Which browser is the most productive? Choosing the best browser

Choosing a browser is simple: just download any of the most popular ones and, sooner or later, you will definitely get used to it. But in order for the process of learning and further use to be as comfortable as possible, you must know what to look for and count on. Here is a list of the most famous free browsers for Windows 7/8/10. Downloading them and trying them yourself is the best option, but don’t be lazy to read the entire text and save time.

Google Chrome - the forefront of web technologies

Google Chrome is the most popular browser today, installed on almost every computer. At first, Chrome gained popularity for its speed and flexibility in settings, including through the installation of browser extensions. Now this is not the fastest browser, but the most functional with support for all innovations in web technologies. A truly huge library of add-ons allows you to get any functionality.

Chrome has the Chromium engine under its hood, which has become the standard for modern browsers. Most popular browsers are made using the Chromium engine. The engine is responsible for rendering the code of pages and scripts -> into a visible page on the monitor screen.

Browser advantages:

  • All kinds of extensions that can replace standard programs
  • Failure control allows you to keep your browser working even if there is an error in one of the open windows
  • Warning the user about visiting malicious sites
  • Import settings from any browser
  • Multilingual interface
  • Automatic updates
  • There is a developer toolbar
  • with a Google account
  • The built-in task manager allows you to assess which tabs are consuming a lot of processor and memory resources
  • Bookmarks are not very convenient, there are no built-in visual bookmarks, but there are
  • Works poorly with many open tabs, and eats up a lot of memory, but frees it up the fastest after closing them.

Currently, Google Chrome is considered the best browser for Windows 7 and Windows 8/10. But to each his own. For example, I don’t like the uninformative download manager when opening many tabs. True, there is an extension called The Great Suspender, which, after a specified time, frees memory from unused tabs. But Chrome doesn’t close them, and to see these pages again, you just need to refresh them.

Chrome launches the fastest in Windows 7, but in Windows 7 and 10 things are bad - the loading time increases up to two times!

Opera is the best choice

There is perhaps no browser that is clearer, more understandable and easier to learn for a beginner than Opera. Although Opera now runs on the Chromium engine, it has everything you need for surfing without installing additional extensions.

I used to use Opera because of its convenient visual bookmarks (tiles with the most necessary sites on an empty tab) and the file download manager. Here it is done very conveniently and clearly. Opera is the best browser for working with many open tabs, and in general. You can keep several dozen sites open, and this will not particularly affect the speed of work.

Particularly useful in today's realities, built-in and unlimited traffic. And plus there is a “Turbo” function for compressing transmitted data for . But here you need to experiment. Sometimes, on a slow connection, the opposite effect occurs - the speed decreases even more.

Good day, friends! Sorry that there have been no updates on the blog for a long time, I promise to improve and delight you with articles more often. Today I have prepared for you ranking of the best browsers of 2018 for Windows 10. I use this operating system, so I will focus on it, but there will not be much difference for users of previous versions of Windows.

On the eve of last year I did. Now the situation has changed a little, which I will tell you about in this article. I will be glad to see your comments and remarks. Go!

Best browsers 2018: ranking for Windows

I don't think it will come as a surprise to anyone if I say that more than 90% of the population uses the Windows operating system on their computers. The most popular version remains, which is understandable due to the huge list of advantages (but more on that in another article). I literally switched to it a couple of months ago and therefore this article will be especially relevant for Tens users.

1st place - Google Chrome

Google Chrome is once again the leader among browsers. It is quite powerful and efficient, just ideal for owners of modern computers. According to open LiveInternet statistics, you can see that almost 56% of users prefer Chrome. And the number of his fans is growing every month:

Share of Google Chrome usage among users

I don't know what you think, but I think almost 108 million visitors can't be wrong! Now let’s look at the advantages of Chrome and reveal the secret of its truly wild popularity.

Tip: always download programs only from the manufacturer’s official website!

Advantages of Google Chrome

  • Speed. This is perhaps the main reason why users give their preference to it. I found an interesting speed test of different browsers. Well done guys, they did quite a lot of work, but the results are quite expected: Google Chrome is the leader in speed among its competitors. In addition, Chrome has the ability to preload the page, thereby making the work speed even faster.
  • Convenience. The interface is thought out to the smallest detail. There is nothing superfluous, the principle is implemented: “open and work”. Chrome was one of the first to implement the ability to quickly access. The address bar works in conjunction with the search engine selected in the settings, which saves the user a few more seconds.
  • Stability. In my memory, only a couple of times Chrome stopped working and reported a failure, and even then the cause was viruses on the computer. This reliability of operation is ensured by the separation of processes: if one of them is stopped, the others are still running.
  • Safety. Google Chome has its own regularly updated database of malicious resources, and the browser also requires additional confirmation to download executable files.
  • Incognito mode. This is especially true for those who do not want to leave traces of visiting certain sites, and have no time to clear their history and cookies.
  • Task Manager. A very convenient feature that I use regularly. It can be found in the More Tools menu. Using such a tool, you can track which tab or extension requires a lot of resources and complete the process to get rid of the “brakes”.

  • Extensions. There are a huge number of different free plugins, extensions and themes for Google Chrome. Accordingly, you can literally make your own browser assembly that will meet exactly your needs. A list of available extensions can be found at this link.

  • Built-in page translator. An extremely useful function for those who like to surf the Internet in a foreign language, but do not know foreign languages ​​at all. Translation of pages is carried out automatically using Google Translator.
  • Regular updates. Google carefully monitors the quality of its products, so the browser updates automatically and you won’t even notice it (unlike updates in Firefox, for example).
  • Okay Google. Google Chrome has a voice search feature.
  • Synchronization. Let’s say you decide to reinstall Windows or buy a new computer, but you’ve already forgotten half of your passwords. Google Chrome gives you the opportunity to not think about it at all: when you sign in, all your settings and passwords will be imported to your new device.
  • Ad blocking. I wrote a separate article about this.

Disadvantages of Google Chrome

But everything can’t be so rosy and wonderful, you ask? Of course, there is also a “fly in the ointment”. The main disadvantage of Google Chrome can be called it "weight". If you have an old computer with very modest performance resources, it is better to stop using Chrome and consider other browser options. The minimum amount of RAM for Chrome to work correctly should be 2 GB. There are other negative features of this browser, but the average user is unlikely to be interested in them.

2nd place - Opera

One of the oldest browsers, which has recently begun to revive. The heyday of its popularity was in times of limited and slow Internet (remember Opera Mini on Simbian devices?). But even now Opera has its own “trick” that none of its competitors have. But we'll talk about this below.

Advantages of Opera

  • Speed. There is a magical function of Opera Turbo that can significantly increase the loading speed of sites. In addition, Opera is perfectly optimized for working on slow computers with weak technical characteristics, thus becoming an excellent alternative to Google Chrome.
  • Saving. Very relevant for Internet owners with restrictions on traffic volume. Opera not only increases page loading speed, but also significantly reduces the amount of traffic received and transmitted.
  • Information content. Opera may warn you that the site you want to visit is unsafe. Various icons will help you understand what is happening and what the browser is currently using:

  • Express bookmarks bar. Not an innovation, of course, but still a very convenient feature of this browser. There are also hot keys for instant access to browser control directly from the keyboard.
  • Built-in ad blocking. In other browsers, blocking endless ad blocks and intrusive pop-ups is implemented using third-party plugins. Opera developers took this into account and built ad blocking into the browser itself. At the same time, the speed of work increases by 3 times! If necessary, this feature can be disabled in the settings.
  • Power Saving Mode. Opera allows you to save up to 50% of the battery power of your tablet or laptop.
  • Built-in VPN . In the era of the Yarovaya Law and the heyday of Roskomnadzor, there is nothing better than a browser with a free built-in VPN server. With its help, you can easily access prohibited sites, or you can watch films that are blocked in your country at the request of the copyright holder. It is because of this incredibly useful feature that I use Opera all the time.
  • Extensions. Like Google Chrome, Opera boasts a large number (more than 1000+) of different extensions and themes.

Disadvantages of Opera

  • Safety. According to the results of some tests and studies, the Opera browser is not safe; it often does not see a potentially dangerous site and does not save you from scammers. Therefore, you use it at your own risk.
  • May not work on older computers, high system requirements.

3rd place - Mozilla Firefox

A rather strange, but still popular choice for many users is the Mozilla Firefox browser (known as “Fox”). In Russia, it is in third place in popularity among PC browsers. I won’t judge anyone’s choice; I myself used it for quite a long time until I switched to Google Chrome.

Any product has its fans and haters, Firefox is no exception. Objectively, it certainly has its merits, I will consider them in more detail.

Advantages of Mozilla Firefox

  • Speed. Quite a controversial indicator for the Fox. This browser is quite fast until you install a few plugins. After this, your desire to use Firefox will disappear for a certain period of time.
  • Side panel. Many fans note that the sidebar (quick access Ctrl+B) is an incredibly convenient thing. Almost instant access to bookmarks with the ability to edit them.
  • Fine tuning. The ability to make the browser absolutely unique, to “tailor” it to your needs. Access to them is about:config in the address bar.
  • Extensions. A huge number of different plugins and add-ons. But, as I already wrote above, the more of them are installed, the more the browser slows down.

Firefox Disadvantages

  • Tor-mo-za . This is exactly why a huge number of users abandoned using Fox and preferred any other browser (most often Google Chrome). It slows down terribly, to the point where I had to wait for a new empty tab to open.

4th place - Yandex.Browser

A fairly young and modern browser from the Russian search engine Yandex. In February 2017, this browser for PC took second place in popularity after Chrome. Personally, I use it very rarely; it’s difficult for me to trust a program that is trying to deceive me at any cost and almost force me to install itself on my computer. Plus, sometimes it replaces other browsers when downloading from non-official sites.

Nevertheless, this is a completely worthy product, trusted by 8% of users (according to LiveInternet statistics). And according to Wikipedia - 21% of users. Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Yandex.Browser

  • Close integration with other Yandex products. If you regularly use Yandex.Mail or, then Yandex.Browser will be a real godsend for you. You will essentially get a complete analogue of Google Chrome, only ideally tailored for another search engine - the Russian Yandex.
  • Turbo mode. Like many other Russian developers, Yandex likes to sneak ideas from its competitors. I wrote about the magical function of Opera Turbo above, it’s essentially the same here, I won’t repeat it.
  • Yandex.Zen. Your personal recommendations: various articles, news, reviews, videos and much more right on the start page. We opened a new tab and... woke up 2 hours later :) In principle, the same thing is available with the Visual Bookmarks extension from Yandex for other browsers.

  • Synchronization. There is nothing surprising about this function - when you reinstall Windows, all your settings and bookmarks will be saved in the browser.
  • Smart line. A really useful tool is answering questions directly in the search bar, without having to go to the search results and search on other pages.

  • Safety. Yandex has its own technology - Protect, which warns the user about visiting a potentially dangerous resource. Protect includes several independent protection modes against various network threats: encryption of data transmitted over WiFi, password protection and anti-virus technologies.
  • Customizing the appearance. Choose from a huge number of ready-made backgrounds or the ability to upload your own picture.
  • Quick Mouse Gestures. Managing the browser has become even easier: just hold down the right mouse button and perform a specific action to obtain the desired operation:

  • Yandex.Tableau. It is also a very convenient tool - on the start page there will be 20 bookmarks of the sites you most visit. The tile panel for these sites can be customized as you wish.

As you can see, this is a truly complete modern tool for browsing web pages. I think that its share in the browser market will constantly grow, and the product itself will continue to develop.

Disadvantages of Yandex Browser

  • Obsessiveness. No matter what program I try to install, no matter what service I access, there it is: Yandex.Browser. He follows right on his heels and whines: “Set me up.” Constantly wants to change the start page. And he wants a lot more. He looks like my wife :) At some point it starts to infuriate.
  • Speed. Many users complain about the speed of opening new tabs, which even eclipses the infamous glory of Mozilla Firefox. This is especially true for weak computers.
  • No flexible settings. Unlike Google Chrome or Opera, Yandex.Browser does not have wide adaptation capabilities to suit your own individual needs.

5th place - Microsoft Edge

The youngest modern browser, was launched by Microsoft in March 2015. This browser replaced Internet Explorer, which was hated by many (which is quite strange, since according to statistics, IE is the safest browser!). I started using Edge from the moment I installed Ten, that is, quite recently, but I already had my own idea about it.

Microsoft Edge has rapidly burst into the browser market and its share is growing every day

Advantages of Microsoft Edge

  • Full integration with Windows 10. This is perhaps Edge's strongest trait. It runs as a full-fledged application and uses all the capabilities of the most modern operating system.
  • Safety. Edge has taken over from its “big brother” IE the strongest features, including safe web surfing.
  • Speed. In terms of speed, I can put it in third place after Google Chrome and Opera, but its performance is still very good. The browser is not annoying, pages open quickly and load in a couple of seconds.
  • Reading mode. I most often use this function on mobile devices, but perhaps someone will find it useful in the PC version.
  • Cortana voice assistant. To be honest, I haven’t used it yet, but rumor has it that it’s significantly inferior to “Okay Google” and Siri.
  • Notes. Microsoft Edge includes handwriting and note-taking functionality. Interesting thing, I must tell you. Here's what it looks like in reality:

Create a note in Microsoft Edge. Step 1.

Create a note in Microsoft Edge. Step 2.

Disadvantages of Microsoft Edge

  • Windows 10 only. This browser is available only to owners of the latest version of the Windows operating system - “tens”.
  • Sometimes it's dull. For me it happens like this: you enter the page URL (or make a transition), a tab opens and the user sees a white screen until the page is completely loaded. Personally, this bothers me.
  • Incorrect display. The browser is quite new and some old sites “float” in it.
  • Poor context menu. It looks like this:

  • Lack of personalization. Unlike other browsers, Edge will be difficult to customize for specific needs and tasks.

What browser do you use? I'm waiting for your options in the comments. If you have any questions, ask, I will answer as best I can!

Every year programs for working with the Internet become more and more functional and optimized. The best of them have high speed, the ability to save traffic, protect your computer from viruses and work with popular network protocols. The best browsers at the end of 2018 can withstand the competition thanks to regular useful updates and stable operation.

Google Chrome

The most common and popular browser for Windows today is Google Chrome. This program is developed on the WebKit engine combined with javascript. It has a number of advantages, including not only stable operation and an intuitive interface, but also a very rich store with a variety of plugins that make your browser even more functional.

A convenient and fast Internet explorer is installed on 42% of devices worldwide. True, most of them are mobile gadgets.

Google Chrome is the most popular browser

Pros of Google Chrome:

  • fast loading of Internet pages and high quality of recognition and processing of web elements;
  • a convenient quick access and bookmarks panel that allows you to save your favorite sites for instant access to them;
  • high data security, saving passwords and increased confidentiality “Incognito” mode;
  • an extension store with many interesting add-ons for the browser, including news feeds, ad blockers, photo and video downloaders and much more;
  • regular updates and user support.

Browser disadvantages:

  • the browser is demanding on computer resources and reserves at least 2 GB of free RAM for stable operation;
  • not all plugins from the official Google Chrome store are translated into Russian;
  • After update 42.0, the program suspended support for many plugins, including Flash Player.

The browser from Yandex was released in 2012 and was developed on the WebKit and javascript engine, which was later called Chromium. Explorer aims to connect Internet surfing with Yandex services. The program interface turned out to be convenient and original: although the design does not look like a breakthrough, the ease of use of the tiles from the “Scoreboard” curtain is not inferior to bookmarks in Chrome. The developers took care of user safety on the Internet by embedding anti-virus plugins Antishock, Adguard and Web Trust into the browser.

Pros of Yandex Browser:

  • fast website processing speed and instant page loading;
  • smart search through the Yandex system;
  • customization of bookmarks, the ability to add up to 20 tiles to quick access;
  • increased security when surfing the Internet, active anti-virus protection and blocking of shock advertising;
  • turbo mode and traffic saving.

Disadvantages of Yandex Browser:

  • intrusive operation of services from Yandex;
  • each new bookmark consumes a considerable amount of RAM;
  • Although an ad blocker and an antivirus protect your computer from Internet threats, they sometimes slow down the program.

Mozilla Firefox

This browser is built on the lightweight Gecko engine, which is open source, so anyone can take part in improving it. Mozilla has a unique style and stable operation, but it does not always cope with heavy loads: with a large number of open tabs, the program begins to freeze a little, and the central processor and RAM are loaded more than usual.

In the USA and Europe, Mozilla Firefox is used by users much more often than in Russia and neighboring countries

Pros of Mozilla Firefox:

  • The browser's store of extensions and add-ons is simply huge. There are more than 100 thousand names of various plugins;
  • fast interface operation at low loads;
  • increased security of user personal data;
  • synchronization between browsers on different devices for exchanging bookmarks and passwords;
  • minimalistic interface without unnecessary details.

Cons of Mozilla Firefox:

  • Some features of Mozilla Firefox are hidden from users. To access additional functions, you must enter “about:config” in the address bar;
  • unstable work with scripts and flash player, due to which some sites may not be displayed correctly;
  • low performance, slowdown of the interface when there are a large number of open tabs.


The history of the browser stretches back to 1994. Until 2013, Opera worked on its own engine, but then switched to Webkit+V8, following the example of Google Chrome. The program has established itself as one of the best applications for saving traffic and quickly accessing pages.

Turbo mode in Opera works stably, compressing pictures and videos when loading the site. The extension store is inferior to competitors, but all the plugins necessary for comfortable Internet use are available for free.

In Russia, the percentage of Opera browser users is twice as high as the world average

  • Pros of Opera:
  • fast speed of transition to new pages;
  • convenient “Turbo” mode, which saves traffic and allows pages to load faster. Data compression works on graphic elements, saving more than 20% of your Internet traffic;
  • one of the most convenient express panels among all modern browsers. Possibility of unlimited adding of new tiles, editing their addresses and names;
  • built-in “picture-in-picture” function - the ability to watch videos, adjust volume and rewind even when the application is minimized;

Convenient synchronization of bookmarks and passwords using the Opera Link function. If you use Opera on your phone and computer at the same time, your data will be synced across both devices.

  • Cons of Opera:
  • increased consumption of RAM even with a small number of open bookmarks;
  • high power consumption on gadgets powered by their own battery;
  • long browser startup compared to similar browsers;

weak customization with a small number of settings.

Apple's browser is popular on Mac OS and iOS; it appears much less frequently on Windows. However, throughout the world this program takes an honorable fourth place in the overall list of popularity among similar applications.

Safari is fast, provides high security for user data, and official tests prove that it is optimized better than many other Internet explorers. True, the program has not received global updates for a long time.

Safari updates for Windows users have not been released since 2014

  • Safari Pros:
  • high speed of loading Internet pages;

low load on the device's RAM and processor.

  • Cons of Safari:
  • support for the browser on the Windows platform ended back in 2014, so you shouldn’t expect global updates;

not the best optimization for Windows devices. With developments from Apple, the program works more stable and faster.

Other browsers

Apart from the most popular browsers mentioned above, there are many other programs worth considering.

Internet Explorer The standard Internet Explorer browser built into Windows more often becomes an object of ridicule than a program for regular use. Many people see the application only as a client for downloading a better explorer. However, today the program ranks fifth in Russia and second in the world in terms of the share of users.

In 2018, the application was launched by 8% of Internet visitors. True, the speed of working with pages and the lack of support for many plugins makes Internet Explorer not the best choice for the role of a regular browser.

Internet Explorer 11 is the latest browser in the Internet Explorer family


The Tor program works through an anonymous network system, allowing the user to visit any sites of interest and remain incognito. The browser uses numerous VPNs and proxy servers, which allows free access to the entire Internet, but slows down the application. Low performance and long download times make Tor not the best solution for listening to music and watching videos on the global network.

Tor is free and open source software for anonymous information exchange on the Internet.

Choosing a browser for personal use is not so difficult: the main thing is to decide what goals you are pursuing using the global network. The best Internet explorers have different sets of features and plugins, competing in page loading speed, optimization and security.
(1 973 Rate the program 4,54 ratings, average:

A browser (as it is also called a web navigator or web browser) is a special program created to display information from the Internet on the screen of a computer or smartphone. This application software allows you to browse various websites, search for necessary information, open web documents and process queries.

In an era of active competitiveness in the browser industry, it is quite difficult to surprise the demanding user and satisfy his needs. Therefore, versions of web navigators are constantly updated, optimizing already implemented functions and creating new ones. In the browser category there are many decent and convenient programs for every user’s tastes and needs, and our article will help you decide on the optimal choice.


Russian language




Ad blocking


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Yes Free Yes 10 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Yes 10 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Yes 6 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Yes 10 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Yes 5 Plugin Plugin
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Yes Free Yes 7 Plugin Plugin
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Yes Free Yes 6 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Yes 6 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Yes 7 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Yes 10 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Yes 8 Plugin Plugin
Yes Free Partially 10 Plugin Yes
Yes Free Yes 8 Yes Plugin

Browser usage statistics

Stable, reliable and fast web navigator. The interface does not “pressure” the user and can be modified depending on the user’s wishes. Optimized Turbo and Speed ​​Dial tools allow you to increase browser speed and quickly access popular pages. Privacy, spelling, downloader, password manager and spam blocker are the main advantages of the web browser.

A world-famous web browser that creates comfortable and secure conditions for the user on the Internet. The software allows you to create your own file storage database - Google Drive. The possibility of various types of cyber attacks and penetration of “pests” is minimized. Smart omnibox, personalization, saving web surfing activity, translator, synchronization with mobile devices are the main, but not all, features of the utility.

World-famous web browser, winner of various ratings and tests, “favorite” of millions of users. The probability of failures is reduced to a minimum percentage, and the flexibility and speed of work in the utility is amazing. The wide functionality of the software will surprise even the most demanding user, since the Fire Fox not only optimized the operation of tabs, spelling, and history saving, but also made it possible to view PDF files, control by parents of visits to “forbidden” sites by children, 3D support and spam blocking.

A popular web browser that deservedly ranks fourth among software in this category in terms of the number of fans. A convenient search engine allows you to use various search services, the “remembering” function opens previously closed sites, convenient work with tabs and an RSS feed are some of the main advantages of the browser.

An experimental development by Opera, amazingly realistic in the browser and the “come to life” of tabs when you touch the cursor. The developers have introduced a split-screen function, where you can work in several tabs at the same time. The pop-up window for watching videos can be moved around the home page screen, while simultaneously working and viewing multimedia. The tab's splash screen visually looks like a website, which makes it easier to find the desired web page. The screenshot taken from the screen can be instantly sent to social networks or by mail to a friend.

It combines the best features of Opera and Chrome and is popular and in demand among users. Loading pages on a weak network, automatic page translator, and Turbo mode are some of the main functionality of the web navigator. Web surfing through this utility is protected by the work of Kaspersky Lab, and the creators of the software synchronized its work with Yandex services and work with Yandex disk.

An easy-to-use browser that works even on older computers. Can accept the interface of popular web browsers Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer and Yandex Browser. Cyber ​​attacks through the utility are kept to a minimum, since they are not registered in the system due to the “age” of the browser.

A reliable web browser with powerful protection of confidential information from the famous Komodo company. The “portability” feature reproduces all settings, saved tabs and history on other computers, and the “stealth” mode will hide your web surfing from prying eyes.

Interface copy of Google Chrome. It has its own search engine of the same name, the ability to restore an interrupted session, its own file downloader and work with several social network accounts at the same time.

Compact browser with fast data loading and stable operation. Built-in useful plugins and a translator will make visiting web pages much easier and save time. A powerful built-in downloader and an annoying spam blocker are other advantages of this web navigator.

An analogue of Internet Explorer, but with expanded and optimized operation and data protection. Auto-fill forms and a pop-up blocker greatly facilitate the user's work in the web browser. Using the “G” button you can configure specific commands for quick access to them.

It is similar to Mozilla, but with reduced functionality and increased performance. The ability to transfer all data from the Fire Fox to the Pale Moon has been improved. The start page is replete with popular web services, and bookmarking visited sites makes it possible to quickly navigate to them.

A browser specially designed for a 64-bit system. It is a copy of Firefox, but with improved functionality and fast web surfing speed. Built-in players and downloaders allow you to listen to and download your favorite content.

A browser that has its own cloud storage and is created on two engines, Webkit and Trident. The “isolated window” option allows the user to log into the site under different accounts. The ability to create a screenshot of the entire web navigator window or a selected area, create your own “cloud” and various modes for high-quality surfing in the browser - these are the main features of the utility.

The browser developed by Mail.Ru allows you to synchronize with social networks and perform continuous work on the Internet. The built-in player allows you to create your own playlist of your favorite songs, search and play multimedia content from social networks.

Interface similar to Internet Explorer and functionally Opera. An important feature of the browser is blocking from annoying spam and flash animations that interfere with normal work on the network. You can completely switch work in the web navigator to the mouse by pre-configuring its gestures with the necessary buttons. “Protected browsing”, “smart” address bar and screen capture are important advantages of this software.

It will be indispensable for children’s work on the Internet and for parents to control their safe web surfing. The Stalker and Advertising Tools recognize malicious content and block various types of spam. The browser has its own search of the same name and can open previously viewed sites in the absence of the Internet.
