Where can I make a hat? How to make a header for YouTube yourself with minimal effort

Before you make a hat for, it’s worth getting acquainted with the basic design methods.

The owner of a profile on a popular service can do all the work independently - find a ready-made version on the Internet or edit a suitable image using a graphics editor or a special service.

If you can’t solve the problem on your own, you can turn to professional designers and illustrators.

Editing a Layout

To create your own image that will become the channel header, you can use professional editors like (although most of them are paid).

Although, if there is no need to work with layers, ordinary programs are also suitable, with less functionality, but with a more understandable interface.

The process of creating a header for a channel consists of approximately the following steps:

  • Finding a suitable background.
  • Crop the image to fit the header.
  • Adding information is usually textual, although it is possible to add other images and photos, and even create collages.

You can select a suitable background using search engines or, as well as special resources.

The main requirement for pictures is that they must be at least 2560x1440 pixels in size.

This format is standard for YouTube headers - and reducing an image without losing quality is much easier than enlarging it.

Search for a ready-made hat

The second option involves downloading a ready-made header - trimmed and practically prepared for installation on YouTube.

All the user needs is to replace the caption on the image with the name of their channel. The advantage of this method is that it saves time - you can select a suitable picture on the desired topic and change the text within a few minutes.

The disadvantage of downloading ready-made templates is considered to be the low uniqueness of the resulting header.

The same picture has most likely already been installed on their channels by dozens or hundreds of other users.

In addition, an already cropped image is more difficult to edit than a larger blank (for example, such a header cannot be cropped differently).

To work with such a resource, you will also first have to register.

After this, you can place requests, indicating the requirements for the header and the amount offered for the work.

You can estimate the cost of an image by viewing similar offers on the same exchange.

Installing a header on a channel

Installing a picture is unlikely to take the user more than 15-20 minutes - even if he has to crop and edit the image.

In order for the downloaded, created or purchased image to appear in the channel header perform the following actions:

  • Choose to open the file on your computer and open the image.

will see the header set by the owner of this profile.

It is possible that the first time the picture will not turn out exactly as the owner expected to see it.

Especially if he made it himself and has never designed a channel before. However, it is not difficult to correct the situation - changing the image will help.


Creating a header for your channel is not a difficult task and, one might even say, interesting.

In the process of searching and editing images, the user can gain several useful skills that will be useful not only for creating a profile.

If you don’t have the time or experience to do such work, you can entrust it to other people - although you will have to pay for such a service.

If you want to learn how to make a header for a Youtube channel then this article is for you. We'll tell you in detail and provide cool hat templates.

The header on a YouTube channel is the first thing a person sees when he enters the channel. Therefore, a bright and memorable hat is simply necessary. But how to make a really cool hat. Here are a couple of useful tips.

How to make a header for a Youtube channel?

First you need to choose what should be depicted on the header. Usually they post something there that somehow shows the theme of the channel. For example, if the channel is a gaming one, then some kind of gaming motif or a collage of frames from different games would be perfect. If the channel is culinary, then you can place products or ready-made dishes on the header. In general, the idea is clear, I think.

Once we have decided what to depict there, we either select ready-made pieces of images on the Internet and any available sources, or we draw everything ourselves. This is a creative process and anyone can use the software they like. The most popular graphics editor is Photoshop. But you can do without it.

What size is the header for a YouTube channel?

It is very important to make the image the right size so that it displays beautifully. The main area where the information is placed should be clearly in the middle of the entire design. The maximum size of the entire image is 2560 * 1440 pixels. However, the part of the design that will be visible on PCs or mobile devices is only 2560 * 423 pixels. This zone should be located exactly in the middle.

The rest of the image can be decorated with a single color fill in the color of the main image. Or you can extend the main part of the header, but you need to keep in mind that this will only be visible on TVs.

In this case, the image should be no more than 4 MB.

Several examples of headers for a YouTube channel

The header image is the detail with which Youtube users associate a particular channel. You can make it yourself from scratch or using special templates.

Creating a header manually yourself: sequence

  • On the existing channel, you need to find and click the “Add channel design” button.
  • After moving to a new page, select “Recommendations for choosing a design” from the menu. In this section you can find a special template that will clearly mark areas that are displayed differently on different devices. This file needs to be downloaded and then opened in Photoshop.
  • After the graphic editor opens, you need to set the background transparency to no more than 40%.
  • Then press the “Window”, “Layers” and “Background” keys in sequence; double-click on the third item. As a result, the base of the layer will be created, which will subsequently become the background. You can design it yourself, or download a ready-made one.
  • When choosing the first option, you can experiment with colors, gradient fills, transparency and create a unique, original background.
  • Then you need to create another layer. To do this, download the picture you like and use the Ctrl+T combination to transfer it to the program as a new background.
  • Using a tool called “Horizontal Text”, the name that the channel will bear is written into the picture.

Create headers for Youtube channel using templates

  • In this case, you will not need to create layers and edit them. You just need to choose the template you like and download it. He will determine the required resolution himself.
  • The inscription on the template will need to be done using the same Photoshop program and the “Horizontal Text” tool.

A few important points when creating a header on Youtube

  • The image resolution should not be less than 2,560 x 1,440 pixels. This is because the picture is visible differently on different devices.
  • The main image, which is visible on the channel cover, is the most suitable place to place the title - this is an area of ​​​​1,546 x 423 pixels.
  • On tablets, the area is visible at a resolution of 1,855 x 423 pixels.
  • On computer monitors, the main visible field is 2,560 x 423 pixels.
  • On high-resolution TV screens, the entire image is visible.
  • The size of the selected image must not exceed 2 MB.
  • The drawing format must be saved in .jpg format.
  • It is better not to choose pictures that were used in advertising or presentation materials of large campaigns - this is a violation of copyright. It is quite likely that a complaint will be filed and subsequent penalties for violating them.
  • The original design of the channel always attracts more users and remains in the memory for a long time.

The design of the channel header is one of the important aspects of attracting new viewers. Using such a banner, you can notify about the video release schedule and entice them to subscribe. You don't need to be a designer or have any special talent to design a hat beautifully. One installed program and minimal computer skills are enough to make a beautiful channel header.

Of course, you can use any other graphic editor, and the process itself will not differ much from that shown in this article. For a visual example, we will use the popular program Photoshop. The creation process can be divided into several points, following which you will be able to create a beautiful header for your channel.

Step 1: Selecting an image and creating blanks

First of all, you need to choose an image that will serve as a header. You can order it from a designer, draw it yourself, or simply download it from the Internet. Please note, in order to weed out low-quality images, when making a request, indicate in the line that you are looking for HD images. Now let’s prepare the program for work and make certain preparations:

Now you can start loading and processing the main image.

Step 2: Working with the main image, processing

First we need to remove the sheet in the cage, since we will no longer need it. To do this, select its layer with the right mouse button and click "Delete".

Move the main image onto the canvas and edit its size along the borders.

To avoid sharp transitions from the image to the background, take a soft brush and reduce the opacity by 10-15 percent.

Process the image along the contours with the color with which the background is painted and which is the main color of your picture. This is necessary so that when watching your channel on TV there is no sharp transition, but a smooth transition to the background is displayed.

Step 3: Adding Text

Now you need to add captions to your header. This could be a video release schedule, a title, or a request for a subscription. Do it at your discretion. You can add text as follows:

You can edit the placement of a font by simply holding it with the left mouse button and moving it to the desired location.

Step 4: Save and Add a YouTube Header

Don’t forget to check how the finished result will look on a computer and mobile devices so that there are no mistakes later.

Now you have a channel banner that can display the theme of your videos, attract new viewers and subscribers, and will also notify you about the release schedule of new videos if you indicate this in the image.

Hello, dear readers of my blog. Artem Gubtor is in touch and today we will talk about how to make a header for YouTube in Photoshop. I’ll tell you how you can draw it yourself or place an order for a designer.

In addition, I have prepared a ready-made template with markup for the YouTube header in PSD format and a selection with backgrounds, ready-made templates and clip-arts.


Let's first figure out why a channel header on YouTube is needed, how it affects promotion, what meaning it carries and what should be depicted on the channel header.

A YouTube channel looks more professional, expensive and high quality if it is designed correctly. Perhaps this is the main element of graphics that creates the first impression and makes the appearance better. Without a header, the channel looks sparse, unfinished, and as if the creator of the channel couldn’t care less. But the channel should inspire trust from the first seconds.

If you are developing your own channel or vlog, then do not hesitate to put your photo on the cover. After all, this way you will better improve your personal brand, and this will be another plus to gaining the trust of viewers. Plus, you will be better remembered.
Otherwise, if the goal is not to promote your own brand, and in general this project has no face, then it is worth placing a logo, name and a short (but succinct) description of the YouTube channel. The description should make it clear what the channel is about and what benefits subscribers can get from it.

The main thing is, don’t try to do everything perfectly, otherwise you’ll never get started. Make your first background, and over time you can edit it or replace it completely. If you are not a designer, I recommend that in the future (when the channel brings in money) you order professional design. And it's inexpensive.

How to make a header for YouTube?

What size is needed for a channel header? YouTube itself recommends a size of 2560 x 1440 pixels. You can post an image in a different format, but the quality will suffer. So it’s better to take the recommended values ​​or a prepared PSD template.

It is also worth mentioning the weight of the image; it should be up to 4 MB.
Look at the template for the YouTube header, created in Photoshop.

Blue stripes are markings specifically to help you determine which part of the header will be displayed on different screens, from TV to phone. If the markup is in the way, press the key combination ctrl + H and it will disappear.

  2. Download ready-made headers for the youtube channel
  3. Download the archive with backgrounds for the YouTube header

This kit makes creating a hat much easier. Open the template for Photoshop, insert your background, picture, logo. Add a caption.

Save it as png or jpg and the header is ready.

Sizes for youtube header

YouTube tells us that the image should be 2560x1440 px in size and weigh no more than 2 MB.

This is the standard hat format and you need to move on from it.

IMPORTANT! All users have different devices and the size of the hat is adjusted to them. This must be taken into account so that important elements are not cut off.

What header sizes are displayed on the YouTube channel depending on the device:

  • 2560x1440 px - huge screens with Retina resolution (TVs);
  • 2560x423 px – header sizes for widescreen monitors;
  • 1855x423 px - laptop and tablet monitors;
  • 1546x423 px - dimensions for mobile devices.

Luckily, you don't have to make a hat to fit each device separately.
Just take the PSD template I wrote about above. It is already marked with a grid for different sizes.

Make the hat adaptable to all popular sizes

Where to look for pictures for the header?

The first thing that immediately comes to mind is Yandex and Google images. This is a treasure trove of ready-made, high-quality photos. But often, due to their availability, they are too hackneyed.
Therefore, I recommend surfing photo stocks to get high-quality images.

Here is a cool selection of such sites:
Here is a small list of photo stocks:

By the way, here's a little hint for you. When searching for images, immediately set the “large” parameter to immediately cut off what does not suit you.

When should you contact a designer?

In principle, I am always in favor of everyone minding their own business. If you are not comfortable with Photoshop or another graphic editor, or you simply have no sense of taste (like me), order the creation of a header for yotube from a designer.

On the freelance exchange they will make you a luxurious design for 500-2000 rubles. and all your wishes will be taken into account.
Finally, the background card for our channel is ready. All that remains is to install it.

How to set a background for a YouTube channel?

Step 1: Log in to the desired channel. Move your mouse over the area intended for the background image and click on the pencil at the top right.
Click “Change channel design.”

Step 2. Drag the template you created into the new window or select it from a folder on your computer.

Step 4. Click the “Select” button and the background header will load.

Me too on your channel I made a simple hat. Write in the comments what you think.

This setup is just one step in creating a channel on yotube, and we got it done. Subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss new features of working on the Internet.
