Email gmail com login. Creating an email on Google: instructions for beginners

If when you try to log into Gmail (whether from a computer or mobile device) you have problems or see the message “Add Gmail to your Google account” and “Name is already taken. Try something else,” this article should help you solve this problem.

The reasons that you cannot log into your email from Google may be different, and therefore I will give several possible solutions, and I hope to help all those who are here and reading these instructions.

Logging into - first steps

After this, the very first thing you should try is to clear all the history (cookies) of your browser. From the reviews of several users on the Internet, this is what helped them.

If it worked, great, if not, read on:

  1. Click on the following link: Sign in to Gmail
  2. A Gmail login form will appear, where one of your addresses will already be entered. And below there will be a link “Login to another account” or "Sing in with a different account"(if yours is in English) - click on it.
  3. After this, all your addresses will be displayed, including the one you need. Select an address, enter a password and log in to your mailbox. If an empty login form appears instead of addresses, enter the required address, password and log in.

This option is also possible if, when you try to log into your mail, a window appears Add Gmail to your Google Account and the message “This name is already taken. Try something else."

On the same page, where you get the answer “Name is already taken,” there is a circle with a person in the upper right corner (or with your avatar). Click on it and select Add an account. Next, enter your address, password and click Login.

Account Information

I think it would be a good idea to once again make sure that you enter all the data necessary to log into your mail correctly. Passwords are very case sensitive, so make sure you don't have the Caps Lock key enabled. Also check that the username is correct i.e. email address, which is written down to

Let me know in the comments how it turned out for you.

In this article we will discuss in detail the registration of email on the service. Registering mail on is completely free, this service is provided by the portal and is available to all users on the Internet. email is famous for its reliability, lack of spam, and the presence of additional Google services, including the Google AdSense contextual advertising service. Below we will analyze in detail, step by step, the process of registering an account on

Now you are a full-fledged user of email, as well as other services from Google.

Additional services from Google

For registered users,, along with email, provides the opportunity to use additional services directly from their account. To do this, log in to your email using your username and password, and click on the square in the upper right corner.

A window will appear in front of you, in which all the additional services that you can use will be visible.

List of additional services from

  • Google +
  • translator
  • calendar
  • YouTube
  • cards
  • search
  • blogger
  • documents and others

You can view a complete list of all possible services by clicking on the “Other Google services” button. In this case, on a separate page you will see all the products and services available to users.

Internet services

  1. search
  2. browser toolbar
  3. Google Chrome browser

Services for mobile devices

Here are special products for use on a mobile phone. Search for mobile phones, as well as a map service for mobile devices.

Google Services for Business has a number of services that are designed specifically for those people who do business on the Internet. These are services such as:

  1. AdWords— using this service you can order contextual advertising, which will be placed both on Google search and on partner websites on the Internet.
  2. My business— with the help of this service you can place information about your company on maps, in the Google Plus service and Google search completely free of charge.
  3. AdMob— designed for making money on your applications, if you are their developer.
  4. Google Apps for Work— these are documents, disk, email and other services. designed specifically for companies.
  5. AdSense is a contextual advertising service that allows website owners to make money on the Internet.

Google multimedia services

  1. YouTube is a world-famous service for downloading and watching videos. Here you can both download and watch videos online.
  2. Image search— this service is designed to search for images on the Internet.
  3. Video search— using this service you can find any video on the Internet.
  4. Books— designed to search for books.
  5. News is a news feed from which you can find out all the latest events.
  6. Picasa— the service is designed for publishing and editing your own photos.


Currently there are 3 services available in this section:

  1. Cards- here to study and create your own routes.
  2. Panoramio— here you can view and add your own photos from all over the world.
  3. Planet Earth— the service is designed to explore the world without leaving home.

For home and office

  •— reliable email with proven anti-spam protection.
  • Documents - Here you can create and share your documents with other users.
  • Presentations— allows you to create, edit and show your own presentations.
  • Drawings— now all Internet users can create diagrams and draw flowcharts.
  • Calendar— here you can plan your time and share events. and also create events and reminders about them to your email.
  • Google Cloud Print— with this service you can print anywhere and from any device.
  • Disk— here you can store files and also give access to them to other people.
  • Table— creating and editing tables. Spreadsheets can be shared with other users on the Internet.
  • Forms— designed for creating and conducting surveys on the Internet.
  • Websites— a service for creating your own websites.
  • Translator— allows you to translate texts and websites on the Internet into various languages ​​of the world.
  • Google Keep- if you have ideas, you can write them down and store them here.

Social media

  1. Google Plus is a well-known social network from Upload your photos, publish events and posts, and share them with your friends.
  2. Groups- here you can create mailing lists and various discussion groups.
  3. Blogger- a free service for creating your own blog on the Internet. Any user can get their own blog in two clicks completely free of charge.
  4. Hangouts— interactive communication without borders. You can communicate on the Internet completely free of charge.

Login to email

Login to email is available only to registered users. If you have not yet acquired your own email, then do so using the instructions contained above in this article.

For registered users, logging into is quite simple:

Now you can log into at any time of the day, check and send emails. If you check the box next to the “Remain logged in” item, your login and password will be recognized automatically, you will not need to indicate them every time you log in to your email.

Friends, I welcome you to my blog!

Let's take a step-by-step look at what it is in this article.

Google is the world's largest search engine. It has its own email service, Gmail, where you can create an email address for free and with it access several other services, including YouTube.

Gmail mail registration in Russian

To start registering, you need to go to gmail website. Now click on "Create an account" login to your profile.

A simple form will appear that you need to fill out.

In the first and last name fields, it is best to indicate real data. This may be useful for using other services, and also, if necessary, to regain access to the mailbox if you lose your password. You can hide your data, so don't worry, no one will know more about you than you allow.

Username (nickname) is your login. It will appear in the name of your mailbox. You need to come up with a login yourself. It can consist of Latin letters, symbols and numbers.

The password should be chosen so that it is as complex as possible. In addition to the fact that with its help you will access your mail, it will also protect your mailbox from hacking. In combination, you can use Latin letters (it is advisable to combine small and large letters) and numbers.

You can write the password down in a safe place so you don't forget it.


Otherwise, you will not be able to access your email. " You don't have to specify your phone number, country, or alternate email address - they are not needed for registration., If after you click Further".

Some of the fields are highlighted in red, which means you missed something or entered it incorrectly. Correct the error and press again "Further" .

After all fields are filled in, you will be prompted to read "Terms of Use" - without this you will not be able to register. Now you will be shown a window where the address of your mailbox will be written. Write it down somewhere so you don't forget.

To go to your mail, you need to click on the button "Go to Gmail service" .

How to come up with a username for gmail mail

Creating a username can be a bit tricky. The fact is that each such login in the Google system must be unique, that is, two identical addresses cannot exist.

If the login you entered is already taken, the system will notify you (red text will appear below the field) and offer several unique options that you could use.

They are created based on the entered first name, last name and login. If you don't want to choose from what the system has suggested, come up with another nickname.

An additional parameter for the username is its length. It should not be shorter than 6 characters and longer than 30.

You can't change the name after creating the box, so think carefully before choosing the final option. If you only need email to register on some resources, then the name is not important.

Your Google Mail username

As mentioned above, your username will appear in the title of your mailbox, and this will be your email address. After creating an email, “” will be added to it. Your address will look like this:

It turns out that the name of the mailbox is made up of the username and the name of the mail service, connected to each other "dog" . The address is written together, a dot is placed only before "com" .

You can give this address to friends, acquaintances or clients to contact you.

How to find out your Google mail address

Once you log into your profile, you'll see a welcome window that tells you why Google Mail is the best, etc.

You can safely close this window; it will not be shown to you again.

To find out your email address, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name in the upper right part of the window. A small hint will appear where the address will be written.

How to log into your Google mail

To access your email, you need to do a few simple steps. Typically, browsers remember our data so that we don't have to keep entering it.

Therefore, to enter you will simply need go to google website and in the right corner click on the icon with squares.

From the drop-down menu, select the Mail icon and that’s it. The box will open and you can use it.

If the browser did not save your data or you are accessing your mail from another computer, you will need to enter your username and password. And first you enter your login, then your password

Features of gmail mail

The most obvious capabilities of mail are receiving and sending letters. This can be either work correspondence or friendly correspondence. You can attach various files to letters, such as photos or documents.

In addition to mail, registration gives you the opportunity to use other products. Here's what's available to you after you create a Google account:

  • Disk . You can store files up to 15 GB for free. Here you can upload data from a PC or mobile device, and then open or download it from another computer or device. In addition, you can make sure that other users can view your files too.
  • Documentation . The service is an online editor. Here you can create documents, tables, presentations, etc. They are saved on your disk. They can be downloaded, sent and edited at any time.
  • YouTube . This is the world's most famous video hosting site. You can watch videos without registering, but through your Google mail address, you can log in to the site, subscribe to different channels, leave comments and upload your videos.
  • Google play . This is a platform for mobile devices from which you can install applications, download music, movies, etc.
  • Google+ . A social network, like Facebook and other projects.

Together with your email address, you simultaneously gain access to several services. This is a big advantage of Google mail.

Sincerely, Alexander.

Currently, any user of the World Wide Web can create an email account, because it is very simple to do. It’s a completely different matter which resource to choose for this. Most Russians use services from or, but foreign users are increasingly registering on For those who are not in the know, this is an email service owned by the most famous search engine in the world, Google.

It is worth noting that mail from Gmail is very convenient and well thought out. However, in our opinion, the greatest beauty of this service is that there is so-called two-step identification, which allows you to link your email account to your mobile phone. Therefore, no one except you will be able to read your letters, since in order to enter your mailbox, you must first enter the code received on your cell phone. For those who keep valuable information in their mail, this is a very important service.

Free mailbox registration

Now let's move on to registration. Go to the link and click “Create an account.” It looks either like this:

Or like this:

What is your name. It is not difficult to guess that here you must indicate your first and last name. Whether they should be real or fictitious is up to you to decide, but we believe that it is better to indicate real data, as this is not only more convenient for your interlocutors, but will also help restore mail in the event of loss of access to it.

Create a username. You will have to come up with a nickname () that you will use to log in to the mail. It's worth noting that most "simple" logins are already taken by users, so you'll probably have to come up with something special. We hope there will be no problems with this.

Create a password. The password must be complex. Don’t even think about using simple ones like qwerty or 123456 - attackers pick them up very quickly. You can create a complex password in this way: take a Russian word, for example, “Mowgli”. Write it in English and it will become Vfeukb. Amazing. Now add some numbers and symbols here, something like this: %?Vfeukb1975. We received a 12-character password, which is very difficult to guess. And if you use double authorization, it will simply be impossible to get into your mailbox.

Confirm the password. Re-enter the password specified above in the field.

Date of birth, gender. Whether this information is worth providing is up to you to decide.

Mobile phone. At this stage, it is not necessary to add a cell number.

Alternate email address. If you have another mailbox, you can specify it. In case of loss of access, all necessary information will be sent to it.

Prove that you are not a robot. It’s easy to prove this - you just need to enter a captcha, which, however, is not so simple. However, after a couple of attempts, you will probably be able to enter incomprehensible characters.

A country. Here you need to indicate your country of residence, although it is usually automatically set for your region.

NECESSARILY Please check the box next to “I accept the Terms of Use...”, since without this it is impossible to continue registration.

After filling in all the information, click on the “Next” button. Congratulations, registration is completed!

The next step will ask you to add your photo, but you can choose not to do this if you wish.

In order to access your mail, at the top of the Google page, click on the icon in the form of dots, and then select the mail service.

Double authorization

And now we get to the most interesting part. Now we will tell you how to enable double authorization so that no one except you, of course, can get into your mailbox.

On the right side of the screen you can see your avatar. Click on it and select the “My Account” section from the drop-down menu.

Enter your phone number and follow the instructions.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it is highly advisable to use only the one registered in your name as a telephone number. If you lose this phone, you are unlikely to be able to regain access to your account. Be careful!

Today, almost every Internet user knows what Gmail is. This email service, which is very popular among Western users, is one of the many services provided by the company. Even among supporters of domestic mail systems such as or, Google mail is confidently gaining points.

This is largely due to the convenience and thoughtfulness of the service - a simple and intuitive interface, a high level of security. For users who use email for business correspondence, privacy is the deciding factor when choosing an email service.

A little about the service itself

GMail email is one of the many services offered by Google that can be used from a single account. This means that by registering with Gmail Com, the user also gains access to other company products. The most popular among them: YouTube, the Google+ social network, Play Market (needed to install the application on smartphones running Android OS), access to cloud data storage (10 GB is provided for free) and much more.

Registering an email on Gmail Com does not impose an obligation to use only this new email account - you can safely continue to use your old accounts in email services registered long before the advent of Gmail. In addition, it is possible to collect letters in one Gmail Com mailbox - which is incredibly convenient for opening letters from different accounts from one mailbox.

The easy and fast web mail interface allows you not to bother with desktop email programs, resulting in no need to synchronize the contents of your mailbox between different devices. In general, the interface of the box is universal - simple in appearance, it has such wide functionality that large applications offered for quite a lot of money can be envied.

This is the main advantage of the service - you can create a mailbox on Gmail com completely free of charge, and no one will take money from you for using it either.

Separately, we can highlight the ability to synchronize data between different devices. With Google mail, there will be no problems with saving personal contacts or reminders when changing your smartphone - you just need to enter your credentials and all personal information is synchronized automatically.

The capacity of the mailbox is as much as 15 Gb, and therefore, even with fairly intensive use, you can not worry about deleting unnecessary letters for several years.

Gmail registration procedure

Creating a Gmail account will not be difficult even for a person inexperienced in computer technology - the Russian-language interface and an abundance of tips make the registration process extremely simple.

On the start page of the mail service, you need to click on the “create a Gmail account” button, after which you will proceed to the registration process. The high popularity of the service practically negates all possibilities of obtaining a “beautiful” email address. So when registering, you will have to use the “take what’s left” principle.

It should be remembered that the reliability of the information provided to the service determines the possibility of restoring access in the event of a password loss or account theft. However, it is worth considering that, in the event of theft, all confidential data may fall into the hands of attackers, and therefore it is recommended to indicate only the required minimum, the composition of which will be presented below.

To register a new mailbox on, you will need the following user information:

  1. Account owner's full name. Of course, no one will ask for your passport data, but it would be wiser to indicate real information in this column. Firstly, this will increase the convenience of correspondence (primarily for your interlocutor), and secondly, if access is restored, fictitious data may cause some problems.
  2. Login to enter your account. It will be used not only for mail access. You can use it to access other Google services. In the process of filling out this field, you will have to show a little imagination, since simple and beautiful names, as mentioned earlier, have long been taken.
  3. User password. It will also be used for all other Google services. It is recommended to create a strong password. Simple numerical combinations or sequences of letters created by pressing characters in order on the keyboard should not even be considered - attackers check them first. You should use alternating numbers and letters (both lowercase and uppercase), or enable two-step authorization (in this case, each time a one-time password will be sent to your mobile phone via SMS). Users often link their email address to various payment systems. It is worth remembering that if you use an insufficiently strong password, attackers can gain access to electronic accounts and all payment information. Responsibility in this case lies entirely with the user.
  4. Repeat password. This is necessary to eliminate errors when entering a password, which occurs quite often and is one of the reasons for losing access to your account.
  5. Personal information (gender and date of birth). This column is optional and is filled in at the user's discretion.
  6. Cell phone number. You can add it immediately or specify it after registration in the “Security Settings” section. You should only provide your real phone number, as it will be used both when restoring access and when choosing two-factor authentication.
  7. Alternative e-mail address. It is used to restore access to your account. Also filled out if desired. Specifying an invalid address will make it impossible to recover your password using this method.
  8. Bot check. You should enter the characters from the picture, thereby proving that the box is created by a living person and not a robot. Captchas can be quite confusing, and therefore not everyone enters the correct characters the first time - there is nothing wrong with that.
  9. Country of Residence. To be filled in at the user's discretion. Country data will be used in your Google+ social network account and during the password recovery process.

Don't forget to check the box confirming your agreement with the license provisions and terms of use of the service. Without confirming the terms of the user agreement, using the service is impossible.

After filling in all the required fields, you must click on the “Next” button, which will complete the registration. At the next stage, you can upload a personal photo, but this, again, is optional.

A letter with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone and additional email address, which must be entered in the appropriate field.

You can log in to Gmail by clicking on the icon in the form of several dots located in the upper right part of the page, clicking on it and selecting “Mail” from the drop-down menu.

Additional service features

For the convenience of users, you can set up automatic login to your account. In this case, you will not have to constantly enter your credentials to log into your mailbox.

Attention! This function should be activated only on personal devices, since otherwise every PC user on which automatic login has been configured will be able to log into your account and take possession of your confidential information.

To activate the feature, you must check the box next to the phrase “stay logged in” in the password entry form. As a result, you will be able to log in to your mail automatically when you go to the Gmail service.

Users are also provided with another rather convenient function - notifications about incoming letters. It only works if you use the Google Chrome browser, which will automatically notify the user of new emails. In this case, you do not need to log into your mailbox.

After installing a special add-on to the browser, a notification about letters will appear in the upper right part of the screen, and when you click on it, detailed information about the letter and a link to quickly go to the service will be displayed.

Gmail account password recovery feature

Access problem is one of the most common among users of various services. And email in this case is no exception. You can lose access for several reasons, ranging from simple user forgetfulness to the actions of attackers.

If a similar situation occurs, then there is no reason to panic - if you provided reliable information during the registration process, the recovery process will take only a few minutes.

The recovery procedure occurs step by step, and numerous system prompts minimize the risk of user errors.

To receive a new password, on the Gmail com login page, click on the “Need help” link. After this, a page will open with a list of problems that frequently arise among system clients, where you should click on “I don’t remember the password” and enter your account address in the appropriate field (if you previously logged into your mail from the same browser, the login will be entered automatically).

Then the “Continue” button is clicked, which should open the next page. It requires you to enter the last password you used for this account, and then click “Continue.” If the user does not remember the last password, then the “Difficult to answer” option should be selected.

In order to exclude the possibility of unauthorized access of third parties to your account, the system provides a whole verification complex, consisting of many clarifying questions. Only this will help the mail client prove that he is the owner of this mailbox.

If a phone number or additional e-mail was specified in the security settings or during registration, then there will be no problems with recovery - a message with a confirmation code for resetting the old password and setting a new one will be sent to your email or phone. At this point, the recovery procedure is considered complete.

If registration was carried out without a telephone number and an additional address, then you must enter the date of the last login or mailbox registration. Then, on a new page, you need to answer the security question you asked during registration. You can write the answer (if you remember it), or skip the step by clicking on the appropriate button.

The system will ask clarifying questions over and over again until it no longer has any doubts about the authenticity of the owner of the mailbox.

Every incorrect answer or omission of a question will only complicate the recovery process. Therefore, it is better to protect yourself in advance from losing your personal account login data by linking at least an additional email address to your account.


Creating an email on the Gmail service is not difficult at all.  Together with a mail account, the user gets access to a large number of different services used for both entertainment and work.  The minimalistic interface will not burden you much in terms of traffic volumes, and therefore this service is perfect for use on mobile devices.