are others that will be discussed in this article.

Does not catch or search the network

A serious breakdown is not the most pleasant reason that can lead to the fact that the phone does not catch the network and has stopped searching for it. This happens when the amplifier in the gadget breaks down, increasing the transmitter power. To return the device to working condition, you will need to replace the components with new ones. It is not recommended to carry out these actions yourself, as it may be necessary to check other parts, for example, the SIM connector, controller, antenna and others. In order to be sure of the result, it is better to contact a qualified specialist.

The network suddenly disappeared

When your phone doesn't connect to the network, you should look for the reason in its internal parts. If the signal suddenly disappears, this may indicate a breakdown of the radio path. This element is important for the operation of the gadget. It is connected to a lot of parts. It is impossible to check its performance at home, as well as to carry out repairs yourself. In order to be 100% sure that the problem is in the radio path, you will need a complete diagnosis of the device. Such services are provided by service centers or workshops specializing in telephone repair.

The phone has poor network reception

If the phone has a signal from a cellular operator, but it is very weak, then disappears completely, and then recovers on its own, then most likely the reason is in the antenna. This breakdown is considered the most common today. The antenna, although not visible from the outside, still remains a rather fragile element. For example, if the phone is dropped, deformation may occur. Accordingly, this will lead to breakdown. The repair consists of replacing the antenna. The work is simple and will not require large expenses from the owner.

Intermittent signal loss

Unstable signal, your phone can't connect to the network? Why does this happen even with new devices? In most cases, the reason is quite banal - an unfair relationship with the device. Not every user knows that even a very small drop of water getting inside the device can lead to unstable operation of the phone. The consequences are unpredictable.

In this case, the owner is recommended to take the gadget to a service center, where specialists will perform diagnostics. This will determine the exact reason why the signal is being lost. If moisture penetration into the device is confirmed, the technician will clean all contacts to prevent corrosion.

It is important to remember that if you do not clean the device in a timely manner, then soon malfunctions will appear much more often, affecting other elements.

There is no cellular operator network

What should I do if my phone doesn’t connect to the network? An icon indicating no signal appears on the device screen. The machine does not attempt to connect to the network automatically. Every second owner of modern smartphones has encountered this problem. Most often the reason is a software glitch. If rebooting the device does not fix the problem, then you will have to take drastic measures, that is, reflash the system.

In order to be sure of a positive result, it is recommended to contact specialists. But nowadays firmware for all brands of phones can be found on the Internet, so advanced users do these manipulations on their own. Each person, having decided to take this step, performs actions at his own peril and risk. After flashing the system, the gadget is automatically removed from warranty, so if something goes wrong, even experienced technicians will not be able to save the phone.

Phones from the Middle Kingdom

With the advent of access to the World Wide Web, every resident of Russia has the opportunity to buy cheap phones through Chinese online stores. It is worth noting that the difference in price is significantly different, but there are also more risks. By purchasing a phone from an authorized sales point, the buyer can inspect the gadget, try it in operation, and also receive a guarantee that provides free service for a certain period.

What do shops in the Middle Kingdom offer? You can judge the phone you are purchasing only by the picture. It is not always possible to find out the exact characteristics, so some buyers are faced with the problem that the phone does not support the Russian cellular communication standard. In this case, the user will no longer be able to do anything.

A situation where the phone does not see the SIM card can arise for a subscriber of any Russian operator - MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2, or Yota. This can happen for a number of reasons, not always dependent on the person using the device. Today we will tell you why the phone may not see the SIM card, and what needs to be done to solve the problem.

Finding out the reason

The main thing to do if the phone does not see the SIM card is to find out the reason. The cause of the problem may be either the device itself, which uses the SIM card, or the card itself.

You need to determine why this is happening - the phone does not see the SIM card at all, or the operator’s network is just unavailable. It's quite easy to find out. If you installed a SIM card in your phone, and the device writes that the SIM card is not installed, this means that the phone does not see the SIM card. If the phone does not display a notification about the absence of a card, but does not see the operator’s network, then this may be due to...

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The first thing to check is the signal indicator on your phone. If it shows a low level, then you need to go to a more open place. If the signal is still as bad or even worse, the network is not picked up at all, then you need to understand the problem.

Faulty SIM card

Often the problem lies in the SIM card, which is responsible for communicating with the network. Items tend to deteriorate and SIM cards are no exception. Especially if the card is often moved from phone to phone. This can cause contacts to deteriorate. In this case, the phone simply cannot register on the network.

If the problem is with the SIM card, then diagnosing it is easy. Take another card and insert it into your phone.

Read: “What to do if your phone doesn’t see the card”

If the problem disappears, then the card needs to be changed. Go to the nearest mobile operator subscriber service center and change to a new one.


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First, you need to check whether there is any icon indicating that there is a network signal at all at the moment, since it often happens that a network is selected that is not supported by the operator. The necessary information can always be found in the settings. However, it may also be that the cause must be sought in the telephone itself.

The phone does not search for the network or has stopped receiving it

It may happen that the amplifier has failed, meaning the transmitter power. If this problem occurs, it is necessary to replace the components. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to carry out this work yourself; you will need the help of a specialist. In this case, you may need to replace:

Transmitter power amplifier;
- antenna;
- reader SIM card;
- SIM connector;
- SIM card holder;
- SIM card controller and others.

The network has disappeared

A possible cause may be a failed radio path. This device is quite complex, because...

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Why doesn't my phone see the router's Wi-Fi network?

If you came to this page, then most likely your phone has stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network, or networks. This could be a home network, somewhere at a party, a public wireless network, etc. The problem is that the network we need does not appear in the list of available ones on the phone. He simply doesn’t find it, doesn’t see it, and accordingly it’s impossible to connect to such a network. There are often cases when a mobile device does not find a specific Wi-Fi network. Which, for example, a laptop sees and connects without problems. Or it may be that the phone does not find any networks, but other devices see them and work perfectly with them.

In this article I will try to collect all the most popular reasons and solutions that can help you solve this problem. As usual, it is first advisable to find out what the problem is: in the mobile phone or Wi-Fi router. If there is a problem with the Wi-Fi network at home, then we have a better chance of fixing everything, since we have access to...

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I continue the topic “how to fix a phone at home” or “tips for cell phone repair for beginners.” Every experienced technician knows that if a mobile phone does not see the network, then the first thing to do is check whether automatic band selection or manual network selection has been disabled in the settings of the phone itself, or whether someone has set the UMTS mode for an hour.. And only then begins to search hardware failure. All these network-related parameters should be set to automatic in most cases. Automatic network selection (dual), automatic operator selection, etc. But there are times when children or others go through the phone menu and accidentally or on purpose (I don’t know) change the settings. Today I had such a repair and it prompted me to write this article. And I want to note that such cases often happen.

In this case, all you need to do is go to the phone settings, find the network settings and set everything there to automatic. Each phone has its own menu, so...

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The phone does not pick up the network: where to look for the reason

If your phone does not connect to the network - constantly or periodically - the reason may be hidden, as you might guess, either in the SIM card or in the device itself. Moreover, with the first option, the problem can be solved independently, at virtually no cost. The maximum is to contact the service center of the mobile operator. In the second case, the possibility of a malfunction of certain components of the device cannot be ruled out, which requires the intervention of experienced specialists.

But before that, make sure that you are within the coverage area of ​​your operator's network. Even though we live in a fairly civilized country, problems with the signal, alas, are not uncommon. It even happens that within the same space the phone does not catch the network, although two steps earlier everything was fine. This is a feature of signal transmission, and nothing can be done about it. You can, of course, try to shame the operator. But, as practice shows, it will all end with the polite operator girl saying...

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Sometimes it happens to owners of smartphones running the Android operating system that the phone stops receiving the network. To find out why a smartphone does not catch the network, first of all you need to understand whether there is a problem with the SIM card and cellular operator or a problem in the device itself.

It often happens that the smartphone does not catch the network due to poor coverage of the cellular operator or simply this frequency is not supported. For example, the 4G (LTE) signal is received mainly only in large cities and does not work at all outside the city. The problem may also be a broken SIM card. In any case, you first need to check the network functionality of different cellular operators. If none of them work, then read below.

The phone bought in China does not connect to the network.

What phone number do you have? If you bought a phone from China and it, for example, does not receive 3G or 4G, then the whole problem is that the frequencies in China and Russia do not match, there is nothing you can do here. That's why everyone...

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There are several other reasons why the phone does not connect to the network. In order to understand these kinds of nuances, you don’t have to be a very advanced user; you just need to have a cellular device at hand.
Let's start with the fact that the reasons why the phone ends up catching the network can be different. You may have to resort to a number of complex solutions to this problem. The main thing is to carefully follow the sequence of certain actions.
Pay attention to your phone screen. Does he even catch the net? Is there at least some, albeit small, clue? Eat? Great. This means that the operator you have chosen simply cannot support this particular network. Eliminating such a defect is quite simple. Every phone has a menu. Go there and click on the tab associated with settings and network options. Then choose to automatically search for networks and save your changes. Does your phone still not connect to the network? Then you will have to configure it yourself...

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It’s rare that someone hasn’t encountered a similar problem. It seems that everything should be in order: the phone is working, the SIM card is inserted, the contract with the provider has been concluded - but there is no access to the Internet. Moreover, one moment he was still there, but a minute later he was gone. A familiar situation, isn't it? If the Internet does not work on your phone, then do not despair and rush headlong to the service center.

With very little effort, you can actually cope with the problem without the help of others. The Internet on a phone is configured slightly differently than on a regular personal computer, and this often causes difficulties for users. Which interface elements are responsible for setting up the connection? What are the possible reasons for network access being denied? We will consider all these questions in our article. The most banal reasons are the ones that get the least attention. And completely in vain. Here is a short list of them:

The Internet on the phone is disconnected for non-payment. That is, you have a negative balance in your account....

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In most cases, the problem of deteriorating signal reception can be solved at home, or by contacting your cellular operator. But in some situations, service repairs and replacement of individual components may be required. Let's look at the most common reasons why the mobile network becomes unavailable on Android, as well as methods for solving them.

The reason is the SIM card

Without a mobile network, a smartphone turns into a fancy toy with which you can listen to music, watch a movie and play an application. It is no longer possible to make calls from it, which means the main function of the mobile phone is lost. The first and most common reason for the lack of mobile communication is a problem with the SIM card. In this case, several scenarios are possible:

The SIM card is blocked by the operator. As a result of a long period of inactivity, the operator intentionally blocks the SIM card, and, accordingly, such a card cannot receive a signal. The SIM card is damaged. With prolonged...

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Sometimes you may encounter a problem when your phone does not see the SIM card network. Don’t give in to panic and start blaming Beeline or MTS for everything, which may have nothing to do with your case.

First of all, you need to make sure that the SIM card is securely fastened in the slot and has no play. It happens that after cutting the card yourself or as a result of dropping the phone, the contacts begin to come off.

But what to do if the SIM card “sits tightly” and the first option can be excluded?!

We offer several ways to solve the problem:

Remove the card and take an eraser to thoroughly wipe the chip itself. Thanks to mechanical friction, you can easily and quickly remove the formed film that prevents good contact. You can get rid of eraser residue using medical alcohol. Dampen a piece of cotton wool with it and carefully remove excess debris. This method usually helps if your phone sees...

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If Android does not see the WiFi network, the first thing you need to do is understand which side the problem is on: on the device that distributes the wireless network (modem/router), or on your Android phone/tablet.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce Android smartphones: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, MTS and others.

Determining the Source of the Problem

First, determine whether Android sees other Wi-Fi networks. Try sharing the network from a laptop, iPhone or other phone, go to a public place with free Wi-Fi.

If there are no problems finding other points, there is definitely a problem in the network that Android cannot find. If the device does not catch any points, although other phones show their presence, then look for problems in the system and hardware.

Android doesn't see any Wi-Fi networks

If the device does not detect wireless points, although it previously saw them without...

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Every person has at least once encountered a problem when the phone does not connect to the network. Such a nuisance can appear at the most inopportune moment. Users often discuss this topic on the Internet. Surprisingly, the brand of the phone does not affect this at all. This can happen with both an expensive iPhone and a cheap Chinese one.

However, if the phone does not connect to the network, this does not mean that the device is broken. Before drawing any conclusions, you need to check whether there is a cellular network signal. The corresponding icon should be displayed on the main screen. It often happens that the user chooses a network that is not supported by the operator. All the necessary information about this is in the gadget menu. And this is only one reason, but there are others that will be discussed in this article.

Faulty SIM card

Often the problem lies in the SIM card, which is responsible for communicating with the network. Items tend to fall into disrepair and SIM cards are no exception....

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Unlike a wired network, a Wi-Fi connection requires additional authentication, since the connection to the network within the range of the signal emitted by the router is public. Here, electronics are responsible for the Internet connection and there can be many reasons why the phone does not see wifi at home: from provider problems to router malfunctions. However, this problem is extremely common, and we will look at the most “popular” reasons that the phone does not connect to home wifi in this article.

Why the phone does not connect to wifi: establishing the correct “diagnosis”

So, if your phone does not receive Wi-Fi from the router, you should check:

1. Is the router frozen?

Indeed, some of the reasons that the phone does not see Wi-Fi can be safely called mystical. After all, this is what all unexplained phenomena are called? In fact, all routers, without exception, periodically refuse to perform the tasks assigned to them...

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What to do if your phone doesn't connect to the network?

Your phone doesn't have network connection? This is a fairly common problem that many users have encountered. First of all, you need to pay attention to whether at least some level of signal reception is indicated on the display. You may have selected a network that is not supported by your operator. The situation in this case can be corrected quite simply. Go to settings and specify the required network. If this does not help, and the phone does not find the network, then the reason should be looked for in the device itself. Now let's figure out why the phone doesn't see the network?

Why can't my phone network pick up?

Why is there no network on my phone? There are several reasons for this. Let's consider the possible options:

1. The phone has stopped receiving and does not search for the network if the transmitter power amplifier has failed. If this part fails, then it will be possible to resume work only after a complete replacement of the component. It is impossible to reproduce the replacement at home. This task...

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Sometimes, when a user wants to call another person, during the call there may be a problem establishing a connection to the cellular network, as a result of which a message appears on the screen of the smartphone or tablet: “Mobile network is not available.”

Owners of absolutely any cellular operators may encounter a similar error: MTS, Megafon, Tele2, Beeline, etc.

In this article we will look at:

Why does the phone say that the mobile network is unavailable, what does this mean? What to do if your phone says: “Mobile network unavailable.”

The main reasons why the mobile network may be inaccessible and what to do

The main reasons why the mobile network may be unavailable and what you should do:

Device malfunction. There may be a glitch in the operating system on your device. At the same time, the Internet can work.
What to do: in this case, you need to restart your phone/tablet. Poorly installed SIM card. If the SIM card is not installed well...

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The network disappears on an Android smartphone (tablet) | The phone or tablet has poor network reception, or there is no network at all.

Many users encounter a problem when their Android phone or tablet starts acting up. It seems that it didn’t fall anywhere and wasn’t “watered” with anything, but it doesn’t work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with network reception. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software failure - i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: Hardware failure - i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with network problems on an Android smartphone or tablet, a software glitch is to blame, which you can easily fix on your own.

Fixing a software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to “settings”, find “backup and reset” there, in which you select a full reset...

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11 reasons why the phone does not see the SIM card

Even if your smartphone is just a super-sophisticated “bomb”, without a working SIM card it, alas, is nothing more than a toy.

In order for the phone to play its main role, many “participants” are involved: this is a SIM card, a slot, a SIM connector, and contact groups. But Simka is, without a doubt, the main character here.

The interaction of all these elements is the main condition for the phone to remain a phone and fulfill its main purpose. But what if the connection between them is broken and the phone no longer sees the SIM card?

The reasons why the phone does not see the SIM card, as you might guess, are hidden either in the SIM card or in the device itself. The first, as a rule, can be solved much easier and faster - by replacing the card with a new one from your mobile operator, the second, often, through a service center.

Why the SIM card does not work:

1. the card has expired

This happens if you use it for a long time...

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Hello, dear visitors of! Quite often, one unpleasant thing happens with tablet computers and mobile phones. On a seemingly working device, the network or Internet suddenly disappears, and the phone or tablet loses connection. Why does the network disappear? Today there are quite a few manufacturers of mobile gadgets: ASUS, Acer, Alcatel, Dell, Digma, Explay, HTC, Huawei, LG, Lenovo, Nokia (Nokia), Philips (Philips), Prestigio (Prestigio), Samsung (Samsung) or Sony (Sony). We dare to assure you that problems with the Internet and network can occur with devices from any manufacturer. If for no apparent reason the Internet connection or mobile network disappears on your tablet or phone, then our publication may help you understand the cause of the problem.

It's no secret that modern phones can have three types of communications: 2G digital cellular communications, 3G broadband digital cellular communications and the ability...

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Can't see the network. Although it determines the network operator.

HTC Radar
OS and firmware: WM 7.8 (H2O)
Description of the problem:

Actions taken:
, Can you guys tell me what the problem might be?
The phone does not see the network. You insert a SIM card, it detects the operator, but the network is just 0
They gave me this phone a long time ago, I didn’t use it, but now I started it and that’s it ((
The firmware as I understand it when turned on is custom H2O, WM 7.8

Maybe this is due to the firmware?
Or the owner of the phone could somehow remotely block the IMEI so that he could not use the phone, it does not detect the network.
Or maybe it's in the hardware? Antenna not working?
There is no back cover, I inserted a stick there)) so that the power button was pressed. So that the phone turns on.

Post has been edited by Donald Dark - 03/02/16,...

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What are the reasons for poor communication, even if the location is fairly close to the towers? We will consider in detail the causes and ways to solve these problems.

First of all, of course, you should make sure that the reasons are not a non-working SIM card, and also that the location is not beyond the capabilities of the nearest tower.
All phones operate at certain frequencies, as do the towers that transmit the signal to you, let's look at this in more detail:

Mobile devices are produced with support for 4 main frequencies: 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz.

Previously, phones were classified depending on frequency; now single-band phones are not produced, but we still have the ability to choose a frequency with hardware support for all frequencies.

Depending on the number of bands, phones are divided into classes and frequency variations depending on the region of use.

Let's look at some features:

Dual Band - for...

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The phone “does not see” the network - a constant message on the phone display like: “no network” or something similar and, accordingly, the absence of stripes (marks) of the indicator of the electromagnetic field strength of the GSM network. First, you should check whether the phone finds networks in manual search mode. If the networks are found, we can assume that the receiving path of the GSM module is in order and the phone cannot register on the network, since there is no way to send a registration request. The fault should be looked for in the transmitter, power amplifier, and also in the antenna switch.
If the phone does not find any network, the check should begin sequentially as the signal passes, that is, from the antenna to the transceiver.
An external inspection of the antenna and the contact terminals of the antenna circuits of the telephone board is carried out for the absence of oxides, deformation or absence of spring contacts for connecting the antenna, as well as breaks in the antennas, made in the form of a thin cable,...

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The rhythm of modern life requires us to constantly be in touch with loved ones and colleagues, so the failure of a telephone can cause a number of problems. So, if the SIM card does not work, you will not be able to call anyone from your contact list, and this situation is one of the most common reasons for contacting a service center.

Phone SIM card malfunctions

If the cell phone does not see the SIM, then the problem lies either in the gadget itself or in the card. It is worth noting that SIM card technology was initially created for use in payment systems, so maximum attention was paid to the level of reliability of the element, and yet its failure is quite possible.

Some problems with a SIM card can be solved quite simply and unambiguously - if it has expired or is damaged, then the only solution is to contact the operator for a replacement. But more complex cases are also possible.
