Google cloud print. How to use Google Cloud Print? Google Cloud Print - The Easiest Way to Print (Beginner's Guide) Google Cloud Print

In this post, I will show you how to set up the Google Cloud Print service on Windows 10. This is the fastest way to print your documents, especially if you don’t want to set up a network printer and you decide to use a connection to your friend’s printer via Google Print. In fact, you can print files from Kyiv to Paris if you have access to a printer or if you have been granted this access.

Cloud printing is one of those software technologies that makes you ask yourself the question: “Why wasn’t this available years ago?” This technology helps me print documents from home on my work printer in case I need to do so. Or I don’t have to bother with connecting a network printer, but just ask a colleague or friend to give access to the printer via Google Print.

How to set up Google Cloud Print?

To do this you will need a Windows computer, a Google account, Google Chrome, download Google Cloud Print Service and Google Cloud Print Driver (a driver that will help you add a cloud printer to the Windows default printer list).

1. Install Google Cloud Print Service

This is the first step to make sure that the service works on Windows 10. Let's go to the download page and run the installation kit. After which the program will be automatically installed and all the files necessary for the cloud printing system will be located on your PC.

2. Launch Google Cloud Print Service

This step looks simple, but it actually gave me a bit of a headache with the login process.

first of all you need to find the newly installed service in start menu V Recently in the added section.

Once you run the application you will get the following window where you have to login but for your computer account not to your Google account.

If you can't log in, you should be aware of what password to enter... This is the password you enter when logging into Windows 10. Some users use a Microsoft account to log in, other users create an offline (local) user account.

3. Add local printers

Next, you need to log into your Google account which you will use for service, and after that you will receive a message in the Chrome browser asking for adding local printers to Google Cloud.

That's about it for connecting your standard printers to your Google account.

Now if you are on another computer and logged into Chrome, you need to log into your Google account, you can print the file directly from Chrome as in the image below.

The only thing to note is that if the device that is used to add local Cloud Print printers does not have power supply and is not connected to a PC with the Internet, you will not be able to print, in which case the device will appear in offline mode.

Now if you want to use Google Cloud Print service as a native printer in Windows 10 not just from chrome browser you need to download and install Google Cloud Print Driver

This driver makes life much easier as it allows you to print from any program directly to a cloud printer.

Google Cloud Print is a service that allows you to print documents from any device connected to the Internet. It sends print jobs from computers, smartphones or tablets to printers with an Internet connection. With this service, users can easily find printers and print documents from their devices without having to go through complex setup or driver installations.

Below is a general diagram of how Google Cloud Print works. When people in your organization schedule a print job, Virtual Printer routes it to the printer of choice and formats it appropriately. Printers that support cloud printing are ideal for working with Virtual Print. However, you can integrate it into almost any printing infrastructure by installing a special connector.

The settings you select depend on the specifications of your printer.

Step 3: Set up devices (optional)

Android devices. To set up Virtual Printer on your Android device, download the application from the Google Play Store.

Windows: To send a print job directly from Chrome or an app on your Windows PC, install Google Cloud Print.

Important Windows Driver Notes

  • The Windows driver requires the Chrome browser. If it is not installed on your computer, the Chrome installer will be added to the Virtual Printer download package.
  • The Windows driver does not currently support multiple sign-on. To access the printer from another account, the user must log out of the current account and log in to the desired one.
  • Each user must install the driver on their computer. You can't simply share a virtual printer like a regular printer.
  • After selecting the "Print" command, the user must configure print settings in the resulting Virtual Printer dialog box, even if the settings are set to default.

To begin with, it must be said that google cloud print, released by the world-famous Google corporation, is new software with which printing devices connect to the World Wide Web.

Thus, if other similar programs allow you to save certain text documents in various types of formats, then Google makes it possible to provide access to your device to other users. This is very convenient, for example, if one of your employees is on a business trip, he can directly send the necessary files to your printer, which will immediately print them. To print using a virtual Google printer, you can use not only a PC, but also any gadget that has an Internet connection, for example, a regular smartphone.

Thus, correctly installed and properly configured google cloud print is an excellent assistant not only for home use, but also for various organizations. In addition, Google Virtual Printer has excellent compatibility with any modern models of printing office equipment. But to make the work more efficient, it is recommended to use models that support such printing.

So, to install Google printer you need a printing device that supports printing from the cloud. Such devices are an ideal choice for working with Google Virtual Printer. Setting them up does not require a personal computer. Such printers connect to the World Wide Web and link to a Google account in a matter of seconds.

If you have a regular printer model connected via USB to a PC, and you decide to install google cloud print on it, then first create an account with Google and download the browser of this corporation. After that, do all of the following:

  • To solve the problem of how to set up Google Cloud Print, open the Chrome browser and go through the main menu to the browser settings.
  • Find the login section and log in, then click on “Show all settings” at the bottom of the window.
  • In the drop-down list, find the section associated with Google Cloud Print and click on “Configure”.
  • Once on the page called “Devices”, click on “Add Printers”.
  • In the window that opens, you will be asked to add all the physical printers connected to your PC to Google.
  • If necessary, you can configure access settings for your printer by going to the page “” in your browser. There you can delete, rename, add and view the print queue.

Some applications supported by Google Printer

If you have already installed google cloud print and it is working normally for you, then please note that the list of applications it currently supports consists of several dozen. One of the most popular among them is the Chrome browser. If you are interested in the answer to a question like “how to use Google Cloud Print,” then simply launch this browser and, by pressing the Ctrl+P key combination, select printing using google cloud print from the “Target Printer” list.

Among devices running Android OS, we can highlight a special Cloud Print application. Using it, you can send commands to print certain documents directly from your smartphone, as well as attached files, e-mail messages, etc. In addition, Google Cloud Print is compatible with Easy Print, Cloud Printer, PrinterShareTM Mobile Print and some other Android applications.

Among iOS devices, Google's printer is supported on PrintCentral Pro. This application is designed specifically to enable the use of printing from various services. It will allow you to print attached files, e-mails, SMS messages, etc.

Printers that support cloud printing

The list of devices that support Google Printer is quite large. For example, this includes about two hundred models of printing devices that have the HP ePrint function. Therefore, if when you purchase a printer you notice the Google or ePrint logo on it, then it is compatible with this service.

In addition, all Kodak Verite devices support Google Print. There are several Epson models that support cloud printing - they connect to Google Virtual Device automatically. This can also include printers that support Google printer. In general, the list of devices designed for printing that are compatible with Google is quite extensive.

How to print a document from a computer that is not connected directly to a printer or to a local network with one? This can be done through Internet using any method of sending a document file to a computer with a connected printer - via email, cloud storage, instant messenger and other Internet communication channels. Of course, this is an option for one-time cases, and you won’t be able to streamline work even in a small organization this way.

Printing a document will require the constant participation of the user who is directly at the computer with a connected printer. Every time he needs to accept the document, open it and send it to print. How to make it so that a user of a computer remote from the printer can do without the participation of a person who is located next to the printer? To make it possible to print documents on remote printers located anywhere in the world where there is Internet, Google once created a special service -. We will discuss the operation of this service below.

1. About the service

So, this is a remote printing service from the largest Internet search engine. If you link one or another printer to your service account, you can send documents to it via the Internet from any device that supports working with the service. And these are computers based Windows And MacOS, Chromebook-devices, smartphones and tablets based on Android, and iOS-gadgets. To use the capabilities of the Google Cloud Print service, you will need a Google account - a single profile for all Google services used (YouTube, Gmail, etc.) , and also the browser Google Chrome . The latter plays the main role in setting up a remote printing service: namely Chrome provides the implementation of a virtual printer connector on a computer with a connected physical printer. The connector, in turn, detects physical printers configured in the system and is responsible for sending remote documents for printing.

Remote printing on a computer with a connected printer does not require constant activity. Chrome, the browser may be closed, it is enough to have it running in the background. On remote devices from which data will be sent for printing, certain software must also be installed. But, we will understand everything step by step.

2. Adding a virtual printer

To use the capabilities of the Google Cloud Print service, the first thing you need to do is link a physical printer connected to devices based on Google to your Google account. MacOS, Windows or Chromebook. Launch the browser on any of these devices Chrome and log in using your account Google. This is done either in the browser settings or in the tab "Services".

In the settings search field, enter the initial letters of the request "virtual". After filtering we will see the settings section. Press the button.

A list of all devices listed in the operating system as printers will appear. In our case, adding a printer is done in the system Windows, therefore together with the real Canon MFP virtual technologies are also displayed Microsoft. They are not needed, uncheck them and leave only the real physical printer. In our case, as we see in the screenshot below, this is Canon MP160 . So that in the future all printers connected to this computer will automatically be linked to this Google account and can be used for remote printing using virtual printer technology, you can check the box automatic printer registration . As a result, we press .

Using this link we will go to your service account . In the future, you can get into it by entering the name of the service in any search engine and clicking on the button to go inside your account on its home page.

3. Web interface of the service

User account "Virtual printer" is arranged according to the principle of accounts for other Google services. The section displays all connected to the account physical printers. Here you can manage them, in particular, delete unnecessary ones, and provide shared access to those you need, so that this or that printer can be used by other users through their Google-accounts.

Each physical printer is assigned to only one Google account - the user who first added it in Chrome settings. And the sharing feature is the only way to remotely use the same printer from different Google accounts.

You can track and manage the progress of remote printing in the account section. Here for all jobs sent for printing will be displayed document's name, remote printer, task completion status. Cancel remote printing by selecting the desired job and pressing the button "Delete".

4. Sending to remote printing from Windows devices

So, we’ve figured out what is needed for remote printing on computers directly connected to the printer, now let’s talk about remote devices from which Internet The data will be sent for printing. On devices with MacOS Only the contents of browser web pages where the button is implemented can be sent to remote printing "Seal" with a picture of the service. But in Windows OS You can print remotely using the service any data– even from a page in the browser, even from a locally stored document opened inside Windows-programs. Virtual printer support at the system level is provided by a special driver. The driver installer is available for free on the same service website. On the service’s home page, go to the section, then in the list of supported devices we look for Windows-devices and download from the link installer drivers.

We install the driver into the system as a regular program. The driver is compatible with all versions of Windows, including the newest 10.

Another prerequisite for Windows devices is the presence of an authorized browser. Google Chrome. You must log in to the browser, respectively, from the account to which the desired physical printer is linked.

We check that the virtual printer is specified in the print settings.

After sending the document for printing, a tab will open Chrome, where you need to indicate the required remote printer.

Before directly printing data, you can apply the parameters offered by the service to it - specify number of copies, paper size, expose colored or black and white printing, etc.

5. Sending for remote printing from smartphones and tablets

Google's virtual printer technology allows for remote printing from mobile devicessmartphones And tablets on the base Android And iOS. To send data for printing from Android-devices must be installed from Google Play application is the official client of the service. For iOS-devices there is an application PrintCentral Pro, it has remote printing via Google Cloud Print is provided along with support for other technologies. Accordingly, you must log in to the applications using the Google account to which the physical printer was linked.

Removing the printer is done, as mentioned, in web-service interface. This can also be done in the settings Chrome in the reverse way of adding a printer. Go to the virtual printer settings section.

And press the button printer removal .

After removal, the printer can be connected to another account Google.

In the last article, we figured out that using a virtual PDF printer you can print (read create) PDF documents from any program. Google has gone further and implemented the ability to print from any device (desktop computer, laptop, phone, tablet) from anywhere in the world (where there is Internet) on your (and not only your) printing device.

I’ll show you below how this all works using the example of personal computers.

If your device supports printing from the cloud, then everything should be simple. We set up according to the instructions, which you can take.

If you have a simple printer that is connected to your computer via USB, for example, then you will need:

Launch Google Chrome, open the main menu and select “Settings”.

In the settings, in the “Login” section, go to your Google account.

Go down to the bottom of the window and click “Show all settings”.

Find the section “Gogle Virtual Printer”. Click “Configure”.

We get to the “Devices” page. Click “Add Printers”.

A page will open on which we will be asked to add printers connected to this computer to Google. If you have several connected devices, you can add not all of them by unchecking the checkboxes.

The device has been added to Google. To see how it is there in the cloud, click “Manage Printers”.
On the page

you can add, delete, rename, view the print queue and share.

I tried to go to this page in another browser and add a printing device - nothing worked. Requires Google Chrome.


Let's go here

At the top, select the “Supported Applications” section and select (try, test) applications.

For example, you need to print from another computer. Follow the link " Google Cloud Print Driver for Windows«.

I tried downloading the driver through Internet Explorer - nothing worked.

Download Google Cloud Print.

We accept the terms and download the installer.

Run the downloaded file and the installation will take place automatically.

Now, when printing from any program, you will be able to specify “Google Cloud Printer”. Install and click “Print”.

Select the desired printer.

Set the parameters and click “Print”.

Submitted print jobs can be viewed here

As I understand it, if the computer with the printing device is turned on and has access to the Internet, the job will be printed immediately. Otherwise it will be placed in a queue.


Print from anywhere and from any device with pleasure.
