How to unpack a damaged archive? How to recover a damaged archive. Archive error Unexpected end of archive what to do zip

Quite often problems arise when opening archives downloaded from the Internet. When opening downloaded files, you receive an error message that may look like this: " Unexpected end of archive or unfamiliar format», « wrong file format or wrong size"or a message indicating that the archive is damaged is displayed.

There are several reasons for such errors, and let's look at them.

The most common reason is that the file download failed and the archive file was not completely downloaded to the computer. What specific failure occurred is not important, since there can be a thousand reasons - these could be temporary problems on the site on which the downloaded file is located, problems on the side of the provider through which you access the Internet, or something happened on your computer that affected on the process of downloading the file... In general, it doesn’t matter what happened, it is important that in this case the solution to the problem will be to re-download the archive file.

Well, in order to prevent such damage again, I recommend using download manager programs, like . Firstly, such programs allow you to somewhat reduce the download time, and secondly, as a rule, they allow you to return to downloading the file later and even temporary problems with the Internet in this case will not lead to damage to the archive file and you can easily unzip it later .

The next common reason for such errors may be an older version installed on your computer. Go to the official website of the archiver you use and download the latest version. I have already repeatedly encountered the fact that installing a more recent version of the archiver on a computer WinRar solved these problems. I think the situation may be similar with other archivers.

Well, we also shouldn’t forget about another reason for such problems. If you download a file from, then there is a possibility (albeit small) that this file is already on the file hosting service in a damaged state. In this case, there is hardly anything you can do except contact the creator of the file, which is not always possible.

In general, if you download an archive of a program from the official website of the developer and the problems described above arise, then firstly, make sure that the size of the downloaded file matches the original (the file size is usually indicated on the page from where you download it) and if if this is not the case, then download the file again. Well, if downloading again does not help, then update the archiver program.

Very often, many users encounter a problem that is associated with the fact that when they try to unpack a file copied from somewhere or downloaded from the Internet with packed data in RAR or ZIP format, the program generates an error message about the detection of an unexpected end of the archive. Not all ordinary users know how to correct this situation. Therefore, we propose to consider several basic techniques that will help in solving this issue. If you are unable to completely restore the archive, then with a high degree of probability you will be able to extract the files without losing their integrity.

What does "Unexpected end of archive" mean?

First, let's focus on what constitutes such an unexpected failure. In most cases, it, like a similar CRC data error, can be interpreted as a file with compromised integrity, for example, due to an interrupted download. That is, if the checksums do not match, it is incomplete, and the program requires components missing from the archive to continue extraction.

For those who do not know the answer to this question, you can advise using either the built-in Windows tool, which is available in all latest versions of the system, or third-party software WinRAR or 7-Zip. You can open the archive either in such applications, or simply double-click on the archive in any file manager (in the same Explorer).

A simple method to solve the issue

If suddenly the error “Unexpected end of archive” occurs, what is the easiest way to correct the situation? Based on the above interpretation, you can immediately determine for yourself the easiest way out of the current situation. You just need to go to the site from which you downloaded the file and download the archive again. It may well be that the file was initially in a damaged state, so you will have to turn to another resource, from where you can download it again. But with a fairly large volume of downloaded files and paid traffic, this is not an option. Therefore, let's consider other methods.

WinRAR program tools

So, the file unpacking application issued a notification that an unexpected end of the archive was detected. How to fix the file itself with packed data? There is nothing easier than using the universal WinRAR archiver. In it, it is advisable to select a file through its own manager, and when using a double click, move up one line so that only the archive itself is selected, and not its contents.

Everything else is simple. The error in WinRAR can be resolved by selecting the archive recovery item in the operations menu or by clicking the restore button, which is located on the right side of the main panel of the program. Now comes the most important part. The application will ask you to specify the type of archived data.

To unzip a ZIP file on your computer, you will need to specify this particular format, and then confirm the selected action. As practice shows, a positive result (if there are no critical damages in the archive) can be achieved with a very high degree of recovery probability.

How to use file-by-file data extraction

In some cases, the previous technique does not work, and the program for working with packed data still issues notifications that an unexpected end of the archive has been detected. How to fix the situation in this case?

Again, you can use the tools of the WinRAR archiver itself, but in the extraction confirmation window, select the option to save files unzipped with errors to disk.

You can also use one-by-one data extraction. To do this, you need to select the required object from the list, and then use RMB to indicate extraction to a specified location, or in the same menu, select copying the selected file to the clipboard and then pasting it to the desired location. In this case, only the marked object will be unpacked, and all other files will remain untouched in the archive.

Other programs

Finally, if none of the above methods gave any results, you can use the Recovery Toolbox for RAR utility. However, this application is paid. The free trial version can only analyze damaged archives. If you need this program, but you don’t want to pay, try looking for a portable modification.

Very often, many users encounter a problem that is associated with the fact that when they try to unpack a file copied from somewhere or downloaded from the Internet with packed data in RAR or ZIP format, the program generates an error message about the detection of an unexpected end of the archive. Not all ordinary users know how to correct this situation. Therefore, we propose to consider several basic techniques that will help in solving this issue. If you are unable to completely restore the archive, then with a high degree of probability you will be able to extract the files without losing their integrity.

What does "Unexpected end of archive" mean?

First, let's focus on what constitutes such an unexpected failure. In most cases, it, like a similar CRC data error, can be interpreted as a file with compromised integrity, for example, due to an interrupted download. That is, if the checksums do not match, it is incomplete, and the program requires components missing from the archive to continue extraction.

How to unzip a ZIP file on your computer?

For those who do not know the answer to this question, you can advise using either the built-in Windows tool, which is available in all latest versions of the system, or third-party software WinRAR or 7-Zip. You can open the archive either in such applications, or simply double-click on the archive in any file manager (in the same Explorer).

A simple method to solve the issue

If suddenly the error “Unexpected end of archive” occurs, what is the easiest way to correct the situation? Based on the above interpretation, you can immediately determine for yourself the easiest way out of the current situation. You just need to go to the site from which you downloaded the file and download the archive again. It may well be that the file was initially in a damaged state, so you will have to turn to another resource, from where you can download it again. But with a fairly large volume of downloaded files and paid traffic, this is not an option. Therefore, let's consider other methods.

WinRAR program tools

So, the file unpacking application issued a notification that an unexpected end of the archive was detected. How to fix the file itself with packed data? There is nothing easier than using the universal WinRAR archiver. In it, it is advisable to select a file through its own manager, and when using a double click, move up one line so that only the archive itself is selected, and not its contents.

Everything else is simple. The error in WinRAR can be resolved by selecting the archive recovery item in the operations menu or by clicking the restore button, which is located on the right side of the main panel of the program. Now comes the most important part. The application will ask you to specify the type of archived data.

To unzip a ZIP file on your computer, you will need to specify this particular format, and then confirm the selected action. As practice shows, a positive result (if there are no critical damages in the archive) can be achieved with a very high degree of recovery probability.

How to use file-by-file data extraction

In some cases, the previous technique does not work, and the program for working with packed data still issues notifications that an unexpected end of the archive has been detected. How to fix the situation in this case?

Again, you can use the tools of the WinRAR archiver itself, but in the extraction confirmation window, select the option to save files unzipped with errors to disk.

You can also use one-by-one data extraction. To do this, you need to select the required object from the list, and then use RMB to indicate extraction to a specified location, or in the same menu, select copying the selected file to the clipboard and then pasting it to the desired location. In this case, only the marked object will be unpacked, and all other files will remain untouched in the archive.

Other programs

Finally, if none of the above methods gave any results, you can use the Recovery Toolbox for RAR utility. However, this application is paid. The free trial version can only analyze damaged archives. If you need this program, but you don’t want to pay, try looking for a portable modification.


Run Winrar to repair the damaged archive. Navigate to the folder it contains using the built-in explorer. Select the desired archive, right-click on its name, or in the “Operations” menu, select the “Restore Archive” command. You can also start rar archive recovery using the Alt+R key combination.

A window will appear in which you specify the folder where the recovered archive will be located, and also select its format (rar or zip). Set the necessary parameters for restoring the rar archive, click the “OK” button. The recovery time will depend primarily on the size of the archive file being restored.

Download a special utility to restore archived files if this could not be done using Winrar. To do this, copy the link into the address bar of your browser The program must be registered to be able to save recovered files. Demo mode will only allow you to analyze files in a damaged archive.

Install and run the Recovery Toolbox for RAR program, a program window appears in which you need to select the file to restore, to do this, click on the button with the image of an open folder, select the damaged archive in the window, click “OK”. The file will be added to the program, click Next. Next, the analysis and scanning of files in the archive will be launched. In the next window, mark the files from the list to be scanned and click Next.

Pay attention to the color of the exclamation file, which is located next to the file name. If it is red, it means the file cannot be restored, and if it is blue, it means the file will be restored without errors. In the next window, select the folder where you want to place the recovered files and click OK.


  • rar archive recovery

Archiving is a convenient way to store data in a compressed state. However, sometimes when you try to unpack an archive with the information you need, you may encounter that the archive turns out to be damaged. There is a way out of this situation, and you can try to recover important data by restoring the archive using the WinRAR program and its built-in tools.


Open the non-working archive in WinRAR. In the program menu, select the “Commands” section, and in the list that opens, find the “Restore archive” option. You can also call the restore command by pressing the Alt+R key combination. A recovery window will open - confirm it by clicking OK, and then wait until the archive recovery operation is completed.

The archive will be saved as a copy in the same folder in which the damaged archive was stored. You will recognize it by the inscription fixed that appears in the name.

In most cases, this method helps to recover all lost data. Therefore, if you have downloaded archived information that you have been looking for for a long time, and the archive refuses to work, do not delete the downloaded file and do not immediately start looking for an alternative to the unsuccessful download.

If a password is not required when starting the archive, update WinRAR to , and also update the version of the program that you use to download files over the Internet. Perhaps the archive itself, posted on the server, is not damaged, and it was damaged due to incorrect downloading.

You should not download files using a browser - this is an unreliable method in which you risk losing some information.

When you download the archive, compare its size with the one indicated on the site. If the size of the downloaded archive is smaller, it means that during the download process you lost some of the data due to a connection error, RAM error, hard drive problem, error in the download program, etc. Repeat downloading the file using another method.

After restoring the archive, try unpacking it again and check whether the information is completely restored.

Video on the topic

Archiving is a convenient way to store and compress information, but when you need to download an important archive from the Internet and unpack it, errors may appear during unpacking. The reasons for damage to archives are different - sometimes the archive is not downloaded correctly, and sometimes it is damaged by viruses. Do not rush to despair over irretrievably lost files. Even if the archive does not open, you can try to recover data using the WinRAR archiver.


Right-click on the damaged archive and select the “Extract” option. A window will open in which you must specify the path for - leave the path that you determine yourself in order to extract the files to the current folder in which your damaged archive is located.

If you want better archive recovery, add recovery information to the archive during archiving. To do this, select the desired files and folders that you want to archive and right-click on them.

Select the “Add to archive” option, and then check the box next to “Add recovery information.” Click the “Advanced” tab and set the percentage of information to be restored – it should be at least 3%.

Click OK. The program will archive the data and after unpacking the archive, if it is damaged, you can restore the data using WinRAR by selecting the appropriate option in the menu during unpacking (“Restore damaged archive”). In this case, almost any damaged documents can be restored.

Video on the topic

Very often, after downloading an archive from the Internet, it cannot be unpacked, and a message is displayed stating that the archive is damaged. This happens mainly due to a CRT error that occurs during data transfer. In order for an archive to be restored, you must add recovery information when creating it.


If, after creating an archive and, for example, transferring it via the Internet, you cannot unpack it, then click the “Fix” button in the WinRAR program window. If this button is not visible, then in the context menu of the toolbar, select “Select buttons...” and in the window that opens, check the appropriate box.

In the recovery window, specify the path to unpack the archive, and also specify the archive type (rar or zip). Click OK; if the archive is too large, it may take time to unpack it; in this case, the process can be started in the background by clicking the “Background” button.

Video on the topic

Situations often arise when documents on a computer, for various reasons, cannot be read or do not want to be opened at all. In this regard, we can assume that some kind of error occurred on the computer and the files turned out to be “broken.” However, do not despair, since this problem can be solved in several ways, and no special skills are needed for this.

You will need

  • Personal computer, Microsoft Word program


Often become " " and Word. One way to solve this problem is to use standard Microsoft Word tools. This is capable of both creating text files and restoring them. However, not many users realize this.

And so, launch Microsoft Word. A standard working window will appear in front of you. Right-click on the “File” tab. Next, click on the “Open” column. You will need to select a file to open. However, you should not immediately click on the “Open” button, since this is where the main work of the document recovery program lies.

This button has a triangle next to it located on the right. Right-click on it and a small list of additional functions will open in front of you. Select the "Open and Repair" tab. It is worth noting that if the file has a Cyrillic alphabet in its name, an additional dialog box will appear in which the file will be converted.

You can also change the encoding of the document or change nothing and leave the file as it is. As practice shows, the file can be opened immediately, but the encoding will still be unreadable. If the document does not contain Cyrillic characters, a dialog box will appear with the inscription “Show corrections”. Also below will be a list of all document corrections. You will be able to view all the changes that have been made to the document.

In addition to the above, there is another way to restore documents. Also go to the Microsoft Word program menu. Click on the “File” button and select the “Open” tab. A window will appear in front of you again in which you need to select the appropriate document. In the “File type” column, click on the “Recover text from any format” item. After this, the file will be completely restored and opened.

Archives have become very popular lately. Indeed, compressed files take up much less space and are very convenient to transfer to other users via the Internet and on a flash drive. But there is always a risk that your archive will be damaged (for example, due to a hardware failure of the media). Such archives cannot be opened, and the information in them becomes inaccessible. In this case, the issue of restoring such files without losing the necessary information arises.

You will need

  • Computer, Recovery Toolbox for RAR utility, Internet access


To recover files from RAR archives, you can use the Recovery Toolbox for RAR utility. It allows you to recover data from RAR archives in a few clicks. All variants of the RAR format created using a variety of software are supported, including self-extracting archives (EXE). Download the utility from the Internet and install it on your computer.

To restore an archive using this program, in the first step, select the original damaged file. Then click Next. The program will start scanning. At the end of the process of scanning and analyzing the file (scanning time depends on the file size and on), the program will display the results.

The most important thing is the colored icons that indicate the possibility of restoring a given file from the archive. The fact is that no program guarantees that all files will be recovered. Blue icons with an exclamation point next to them indicate those files that can be restored, yellow icons indicate that recovery is in question, and red icons indicate that recovery is impossible.

At the second stage, you need to mark the files that you want to recover. To make your work easier, there are buttons: Check All (select all), Check Good (select files that can be restored), Uncheck All (unselect).

After selecting the files, select the directory where the program will extract the recovered files. The directory name can be arbitrary, although by default the program suggests choosing a directory named _rar_repaired.

Helpful advice

The most popular archive formats are ZIP and RAR. Other archive formats, such as 7-Zip (7Z), are less commonly used. The ZIP format allows you to compress files at maximum speed, but the result is a rather large archive. In addition, unlike the RAR format, it does not have the possibility of recovery.

Damage to archive files is not such a rare and quite annoying phenomenon, especially when, due to damage to just one of the parts, it becomes impossible to unpack a multi-volume array of files. Archives in rar format contain additional information that makes it possible to restore data damaged for any reason. The amount of this additional information for recovery can be adjusted, thus increasing the “survivability” of archives.

You will need

  • WinRAR archiver.


Upload the damaged file to the archiver. This can be done through Windows Explorer or directly in the WinRAR archiver. If it is more convenient for you to use Explorer, then open it by pressing the WIN + E key combination or double-clicking the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop. Then find the problematic file and double-click it. If it’s easier for you to perform all operations in the archiver, then when you launch it, you will see an interface similar to Explorer, in which you also need to find the damaged file and double-click it into the program.

Expand the “Operations” section in the archiver menu and select “Restore Archive”. You can replace this action by pressing the hotkeys assigned to it ALT + R.

Select the archive type (RAR or ZIP) by checking one of the two boxes when WinRAR displays a dialog box. This is necessary so that the archiver has an idea of ​​the structure of the data record in the damaged file. The “Folder for recording the recovered archive” field is placed in the same window. By default, this is the same directory where the damaged file is located. There is no reason to worry about this - the restored file will have a different name (the fixed or rebuilt prefix will be added), so the original file will also be saved. If you still decide to change the storage location, click the “Browse” button and select the appropriate folder.

Click the "OK" button to begin the recovery procedure. The archiver will do everything necessary and present a report containing a list of files that were able to be extracted and packaged into a new archive.

Take care to add recovery information when creating archives. With default settings, WinRAR reduces the overall archive size to 1% and fills this additional volume with backup data for recovery. To store files that are especially important to you, it is better to increase this setting to about 5%. This can be done on the “Advanced” tab of the archiving settings, and on the “General” tab, make sure that the “Add recovery information” checkbox is checked.

Video on the topic

In operating systems starting with Windows XP, the ability to archive files and folders without using additional software has been implemented. Folders archived in this way are called compressed and are marked with a special icon. Compressing information using a systemic method is very convenient when you need to quickly archive files and send them by email. You can open such folders very quickly.

You will need

  • Computer running Windows operating system, WinRAR archiver


The operating system uses the zip format to compress files. If the folder is compressed using the system path and you have WinRAR archiver installed, this archiver will be used by default for such a folder. To open a compressed folder, right-click on it and select “Open” in the context menu that appears. A window will appear containing a list of files that are in the compressed folder.

To extract files, select “Extract files” from the context menu of the compressed folder. In the menu that appears, select the folder where you want to extract the files and click OK. The files will be saved in the folder you selected.

If you do not have any archivers, then the procedure for opening and extracting files differs slightly. To open a compressed folder and view files, right-click on this folder and select “Open” in the menu that appears. After this, in the window that appears, you can view the files that are in the compressed folder. If you need to extract files from a compressed folder, select the “Extract” command from the menu. The files will be extracted.

If you have transferred a compressed folder to a computer where an operating system that was developed earlier than Windows XP is installed, you will not be able to open this folder in a systemic manner. In older operating systems, it will simply appear as a file and you will need to use programs to open such compressed folders. Download the WinRAR program and install it on your computer. After this, you will see that the compressed folder is converted to an archive format. The procedure for opening, viewing and extracting files using the WinRAR application is the same as on other operating systems.


Please note that for older operating systems you need to download earlier versions of archivers, otherwise they may simply not work.


  • how to create a compressed zip folder

You will need

  • WinRAR archiver.


Launch the archiver program. The WinRAR interface is similar to the Explorer interface, where the left pane contains the directory tree of your computer. Navigate through this tree to the folder containing the damaged file and select it in the right pane.

Run the file recovery wizard in the archiver. This can be done by pressing the hotkey combination alt + r or through the “Operations” section in the program menu, where you should select the “Restore archive” line.

Specify the format of the damaged file by checking the RAR or ZIP box in the window that opens. Here you must indicate the location of the corrected file. When restoring an archive, WinRAR does not make changes to the original file, but creates a separate copy, giving it the name of the original with the added prefix rebuilt or fixed. The location where this new file will be saved must be indicated in the field located under the inscription “Folder for recording the restored archive.” It can be entered manually or selected in the dialog box that opens by clicking on the “Browse” button. By default, this field contains the address of the folder in which the original file is located.

Click "OK" and the restore operation will start. The archiver will inform you about its progress, and upon completion, the window with the report will remain on the screen - after reading it, click the “Close” button.

Recovery information is written to the file when the archive is created and by default it is allocated one percent of the total file size. If the contents of the archive are of particular value, then it is better to increase this percentage setting to five. The corresponding setting is placed on the “Advanced” tab of the window that opens before starting the archiving procedure. On the “General” tab of the same window there is a checkbox “Add recovery information”, which determines whether recovery information will be added to the archive.

People working with archives have probably had to deal with the problem of their damage. When trying to open an archive, the user receives a notification that it is damaged and opening is impossible. Of course, if there is a copy of the archive itself or the files it contains, then this is not a problem. Everything is much more serious if the archive is in only one copy and contains the necessary information.

You will need

  • - Computer with Windows OS;
  • - WinRAR program.


First of all, you need to install one of the latest versions of the WinRAR program on your computer, as they are more functional and the chances of a successful outcome of the operation will also be higher. You can find out more about the program versions, its changes and updates on the official WinRAR website.

Start unpacking the damaged archive file. When a window appears reporting an unpacking error, write down the name of the damaged archive or archive volume or file. Then abort the unzip operation.

After that, open the archive. Information about the opening error will appear. Further in the window where the list of volumes, archives and files is located, find the file, volume or archive on which the error information was displayed. Select it using the left mouse button. Then, in the WinRAR program menu, select the “Operation” option, then “Archive Recovery”. A window will appear. Although it allows you to select the archive type, this is not necessary. The program will determine this automatically. You only need to select a folder to save the information.

To do this, click “Browse” and specify the required folder. After that, click OK. A window will appear in which the archive recovery process will be displayed, the time of which depends on the contents of the archive and on the power of your computer. If the program manages to restore the archive, then after the process is complete, the bottom of the window will display “Done.”

Go to the folder you selected. Open the archive. Now it opens normally. You can open files both in the archive itself and extract their contents. The original name of the restored archive is changed. If necessary, you can rename it back. A damaged archive can be deleted from your computer's hard drive.

Various compression algorithms are used in almost all file types used by computer programs. However, there are specialized applications (archivers) whose purpose is to further reduce the size of any type of file. Windows OS components have built-in functions for working with files compressed by such programs, but their capabilities are limited.


If the compressed file is in zip format, then in the Windows operating system you can work with it as with a regular folder. Launch the standard file manager for this OS - Explorer. This can be done in a number of ways, the simplest of which is to press the win and e keys at the same time. Go through the folder tree in the left frame of Explorer to the directory where the compressed file is stored - you will see it in the left frame along with regular folders, but with a different icon. Click this icon, and Explorer will display the contents of the compressed archive in the right frame. Here you can view, copy and run files from the zip archive. If you need to have a greater choice of operations with files, then move them to a regular folder.

Windows cannot process other common compressed file formats (for example, rar and 7-zip), so it is better to additionally install a universal archiver program. Find an application that can pack and extract files from archives of the most popular compression formats. For example, this could be the free archiver 7-zip ( or the very popular today WINRar (

Use the Explorer context menu to compress and decompress files after installing the selected application - during installation, each of these programs adds the necessary functions to Explorer. To unpack the archive, as in the first step, you need to launch the file manager and go to the folder containing the compressed file. Then right-click it and select one of the file extraction commands. The wording of these points will depend on the selected program, but their meaning boils down to extracting compressed files into the current folder, into a folder that the archiver will create or the user will specify.

Video on the topic

When working with any version of MS Word, a nuisance may occur such as a file reading error when opening it. You will be notified of this by a pop-up window with a message indicating that the document cannot be read. But the document can be restored using the program itself.

MS Word has the ability to recover doc and rtf files. A reading error most often occurs when trying to open files that weigh more than 250 KB. As a rule, this occurs from a violation of the display of images or the general formatting of text in the document. To recover a file, you need to run the program and open the file, and not the other way around (open the program by running the file). In the window that opens, click the “File” menu and select the “Open” line or press the key combination Ctrl + O. In the dialog box that appears, find the damaged file, select it, but do not open it yet. Look at the “Open” button, it is double - on the right side there is a small button with a triangle. Click it and select “Open and restore”. The restored file will immediately open in the program window. The “Show corrections” block will display all changes that were replaced by reading errors. It may happen that there will be several saved copies in the left pane (the document was saved often). Click each copy in turn, save the best option by pressing the key combination Ctrl + S (the window with saved copies will close automatically). If you chose the full configuration when installing the Microsoft Office software package, MS Word includes the “Text Recovery Converter” utility. In the main program window, press the key combination Ctrl + O to open. From the drop-down list, select “Recover text from any file.” Save the recovered file and open it again. In some cases, the opening goes as planned, otherwise the message “The table in the document is damaged” will appear on the screen. To restore it, open the top menu “Table”, select the “Convert” section, select the “Table to text” option. Click the Convert to Text line and click OK.

Video on the topic


  • Restoring a damaged book

Creating archived folders can free up a lot of free space on your hard drive. To record large files on various drives, multi-volume archives are usually created.

You will need

  • - 7-zip;
  • - WinRar.


To work with archives you must use certain programs. If you are working with a .rar archive, download and install the WinRar utility. When working with .zip and .7z files, use the 7-zip program. Download the selected program from the site or Be sure to select the version that is intended for installation on the operating system you are using.

After the program installation is complete, restart your computer. Open Windows Explorer. Copy all archive elements to a random folder. Remember that absolutely all parts of a multi-volume archive must be located in this directory.

Now double click on the first volume of the archive. This file must be assigned a double type, for After performing these operations, a window will appear with the inscription “Collect “archive name” and all other parts into a directory. Select the folder in which the collected archive will be placed. Click the Ok button and wait for the running procedure to complete.

Open the specified folder and find the final archive file. Right-click on it and select “Unpack”. Select the folder into which the archive files will be unpacked. In the “Overwrite” menu, check the box next to “With confirmation.” Enter the password if the archive has been protected. Click Ok and wait for the files to unpack.

Open the specified folder and make sure that all data has been successfully unpacked. To work with multi-volume archives without using these utilities, use the Total Commander program. It is worth noting that older versions of this utility may not support working with the relatively new 7z type.

Rar is a compressed file format of one of the most popular archive programs, WinRAR. By default, during the creation process, the application adds additional information to each such file, which, in the event of damage to the archive, makes it possible to restore it. This operation does not give a 100% result, but it is still worth a try.

Quite often problems arise when opening archives downloaded from the Internet.

When you open downloaded files, you receive an error message that may look like: “Unexpected end of archive or unknown format,” “wrong file format or wrong size,” or a message indicating that the archive is damaged.

There are several reasons for such errors, and let's look at them.

The most common reason is that the file download failed and the archive file was not completely downloaded to the computer.

What specific failure occurred is not important, since there can be a thousand reasons: it could be temporary problems on the site on which the downloaded file is located, problems on the side of the provider through which you access the Internet, or something happened on your computer that affected to the file upload process...

In general, it doesn’t matter what happened, it is important that in this case the solution to the problem is to re-download the archive file.

Well, in order to prevent such damage again, I recommend using download manager programs, like Download Master, writes Andrey Sukhov. Firstly, such programs allow you to somewhat reduce the download time, and secondly, as a rule, they allow you to return to downloading the file later, and even temporary problems with the Internet in this case will not lead to damage to the archive file, and you can easily download it later unzip.

The next common reason for such errors may be an older version of the archiver installed on your computer. Go to the official website of the archiver you use and download the latest version. I have already repeatedly encountered the fact that installing a more recent version of the WinRar archiver on my computer solved these problems. I think the situation may be similar with other archivers.

Well, we also shouldn’t forget about another reason for such problems. If you download a file from a file hosting service, then there is a possibility (albeit small) that this file is already on the file hosting service in a damaged state. In this case, there is hardly anything you can do except contact the creator of the file, which is not always possible.

In general, if you download an archive of a program from the official website of the developer and the problems described above arise, then, firstly, make sure that the size of the downloaded file matches the original (the file size is usually indicated on the page from where you download it) and , if this is not the case, then download the file again. Well, if re-downloading does not help, then update the archiver program.

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