How to make full screen in Fallout 3. Optimization for the lazy

Fallout 3 is a multi-platform hit that was released by Bethesda back in 2008. The third part of the post-apocalyptic epic abruptly changed its genre, which upset many fans of the previous games, however, it still managed to attract new players, which allowed the game series to become a cult for the second time.

Years have passed, new parts of Fallout have been released, but players still return from time to time to Fallout 3, although not the most ideal, nevertheless an exciting adventure through the Wasteland. However, a huge number of players who want to once again plunge into the atmosphere of post-apocalyptic Washington have encountered some problems when running Fallout 3 on the Windows 10 operating system.

Considering that Fallout 3 was released ten years ago, it is not surprising that modern systems are experiencing problems running this game. Initially, the third part was developed to work on Windows XP and Vista. At the moment, almost no one runs these OSs anymore, so many people are having problems with Fallout 3.

What specific problems might occur with Fallout 3 on a PC running Windows 10? Frankly, there can be a huge number of them. The most common problem is the game constantly crashing right when it starts. Crashes can also occur during gameplay, and so often that you cannot get any pleasure from the game. Less common cases include problems in the form of graphic artifacts, sound distortion, corrupted saves, etc.

In this article, we will look at some solutions that will allow you to run Fallout 3 on Windows 10, and also, possibly, fix some other problems. It is worth noting that the solutions below will also be useful to users whose PCs run on Windows 7 and Windows 8, but we do not guarantee anything.

Method #1 Run as Administrator

Believe me, what miracles Administrator rights can do in your system. By running this or that application on your computer with these rights, you can easily get rid of the problems that were previously observed with it. Fallout 3 is no exception - and it can be run as Administrator. A huge number of users across the Internet claim that they were still able to run Fallout 3 on Windows 10 thanks to administrator rights.

To run Fallout 3 as Administrator, you need to do the following:

  • right-click on it and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu;

That's all you need to do to run the game as an Administrator. However, these same steps can be applied to any application on your operating system. If you receive a request from the system to confirm your intentions, confirm this request. If luck is on your side, Fallout 3 will launch on Windows 10. If not, we move on.

The note: To avoid doing the above steps all the time, right-click on fallout3.exe and select Properties. Go to the "Compatibility" tab and check the box next to the "Run this program as an administrator" option.

Method #2 Run Fallout 3 in compatibility mode

Running as Administrator is an extremely effective measure when trying to launch an application that doesn’t want to work at all. So to speak, a small push in the right direction. However, this trick may not work with Fallout 3. Probably, you cannot run the third part for the reason that the game is simply incompatible with your operating system, i.e. Windows 10

What to do in this case? Shouldn't we just leave everything as it is? That's right, using Compatibility Mode for other OSes you can try to get Fallout 3 to work. Using Compatibility Mode is extremely simple:

  • go to the Fallout 3 root folder;
  • find in it the executive file called fallout3.exe;
  • right-click on it and select “Properties” from the context menu;
  • go to the “Compatibility” tab;
  • Click on the drop-down menu in the compatibility section and select “Windows XP”;
  • try running Fallout 3.

Well, did you finally manage to get Fallout 3 to work on your system? If compatibility with Windows XP does not give anything, try with Windows Vista. It didn't work with Windows Vista - test compatibility with OS versions up to Windows 95. Perhaps something will work.

Method #3 Install Games for Windows Live

The Games for Windows Live era is a truly terrifying time period. This service is one of the most hated in the entire history of the gaming industry. Ask: why was he so disliked? Well, sometimes it simply doesn’t work, sometimes it’s literally impossible to register purchased games.

One way or another, even after the death of Games for Windows Live, players still have to install it on their systems so that games that were previously associated with the service could at least work. However, it is worth noting that some developers have patched their games and untied them from GFWL, which is good news.

However, this does not apply to Fallout 3, since Bethesda decided not to patch their project. One way or another, even if you don't want it, you will simply have to install GFWL on your computer. It is worth noting that the GFWL installer must be located in the game folder. Of course, if you have a licensed version of the game (however, some repackers also include the necessary software in the distribution with the games).

Install Games for Windows Live, and then try to launch Fallout 3 again. If you are lucky enough to launch it, be sure to create a local profile or log into your account so that you can create save files.

What to do if nothing works?

Frankly speaking, it is difficult to advise you in this case at least something more or less sane. Some users still can't play Fallout 3, no matter what they do. If you go to a forum on Steam, for example, you will find huge piles of messages that literally contain a cry for help. With the joint efforts of some users, it is sometimes possible to run Fallout 3 on Windows 10.

Are you trying to run Fallout 3 on an integrated Intel HD graphics card? Well, you're in luck, because on Nexusmods you can find a special mod for the game that helps owners of built-in GPUs run it. For example, here is a link to one of these mods:

Try installing it, and then test Fallout 3. As a rule, players who have previously been unable to run the game on Intel HD Graphics are able to resolve the problem.

If you still can’t run Fallout 3 on Windows 10, then there is little that can be advised in this situation:

  • launch the game in windowed mode;
  • experiment with graphics settings (try setting everything to minimum);
  • change the game resolution.

We hope that this material has somehow helped in solving the problem situation with Fallout 3 on Windows 10. It is worth noting that even on Steam there is a special message indicating that the game is not optimized to work with the Windows 7 operating system and higher . That makes it clear what kind of beast you're dealing with, right?

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  • How to change Fallout 3 resolution
  • How to run a Fallout 3 mod
  • How to open a game in windowed mode
  • how to run fallout 3 on laptop

The higher the resolution, the greater the number of vertical and horizontal points available to the system for constructing an image, which means that the greater the clarity and detail will be, and the less tired the eye will be when looking at this image. On the other hand, for liquid crystal displays, a resolution other than the optimal one will dramatically degrade image quality.

  1. To change the screen resolution in Windows 7, open the Start menu, find Control Panel and open it.
  2. Among the many icons that allow you to customize various aspects of the operating system and software, look for the Screen icon. Double-clicking on it will open the utility for setting up the capabilities of the monitor and video card.
  3. On the left side of the window that opens there is an item called “Setting screen resolution”. Click on it and the “Customize Screens” window will open. Depending on the configuration of the monitors connected to the computer, different information may be presented here. The “Screen” drop-down list allows you to select which of the available screens you want to make settings for. You can also select a screen by simply clicking on the monitor image with a large number 1 or 2 on it. The next drop-down list is precisely the “Resolution” list, which allows you to change the screen resolution. Notice that one of the lines is marked with the word “recommended”. This is the physical resolution of the matrix, and to obtain optimal image quality it is better to set this resolution, even if the monitor and video card allow it to be increased.
  4. The Find and Define buttons help you detect an additional monitor that is not shown in the list of screens. Remember that in order for the system to detect the monitor, it must be connected to the computer or laptop and its power must be turned on.
  5. After changing the screen resolution, click “Ok” or “Apply”. The system will give you the opportunity to evaluate the changes made and, if necessary, return to the original settings.

Optimization for the lazy.

Old Vault Boy Added: June 29 2017 10:30

This article on optimization was created exclusively for the lazy, in it we will not deal with the dull editing of a bunch of lines in the Inish files, but we will do everything quickly and automatically. Therefore, I won’t ramble on either and will get straight to the point.

Just don't forget to change your screen resolution, otherwise you'll be playing with mine. Well, for those who have very weak hardware, you can reduce anti-aliasing to x2 or turn it off completely. That's it.

Be sure to download NVAC and NVSR. This is the cornerstone of all optimization. If you ignored downloading and installing this software, there is no point in reading this article further.

Setting up inishniks NVSE. They are also hemorrhoids, so I give them ready-made ones right away, just unzip the contents of the archive into the folder with the game. That's all with this too.

Because the fnv4gb.exe is installed along with SFW, we won’t dwell on it. It works - well, well, especially since the bulk of the optimization work has already been done. Those who have read this far and done all the manipulations can safely start playing. Below we will present some optional information about the placebo effect.

ENBoost. The software, as they say, is not for everybody. I played with and without it, and to be honest, I didn’t notice much of a difference. But since there's no harm ENBoost didn’t bring it to me, then I’ll dwell on it in more detail. Download and unpack InjectorVersion into the folder with the game and throw the finished preset there, for the lucky owners of video cards nVidia. If you are the owner of a video card from AMD Radeon, then today you are out of luck and you will have to look for and configure your preset yourself here.

If you still decide to install ENBoost, have reached this point and are already rubbing your hands to start playing - slow down.
To play with ENBoost I have a special preset for NVConfigator-a. Without it, performance may decrease. Tested several times on different laptops and bakeries.

Now the launch of all this parsley.
Everything is simple here. Download this executable, unpack it into the game folder and run everything through it. He'll have a snack right away fnv4gb.exe and injector ENBoost-a.
That's it, you can play. My laptop is the same age as Vegas, during all this time I just bought an additional RAM and replaced the DVD drive with an SSD, I didn’t do anything else. With the settings presented in this article, FPS does not drop below 35 in the most loaded locations. In the Wasteland - 55 - 60 FPS, plus a pretty nice picture.
All. Good luck with optimization, of course, if you need it at all.

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I wish I had such problems!!

Everything is the same as with the third folio. You need to file everything in the game files yourself.

Yes, and the third Fall reminded me of Oblivion and Skyrim :)

Does this change the screen resolution? Otherwise, in my full screen part is cut off, but in the windowed one it’s inconvenient.

they don't change themselves

How else can I solve the problem of a black screen and instant crash on startup?

If the card is from AMD, then the solution is to install the latest beta drivers, but first you need to completely remove the old ones. Helped me yesterday!

Same bullshit T_T

Have you tried disabling MSI Afterburner and other similar programs? They may cause crashes

Someone says that you need to put windowed+borderless

There might be someone passing by who can help. I’ll leave what he writes when crashing:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application name: Fallout4.exe

Application version:

Application timestamp: 5627e510

Error module name: Fallout4.exe

Module version with error:

Module timestamp with error: 5627e510

Exception code: c0000005

Exception offset: 00000000021787c6

OS version: 6.1.7601.

Additional information 1:29da

Additional information 2:

Additional information 3: a637

Additional information 4:

Gamers have found a way to change the screen resolution, FOV and remove the frame rate limit in the game Fallout 4

With official release Fallout 4 Gamers have discovered that some graphics options in the game menu cannot be changed. As learned, shortly after the release, fans found a way to access advanced settings and thereby eliminate possible problems.

Frame Rate Limit (FPS)

Some gamers complained about the 30fps cap, while others talked about the 60fps cap. And while the reasons for this discrepancy are unknown, experts suggest simply removing it by editing the Fallout4Pref.ini settings file. Here you need to find the line iPresentInterval=1 and set the value to 0.

Mouse acceleration

In Fallout 4, mouse acceleration is standard. Those who do not like to play with acceleration need to edit the Fallout4.ini file, which can be found in the documents folder. Here you need to find the Controls section and add the line bMouseAcceleration=0.

Angle of View (FOV)

Those who are not satisfied with the standard viewing angle will have to work a little more. First you need to change the values ​​of fDefaultWorldFOV and fDefault1stPersonFOV in the Fallout.ini file to the desired ones. Then edit the same lines in the Fallout4Prefs.ini file. After this, you need to go to the Steam client folder, to the steamapps/common/fallout4/fallout4 directory and find the Fallout4Prefs.ini file, into which you need to add fDefaultWorldFOV=XX and fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX, where XX are the desired viewing angle values.

Running the game full screen

Gamers who for some reason cannot run the game in full screen need to change the Prefs.ini file in the documents/users/mygames/fallout4 folder and a file with the same name at steamapps/common/fallout4. Here you need to set all the values ​​as shown below:

  • bMaximizeWindow=1
  • bBorderless=1
  • bFull Screen=0
  • iSize H=1080
  • iSize W=1920

You can set your own screen resolution values. And owners of monitors with a 4:3 resolution can set the following settings:

  • bFull Screen=1
  • iSize H=1200
  • iSize W=1600

Skip splash screen when loading game

To skip the splash screen, you need to delete the file GameIntro_V3_B.bk2, located in the Steam client folder at steamapps/common/fallout4/data/video. Please note that once a file is deleted, it can only be returned after going through the process of verifying the integrity of the game files on the Steam network.

Setting the screen resolution to 21:9

For those with ultra-wide monitors, to run the game in full screen, you need to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the “My Documents” folder. You need to edit the following lines:

  • bTopMostWindow=1
  • bMaximizeWindow=1
  • bBorderless=1
  • bFull Screen=0
  • iSize H=XXXX
  • iSize W=YYYY

Instead of XXXX you need to substitute the horizontal screen resolution, and instead of YYYY - vertical. Then the same trick must be done with the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the Steam folder. Both files are easiest to find by searching.

Fixing a bug with getting stuck in terminals

You need to change the settings of the Fallout4Prefs file, located in the Steam client folder at steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout4. You need to change the following line iPresentInterval=0.

Another way to fix the problem is to switch to screen mode in a window without borders (Window mode, Borderless).

Eliminate mouse movement lag

You need to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file located in the “My Documents” folder and set the following values:

Nvidia graphics card users need to right-click the Nvidia logo on the taskbar in the lower right corner, select System Preferences, 3D Settings, and add the Fallout.exe file to their programs. Here you also need to change:

  • Enable triple buffering
  • Enable Vsync
  • Set the maximum number of pre-rendered frames to 1 (Max frames to render ahead)

The release of Fallout 4 was an unprecedented success - the game was in second place in the list of the most popular games after Dota 2. The game was released on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC platforms.

Fallout 3 how to change resolution

I'm planning to leave the 17-inch square monitor 1280x1024 (2007-2016 R.I.P.) in December. On my monitor, the first parts of Fallout, including Tactics, work without any high-resolution patches. If I go to 1600x900, then I will have very serious problems. What about higher resolution? What patch should I install to keep the rest of the game completely original? How will the same Fallout 2 work at 1600x900 (16:9) in resolutions of 640x480 or 800x600?

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Pyran 14 Sep 2016

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LAZER 14 Sep 2016

Hello. As has already been noted many times, our classic feels comfortable at widescreen resolutions (FullHD, from 17 to 24 inches, I just haven’t tested anything larger). You install a hi-res patch with a resolution of 1280*720 or 1360*768 and rejoice. It’s also possible without a patch, but it’s too large and the pixels are visible.

Is it the same with Fallout Tactics? If yes, then thank you very much! After all, because of the resolution, you will have to install “crutches” on any monitor. Now I can no longer play L.A Noire, Fallout 4, Far Cry 4 normally on my monitor without crutches.

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Pyran 14 Sep 2016

Likewise, hi-res 1.0 is present in distribution and on the Internet.

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Spalexs 14 Sep 2016

If I go to 1600x900, then I will have very serious problems

Well, who knows, for me personally the black stripes on the sides are not a serious problem. Even with hi-res, I set it to 800x600, I don’t like to stick my nose into the monitor, but at 768x1366 that’s what happens - everything is too small, especially the text.

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Pyran 14 Sep 2016

Everything is individual. With a FullHD screen of 17.3 (and not only) - I consider the HD resolution (1280*720) very comfortable. In the video above, as far as I can see, FullHD is presented with pixel enlargement. (Although I could be wrong)

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LAZER 14 Sep 2016

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Dick 14 Sep 2016

IMHO, with a resolution of more than 800 by 600, everything becomes too small and difficult to distinguish, so I don’t even set the resolution higher on widescreen.

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Mr.Stalin 14 Sep 2016

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Foxx 14 Sep 2016

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Mr.Stalin 14 Sep 2016

Personally, I find it very convenient to play with a resolution of 1280x720. The picture becomes clearer and more beautiful (just like with directx 12). I don’t see any problems with small text, everything is quite readable.

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LAZER 14 Sep 2016

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Foxx 14 Sep 2016

It all depends on the size of the monitor

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Pyran 14 Sep 2016

Will there be any problems at 1366x768? ?

I consider HD and WXGA optimal

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LAZER 14 Sep 2016

why should they be? At least set it to FullHD, the main thing is that you feel comfortable playing and reading text.
It’s possible with pixel enlargement (scalling x2) and with FullHD we’ll get the equivalent of 1024*768, but it looks like there might be some troubles there. in general, go ahead and try it, then write back about the selected resolution)

I consider HD and WXGA optimal

wxga - in the picture, however, it’s not there =)

Thanks for the picture! Before the New Year, I will definitely buy a monitor with a resolution of 1366×768, a diagonal of 19.5, and an aspect ratio of 16:9.

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Pyran 14 Sep 2016

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LAZER 15 Sep 2016

Well, I would still take 1920*1080, more useful space and 21-22 inches, even better with an IPS matrix, so that colors are less distorted.
Go to electronics stores, look at monitors, ask the price, check the screen resolution live, read reviews.

And you can always adjust the game resolution to suit the fall. I think you would act recklessly by buying a monitor with a low resolution. It depends more on your budget and how much you are willing to spend.

Everything would be fine, but LG does not have a DVI connector. I'm going to take a monitor from Asus, because it is very easy to adjust color rendering (I had their monitor from 2007 to 2015). However, I definitely won’t take 1920x1080, since my current HD 7770 won’t handle this resolution in new games at maximum/ultra settings. As for my potential RX 470, at 1920x1080 FPS will not be under 60, as I assume. Of course, I will watch and study everything live. Thank you!

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Pyran 15 Sep 2016

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Foxx 15 Sep 2016

You can always run the toy in a non-native, lower resolution, so that the video game will work. (I did not suffer from non-native resolution in games). All this is purely personal opinion.

In a non-native resolution, the picture becomes not very clear, a “ladder” appears. I have 1920x1080 24 inches, I tried to run Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 at 1600x900 - it looks disgusting (even at maximum speed).

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Anjee Sep 17, 2016

I have an ancient DELL 2209WA 1680x1050 16:10
In the HRP settings, the resolution is 1280:800 and this 22′ card looks quite comfortable:

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  • Games released on PC almost never have sufficient configuration options, because it is extremely difficult to provide for all options for system parameters and player requests. A similar thing happened with Fallout 3, in which setting the screen resolution can be quite difficult.
  • If switching the resolution directly in the game leads to errors and freezes, use the launcher. There are two exe files in the game folder: the first launches games in full screen mode, the second is a small window for preliminary settings. In it you should select “Video settings” and change the resolution. There are still no super high-end options in this menu.
  • Go to the “My Documents” folder of the user who has the game installed. Next, go to My Games / Fallout 3. Inside you will find the falloutprefs.ini file, which you need to open using any text editor (for example, Notepad). If you are worried that you may damage the contents of a file, create a backup copy by selecting it and pressing Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V in turn. You can subsequently delete the damaged file and rename the created one.
  • Turn on the “Search” option and use it to find the combination iSize W. You will find a couple of parameters: iSizeW=# and iSizeH=#. Instead of the first “hash”, enter the width in pixels (larger), and instead of the second, enter the height (smaller). The advantage of this method is that you can specify any values, including ultra-high ones. However, you should not experiment with non-standard combinations.
  • Several years have passed, and many users have finally waited for the release of the third version of the cult RPG Fallout. Is it true, Fallout 3 was a disappointment to those who had been looking forward to it for so long. The toy turned out to be very good from the world's side Fallout. But this game came out very crude, and for many it simply either does not start or crashes during the game.

    Image 1.

    Another problem with Fallout 3 this is that in Russia the company 1C took up localization. Despite the fact that several patches with corrections have already been released for the English version, there is not a word from 1C.

    I scoured the Internet and collected the most common Fallout 3 errors and methods for solving them. I hope these methods will help at least someone.

    Setting your screen resolution

    We do the following:

    • We find the FalloutPrefs.ini file which is located at .
    • Open it through notepad.
    • We find two lines: iSize W=600 and iSize H=400 and change the numbers to the ones you need. iSize W is the screen width, iSize H is the screen height.
    • Save the file.

    The game screensaver is displayed in English

    Once the game is installed and progress has reached the end, you cannot stop the installation. At this time, the drivers for the game are updated. This may take quite a long time. Therefore, be patient and wait until the game installation is complete.

    When launched, the game launches for a second and immediately crashes into Windows without any error messages.

    You need to set the game to compatibility mode with Windows 2000. To do this, follow these steps:

    • Right-click on the game's executable file (this is fallout3.exe).
    • Select the menu item "Properties".
    • Select the "Compatibility" tab.
    • Check the box " Run the program in compatibility mode".
    • Select "Windows 2000" from the list.
    • Click the "OK" button.

    In some very bright places (light sources, faces) a ladder or transparent mesh appears

    In the Fallout 3 game settings, instead of HDR, you need to enable the Bloom screen effect.

    When going out into open areas (wasteland), FPS drops significantly

    In the game settings of Fallout 3 you need to disable vertical sync. According to a post on the forum, this helps in many cases, but not one hundred percent.

    Russian text is not displayed in the game

    • You need to run the program FalloutLauncher.exe, which is located in the game folder.
    • Select the item "Files".
    • In the window, check the box russian.esp.
    • Click "OK".
    • Open the FalloutPrefs.ini and FALLOUT.ini files with notepad. They are in the folder My Documents/My Games/Fallout3.
    • We find the line STestFile2= in these files.
    • After the "=" sign, enter russian.esp.
    • We admire the line STestFile2=russian.esp.
    • We save the files.

    Sometimes running the game without administrator rights helps

    To do this we do:

    • We remove Fallout 3 from the system.
    • Execute " Start - Settings - Control Panel - User Accounts - Account Creation".
    • Create a new account with no administrator rights.
    • Reboot the computer.
    • Log in to your administrator account and install the game Fallout 3.
    • During installation you will be prompted " Make the game available to all users". We answer “Yes.”
    • After installing the game, restart your computer and log into your account without administrator rights.
    • Let's launch the game and play.

    You have K-lite Codec Pack installed.
    One solution is to remove K-lite Codec Pack.
    The second option is more painless:

    • Execute: " Start - Programs - K-lite Codec Pack - Configuration - ffdshow video decoder" And " Start - Programs - K-lite Codec Pack - Configuration - ffdshow audio decoder".
    • In both windows, select “Info & debug” from the list on the left. Depending on the version, this item may mean "DirectShow control". In any case, this is the second item on the list.
    • Find "Don"t use ffdshow in: "
    • We enter “fallout3.exe” into it. If something is already written there, then the separator is ";". The result is something like this: " morrowind.exe;oblivion.exe;fallout3.exe".
    • Click "Apply".
    • Click "OK".

    Gamer OSD or Smart-Doctor or a disk emulator like Daemon Tools is installed.
    In this case, we delete them.

    Be sure to install the latest drivers for the video card. For n-vidia you can download it here: , . Just remember to delete the old ones before installation. This can be done like this:

    • Right-click on "My Computer".
    • Select "Management".
    • Paragraph " device Manager".
    • In the list on the right, expand “Video adapters” and double-click on the name of your video card.
    • "Driver" tab.
    • "Delete" button.

    Install native monitor drivers. They are usually on the disk that you received with your monitor.

    The *.spd extension association is set.
    You can check this as follows:

    • Execute the menu item: " Start - Settings - Control Panel - Folder Options".
    • Tab "File types". It may take some time to open the bookmark. Be patient.
    • Find the item "SPD" in the list in the "Extensions" column. You can speed up your search if you start typing what you are looking for. If there is no such item there, then the association is not established.
    • If you find such an item, then select it and click on the “Advanced” button.
    • We delete all items that are in the "Actions" list (using the "Delete" button).
    • Click "OK".
    • Click "OK".
    • You can, just in case, restart your computer.

    As a recommendation, you can remove associations of all file types that Fallout 3 uses. All types can be found in the game folder. But under no circumstances do we delete, change or remove the association with the extensions *.exe, *.com, *.bat, *.lnk.

    The game may not launch due to the lack of a certain shader package.
    Open the file. We look at the value in the Shader Package line. Remember this number and open the Fallout3\Data\Shaders folder. If such a library *.spd (shaderpackage00 "Your number".sdp) no, then let's try the following:

    • We copy any one (+-1 to your number) and call it accordingly.
    • We fix it in the file (save folder)\Fallout3\RendererInfo.txt value in the Shader Package line (+-1) (but it is quite possible that the game tests your video card every time, so this method may not work).
    • If *8.sdp is missing, this method does not work (yet), i.e. Your video card does not have official support for the game (this most likely applies to older Radeon video cards) and you will have to (to run the game) update video card.

    These are just the most common methods for solving problems with the game. To implement many of the methods described above, you need administrative rights on the computer.

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