How to open xap file on windows phone. Opening XAP files

As you know, the Windows Phone 8 operating system is closed, as a result of which the user cannot install hacked applications or games. No problem, there is a Windows Phone 8 SDK software set for this.

Below we will look at a couple of ways to install files with the extension .har on Windows Phone 8 smartphones.

Method No. 1 (Application Deployment)

  • To begin with, the Windows Phone 8 SDK package must be installed on your personal computer. If you have not installed it yet or do not know how to do it, we recommend reading the instructions and downloading the package from the links below.
  • After installing the software, connect your WP smartphone to your personal computer using a USB cable.
  • In the lower left corner of the computer screen, click on the button start , then to point all programs (in Windows 8 instead of all programs icon ->), in the window that opens we find the folder Windows Phone SDK 8.0 , click on it and open the application called Application Deployment .

  • As an example, let's take one of the most popular games for Windows Phone devices - har-file of which can be downloaded from our website.
  • When Application Deployment starts from the menu target , select the item Device (device) is your smartphone connected to the PC.
  • On the menu XAP file , after pressing the button review , we find the Zombie Derby game file that you downloaded from our website as an example. The file on your computer will have the following name: zombie-derby.xap.
  • After you have indicated the location of the file to the program, click on the button Expand .

  • Within approximately 30-60 seconds, the program will install the game on your smartphone.

  • When the installation is successful, the message will appear XAP file deployment complete. Congratulations, you can now safely disconnect your device from your computer and enjoy the installed game on your smartphone.

Note: There are cases when installing har files, it throws an error - Failed to carry out Rdeploying a XAP file. If this happens to you too often or you just can’t install the game you want, then we’ll learn how to install it another way.

Method No. 2 (Windows Phone Power Tools)

  • The second method will use a program with similar functions - Windows Phone Power Tools. Download it from the direct link:

Download Windows Phone Power Tools

  • It is packed into an archive, after unpacking, run the file WindowsPhonePowerTools.exe .
  • Just like in the first method, we connect the smartphone using a cable to the PC, then in the running program, click on the button Connect .

Note: The smartphone screen must always be unlocked.

  • Now, for example, let’s download a useful application
  • In the Power Tools program, click on the button Browse (review), and are looking for a file to install on a smartphone.
  • After selecting the file, click on the button Install .
  • During the application installation process, Power Tools may not respond and the button Install it will be gray - so everyone, it’s okay, a little patience.

  • When the application is successfully installed on your device, the button Install will turn white. Installation is complete. Turn off your smartphone and use the installed application.

Conclusion: As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the programs that we have reviewed. You only need a little attention and consistency in the described actions. There may be other errors during the installation process; if so, write in the comments and we’ll try to figure it out together.

Are you having trouble opening .XAP files? We collect information about file formats and can explain what XAP files are. Additionally, we recommend programs that are most suitable for opening or converting such files.

What is the .XAP file format used for?

Home Extension Association .xap belongs to the Microsoft Windows Phone Application Package (XAP) file format and type. Windows Phone is a proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft (MS) for its mobile devices, including its top-of-the-line Nokia Lumia smartphones. Windows Phone apps purchased and/or downloaded from the official Windows Phone Store are typically delivered as XAP packages.

File .xap is a digitally signed compressed (ZIP) archive that contains the application and its resources, including DLLs. Generally, you cannot install a third-party application in the form of an XAP package on a Windows Phone device unless it has been downloaded from the official store under the appropriate user account.

On PC, XAPs are handled by MS's Zune app to manage content and sync with Windows Phone devices. In addition to Zune, there are several known ways to install third-party software on Windows Phone devices, but most of these methods require the so-called procedure. "jailbreak" (jail-break, unlocking) in order to bypass DRM, which may be considered illegal. On those Windows Phone devices that support the installation of third-party or proprietary software in student or developer mode, only two XAP packages can be legally installed.

In addition, the extension .xap also denotes the Microsoft (MS) Silverlight Application Package (XAP) file format/type. MS Silverlight is a proprietary, cross-platform, multi-format content delivery technology that (similar to Adobe Flash technology) provides a media streaming and web application environment.

Silverlight package ( .xap) is a compressed ZIP archive containing the Silverlight application and its associated resources. XAP applications are hosted on Silverlight-enabled web servers, and in order to view or run Silverlight content in a web browser, client-side Silverlight support (a plugin) is required.

Finally, the expansion .xap may be found in association with the Microsoft XACT Project (XAP) file type and format. XACT (Xbox Audio Cross Platform Tool) is a proprietary technology and content development framework for Microsoft's Xbox video game consoles. XACT has been discontinued in MS Windows.

Programs for opening or converting XAP files

You can open XAP files with the following programs: 

XAP File Summary

According to our records, there are two file type(s) associated with the XAP extension, the most popular of which is formatted as XACT Project. The most common connected application is Microsoft XACT, released Microsoft Corporation. Additionally, two different programs allow you to view these files. These files are classified into Developer Files or Executable Files. The main part of the files belongs to Developer Files.

The XAP file extension is supported by Windows, Mac and Linux. These file types can be found primarily on desktop computers and some mobile devices. These files have a "Low" popularity rating and are not commonly used.

For detailed information about XAP files and the programs that open them, see below. Additionally, the following also provides easy troubleshooting steps to help you open your XAP file.

Popularity of file types
File Rank


This file type is still relevant and is actively used by developers and application software. Although the original software of this file type may be overshadowed by a newer version (eg Excel 97 vs Office 365), this file type is still actively supported by the current version of the software. This process of interacting with an old operating system or outdated version of software is also known as " backward compatibility».

File status
Page Last updated

XAP File Types

XAP Core File Association

The XAP file contains an intermediate form of the information obtained by XACT. It includes complete descriptions of wave banks, sound banks, and global settings.

Other XAP file associations

A file associated with Microsoft Silverlight as part of an application for writing and running rich Internet applications. XAP Application Package file is used for Microsoft Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 mobile applications.

Try a universal file viewer

In addition to the products listed above, we suggest you try a universal file viewer like FileViewPro. The tool can open over 200 different file types, providing editing functionality for most of them.

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Troubleshooting problems opening XAP files

Common problems opening XAP files

Microsoft XACT is not installed

By double clicking on the XAP file you can see a system dialog box telling you "This file type cannot be opened". In this case, it is usually due to the fact that Microsoft XACT for %%os%% is not installed on your computer. Since your operating system doesn't know what to do with this file, you won't be able to open it by double-clicking on it.

Advice: If you know of another program that can open the XAP file, you can try opening the file by selecting that application from the list of possible programs.

The wrong version of Microsoft XACT is installed

In some cases, you may have a newer (or older) version of the XACT Project file, not supported by the installed version of the application. If you do not have the correct version of the Microsoft XACT Software (or any of the other programs listed above), you may need to download a different version of the Software or one of the other application software listed above. This problem most often occurs when working in an older version of the application software With file created in a newer version, which the old version cannot recognize.

Advice: You can sometimes get a general idea of ​​the version of a XAP file by right-clicking the file and then selecting Properties (Windows) or Get Info (Mac OSX).

Summary: In any case, most problems that occur while opening XAP files are due to not having the correct application software installed on your computer.

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Other causes of problems opening XAP files

Even if you already have Microsoft XACT or other XAP-related software installed on your computer, you may still encounter problems while opening XACT Project files. If you are still having problems opening XAP files, it may be due to other problems preventing these files from being opened. Such problems include (presented in order from most to least common):

  • Incorrect links to XAP files in the Windows registry (“phone book” of the Windows operating system)
  • Accidental deletion of description XAP file in the Windows registry
  • Incomplete or incorrect installation application software associated with the XAP format
  • File corruption XAP (problems with the XACT Project file itself)
  • XAP infection malware
  • Damaged or outdated device drivers hardware associated with the XAP file
  • Lack of sufficient system resources on the computer to open the XACT Project format

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Photographers have a long list of file formats to choose from, but when they want the vast amount of image information to be included in their photos, RAW is the option to choose from.

How to fix problems opening XAP files

If you have installed on your computer antivirus program Can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure it is highlighted file my-file.xap, then you need to right-click on this file and select the option in the file menu "scan with AVG". When you select this option, AVG Antivirus will open and scan the file for viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. This may interfere with your operating system associate your XAP file with the correct application tool, influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling Microsoft XACT may solve your problem by properly linking XAP with Microsoft XACT. In other cases, problems with file associations may result from bad software programming developer and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating Microsoft XACT to the latest version to ensure you have the latest patches and updates.

This may seem too obvious, but often The XAP file itself may be causing the problem. If you received a file via an email attachment or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (such as a power outage or other reason), the file may become damaged. If possible, try getting a new copy of the XAP file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A damaged file can cause collateral damage to previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is important to keep your computer up-to-date with an up-to-date antivirus.

If your XAP file related to the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on successfully opening the hardware inside the computer, e.g. sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open a XAP file you receive .SYS file error message, the problem could probably be associated with corrupted or outdated device drivers that need to be updated. This process can be made easier by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps do not solve the problem and you are still having problems opening XAP files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of XAP files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory/RAM, processing power) to properly open on your computer. This problem is quite common if you are using fairly old computer hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer is having difficulty keeping up with a task because the operating system (and other services running in the background) may consume too many resources to open the XAP file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening XACT Project. Freeing up all available resources on your computer will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the XAP file.

If you completed all the steps described above and your XAP file still won't open, you may need to run equipment update. In most cases, even when using older versions of hardware, the processing power can still be more than sufficient for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work, such as 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling, or intensive multimedia work) . Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(commonly called "RAM" or random access memory) to perform the task of opening a file.

Try refreshing your memory to see if this helps open the XAP file. Today, memory upgrades are quite affordable and very easy to install, even for the average computer user. As a bonus, you you'll probably see a nice performance boost while your computer performs other tasks.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | License | Privacy Policy | Terms |

Almost completely closed structure. There are often messages on the Internet that Microsoft and completely prohibited any penetration of third-party executive files onto a smartphone, bypassing the official Windows Phone Store. In reality this is not entirely true. Without doubt, Windows Phone seriously inferior to competitive operating systems in the number of available applications, so the easiest way is to turn to To the store to purchase them. But what if you already have a game or program with an extension? XAP and it must be installed at all costs? We offer a way out of the situation in a few steps of our small and very simple instructions.

Preparing a mobile device with Windows Phone to install applications without going through the Market:

1. Any further steps assume that you have a registered account. Microsoft Live ID. Therefore, if you have not done this yet, then go through the official procedure creating an account.

2. To enable the ability to install external XAP files in Windows Phone, we need software Microsoft Windows Phone SDK(). With its help, the operating system should perceive us as a developer when working with applications in the XAP format. One of the important requirements and, accordingly, limitations of the SDK for a computer is Must have a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or Windows 8, as well as at least 4 GB of total RAM and a constant connection to the Internet to resume downloading system files.

Download SDK 7.1 to work with Windows Phone 7.
Download SDK 8.0 to work with Windows Phone 8/8.1.

3. Run the installation file of the downloaded package SDK and follow the installer’s instructions, accepting the license terms. To avoid compatibility problems, it is recommended to select the standard location path (on the system drive). During installation, additional files will be downloaded from the Internet. When finished, reboot Windows.

4. We connect the smartphone to the computer where the SDK package was installed via a USB cable to register it in the “” program - it comes with the SDK. We launch it from the “Start” menu with the communicator screen turned on/unlocked (this is a prerequisite), press the button “ Register" in the window that appears and log into your account Microsoft Live ID by entering your username and password (from step 1).

5. If everything went well, then the program Windows Phone Developer Registration will notify you in the same window that the phone has completed unlocking for testing applications. This means that the SDK and device registration have been fixed and your smartphone is now ready to install XAP files.

6. To use standard SDK tools for installing external applications, you need to connect your smartphone to a computer with the SDK installed with the screen unlocked and run the program Application Deployment from the Start menu. The purpose of the download is your communicator, indicate the address of the XAP file and press the button " Expand" When completed, the message “ XAP file deployment complete" This means you can disconnect your phone from your computer and launch a new application.

7. But there are often cases when a third-party program or game is not supported by Application Deployment or errors occur during installation using a standard tool. Then let's use another method using Windows Phone Power Tools- separate development for working with XAP files.

Download Windows Phone Power Tools For Windows 8/8.1 x64.

8. Run the executive file Windows Phone Power Tools when the smartphone is connected to the computer via USB and the screen is unlocked. If you did everything correctly, the program will report “ Launch Elevated” and will offer to connect to your phone.

9. Next, we will be asked to select the location of the XAP file (field “ XAP Path" and the "Browse" button). Select, click " Install" and wait for the application installation process to complete until the " Install» will not become active again.

Additional Information

So, we figured out how to install applications in Windows Phone, bypassing the official Windows Phone Store in a completely legal way - using a set of developer tools. You can install no more than 10 third party apps at one time. This is exactly how current versions of games and programs for the mobile operating system are tested. Microsoft. However, there is another very complex and very questionable method of installing applications in Windows Phone via Chinese service Aiyingyong. We can simply mention it as an alternative solution if you do not have Windows 7/8/8.1 x64 and 4 GB of RAM.

HAR file summary

HAR files are associated with two file type(s) and can be viewed using e-Sword, developed Rick Meyers. In general, this format is associated with two existing application(s) software(s). They usually have the format E-Sword Harmony Resource File. Most HAR files are related to Data Files.

The HAR file extension is supported by Windows, Mac and iPhone OS. These file types can be found primarily on desktop computers and some mobile devices. The popularity rating of HAR files is "Low", which means that these files are rarely found.

Interested in learning more about the HAR file extension? To learn about the program that opens HAR files, as well as other troubleshooting tips, it is recommended that you refer to the file details provided below.

Popularity of file types
File Rank


This file type is still relevant and is actively used by developers and application software. Although the original software of this file type may be overshadowed by a newer version (eg Excel 97 vs Office 365), this file type is still actively supported by the current version of the software. This process of interacting with an old operating system or outdated version of software is also known as " backward compatibility».

File status
Page Last updated

HAR file types

HAR Master File Association

The HAR file is a harmony resource file used for the Bible study of the Electronic Swordsman software developed by Rick Meyers.

Associations of other HAR files

Try a universal file viewer

In addition to the products listed above, we suggest you try a universal file viewer like FileViewPro. The tool can open over 200 different file types, providing editing functionality for most of them.

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Troubleshooting problems opening HAR files

Common problems opening HAR files

e-Sword is not installed

By double clicking on the HAR file you can see a system dialog box telling you "This file type cannot be opened". In this case, it is usually due to the fact that e-Sword for %%os%% is not installed on your computer. Since your operating system doesn't know what to do with this file, you won't be able to open it by double-clicking on it.

Advice: If you know of another program that can open the HAR file, you can try opening the file by selecting that application from the list of possible programs.

The wrong version of e-Sword is installed

In some cases, you may have a newer (or older) version of the E-Sword Harmony Resource File, not supported by the installed version of the application. If you do not have the correct version of the e-Sword software (or any of the other programs listed above), you may need to download a different version of the software or one of the other software applications listed above. This problem most often occurs when working in an older version of the application software With file created in a newer version, which the old version cannot recognize.

Advice: You can sometimes get a general idea of ​​the version of a HAR file by right-clicking the file and then selecting Properties (Windows) or Get Info (Mac OSX).

Summary: In any case, most problems that arise while opening HAR files are due to not having the correct application software installed on your computer.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | License | Privacy Policy | Terms |

Other causes of problems opening HAR files

Even if you already have e-Sword or other HAR-related software installed on your computer, you may still encounter problems while opening E-Sword Harmony Resource Files. If you are still having problems opening HAR files, it may be due to other problems preventing these files from being opened. Such problems include (presented in order from most to least common):

  • Invalid references to HAR files in the Windows registry (“phone book” of the Windows operating system)
  • Accidental deletion of description HAR file in the Windows registry
  • Incomplete or incorrect installation application software associated with the HAR format
  • File corruption HAR (problems with the E-Sword Harmony Resource File itself)
  • HAR infection malware
  • Damaged or outdated device drivers hardware associated with the HAR file
  • Lack of sufficient system resources on the computer to open the E-Sword Harmony Resource File format

Quiz: What file extension is not associated with Microsoft Office?


Close, but not quite...

MPEGs are a type of compressed video file. Videos shot using cell phones, digital cameras, and other devices typically use this format.

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How to fix problems opening HAR files

If you have installed on your computer antivirus program Can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure it is highlighted file my-file.har, then you need to right-click on this file and select the option in the file menu "scan with AVG". When you select this option, AVG Antivirus will open and scan the file for viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. This may interfere with your operating system associate your HAR file with the correct application tool, influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling e-Sword can solve your problem by linking HAR to e-Sword correctly. In other cases, problems with file associations may result from bad software programming developer and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating e-Sword to the latest version to ensure you have the latest patches and updates.

This may seem too obvious, but often The HAR file itself may be causing the problem. If you received a file via an email attachment or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (such as a power outage or other reason), the file may become damaged. If possible, try getting a new copy of the HAR file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A damaged file can cause collateral damage to previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is important to keep your computer up-to-date with an up-to-date antivirus.

If your HAR file related to the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on successfully opening the hardware inside the computer, e.g. sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open a HAR file you receive .SYS file error message, the problem could probably be associated with corrupted or outdated device drivers that need to be updated. This process can be made easier by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps do not solve the problem and you are still having problems opening HAR files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of HAR files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory/RAM, processing power) to properly open on your computer. This problem is quite common if you are using fairly old computer hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer is having difficulty keeping up with a task because the operating system (and other services running in the background) may consume too many resources to open the HAR file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening E-Sword Harmony Resource File. Freeing up all available resources on your computer will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the HAR file.

If you completed all the steps described above and your HAR file still won't open, you may need to run equipment update. In most cases, even when using older versions of hardware, the processing power can still be more than sufficient for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work, such as 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling, or intensive multimedia work) . Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(commonly called "RAM" or random access memory) to perform the task of opening a file.

Try refreshing your memory to see if this will help you open the HAR file. Today, memory upgrades are quite affordable and very easy to install, even for the average computer user. As a bonus, you you'll probably see a nice performance boost while your computer performs other tasks.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | License | Privacy Policy | Terms |
