Gps coordinates on Google map. How to enter coordinates into Yandex navigator

Google maps: search by coordinates. So let's get started. The first thing you need to do is go to the Google maps website. To do this, go to link, or go to and go to maps there by clicking on the menu icon in the upper right corner and selecting "Maps":

After going to Google maps, you can start searching for a place by coordinates. Just copy the coordinates you need and paste them into the search bar on the site. All you have to do is click on the search button:

In the example, the coordinates of the Eiffel Tower were used.
You can also simply enter the coordinates you need by hand, Google will still understand:

For example, when entering two coordinates 0 and 0 separated by commas, it showed the point that is located at the intersection of the equator and the prime meridian.
There are also a few rules worth mentioning:
1 - latitude is indicated first, and then longitude
2 - you need to separate decimal values ​​with a period, not a comma (incorrect option: 50.56948, 29.59211. Correct option: 89.39281, 65.59684)
3 - for latitude you need to use a range of values ​​from -90 to 90
4 - for longitude you need to use a value range from -180 to 180 degrees
Another way to search by coordinates is to simply enter them into the Google search bar, after analyzing your request, the system will understand that you entered the coordinates. After which the search engine will display your point on the map before the result links:

It is also worth noting that using the Google maps service, you can not only search by coordinates, but also do the opposite, that is, use maps to find out the coordinates of a particular place. All you need to do is open the Google page, go to the Maps application and then click anywhere on the map, you can also use the search. After which, a marker will appear on the maps, and at the bottom of the window the name of the place where the marker is located and its coordinates will be displayed:

That's all, now you can find any place knowing its coordinates, and vice versa, find out the coordinates of any place in the world.

Hello, dear friends of the portal site!

Tool - determination of geographical coordinates on a Google Maps map of a city, street, house, in real time. How to determine coordinates by address - latitude and longitude on the map, convenient search by coordinates in Google (Google Maps). A world map with coordinates (longitude and latitude) will allow you to find any address using already known parameters, calculate the distance between two cities/points online

Fill out the Google Maps search form - enter the city, street, house number. Enter the name of any geographical feature separated by a space. Or move the marker to the desired location yourself and search (click “Find”) using the coordinates of the object on the Google map. A similar search has already been used when searching in . Use the change in the scale of the diagram (the desired scale will appear in the third field from the top) to take a closer look at the location of the house on the street.

As you may have noticed, when you move a label on the diagram, the geographical parameters change. We get a kind of map with latitudes and longitudes. Previously, we have already worked on determining coordinates on the Yandex map

Using the reverse method, everyone will be able to search by coordinates in Google using known parameters. Instead of the geographical name of the object, we fill out the search form with known coordinates. The service will determine and show on the map the exact geographical location of the street or area.

Interesting places in Google Maps - online secrets from satellite

Knowing the address of any city in the world, the latitude and longitude of Washington and Santiago, Beijing and Moscow can be easily determined. accessible to both city guests and local residents. We are sure that you have already been able to master this tool on the page; by default, the map shows the center of the capital of Russia - the city of Moscow. Find your latitude and longitude on the map at the address.

We propose to find out the secrets of the Google Maps service online. The satellite will not fly past interesting historical places, each of which is popular in a certain part of the globe.

Below you can see for yourself that these interesting places on earth deserve special attention. And the Google Maps Sputnik service is happy to offer you to find and see the most famous geographical secrets of the world. We believe that residents of the Samara region will also be interested. They already know what it looks like.

You do not need to determine their geographic coordinates and search for the necessary Google maps service. Just copy any parameters from the list below - latitude and longitude (CTRL+C).

For example, we will watch from a satellite (switch to the “Satellite” scheme type) the largest stadium in the world and Brazil - Maracana (Rio de Janeiro, Maracana). Copy the latitude and longitude from the list below:


Paste it into the search form of the Google Maps service (CTRL+V). All that remains is to start the search for the object itself. A mark with the exact location of the coordinates will appear on the diagram. We remind you that you must activate the “Satellite” scheme type. Everyone will choose a scale +/- that is convenient for themselves in order to better see the stadium in Brazil

Thank you to Google Maps for the data you provided.

Cartographic data of cities in Russia, Ukraine and the world

Mapping services on the Internet are becoming increasingly popular among network users and various mobile applications. Such resources are created in order to quickly find a city, country, street, and determine the coordinates of a populated area. In this regard, global search engines, for example, Yandex and Google, are releasing online and offline applications that allow you to search by coordinates on the map. By entering latitude and longitude data into the required line, a person is able to accurately determine where the desired object is located.

How to find out and enter the coordinates of a place

The user must download a map of the desired country or region to a computer, laptop or gadget. Searching for coordinates and entering them to determine the location is carried out as follows:

  • Open the search bar on the map.
  • Select an option from the proposed categories - “food”, “hotels”, “transport”, “attractions”, “shop”, “ATM”, “parking”, etc.
  • Select the desired query option to determine the coordinates. First, the address. Here you enter the city, street, house number. Secondly, the name of the place. Thirdly, any keyword. The search bar will suggest possible words.
  • Select “coordinates” in the search bar and click “show on map”. The desired object will be reflected on the map.

It often happens that you need to find the location of a particular object in another country. In this case, the user first selects the country, and then searches for the location.

Determining the coordinates of an object is very simple. Having found a place on the map, the user clicks on it and looks at the bottom of the screen. The exact coordinates of the location will be indicated there. The information received is expressed in several formats:

  • In decimal degrees – 21.40043, 2.1235.
  • In degrees and decimal minutes – 41 24.2028.
  • In degrees, minutes and seconds – 28°29’12.2″N 5°12’20.5″E.

You need to enter the existing coordinates into online maps correctly:

  • The Latin letter d is replaced by a degree symbol.
  • Use dots rather than commas to separate coordinates.
  • First enter the latitude and then the longitude.
  • Latitude is indicated in values ​​from -90 degrees to 90 degrees.
  • Longitude is indicated in the range from -180 degrees to 180 degrees.

The Google Maps service allows you to find a place on the map not only by keywords, but also directly by GPS coordinates. This is convenient if your navigator is not connected to your computer, but you need to show a fragment of the map on a large screen.


  • Go to the following website:
  • On a navigator or phone with a built-in navigation receiver, find an item in the menu that allows you to display digital coordinate values ​​(longitude and latitude). For example, in Nokia devices the location of this item may be as follows: “Applications” - “Location” - “GPS Data” - “Position”. Wait until the device finds a signal from the satellites and calculates the coordinates. If this does not happen, and you are indoors, hold the navigator or phone to the window.
  • In the search bar of the Google Maps service, enter the coordinates in the following format: -aaa.aaaaaaaa, -bbb.bbbbbbbb, where [-] is an optional minus (indicate it only if it is in the original), aaa.aaaaaaaa is longitude ( two or three characters before the dot, five to eight characters after the dot), bbb.bbbbbbbb - latitude (in the same format).
  • Please note: the integer and fractional parts are separated from each other by a dot, and longitude from latitude by a comma. There should be no space before or after the period, no space before the comma, and no space after the comma. Enter longitude before latitude. If the navigator has an English interface, the word longitude means longitude, and latitude means latitude.
  • Click on the blue button with a magnifying glass located next to the search bar. You can press the Enter key on your keyboard instead. On the left you will see information about the object located at the point you specified (street, city, country), and on the right - a fragment of the map. The object itself will be indicated by an inverted red drop with the letter A in the middle.
  • If necessary, adjust the scale using the plus and minus on-screen buttons. To see a satellite image of the area, switch the map to Satellite or Hybrid mode. If you don't see anything, zoom out. Airplane imagery is available for some locations. They are more detailed than satellite ones.
  • There are many good cartographic resources on the global Internet that allow you to explore a particular area on a map, and, if necessary, see what it looks like from a bird’s eye view thanks to satellite images. Many of them allow you to determine the coordinates of a point on the map due to the fact that they can work with geographic coordinates. They help to determine the location of an object on the globe as accurately as possible, regardless of whether you are looking for it through - on the globe or on a website on the Internet. One of the most popular cartographic resources in Russia, Yandex.Maps, also perfectly understands coordinates and supports working with them.

    Let's first define what geographic coordinates are. They look simple, like two numbers. In fact, these are two special angular quantities - latitude And longitude. Northern latitude is designated by the letter N for “Nord” (North), southern latitude is designated by S for South (South). The longitude can also be eastern E from “East” (East) or western - “W” from “West”. It is by them that today the position of objects on the surface of the planet is determined. Usually they are presented in the form of degrees, but in principle they can also be indicated in fractions. If you know the latitude and longitude of the desired point, then it will be easy to find it either on Yandex.Maps or on Google Maps.

    How to determine the coordinates of a point

    To find the longitude and latitude of the point you need in Yandex Maps, just find it on the map and left-click on it. A tooltip appears with the name of the geographic feature. The required numbers will be displayed at the bottom of it. Let me give you an example: I’m looking for the coordinates of the Oleg Yankovsky park in Saratov. Having found it, I click the mouse and see a hint:

    Below the hint text are two numbers. Latitude comes first: 51.533689. The second is longitude: 46.002794.

    As you can see, Yandex.Maps even make it possible to build a route from any place to the coordinates of the desired location.

    How to enter coordinates to find a point

    In the service, the opposite action is also possible - searching for a point using the entered coordinates. To do this, you need to enter latitude and longitude in the search bar, and enter geographic coordinates in Yandex. Maps need to be in this order - first latitude, then longitude. This is an international format that is accepted and used everywhere, including in Google Maps and GPS navigators.

    For example, let's search for the landing site of the first cosmonaut, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Its coordinates are 51.27168N,46.11656E. Enter them into the search bar:

    We press the find button and... here it is - the landing place on the map:

    Yandex Maps will help you find the point and mark it with a red marker. All the necessary information will be displayed in a separate window. If necessary, the service also makes it possible to build a route here or send a point to the Yandex.Navigator application on your phone or tablet.
