What is "SmartScreen" and how to disable it? Windows SmartScreen Filter - What is it? What is a smartscreen filter.

Read about what is "Windows Defender SmartScreen", how much it uses PC resources and how to disable it. Windows Defender SmartScreen helps protect your computer from malware downloaded from the Internet and malicious websites. The "SmartScreen" process with the file name "smartscreen.exe", which can be found in the task manager, is responsible for this function.

So what is the "SmartScreen" process and what exactly does it do?

Process "Smart Screen" was added back in Windows 8, and with each update, it is constantly improving in Windows 10. Every time you run a program or file, "Smart Screen" scans them for presence in the database Microsoft. If the file was previously added to the database as safe (for example, if you run the installer « Google Chrome» or iTunes) then this program will not be blocked. If this file was previously marked as malicious, then "Smart Screen" will block it from running. If a certain file is not found in the database Microsoft, then "Smart Screen" will prevent the given file from running and will issue a warning to you. And it will give you the opportunity to decide whether to run this file or program at your own peril and risk, or not.

This service is also used in the browser "Microsoft Edge" and application "Microsoft Store", to block malicious or unwanted web content. Nonetheless, "Smart Screen" in the operating room Windows system 10, constantly checks downloaded data from the Internet, no matter what browser or download software you use. It works great with any modern browsers like Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox etc., constantly scanning data, both during normal web surfing and when downloading any content.

Process "Smart Screen" is another layer of security in addition to the standard "Windows Defender", which is running as an executable service process antimalware on your PC. Having a security system with multiple levels helps to better protect your computer. Even if you use any other antivirus program and web browser with its own anti-malware features.

How much does it use PC resources?

In most cases, the process "Smart Screen" runs in the background and uses almost no resources personal computer. How much exactly the process consumes can be found in "Task Manager", it uses almost no resources CPU(0%), and takes up only a few megabytes of RAM (RAM - 4.3 MB). Windows can automatically close this process when it is not in use, so sometimes you will not be able to find it in "Task Manager".

However, if the OS has enabled "Smart Screen", and you download or launch a new application or file, it will resume and scan the data. The operating system will automatically launch it if it was unloaded earlier, and then you can see exactly how much processor and RAM resources it requires to work. Because the, "Smart Screen" calculates "hash data" file, sends this data to the server Microsoft and waits for a response to see if the file is safe or not. If it is safe, then the system runs the application or file normally.

Filter "Smart Screen" used in conjunction with normal antivirus checks that are performed by the executable file process antimalware if you use "Windows Defender" by default as your antivirus program.

In any case, the amount of CPU and RAM resources used should be quite low, and the entire process of running this service should be very fast and almost imperceptible to users. At the same time, scanning large files takes more time than smaller ones. Such a check is performed only at the first launch of the downloaded program or at the first access to the file, it will not be repeated and, accordingly, PC resources will not be consumed.

Is it possible to disable "SmartScreen"?

The operating system will not give you the option to completely disable the process "Smart Screen". Even if you complete the job "Smart Screen" on Windows, the process will still restart automatically when you log back into the operating system. At the same time, we do not recommend shutting it down, as it practically does not use computer resources. But, if necessary, you can forcefully terminate this process in "Task Manager".

Also, it cannot be prevented from restarting again and using CPU and RAM resources in the background.

"Smart Screen" is an extremely useful system security feature, another layer of protection for your PC from malware. Even if you are using third party security software, "Smart Screen" will be another layer of protection, while not interfering with the work of your antivirus. In addition, database files Microsoft are updated quite quickly and, perhaps, this function will be able to protect the computer even before the databases of your antivirus are updated.

However, to disable the filter "Smart Screen" on Windows 10, go to "Start" – > "Options" – > "Update and Security" – > "Windows Defender". Next, click on the button "Open Windows Defender Security Center".


Could it be a virus?

At this point in time, I have not seen information on the net that any malware is disguised as a process "Smart Screen" or "smartscreen.exe". It is a built-in feature of Windows 10 and helps to protect your computer from malware. Every day new viruses, trojans, bots and all kinds of network worms appear on the Internet. It is quite possible that someday a virus will appear, which will be presented to the system as a process "Smart Screen". If you're concerned that your PC might have malware, then it's always a good idea to run a full system scan with your antivirus program to make sure everything is fine with your system.

Function Windows Smart Screen , not being a standalone program, provides additional protection for your computer from applications downloaded from the Internet that can pose a threat to the system and data. This function has only three modes of operation.

Configuring Windows SmartScreen

Run enter command wscui.cpl and click Enter↵

A window will open Support Center, in the left part of the window, click on Change Windows SmartScreen settings

A dialog box will open Windows Smart Screen

Switch in the dialog box Windows Smart Screen selects the launch mode for applications and files received from the Internet. Any files downloaded from the Internet (except those obtained from official sources, for example, downloaded from the website of the program developer) are potentially dangerous. The program, of course, checks all files before launching, but it is designed to detect malicious code. Phishing software may not be considered dangerous by Windows Defender.

When launching a program obtained from the Internet, SmartScreen Filter, depending on the selected mode, may request permission to run this program or notify you that an unrecognized application is running.

The third mode involves disabling the SmartScreen filter.

Also, this feature is added to Internet Explorer starting with the eighth version to improve the security of the browser. If the file you are about to download has already been downloaded by enough people and is considered safe, SmartScreen will let you download it without any problems or warnings. If no one has downloaded the file yet, or if it hasn't been downloaded enough times, you'll get a warning that the file might not be safe. In addition, the sites you visit are constantly checked by SmartScreen for the presence of phishing sites in a regularly updated list. When it finds a match, it displays a warning notifying you that the site has been blocked for your own protection. On the one hand, this can be annoying when downloading files from not very popular sites, but on the other hand, it provides additional security for your computer.

In Windows 8, a similar feature is implemented, but directly in Explorer, so you can see similar warnings when running executable files. In general, the same principles apply as in Internet Explorer.

Disable SmartScreen in Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11

Launch Internet Explorer. If you are using Windows 8, Windows 8.1, open the desktop version of the browser, not Metro. Then click on the button Service. From the menu that appears, select Security → Disable SmartScreen Filter

In the dialog box Microsoft SmartScreen Filter select Disable SmartScreen Filter and press OK

The SmartScreen Filter is now disabled in Internet Explorer as well.

To enable SmartScreen again, follow the same steps.

Disable Windows SmartScreen in the Local Group Policy Editor

To invoke the Local Group Policy Editor:

Press keyboard shortcut + R , in the window Run type gpedit.msc and click Enter↵

In the opened window Local Group Policy Editor follow the branch like this:

Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Windows Components → File Explorer

And in the right part of the window we find:

Double clicking on an element Set up Windows SmartScreen, a window will open Set up Windows SmartScreen, in which you need to select: Included, then to: Options:– (select from the drop-down list) Disable SmartScreen. Next, press the button OK

After the above steps, close all windows and restart your computer. Now the filter Windows Smart Screen completely disabled.

SmartScreen is a security feature that was introduced in Internet Explorer 8 to protect against malicious websites. In Windows 8.1, it was integrated into the desktop. This tool warns the user before launching unrecognized applications from the Internet that could potentially be unsafe. SmartScreen is now present in Windows 10.

When it comes to downloading and installing apps, you need to know what is safe and what is not. True, not all computer users have the proper experience and knowledge in this matter. Thus, if you are one of the first, then the constantly flickering SmartScreen can be annoying.

Important note! If you're new to the Windows 10 plan, then don't disable SmartScreen. It will protect you from installing malware software. In addition, Microsoft has improved this filter by integrating it into Edge browsers and Internet Explorer 11.

The screenshot below shows the direct intervention of the filter. When starting the installation of an unknown application or program, you need to click on the "I agree ..." field and click on the "Run anyway" button. However, such extra movements take time and interfere with productivity, which is simply annoying.

The optimal solution is to disable SmartScreen. For this:

Note! After all the steps taken, a notification will immediately appear stating that it is unsafe.

How to disable SmartScreen in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge

This filter is very annoying when installing desktop programs, but not in a browser. If you are an Internet Explorer or Edge user, then it's best to leave it. Even the most experienced technician can randomly click on a malicious link or ad.

However, if that's what you want so badly, then:

With the Edge browser, no difficulties should arise. Open it and do everything as shown in the screenshots below:

If you're having a problem uploading a valid file, then the steps above will help fix it.

Video - How to disable the SmartScreen filter in Internet Explorer

How to Disable SmartScreen Filter in Windows 10 Step by Step

To stop this built-in tool in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Win" button, in the search enter the word "Defender", click on the icon "Defender Security Center".

  2. In the window that opens, click on the "Application and browser control" section.

  3. Then turn off the "Verify applications and files" option (see photo below). Such an action will not go unnoticed, as you will see a yellow danger sign and a warning that after disabling the SmartScreen filter, the computer will be vulnerable. Unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of this notification, so you will continue to see it until you enable the filter again. However, if you have another antivirus program, such actions will not bring you problems.

  4. Then scroll down to the "SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge" section. On this screen, you can select one of three different options. It's up to you what the filter in the Microsoft Edge browser should do: warn you when you encounter malicious websites and files on the Internet; block the threat on your own or do nothing. If you have various performance problems, it is better to disable SmartScreen after all. Another antivirus program will most certainly not allow you to download malicious files and content to your computer.

  5. On the same screen, scroll down to the "SmartScreen for Windows Store Apps" section. As shown in the description of this section, the filter only works when any app downloaded from the store tries to access the Internet. Depending on the case, you can disable the tool or keep it active by selecting the "Warn" setting.


Note! If you're not worried about SmartScreen notifications and want to take full advantage of Windows 10's security, then just leave the filter enabled. This is especially true for children, parents, grandparents working on a computer running Windows 7, 8.1 or 10. Definitely, they are better off leaving this tool running, especially in Internet Explorer 11.

Experienced users are unlikely to be hurt much if they stop using SmartScreen while installing software that they believe is not malicious. Safe utilities include open source code. You can always enable the filter again if you wish.

Video - How to disable Smart Screen in Windows 10

Windows 8 has a lot of secrets and "tricks" that you can not immediately understand the principle of operation and operation. Well, one of these options was the Windows SmartScreen feature. Since the system was created by the developers, this option is enabled by default.

What does this give the user?

In fact, sometimes it turns out that there is little that is pleasant. The filter is engaged in the fact that it monitors the applications installed on the device, from time to time "spoiling" the user with its simple warnings about the security status of a particular program. In general, the principles of operation are quite clear and simple.
SmartScreen has a big rational, positive start: it helps users recognize what is a normal program and what is potentially dangerous (with a few vicissitudes, but still).

In addition to all this, Windows SmartScreen is endowed with the ability to send a certain category of data, certain information to Microsoft servers.

To work or not to work with this "chip", it's up to you. But one thing is for sure: if you want to disable all options, you should pay attention to the information that will be given below.

What happens when the options are enabled?

In total, three of the most significant "pillars" can be distinguished:

Require administrator confirmation before running downloaded unknown software. Like something like this: “Are you really confirming the launch of the program on behalf of the administrator?” (pictures and threat icons are attached).
Warn the user before executing software unknown to the device
Disable SmartScreen, which frankly got its warnings already.

A few benefits of disabling Windows SmartScreen

It is worth saying that the obvious and visible to all the problem of the presence of surveillance of the installation of unknown software included by default in the program is just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, it is worth digressing and trying to look a little deeper, to appreciate the very essence of this problem. The operation of Windows SmartScreen is a violation of the privacy of information and the actions that users take. Sometimes such an impression is created that new technologies, which seem to serve for the benefit of humanity and its development, turn out to be an attempt to “control” the entire population (and, most surprisingly, at our own will). The problem has been discussed more than once, which is associated with the use of the same Skype and currently existing social networks, in the user agreement of which the possibility of "draining" information about a particular user in one case or another is directly prescribed (a special procedure is used and all that). Not so long ago, another “novelty” appeared, which is perceived ambiguously. It is connected with the "revolution in fingerprints", with the help of which the security of the user's devices will be ensured (maybe something else?).

The Windows SmartScreen tool is just a kind of "lever" that can be used far from always, not in all cases, but potentially has a place to be. If Windows SmartScreen collects information about users, this indicates the potential for pressure on Microsoft in the future. The purpose of pressure is the issuance of private information, private information to government agencies, as well as legal representatives of the owners of certain copyrights. The flow of information that is slowly but surely moving from your computer has the potential to be intercepted by hackers. Without big problems, you can study and understand which programs are installed by the user, what features they have, and so on.

How is the "dangerous-safe" SmartScreen turned off?

Method number one.

In panel Windows controls you need to find the Help Center. The left column should grab your attention with an option called Change Windows SmartScreen settings. Here you need to select a tab called "Do nothing / disable Windows SmartScreen"

Method number two.

gpedit.msc (this is needed in order to "call to work" the Local Group Policy Editor)
Computer configuration
Administrative Templates
Windows Components
Configure Windows SmartScreen (choose what you need in the box).

As you can see, the second option is several times longer. As they say, for those who are not looking for simple ways. Well, as for the question of whether to turn it off or not to turn it off Windows work SmartScreen, then it's up to users to decide.

AT operating systems From Microsoft, starting with Windows 8, there is such a technology that, in theory, should protect us from malicious software, but in practice, malware passes - but this same SmartScreen can significantly add problems to us. In such cases, a natural question is brewing, but in fact, how to disable SmartScreen in Windows 10? In this note, we will look at four proven methods that will save you from this occasions.

If you look into this issue, it turns out that SmartScreen is a new technology from Microsoft that scans downloaded information from the Internet, and blocks it if there is the slightest doubt about its origin. On the one hand, the service is useful, but the number of false positives just rolls over and I don’t see much practical sense in it (especially if you use a high-quality commercial antivirus). What is the annoying message that the service is temporarily unavailable - if you do not have an Internet connection, Windows cannot check the program and constantly notifies you about it, which is inexpressible infuriates.

How to disable SmartScreen via Control Panel in Windows 10

The simplest, and probably familiar to everyone, option is to disable the SmartScreen filter using the Control Panel. To get there, in Windows 10 you need to click the "Start" button and select the item you are looking for there. (The easiest way is to start typing what interests you, in which case it will appear in the search results - be sure to try it, it's incredibly convenient)

In the Control Panel, select System and Security. Please note if you have appearance different from the picture below and you cannot find the item you need - check that the "Category" option is selected in the "View" line

... and we get to the cherished item “Changing Windows SmartScreen settings” (how far it was hidden, probably so that we would suffer and could not find it)

Here we have a small choice (before, by the way, there were as many as three options, but now it either works or not - there is no third)

The window tells us that the SmartScreen filter protects us and they say, choose from two options, which is more suitable for you.

  1. To warn before executing an unidentified application is to bug us at the first opportunity.
  2. Do nothing (disable Windows SmartScreen) - this will allow us to work normally and calmly run any applications without being paranoid (but if you download a program of unknown origin and you do not have an antivirus, then no offense)

Most likely, this method will be quite enough for you - as you can see, all problems are solved with a few mouse clicks.

Disable SmartScreen via Group Policy

I warn you right away that this method can be used only in professional edition of Windows 10 , for home languages ​​and for one language, this option is not applicable. To disable the filter, we need to open the "Local Group Policy Editor", this is done by calling the "Run" window (by keyboard shortcut Windows + R) and then entering the gpedit.msc command

On the left side of the local group policy editor, find the item "Explorer" (it is located in "Computer Configuration" - "Administrative Templates" - "Windows Components"), but in the adjacent, right side of the window, find the item "Configure Windows SmartScreen"

At first glance, everything is simple here, but this is only a cursory examination - carefully read the help, which I see no reason to publish. If you select the item "Disabled" - by this we do not turn off SmartScreen , but we give the opportunity to do this through the control panel. You need to select the "Enabled" option and check the "Disable SmartScreen" option. Click "OK" and enjoy life.

Again, please note that this method only works on Windows 10 Professional, on the home version you will not be able to open the Local Group Policy Editor. Of course, this feature can be added, but without modifying the OS, this is impossible.

Disable SmartScreen for Windows 10 Store Apps

Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft added the App Store. So, you can disable SmartScreen specifically for applications from the Store, without disabling it completely. I don’t know who it might be useful to, but since there is such an opportunity, it should be considered.

Open the "Start" menu, go to "Settings" - "Privacy". On the left side, select the "General" option and move the slider to the "Off" position on the right side in the line that is responsible for the SmartScreen filter

There is another way which uses the editor Windows Registry, but I doubt its convenience and see no reason to talk about it in detail - let's not create unnecessary problems for ourselves.

Disable SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge browser

If you, despite numerous reviews, prefer to use the latest browser from Microsoft - EDGE, then the SmartScreen filter can be disabled specifically for it. To do this, in the program menu, go to "Options"

Scroll to the very bottom and look for “Show advanced options” there, scroll down again to the very bottom and find the item we need “Help protect your computer from malicious sites and downloads using the SmartScreen filter”. We move the slider to the "Off" position and on this our quest with the search for a place to turn off the filter can be considered passed.

Well, here we are with you and figured out how to disable SmartScreen in Windows 10. Whatever raw it was not, but if possible, if you are not an advanced user, do not disable it. It is worth ignoring it if you are sure of those programs and applications that the SmartScreen filter does not allow you to run. In my practice, the filter creates huge problems when installing programs that have not been updated for a long time and have long been forgotten by developers ... do not forget that even in the absence of an Internet connection (and in Russia this is not so rare) SmartScreen filter constantly tries to check applications and writes an error connecting to the server, which can be very annoying.
