How to allow cookies in mozilla. Enabling cookies in the Firefox browser

Cookies are special files that store data about users on various websites. They save passwords and login, design style and other settings of visited sites (you can find out where these files are stored). By default, this feature is already enabled, but there are situations when you have to configure cookies yourself. To do this, it is important to know where they are and how to enable them (you can read about how to disable cookies).

Enable cookies

So, to enable cookies in Mozilla Firefox:

Advice! Other settings need not be changed. To ensure that files and history are saved only when the window is open, you need to check the “delete history when closing Firefox” box.

Unblock cookies

There are times when a site displays a message stating that it is impossible to work with it due to blocking or disabling cookies. This happens because there is an “Exceptions” button in the cookie settings.

If the site is on the exclusion list, then you need to take the following steps:

Important! Due to legal requirements, foreign websites are required to disclose that they use cookies. This message is not a site error.

Delete cookies

Cookies take up a lot of space on your hard drive. And if the disk is almost completely clogged, then they need to be removed. You can read more about deleting cookies.

This is quite easy to do and does not require additional installation of the utility:

Next to the "delete your recent history" link there is a link to "delete individual cookies." It is needed in order not to delete everything, but selectively, on individual sites. By clicking on it, in the window that appears we see a list of saved sites. Select the one you want and click the Remove selected button and close the window.

Advice! To quickly open the cookie window in Mozilla, you can use the hotkeys ctrl+shift+del. After pressing this key combination, the “Delete recent history” window will appear.

Now you know how to set up cookies in Mozilla, how to unblock sites and delete information.

The full functioning of websites is determined by many parameters. One of them is support for cookies, or the ability to use data generated by web pages that is stored in the computer's memory. In other words, cookies are text files containing information about the personal settings made on various types of Internet resources (design, time zone, city, etc.), as well as about the user’s activity and authentication (logging into an account ). They greatly simplify entering information when registering on websites or filling out other forms.

Among users of the World Wide Web, there is an opinion that activating cookies can harm the computer, like a virus, spyware or malware. This is wrong. By themselves, these files cannot perform any actions, being simple text data. They do not slow down the system and do not require systematic removal; they are stored in the PC memory until they expire.

Often, cookies are enabled by default in browsers. If they are disabled, then you need to know how to enable cookies yourself in a particular browser. Enabling cookie support is easy for both beginners and experienced users. Let's take a closer look at the features of their activation in the most popular browsers.

Cookie support in Internet Explorer browser

Many users use the traditional Internet Explorer browser to view pages. For this program, from version 6 and higher, cookies can be enabled as follows:

  • on the top panel find the “Service” menu section;
  • click on the line “Internet Options”;
  • switch to the “Privacy” tab;
  • click on the “Advanced” line;
  • check the box next to “Override automatic processing of cookies”;
  • select the “Accept” option in the “First Party Cookies” and “Third Party Cookies” groups;
  • confirm the changes made by clicking the “Ok” button.

There is an easier way to enable cookies in Internet Explorer. Just drag the slider located in the same “Privacy” tab, showing the level of security when working on the network, and set it to medium or low.

Enabling cookies in the Mozilla Firefox browser

One of the popular browsers is Mozilla Firefox. Users using it to surf the web must know how to enable cookies in it. To do this you will need:

Open the “Tools” section;
. go to the “Settings” subsection;
. in the “Privacy” tab, find the Firefox line;
. in the pop-up menu, click on the item “Will remember history”;
. save the changes by clicking the “Ok” button.

There is another way to enable cookies in the Mozilla Firefox browser. To do this you need:

In the “Settings” window, click on the “Privacy” tab;
. in the “History” block find the Firefox option;
. in the pop-up menu from the proposed list, select the item “Will use your history storage settings”;
. put a tick in the checkbox of the line “Accept cookies from sites”;
. set the value “Always” for the “Accept cookies from third-party sites” parameter;
. in the “Save cookies” item, select the line “Until they expire”;
. confirm the changes made.

Activating cookies in the Opera browser

Users often prefer the Opera browser, appreciating its simplicity, convenience, security and twenty-year history. When using it, the question also often arises of how to enable cookies in Opera to store information on a PC.

To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

Go to the “Tools” menu;
. find the “Settings” section;
. switch to the “Advanced” tab;
. In the side menu, click on the Cookies line;
. activate the “Accept cookies” option;
. save the changes made to the settings.

Appearing recently, but already gaining popularity among users of the World Wide Web, the Google Chrome browser also comes with support for cookies, activated by default. If there is a need to enable them, you will need:

Go to the main menu of the browser by clicking on the button located next to the address bar;
. open the “Settings” section;
. in the “Settings” tab, click on the line “Show additional settings”;
. find the “Personal Data” block and click on the “Content Settings” button;
. go to “Cookies”;
. select the “Allow saving local data” option;
. Confirm the change by clicking on the “Done” button.

How to activate cookies in Yandex Browser?

Browser settings from the popular Yandex resource allow you to determine the processing parameters for cookies coming from various sites. In order to enable this feature, you will need:

Find the gear icon located in the upper right corner and click on it with the mouse;
. in the window that opens, select the “Settings” section;
. At the bottom, find the line “Show additional settings” and click on it;
. go to the “Personal Data Protection” block;
. click on the “Content settings” button;
. find the item “Cookies”;
. set the necessary parameters or select the “Accept all” action.

Enabling cookies in Safari and Android browsers

Increasingly, users access the Internet using smartphones and tablets based on the Android and iOS operating systems. Their built-in browsers are equipped with support for accepting cookies.

In Safari (iPhone, iPad) to activate cookies you must:

Click on the gear icon located in the upper right corner;
. go to the “Settings” section;
. switch to the “Security” tab;
. In the “Accept Cookies” section, select the “Always” option.

In Android browsers, to enable cookies you need to:

Press the “Menu” button;
. go to the “Settings” section;
. In the “Protection and Security” tab, select “Enable cookies”.

When answering the question of how to enable cookies in your browser, you should first of all take into account the features of the program that is used to access the network. If, after activating cookies, a message still appears that they are disabled, you should try clearing the cache and deleting temporary files on your computer. In most cases, such simple steps help solve the problem. If clearing the cache and temporary files does not help, you should check whether your browser supports cookies using a Java plugin.

Cookies are a necessary element that greatly facilitates the life of an Internet user and makes his work on the Internet as convenient as possible. They ensure the normal functioning of websites and must be enabled in your browser settings.

Many modern websites require your browser to support cookies in order to function correctly. A non-professional person has a completely logical question - what are cookies, and how can I activate cookie support in my browser?

Cookies are information in the form of text that is stored in your browser. When you access a website, the server requests cookies saved specifically for it. They help the server obtain information about you and the history of your use of the site. Among the information recorded in cookies may be: your login and password on the site, personal settings and features of the site, the history of your requests and much more.

Thus, cookies can greatly simplify your life and save both your time and the server’s time. Cookies are used by search engines, online stores, information and entertainment portals. You could say on most sites.

Most often, the browser supports the use of cookies by default. However, sometimes you have to activate their use manually. Each browser has its own procedure for enabling cookies. We will tell you in detail how cookies are enabled on each of the popular browsers.

How to enable cookies in Internet Explorer

When installing Windows, the system automatically installs the latest version of the browser. Therefore, you are unlikely to find Internet Explorer versions lower than 6. In this and subsequent versions, to enable cookies, you need to open the Tools menu, command bar at the top of the browser (remember that sometimes the browser does not display this panel. To activate its display, click Alt on the keyboard). Having opened the Tools menu, we find the Internet Options item, after clicking on which, the browser settings window will open.

At the top of this window we can see several tabs. We are interested in the Privacy tab. On this tab you need to find the Advanced button. We click it, and another window appears in front of us, namely Additional privacy settings. It will contain several points. Among them we are looking for Override automatic processing of cookies. After this, additional settings will open to us, where we will see 2 lists - Essential cookies and Third-party cookies. In both lists, select Accept, and then save all the selected settings by clicking OK.

Like Internet Explorer, Opera has a large number of different versions. Most often, this is version 10 or higher. To activate cookies in these versions, in the upper left part of the browser we find the Settings item. Among the sections of this item, we are interested in General settings. If finding this item causes you difficulties, you can press Ctrl + F12 on your keyboard and you will see the same settings window. In this window, go to the Advanced tab, and in its left part, the Cookies item. By clicking on it, select the option Accept Cookies. Confirm the setting with the OK button.

Click on the Tools menu, which contains the Settings item. After clicking on it, we will see a settings window with several tabs. Go to the Privacy tab. A drop-down list will appear in which you need to check the box next to “Firefox will remember the history.” Nearby you will see several more items - Accept cookies from sites and Accept cookies from third-party sites. Activate both items and save your settings.

In the upper right corner you need to find a button in the form of a wrench. In the window that opens, find the Tools item, and in it - Settings. A settings window will open, in which we look for the Advanced tab. On this tab, in the Privacy section, there is a Content Settings button, after clicking which you must activate the Allow saving local data option.

Despite the fact that this browser is part of the operating system installed on Apple computers, it can also be found on computers running Windows. To activate cookies in this browser, click on the gear icon in the already familiar upper right corner. A menu will open in front of us, in which we should select Settings. In the window that opens, select the Security tab, in which you should activate the Accept cookies (always) option.

A cookie is a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer. Every time you try to open a website page, the browser sends a piece of data to the web server as part of an HTTP request. The fragment is necessary to identify the user, store personal settings, etc.

Today I’ll tell you how to enable cookies in the Mozilla browser. I just want to remind you right away that cookies are enabled by default in Firefox, and therefore there is no need to enable them, except in cases where the cookie processing settings have been changed.

Now about the process itself. Open the browser and click “Tools”, then select “Settings”.

A page with settings will open in front of you. Select "Privacy".

Here, in the “History” subsection, select “Firefox will use your history storage settings.”

After this, you will see additional menu items in the list. In order to accept cookies, make sure that the checkbox next to the appropriate menu item is checked (highlighted in red in the screenshot).

Among other things, here you can choose exceptions for sites and even the storage period for cookies.

After all the actions, just close the tab, the changes are saved automatically.

A cookie is a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer. Every time you try to open a website page, the browser sends a piece of data to the web server as part of an HTTP request. The fragment is necessary to identify the user, store personal settings, etc.

Today I’ll tell you how to enable cookies in the Mozilla browser. I just want to remind you right away that cookies are enabled by default in Firefox, and therefore there is no need to enable them, except in cases where the cookie processing settings have been changed.

Now about the process itself. Open the browser and click “Tools”, then select “Settings”.

A page with settings will open in front of you. Select "Privacy".

Here, in the “History” subsection, select “Firefox will use your history storage settings.”

After this, you will see additional menu items in the list. In order to accept cookies, make sure that the checkbox next to the appropriate menu item is checked (highlighted in red in the screenshot).

Among other things, here you can choose exceptions for sites and even the storage period for cookies.

After all the actions, just close the tab, the changes are saved automatically.
