How to enable mozilla cookies. Enabling cookies in the Firefox browser

The right approach to managing cookies in Firefox is to ensure privacy and security on the web. Cookies are necessary to support site functions and save authorization data. However, in some cases they can cause a leak of user data, a tool for third parties to exploit the browser. You can learn how to enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox and disable them, how to clear cookies in Mazilla Firefox, from this article.

Cookie settings

To go to the cookie control panel in your browser, do the following:

1. Click the “three stripes” button (the “three stripes” icon at the top right).

2. Click “Settings” in the drop-down menu.

3. In the side list, click the “Privacy” section.

In the “History” block, in the line to enable or disable cookies in Mozilla Firefox, set the appropriate value:

“Will remember history” - enable cookies (automatic saving);

“Will not remember history” - disables saving cookies in the browser; after activating this mode, restart FF;

“... will use your history storage settings” - saving and blocking cookies according to the settings and rules created by the user.

Once this option is set, additional settings appear in the web browser:

“Exceptions” - a panel for entering a domain and assigning actions for it (allow saving session data or blocking);

“Accept cookies...” - settings for accepting cookies from third-party sites. The following options are available:

“Always” - allow all data from third-party web resources;

“Never” - complete shutdown (this way you can partially limit FF from harmful resources);

“From visited” - includes files only from open pages.

  1. "Before they expire": FF will automatically clear cookies after their specified retention period has expired.
  2. “Before I close Firefox” - delete cookies before exiting the browser.


There are different ways to clear cookies in Firefox:

Method No. 1: selectively

Note. The function is available in the control panel on the “Privacy” tab (with the “...use your settings...” option enabled). At the same time, you do not need to download additional programs to launch and configure it.

1. Click the “Show cookies...” button.

2. A panel will open where all cookies placed in the FF directory are stored. In it you can see all the data on any previously opened website. To delete cookies for a specific web resource, click on its folder and click the “Delete selected” button.

Here you can use the option that deletes all session data by clicking “Delete all”.

Method number 2: automatic cleaning

1. In the cookie control panel (in the custom settings mode), click the “bird” in the “Delete history when closing Firefox” option.

2. Click the “Options” button.

3. In the new window, make sure that the “Cookies” element is included in the cleaning (there should be a “tick” next to it).

4. Click OK.

Method number 3: quick global cleanup

Note. This method allows you to delete not only cookies, but also cache and browsing history.

1. In the FF menu, click: History → Delete Recent History. Or press the keyboard shortcut - Ctrl + Shift + Del.

2. Specify “All” in the “Delete” line.

3. Click Details. Select cookies from the list of items.

4. Click “Delete Now”.

Method number 4: CCleaner program

You first need to download the CCleaner cleaning program from the website and install it on your computer.
1. In the utility window, click the “Cleaning” section.

2. Go to the Applications tab.

3. In the “Firefox” block, check “Cookies”.

4. Click “Analysis”, then “Cleaning”.

Don't forget to clear your cookies in Firefox promptly. Temporary files litter the system partition, reduce free disk space, and can slow down the system.

Quite a large number of people use the Internet every day and do not know what such a thing as cookies means. The browser stores data in the form of websites you have visited. By default, sites are saved on the computer, however, sometimes situations arise that require manual connection.

Why are cookies needed?

These files allow you to make using the Internet as comfortable as possible. After authorization on any site using these files, the user can log into his account without additionally entering a login and password.

These files allow you to save individual settings on various resources. The most striking example is the installation of settings when you first visit the site, which are configured automatically on subsequent transitions.

Cookies are enabled by default in the Firefox search engine. In order to check their status, you need to click on the “Menu” button and select settings. After this, you need to click on “Privacy”. Next, Firefox will appear next to which you need to select the value – “Use your storage settings”.

Many people are interested in how to enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox. To do this, just check the box next to the “Accept cookies from sites” column; to disable the option, the box must be unchecked. If after performing these simple steps you still have problems, you need to check the position of the checkbox in the “Accept cookies from third-party sites” column; the icon should under no circumstances be next to the “Never” item.

Additionally, in Mozilla you can set the retention period. To do this, just select one of the options:

  • Until the end of the action.

By activating this item, cookies will be deleted when they expire. This period is set by the site that sent the cookies.

  • Before closing the browser.

When you close your browser, the storage where the cookies are located will be cleared automatically.

If you close the about:preferences page, the changes you made will be saved automatically.

Should I clear my data?

Enabling sites is extremely simple, but in some situations you may need to clear these files. Among the main inconveniences that cookies cause are:

  • When using your PC, another person can visit sites and forums on your behalf.
  • A large number of cookies can lead to a decrease in free space on your hard drive and the accumulation of garbage.
  • Using these files, you can track your movements on the network, which poses a certain threat to privacy.

Due to the fact that this data contains personal information, many users disable receiving it completely. But in this case, the Russian browser loses the ability to visit those sites that require enabled cookies.

Cookies in the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser are useful, but at the same time, accumulating files with various types of information that deprive the user of anonymity on the Internet. A little more about the benefits of files and the disadvantages of storing them:

Benefits of cookies

  • Thanks to digital cookie data, the process of web surfing is simplified;
  • The time it takes to open a website earlier is reduced;
  • Authorization in social networks or applications with a personal account becomes automatic.

Harm and danger of cookies

A huge number of cookies accumulated in can lead to a decrease in the performance of a personal computer;

Cookie data intercepted by third parties may contain malware and viruses;

Tracking of user activity on the global network by advertising companies with subsequent imposition of their products;

Collection of confidential information about the user with further sale to third parties.

As useful as cookies are, you need to get rid of them from time to time. in the popular search engine Mozilla Firefox and you can protect your personal data by reading the contents from the following article - “how to clear Firefox cookies.”

Managing cookies in the Mozilla browser is very simple. The perception of settings is available to users of any level. An Internet browser user can at any time either enable or disable cookies in Firefox. There are various options for adjusting the settings for saving cookies.

To make certain changes in their browser, the user needs to carry out several manipulations in the browser settings menu.

In the upper corner on the right side of the browser, you need to click the corresponding button, then select the “Settings” icon.

In the new page of the “Privacy” search engine that opens (link in the address bar = about:preferences#privacy), in the “Firefox History” item, you can select one of the options, namely the one where user settings will be used to store the history of site visits.

In this section, the user can both allow cookies in Mozilla and configure them to be automatically deleted by selecting the option to accept cookies from sites. Namely, you can choose the following manipulations:

Accept cookies from third-party sites – “Always / From visited / Never”

Retain cookies – “Until they expire or until the user closes Firefox”

Delete all history when closing the Mozilla Firefox browser (By clicking on the "Options..." button, you can select the type of data to automatically delete).

Using the “Exceptions...” and “Show cookies...” buttons, you can create personal settings for deleting specific cookies or all of them at once.

Summary: “To maintain the functionality of the user’s personal computer and increase the security of personal data, cleaning of cookies should be regular or configured to automatically delete all objects except those necessary.”

A cookie is a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer. Every time you try to open a website page, the browser sends a piece of data to the web server as part of an HTTP request. The fragment is necessary to identify the user, store personal settings, etc.

Today I’ll tell you how to enable cookies in the Mozilla browser. I just want to remind you right away that cookies are enabled by default in Firefox, and therefore there is no need to enable them, except in cases where the cookie processing settings have been changed.

Now about the process itself. Open the browser and click “Tools”, then select “Settings”.

A page with settings will open in front of you. Select "Privacy".

Here, in the “History” subsection, select “Firefox will use your history storage settings.”

After this, you will see additional menu items in the list. In order to accept cookies, make sure that the checkbox next to the appropriate menu item is checked (highlighted in red in the screenshot).

Among other things, here you can choose exceptions for sites and even the storage period for cookies.

After all the actions, just close the tab, the changes are saved automatically.
