How to connect speakers from a music center to a computer without a center? How to connect a music center to a computer You can connect a music center to a computer.

Often, computer speakers or laptop speakers do not reproduce sound in the desired quality, so many people use a music center to enjoy high-quality sound. However, it requires the constant purchase of disks or the connection of a flash drive. To avoid this, you can connect it directly to your PC and listen to music without restrictions.

First of all, you need to make sure that your center has such a function. It's called AUX. Without it, you will not be able to play sound from a computer.

REFERENCE! Connecting a music device to your computer also allows you to listen to the radio.

An equally important component is a special network cable - 2RCA-mini jack (popularly it is often called a tulip for its appearance similar to a flower). It can be either purchased at the store or made with your own hands if you have the appropriate skills. A regular cable is inexpensive, so if you do not have its components, you should not deal with it. self-manufacturing. Sometimes such a tulip comes immediately complete with a music center.

  1. Diameter. Different models have ports of a certain diameter, so before going to the store, you need to check the size. This can be done both in the device documentation and according to the characteristics of the model on the Internet.
  2. Cord length. In order not to find yourself in a situation where, with a direct connection, there is not enough cable length, it is best to calculate it in advance.
  3. Gold spray. It is believed that such plugs conduct sound better. However, this difference can only be felt on professional equipment, so if you have the most ordinary speakers, you should not waste your money.

IMPORTANT! Do not connect computer speakers directly to the center - this can lead to a short circuit in the wires, as well as damage to both devices.

If the length of the purchased cable is insufficient, you can use an additional adapter. However, do not get carried away with such lengthening of wires: the more joints, the worse the quality.

How to connect a music center: instructions

Connecting a music center to a computer is not difficult. Anyone can do this by following a simple algorithm of actions:

IMPORTANT! It is recommended to place the connected equipment as close as possible to each other in order to avoid long wires. If this is not possible, then you should hide the cable behind the furniture or even under the baseboard. This will protect you from accidents, and the wire from damage.

  • turn on devices;
  • select "AUX" on the music center - a mode that allows sound transmission from one device to another;
  • on the computer, if necessary, install the appropriate drivers (if they are not included in the configuration of the music center, you can find suitable ones on the Internet);
  • on the computer, go to the sound settings (Start, Settings, Control Panel) and select "Speakers" or "Subwoofer" as the playback (output) device;
  • do a test.

Connecting the computer and the center will not take much time, but it will allow you to listen to any music in high-quality sound without rewriting to discs and flash drives.

Many of us often wonder how to connect a music center to a computer. After all, the use of this device for listening to music is very practical. A music library is available for you, located on disks, downloaded from certain Internet sites, as well as radio. After all, if you just use headphones or some external speakers for your computer, you won’t be able to feel the fullness and richness of a high-quality recording. Therefore, true music lovers always try to connect the music center to the computer.

In order to do this, you will need a tulip cord (connects the speakers from the music center to the computer, and also connects the music center to the desktop). In shops and markets, it is simply called "tulip". You can buy it in any specialized store (computer, household appliances, radio and power tools, musical, etc.), as well as in conventional and radio markets.

In order to make the right purchase, you must know the model of your center, since the connectors of this cord will be selected specifically for the dimensions of your musical equipment.

If you are interested in how to connect a music center to a computer, then you should not follow the advice of some sellers and connect speakers directly to a PC. Insert one end of your "tulip" into the input connector, which is located in the music center (it is original for each manufacturer, and its location will depend on the device of a particular model).

The second end of this cord will have a standard connector, the so-called "jack". For you to understand what is at stake, pay attention to the headphone jack, computer speakers, etc. In order to understand how to connect a music center to a computer, you must find a special output jack for speakers or headphones. That's where you need to insert this tulip jack. When you do this, the integrated acoustic elements will automatically turn off.

Your next step after you have connected the music center to your computer is to select a certain option in the center menu, which will allow you to play the sound stream from the connected devices. This is basically the same button that turns on the sound of the connected TV. That's it, now you know how to connect a music center to a computer. You can enjoy your favorite songs!

Finally, I want to draw your attention to the fact that some sellers will recommend that you purchase an improved "tulip" with gold plating. They will say that it will allow you to play music without any unnecessary noise. These cords will be significantly more expensive than regular cords. And although this gold plating will really have a good effect on the sound quality, you are unlikely to be able to feel this difference at home. After all, this is possible only with the help of special professional equipment. Therefore, if you are not a DJ or a professional sound engineer, you will not need this.

How to connect a music center to a computer?

Personal Computer- a thing, of course, universal. But for those who like to listen to music in excellent quality, simple speakers will not bring the usual pleasure. And if you have a music center, you can use it to improve your PC. So, we will tell you whether the music center can be connected to a computer, and we will also explain how to do it correctly.

If you want to achieve incredible acoustic sound of a file played on a PC, try connecting a music center on your own. This is easy to do, even for a beginner. You will have to connect both objects - the computer and the center - using a special 2RCA-mini jack 3.5 mm cord. In fact, at one end of the cable there is such a familiar 3.5 mm mini-jack plug, which is used to connect headphones. Its other end ends with two "tulips" 2RCA white and red. By the way, if you have soldering skills, if you have the source material, it will not be difficult to create a cord to connect the music center to your computer.

So, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Tulips are connected to the AUX connector, which is located on the rear panel of the center. It looks like two holes, white and red.
  2. Then we connect the second end of the cord to the green speaker output connector on the panel of your PC.
  3. It remains only to transfer your music center to AUX mode and enjoy the purity of sound.

Can I connect speakers from a music center to a computer?

If you have speakers from a music center, it may be quite reasonable to use them instead of a small-sized pair that reproduces sound of low power and poor quality, but without the central unit itself. But here comes the difficulty. The fact is, in the block there is an amplifier that feeds the speakers. And the power figures sound card your computer is most likely not enough for them to work. Moreover, such a direct connection may damage the sound card.

Therefore, connecting speakers from a music center to a computer is likely to be done if you manage to find a suitable board or a small amplifier. But here pay attention to the fact that the power of the speakers in no case exceeds this characteristic of the amplifier. By the way, those who are fond of electronics can solder such a device themselves. Accordingly, to connect the PC and the amplifier, you will need the same 2RCA-mini jack 3.5 mm cable, which was discussed above.

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How to connect a music center to a computer or laptop

Many users are wondering how to connect a music center to a computer. This is due to the fact that the acoustic system itself is practically of no value today. After all, to listen to songs at the center, you need to use a disk or flash drive. A computer connected to the Internet allows you to listen to any music, as well as watch movies. The musical apparatus in this scheme will be an excellent conductor for sounds.

It is also interesting that with the help of the center you can enjoy a full-fledged radio broadcast without using headphones. Yes, and the dynamics of a musical instrument, for the most part, are much better than many speakers.

Choosing a cord

Connecting the music center to the computer should start with the purchase of a cord. This wire is popularly called a tulip, as it has a branching similar to a flower:

  1. It is used to transfer sound from one source to another. You can buy it at an electronics or radio store.
  2. To buy a network cable, you need to know the brand and model of your devices (both computer and music center), since different equipment requires different plugs in diameter.
  3. Do not listen to those who advise you to connect the speakers from the music center to the computer directly. So you can close all the wiring and damage not only the speakers, but also the PC itself.

When choosing a cord in the store, make sure that it has a normal length. Remember how far your acoustic monster is from your computer, and figure out how much cable you need.

Connection instructions

Please note that with this wire you can connect both a laptop and a desktop computer to the music center. Both there and there it is necessary to use a special plug, which is commonly called a "jack":

  1. So, after we figured out the purchase of the wire, carefully take it out of the package and straighten it. Working with a twisted cord is quite inconvenient.
  2. Now we insert one end of the cable into the connector on the music center. Depending on the manufacturer, the entrance may be located in different places. Carefully inspect the device to find it.
  3. We attach the second end of the cord to the computer. This plug will have a standard size so you can easily figure it out.
  4. To connect an acoustic device to a computer, you need to find a headphone jack on the rear panel of the system unit. It is in it that our "jack" is inserted. After you insert the cable into the socket, the system will automatically turn off.
  5. After that, you need to set up the music center. In order for the sound to start playing through it, you should select the “aux” item in the settings. The same option is used for sound transmission when the device is connected to the TV. The aux mode allows you to redirect audio from one device to another.

Connection diagram via mini jack

Another point worth knowing about is that when buying a tulip, you will be offered gold-plated models. It is believed that they convey the sound better. This is true, but it’s almost impossible to catch such a difference at home. To do this, you will have to connect the cord to professional equipment.

Making a tulip with your own hands

Adapters for connecting one technique to another are quite inexpensive. But there are situations when you don't feel like going to the store or you just love to tinker with electronics. In this case, you can make a cable to connect the computer and the music center yourself. To do this, do the following manipulations:

  1. Take a regular headphone wire with a standard plug and remove the insulation from it.
  2. After that, it is necessary to twist the copper wires into a tight bundle.
  3. Now we wind one end of the wire to the audio input. Of course, it is best to solder the parts.
  4. Next, the contacts at the center and the other end of the wire are connected.
  5. After that, we connect the metal and plastic parts with electrical tape.
  6. Such a cord can be connected not only to a computer, but also to a phone or tablet.

Of course, such a system is imperfect and its implementation will require a lot of material that is difficult to find in the home of an ordinary person. Therefore, it is easier to buy a cable.

When using a headphone cord, you should arm yourself with a lighter and singe the ends of the wire. So you remove the insulation and get rid of unnecessary hairs that will interfere with your work.


Using a music center as speakers for a computer is very reasonable and practical. Firstly, the speakers of the device transmit sound much better than most computer ones, and secondly, in this case, your center will not gather dust on the shelf. After all, with the advent of the Internet, listening to music on disks has become impractical.

How to connect the music center to a TV, computer, laptop and other devices + video

Music centers appeared on the market in the early 1990s. These were powerful sound machines with a radio, cassette deck and CD drives. Despite the fact that cassettes are no longer available for sale, and CDs are rapidly going out of fashion, the music center has not become outdated even today: a high-quality amplifier with speakers may well sound both a formal evening and a wild party. How to properly connect the music center to a computer, TV or laptop?

What is a music center

As a rule, a music center is understood as devices combined in one case for reproducing sound from different sources, as well as an amplifier. Cassette decks and CD drives are a thing of the past, but power amplifiers and speakers continue to improve. Large speakers, which today are equipped with music centers, operate in the power range from 90 to 150 W and satisfy the requirements of the most demanding music lover. The frequency range of the emitters has significantly expanded, their acoustic characteristics have reached perfection. That is why many seek to connect other home equipment to the music center - a TV, computer, DVD player.

Modern music center controlled by phone

The old centers, released 10–20 years ago, did not stand aside. It is easy to connect a tablet, phone or laptop to the music center through standard AUX, line-in or microphone inputs. Your favorite music will sound in the apartment, in the office or in the country. Switching is usually not a big problem. It is only necessary to observe accuracy and the simplest safety rules. Consider the most commonly used in practice ways to connect to the music center.

How to output computer sound from a laptop

Most "computer" speakers are no different high quality sound, and the built-in "tweeters" of the laptop are designed to play system sounds. To enjoy the movie, enjoy your favorite compositions or multimedia presentation, it is better to output the sound card signal to the music center.

To connect a computer to the music center, you will need a special cable, at one end of which a 3.5 mm Jack connector is installed, and at the other end - two RCA ("tulip") connectors, usually white and red. The connection principle is that the line input of the music center is connected to the line output of the computer's sound card. To do this, a 3.5 mm Jack plug is inserted into a jack on the computer (usually green), and two tulip connectors are inserted into the corresponding sockets on the body of the music center. In most devices, the line input needs to be activated - turn on the LINE-IN or AUX mode, check according to the instructions of the center.

RCA-Jack adapter connects music center and computer

If the music center does not have an RCA line input, a cable with two identical 3.5 mm Jack connectors at the ends will help connect it to the computer. Such a wire connects the output of the sound card of a computer or laptop to the Jack socket on the front panel of the music center, marked as AUX, or IN. When switching, it is recommended to turn off both devices.

Both the main and auxiliary line inputs must be activated in order for sound to be sent to the amplifier. Check according to the instructions for your center.

Video: connecting an audio system to a computer

How to amplify TV sound

For ten years the main federal channels have been broadcasting in stereo. To make your favorite series sound brighter, it is recommended to connect a TV to the music center. Depending on the TV receiver model, you will need an RCA-RCA, RCA-Jack or Jack-Jack cable. To connect the TV to the music center, you must:

  1. Turn off the TV and music center.
  2. Find the AUDIO-IN connectors on the TV, pick up the adapter.
  3. Connect the cable at one end to the TV.
  4. Plug RCA "tulips" into the music center.
  5. Route the cable carefully.
  6. Turn on appliances.
  7. Activate the line input of the center.
  8. Check for sound.

Most TV models have RCA line outputs labeled AUDIO-OUT. If no such connectors are found, sound can be output through the headphone port - the Jack jack is often located on the front of the TV. Please note that the sound volume in this case will depend on the setting of the control on the TV.

How to listen to music from a smartphone on the music center

The music recorded in the smartphone will sound in its entirety if the signal is output to the speakers of the music center.

Traditional wired phone connection

Absolutely all phones have only one sound output - to the headphones. To connect devices, you need a Jack-RCA cable. A single 3.5 mm Jack plug is inserted into the jack on the phone. And two RCA "tulips" on the other end of the cord are connected to the line input of the music center. When you turn it on for the first time, it is recommended to reduce the sound level to a minimum.

Modern alternatives: wireless connection via bluetooth (Bluetooth) or Wi-Fi

On some newer generation stereo systems, telephone connection is made using wireless connection, it can be "bluetooth" (Bluetooth) or Wi-Fi. Some models are equipped with a telephone socket on the dashboard. The smartphone plays music and charges at the same time. The center together with it can work as an alarm clock.

Unfortunately, music centers with such a connector depend on the phone model - an Android phone cannot be connected to an iPhone device. And only manufacturers producing non-standard devices should be blamed for this. Detailed description the center's capabilities are given in the instruction manual.

Video: phone and music center

Connecting an electric guitar

Any guitar must be connected through a special amplifier, musicians call it "combo". Without it, the sound will be terrible - get a guitar amplifier so as not to torment yourself or others.

If the courier with the amplifier is stuck in a traffic jam, and you really want to try out the new Stratocaster, it is possible to connect the guitar to the music center. For this you should:

  1. Take an adapter from a large "jack" (6.35 mm) to "tulips" RCA.
  2. Insert a large "jack" into the guitar's pickup.
  3. Insert both "tulips" into the center line input so as not to think which column is correct.
  4. Turn the volume down in the center to the minimum.
  5. Activate the center line input if needed.
  6. Play a chord while turning up the volume.

The guitar is a monophonic instrument, so the sound will only come from one speaker.

The guitar is connected to the music center through the "amp"

How to make an MP3 player play through speakers

The portable MP3 player connects to the music center via the headphone output. To do this, you need an adapter from Jack 3.5 mm to RCA connectors. In addition, you can send a signal to the microphone input by connecting it to the audio output from the player.

MP3 player is inserted into the socket on the cover of the device

Video: how to output sound from an MP3 player

Is it possible to put a music center in the car

Those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel of a car tend to equip the car with a good audio system. There is no better companion than your favorite music. It is quite real to use the music center for this purpose. The only obstacle is the lack of AC voltage 220 V, from which the audio center usually works. For modern electronics, there are no barriers that cannot be overcome.

Attention! The use of unauthorized equipment in the machine can be dangerous. Fasten the case securely, never operate the audio system on the move.

Converters are commercially available that provide a transition from 12 volts to 220. The only thing to remember when using such a transformer to power the center is that when the engine is off, the battery is quickly discharged. As practice has shown, it is best to use the audio system while driving, when the engine and generator speeds exceed 2000 per minute.

Car current converter transforms 12V to 220V

How to install a subwoofer in a stereo system

Subwoofer - a special speaker that produces low-frequency sound waves in the range from 20 to 120 Hz. This acoustic device is often used in cars, it serves to reproduce low bass. Since there is no stereo effect at low frequencies, the sound is not localized, but this creates a unique sound atmosphere.

Subwoofer reproduces low and super low sound frequencies

If you want to upgrade the music center and connect a subwoofer to it, you need to read the center's instruction manual. Often on audio systems, a special output is installed, designated SUB. If there is no such output, the subwoofer can be connected to any line output. The circuit inside the device itself will “select” the sounds of those frequencies for which it is intended to be reproduced.

Active or passive subwoofer

Active subwoofer equipped with its own amplifier, it connects to the center line output. You can adjust the operating frequencies and volume on the instrument case. If the subwoofer is passive, then it is connected to the gap between the center output and the standard speakers. The passive version is not equipped with an amplifier and is quite sensitive to the location in the room. It cannot be placed in corners or niches, from this the sound becomes extremely booming.

Connecting a flash drive

Modern music centers of the new generation are all equipped with a USB port without exception. Through it, you can listen to audio recordings stored on storage devices such as "flash drives".

If the center is not the newest and there is no USB port in it, a regular car FM modulator, or transmitter, will help to get out of the situation. To do this, you need a small electric current transformer that converts a voltage of 220 watts into 12 watts. Usually it is made in the form of a car cigarette lighter. An FM transmitter with a USB input is connected to it. The tuner display shows the frequency at which the modulator broadcasts the converted signal.

Another option that will help to combine new technologies with the center, without a USB input, is to connect it to a computer through the “AUX IN” output, as described above. Each computer has several flash drive slots that can be used to play a sound signal. The playback quality with this connection will be much higher than when connecting a car FM modulator.

Video: how to connect an FM modulator

Connection of color and light music

A good addition to the music center is a color music device. Accompanying the sound range with the flickering of lamps of various colors creates a beautiful halo and an indescribable atmosphere. In order to connect a color and music setup to the center, you need to use an adapter cord equipped with an RSA or DIN plug. If a line-out connection is not available, you can modify the cord by creating a parallel connection to one of the channels.

Another way to connect light music is to connect directly to the speakers with crocodile clips. This method is possible if the cables from the center to the speakers are located in an accessible place. Otherwise, you will have to resort to soldering.

Lighting control device during the performance of a piece of music

There are also color and music installations equipped with a built-in microphone that "listens" to music and transmits its vibrations to the lamps. Such an installation does not need to be connected, it is enough to place it directly from the sound source and plug it into a power outlet.

Connecting a wired and wireless microphone

Many audio systems are equipped with a karaoke function. In order to use it, you need to connect a microphone to the center. This is done very simply: insert one end of the cord into the socket marked with the MIC symbol or the microphone icon.

Wireless microphone amplifier

There are also wireless models of microphones that give the performer greater freedom of movement. To connect to the same socket, you need to plug the line output of the receiving module, and insert power elements - batteries or an accumulator - into the microphone itself.

The range of such a microphone can reach from 10 to 50 meters.

The wireless microphone transmits the radio signal to the receiver

Connecting a turntable

It may seem strange, but today the trend has revived - the recording of musical works on vinyl discs. Players of "giant" records began to appear on sale, working on the basis of digital reproduction of analog sound recordings.

New generation digital players are compatible with all modern audio systems and computer equipment. Such a player is easily connected to the music center through the line input.

Digital turntable

Connecting old turntables to modern equipment is often technically difficult. To do this, you need to solder the connectors of the connecting cords, and the music center must have a line-in function.

Connecting a mixer

Among other things, the music center is able to work with a mixer. This makes it possible to adjust the sound according to the playback needs. For example, when combining playing the guitar with singing, it is necessary to adjust the strength of one or another sound stream.

Adjusts the intensity of sound streams

To make this possible, a microphone and a connector from the instrument are connected to the mixing console. Then the mixer is connected to the music center through the line input.

Depending on the model of the mixer and the rest of the audio equipment, the connection is made by various connecting cables, the description of which is given in the technical documentation.

Video: how to connect a mixer

Additional antenna for music center

One of the weak points of the first generation of music centers was antennas with low sensitivity. This was due to the fact that not in every outback of our vast Motherland there was a stable FM-range signal. Through trial and error, craftsmen found ways to improve signal reception, invented various types of antennas. In practice, a simple copper conductor up to 5 m long gives a good result. One end of such a cable is stripped and connected to the standard antenna jack, the other is laid along the wall.

One of the varieties of antennas for receiving a signal in the FM band

Another proven option is to make a copper frame with a side of 60–70 cm with your own hands. By experimenting, you can find the best place to place such an antenna.

There are also ready-made antennas produced by the industry - they can be bought at the store.

When connecting various acoustic devices to the music center, you must remember to follow the rules of personal safety. The main recommendation when connecting cables is to completely disconnect the devices from external power sources.

Connecting the music center to a computer

Setting up sound on a computer and choosing how to output it is a purely individual matter. And although the question of how to connect a music center to a computer can hardly be called common among music lovers, it arises for some users, and therefore requires permission.

What do you need to connect?

If you want to set up the sound on your computer and decide to try to output it to the music center, then you will need a 2RCA-mini jack wire, which will be used to connect the audio equipment to the computer. It looks like this:

You can buy a similar cable at any computer store or radio market. The cost of the simplest and most beautiful working wire does not exceed 200 rubles, so every owner of a computer and a music center can afford to buy it.

If you wish, you can solder the 2RCA-jack 3.5 wire yourself. However, given the cost of the wire in the store, it's easier to go out and buy one, providing yourself with a well-made cable that will transmit sound at an excellent level.

By the way, about the cost and stores. No need to buy expensive cables that are gold-plated or made using other technologies that improve sound. With a high degree of probability, you will not catch any difference in sound, since this requires not only a coated wire, but also more serious musical equipment than an ordinary center.

Connection and setup

If you have tried to connect speakers to a computer, then the process of connecting a music center is unlikely to be a discovery for you. Everything you need to connect with a cable the appropriate connectors of your audio equipment and PC or laptop.

The audio file running on the computer will start playing through the speakers of the connected equipment. No additional setup is required - you can just enjoy the music.

The music center can be used not only to listen to music, but also to watch movies on TVs. By connecting them to each other, you will improve the quality of sound and effects. How to connect the music center to the TV?

Connecting the music center to the TV

How to connect the music center correctly? This business will take a little of your time, and it does not require special skills.

  • The first step is to inspect the connectors on the equipment available in the house. Usually those that are designed to connect the player match the color of those on the music center. They should be used for sound transmission.
  • In the next step, you will need a special wire for audio. It will have RCA connectors, more popularly known as "tulips". If for some reason you do not know what they look like, ask the seller to advise you and suggest a suitable product. Be sure to pay attention to the length, it must be sufficient for connection.

  • Now we connect devices. You must first disconnect them from the network, then connect them with connectors by color.
  • The final step is to turn on both devices, after which you need to check for sound. Do not be surprised if it suddenly does not appear, since the music center must work in a certain mode - AUX. Switch it, then check. Now the TV speakers should not sound, but the speakers. You can enjoy high quality sound.

Usually the input you need on the TV is signed with the phrase AUDIO OUT, the inscription AUDIO IN flaunts in the center. Immediately pay attention to the inscriptions, so it will be easier to make the connection.

When purchasing the necessary wire in the store, look at the plug. On more expensive models, there is gold plating. It is believed to improve sound quality and connector life. But if you have an inexpensive music center, then you can also purchase a simple cord, you won’t notice much difference in sound.

If the TV does not suddenly show RCA connectors, but there is SCART, then you can find special adapters in stores.

It is possible to connect the music center to a computer - a good option if your PC has a good sound card. The tandem of these devices will provide you with positive impressions of your favorite tunes.

Playback through the music center is a great option that greatly outperforms TV sound quality. Such equipment shows itself much better than any individual budget speakers.

The choice of how to play your favorite music compositions for each person is an individual matter. In order to achieve high-quality sound, but at the same time save on the purchase of a good acoustic multimedia system, you should learn how to connect a music center to a computer.

Multimedia centers appeared on sale in the late 90s of the last century, today their popularity is rapidly fading. Connecting the laptop and multimedia system allows the user to expand functionality technology, listen to music not only from external media (disk, flash cards), but also from the Internet.

What is required to connect?

Most computer speakers and laptop speakers do not have the ability to reproduce high-quality and clear sound that will allow the user to enjoy listening to their favorite music, watching movies in HD quality or multimedia presentation.

To perform work on connecting acoustic equipment to a PC, a special adapter cable is required - a 2RCA mini jack cable, which is available in the assortment of almost any computer equipment or radio equipment store. Its cost is no more than 200-300 rubles.

A 3.5 mini-Jack is installed on one end of the adapter cord, and two RCAs (“tulips”) on the opposite end. The principle of switching two devices is to connect the line input of the multimedia system to the line output of the sound card of a laptop or laptop.

Attention! A self-soldered wire can be used to connect audio equipment and a PC. For this, a regular cord with a 3.5 headphone jack is suitable.

Connection and setup steps

After purchasing a special plug, you can start switching multimedia equipment and the system unit. Before connecting the music center to the computer, you need to check the integrity of the cable, for this you need to unpack it and carefully straighten it.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • one end of the adapter wire is inserted into the corresponding interface of the laptop unit located on the back side (the socket is usually green);
  • the other two ends of the cord (red and white tulips) are connected to the interfaces on the multimedia device;
  • the line input for some models of equipment will need to be activated by turning on the AUX or LINE-IN mode.

Note! If the multimedia equipment (system unit or laptop) does not have RCA connectors, then a cord with two 3.5 mm Jack connectors is required to connect two devices. When making a connection, it is recommended to turn off the power of both devices.

After connecting the equipment, it is worth setting up and checking for sound. Before turning on the music, you must completely turn down the volume and gradually increase it from the zero equalizer mark.

Today, advanced gold-plated adapter cords for high-quality audio signal transmission without extraneous interference are widely represented on sale. However, in order to save money, experienced specialists do not recommend purchasing them in stores, since their use is only advisable in conjunction with more serious equipment. In domestic conditions, the difference between a gold-plated wire and a conventional cable will be practically not noticeable.

Before buying a wire, it is worth considering the brand and model of the switched devices, since almost all equipment has connectors and plugs of various diameters. It is also not recommended to connect the loudspeakers directly to the power supply, as this may damage the wiring and software.

A personal computer is, of course, a universal thing. But for those who like to listen to music in excellent quality, simple speakers will not bring the usual pleasure. And if you have one, you can use it to improve your PC. So, we will tell you whether the music center can be connected to a computer, and we will also explain how to do it correctly.

How to connect a music center to a computer?

If you want to achieve incredible acoustic sound of a file played on a PC, try connecting a music center on your own. This is easy to do, even for a beginner. You will have to connect both objects - the computer and the center - using a special 2RCA-mini jack 3.5 mm cord. In fact, at one end of the cable there is such a familiar 3.5 mm mini-jack plug, which is used to connect headphones. Its other end ends with two "tulips" 2RCA white and red. By the way, if you have soldering skills, if you have the source material, it will not be difficult to create a cord to connect the music center to your computer.

So, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Tulips are connected to the AUX connector, which is located on the rear panel of the center. It looks like two holes, white and red.
  2. Then we connect the second end of the cord to the green speaker output connector on the panel of your PC.
  3. It remains only to transfer your music center to AUX mode and enjoy the purity of sound.

Can I connect speakers from a music center to a computer?

If you have speakers from a music center, it may be quite reasonable to use them instead of a small-sized pair that reproduces sound of low power and poor quality, but without the central unit itself. But here comes the difficulty. The fact is, in the block there is an amplifier that feeds the speakers. And indicators Your computer's sound card might not be powerful enough to run them. Moreover, such a direct connection may damage the sound card.

Therefore, connecting speakers from a music center to a computer is likely to be done if you manage to find a suitable board or a small amplifier. But here pay attention to the fact that the power of the speakers in no case exceeds this characteristic of the amplifier. By the way, those who are fond of electronics can solder such a device themselves. Accordingly, to connect the PC and the amplifier, you will need the same 2RCA-mini jack 3.5 mm cable, which was discussed above.
