How to change relationships in classmates. How to put marital status in classmates

Most simply want to advertise their legal relationship, some want to get rid of annoying admirers in this way. Here you will learn how to indicate relationship information on your page or cancel an already present marital status.

Ways to indicate your soulmate:

There are several options:

Option one.

Option one.

  1. Click on the link "Do you have significant other?”, which is located under your photo on the page in classmates.

3. After that, a list of yours is automatically provided, from which you can select one person.

4. Wait for the user to confirm with their consent that you really are a member relations.

  • Option two:
  1. You receive a notification that the user wants to add you as a friend.
  2. Confirm friendship, after which in the pop-up link you need to indicate who you are the owner of the account - a relative, employee or other. In your case you need put « significant other».

Today we will try to tell you about how you can put marital status on the social network classmates, how to do it from a computer and from a mobile phone (iPhone or android)

The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage between lovers in real life, it shows that a person is already tied by marriage. In social networks, the role of a wedding ring on the finger is played by the established family status in the user profile. Let's see how to put marital status on the Odnoklassniki website.

  1. We go to our page. In the header of the site, below the username, there are links to services, for example, to our feed, list of friends, photos, communities, etc. At the very end of the list there is an inscription “More”, hiding links to additional controls. We click on it.

  1. Opposite the item "Marital status" is the link "Specify", click on it.

To change the marital status in classmates, you must follow the same steps as for assigning marital status.

How to put marital status married or married in classmates

Now let's see how to put the marital status of married or married in classmates.

All of the above instructions are adapted exclusively for the computer version of the Odnoklassniki website.

How to put marital status in classmates from the phone

Owners of mobile devices need to switch to the full version. For this:

After switching to the full version of the site, we do everything that is written above.

Let's summarize our results. So, we learned how to assign marital status, change it, and also learned how to set marital status in classmates from the phone.

The main leitmotif of creating any social network is correspondence with other users. Of course, you can communicate not only with family, friends or acquaintances, dating is also practiced on the social network. Well, in order for the acquaintance to be successful, it is best to indicate as much information about yourself as possible. After all, you must admit that you immediately feel more confident when you know what your interlocutor has preferences, interests, hobbies. In the end, it is important to know what the marital status of the person you are going to meet.

As it turned out, not all participants in social networks know how to set marital status in Odnoklassniki. Usually this column is filled in at the stage of registering your page, but it is often supplemented in the process of using it. In any case, it is useful to know how to set or change the status of marital status, and I will now tell you exactly how this is done.

How to put marital status in Odnoklassniki

If you want to display your marital status on your page, it will look like this: at the top of your profile there will be an inscription that you are dating a specific person or are married. Accordingly, the name of your soul mate will look like an active link, after clicking on which you will be redirected to the page of this user.

I tell you how to put marital status in OK:

Why is it impossible to put the marital status

In some cases, the user is unable to set his marital status in Odnoklassniki. The fact is that the creators of this social network have made some adjustments in this regard. So, you cannot be in a relationship with a person of the same sex and persons under the age of 13, so for now in classmates you can only communicate, and much more, and you will have to demonstrate your affection in some other way. The ban also applies to those who want to be in a relationship with a blocked or deleted user.

I hope that in your case everything is in order with your soulmate, and even on social networks you will be able to show your loyalty and affection to your loved one!

Video to help

If your significant other is registered in Odnoklassniki, you can put a link to her (or him) on your page. It will look something like this: at the top of the profile there will be an inscription that you are dating so-and-so or married, depending on the status of your relationship. How to do it?

While in your profile, go to the "About Me" settings. To do this, in the horizontal menu, click on "More". This item is located next to "Gifts", "Games" and "Notes", to the right of all.

You will be taken to a page with personal information about you (name, year and date of birth, school, etc.) that you specified when registering on Odnoklassniki. You can do all this, but now you are interested in the link highlighted in orange "Soulmate". Click on it.

Select the status of your relationship. Please note that you can put the marital status "open (a) for communication" and "divorced (a)". But you probably don't need it now.

After choosing marital status, select a lover or husband from the list of your friends of the opposite sex, which will immediately appear.

When you find the right person, don't forget to click "Save".

Congratulations, now information about the second half will be visible on your page in Odnoklassniki. Friends and other guests will be able to view it if your profile on this social network is not .

In the modern world, it is quite difficult to do without communication, because there are more and more areas where high communication between employees is needed, this can be quite easily understood, because a person is a social being and without communication it is quite difficult for him. To solve this one problem, instant messengers, social networks and forums were created immediately after the creation of the Internet. This article will discuss how to set marital status in Odnoklassniki from any of your devices.

A few words about the desire of people to communicate

Since primitive times, people have sought to reduce their loneliness, which is the negative side of our intellect. Of course, a person may well live alone, but such behavior entails a number of psychological disorders that are difficult to get rid of. A person feels lonely and useless, even if the day is without the joy of communication. Some people, out of desperation, get pets for themselves, giving all their warmth only to them, in return for receiving loyalty and reliability.

Times are changing, now people are able to communicate with each other, while being in different countries. The Internet has solved many human problems, including the lack of communication with distant loved ones. Some people live a full life on social networks, so the purpose of this article is to clearly explain how to put marital status on Odnoklassniki. This article also explains how to set marital status through your smartphone.

How to set marital status in Odnoklassniki: married

To begin with, you will need to coordinate this action with another person, because not everyone may like that you want to make another network user your husband in Odnoklassniki. Think carefully about all the facts, only after that you can create family ties on a social network, because there have been many cases when people even came from another city in order to clarify everything with a person to whom they have a lot of questions regarding marital status on a social network.

Instructions on how to set marital status in Odnoklassniki via a computer:

  1. Launch the browser in which you are authorized under the desired page in Odnoklassniki.
  2. On the main page, various elements will be placed at the top, among which “More”, you must select the “About Me” item.
  3. When you go to the “About Me” page, many functions will open, among which you can specify your marital status. If your loved one is also registered in Odnoklassniki, then you can also specify a link to him there.

How to put marital status in Odnoklassniki via phone?

Not many now have a PC and high-speed Internet access. Some experts argue that over time, tablets and phones will displace computers from the leading positions in visiting Internet pages.

How to correctly set marital status in Odnoklassniki through a mobile application:

  1. Turn on the most convenient browser available on your smartphone, then log in to the Odnoklassniki website.
  2. Unfortunately, this feature is still under development for mobile applications, so click on the panel at the top left, then at the very end select the "Full version of the site" item.
  3. Go, as in the case of creating a marital status, in the “About Me” item, everything will be exactly the same as in the regular version of the Odnoklassniki website.
  4. Put marital status.


We hope that this article helped you in solving the problem of how to put marital status in Odnoklassniki. A similar method is also suitable for other social networks of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, for example, for Vkontakte.
