What is mts. What is MTS in the USSR? procedure for providing collective farms with equipment

Connecting with family, friends and work colleagues abroad is a very important aspect of any trip. Fortunately, modern mobile operators provide this opportunity, constantly offering more and more profitable services and options. This material will tell you about a new feature from MTS - “100 minutes in Mongolia”, which is attached to several tariffs. Will you find out what it is, how to connect these minutes and how much such a gift costs?

What it is?

100 minutes in the MPR is an additional option from MTS, which stands for “100 minutes in international roaming.” It appears when the ability to use communications abroad is activated, namely, after connecting the appropriate services related to roaming.

There have been quite a few of them in recent years - some have outlived their usefulness, giving way to more modern and affordable analogues. We won’t overload you with information and will only tell you about the current options from the MTS operator in Russia.

Initial setup, supported tariffs

Firstly, when traveling abroad, the network user must connect the appropriate services for the changed tariff:

  1. International and national roaming.
  2. International access.

For convenience, there is a minimum number of actions that automatically activate both options (they are interconnected and do not work separately):

  • We dial the following command on the smartphone - *111*2192#, after which we wait for an SMS message about the successful roaming connection.
  • If it is impossible to connect in tone dialing mode, call the MTS call center and contact the nearest service center.

Important - the above actions are available only to citizens who received the card at least six months before the activation attempt. Also, the personal account balance had to be replenished at least every 30 days. Activation of services is free, but the balance during manipulations must be positive (with the exception of the credit method of calculation).

Tariff Tariffische from MTS includes the option “100 minutes in MPR”

For the appropriate use of the network outside Russia, the “Zabugorische” option is provided (there used to be a corresponding tariff, but now it is inactive for connection).

The tariff plan becomes an important factor. To get 100 minutes in the MPR, you must have the appropriate tariff:

  • the entire list of “SMART” tariffs.
  • tariff plan "Ultra".
  • "Tariffishche".

The list may soon be expanded - it is better to check the possibility of activation on your tariff plan with the operator using a short number.

100 minutes in Mongolia – how to connect, how much does it cost?

The “Zabugorische” service will cost the subscriber from 320 rubles per day. It is important to note that write-offs are made solely based on use. That is, if you are abroad for a week and call only once, you will be charged 320 rubles exclusively for 1 day of use.

Minutes are counted using a “transfer” system - free minutes at the tariff within Russia turn into “minutes with international access.” That is, there is no additional payment if there is a tariff package.

Tariff "Zabugorische" from MTS

If free tariff plans have ended, the cost of 1 minute of conversation will be 25 rubles. Incoming calls are free, up to 100 minutes per day. Next – 25 rubles per minute of conversation. Important - such conditions are available only for “Popular countries”; the list is located on the official website mts.ru.

If you use Zabugorishche in a country not included in this list, the conditions are as follows:

  • Incoming calls are charged from the 11th minute of connection - 25 rubles per minute. respectively.
  • Outgoing calls – 25 rubles/min., every fifth minute at the full cost of roaming from the corresponding country.

Connecting Zabugorishche is as easy as shelling pears - dial the command *111*771*1#. It is not necessary to turn it off after arriving home - as was written earlier, tariffs are charged only based on the fact of use.

As with basic roaming settings, in case of problems, contact the MTS service center or call the call center. The connection is also available in the “My MTS” application. Activation of the service is free; if it is not used, the funds will not be debited.


In any case, even the conditions of “Unpopular countries” are quite loyal, compared to the prices for roaming without connecting the corresponding service. Therefore, it is recommended to take advantage of this offer. We hope this material has helped you understand what 100 minutes in Mongolia are – communicating abroad is profitable!

The MTS company began its activities in the early 90s of the twentieth century and within a decade and a half took a leading position in the provision of cellular communication services in several countries at once. The rapid growth of the company is caused by the priority principle of the company: attention to each subscriber, high-quality and constantly modernized service.

MTS - decoding of the abbreviation, and what the logo means

Many users and simply curious people are interested in: “How is MTS decrypted?” Everything is extremely simple - this abbreviation reflects the type of activity of the company and stands for:

  • M – Mobile;
  • T – Telecommunications;
  • S – Systems.

As for the logo, it contains many ideas, the main ones, according to the employees, are: “the idea of ​​a perfect service in a simple form, as well as the idea of ​​simplicity and miracle, evoking positive emotions and trust.”

The name is already so interconnected with the logo that they can hardly be considered separately.

How the operator appeared and developed

The company began its activities in October 1993 in Moscow.

At that time, it was possible to provide communications only using the GSM-450 standard; the 900 megahertz frequency range was intended exclusively for aviation purposes. However, as soon as the test results appeared regarding the possibility of public use using the GSM-900 standard, a competition began for the right to issue a GSM-900 license. The winner of this competition was a monopolistic association, on the basis of which mobile telecommunication systems were created.

To achieve dominant positions in the mobile communications markets in different countries, the operator is constantly building high-speed networks in each of the partner countries, developing its own transport infrastructure. Using fiber optic cable, users were able to enjoy home television and high-speed Internet (up to 1 Gbit/sec).

The list of MTS services includes:

  • Voice communication;
  • Mobile Internet;
  • Fixed line;
  • Cable TV;
  • Data transfer;
  • A large network of its own branded salons and stores selling services.

MTS continues to actively develop and expand its borders. So, for example, it became the first company to provide coverage in the Republic of Belarus and occupies a leading position among cellular operators in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Now you know how the mobile operator MTS stands for and if someone you know asks what the famous abbreviation means, you can easily answer this question.

How to take advantage of the tempting offer of 100 free minutes from MTS? How to connect it and how much does it cost? Much more about this in this article.


Distance means nothing. Now you can dial a phone number and in a moment talk to a person located anywhere in the world. Today, many telecom operators are striving to reduce the cost of calls as much as possible, and it is no longer uncommon when you can call another city for free, because now calls from your region to other cities are becoming more and more popular.

More information about the 100 minutes service

MTS has long been one of the most popular operators due to the fact that it provides its subscribers with favorable rates both for calls to other operators and for calls within the MTS network, as well as high-quality, fast Internet and inexpensive SMS. MTS's tariffs are superior in many respects to competitors' tariffs in terms of price and quality.

It’s worth noting right away that this option is available only to subscribers with the Super MTS tariff plan. Region" and "Super MTS", which have remained popular for quite a long time, but not everyone can use the service. It will be available only to those who switched to these tariffs after July 1, 2015

Not all subscribers know how to increase the number of free minutes, while the volume of minutes allocated in the “Super” tariff daily is sorely insufficient for many. There are packages under which the client can be credited with only 30 minutes a day, but for some people this is simply nothing! It is in this situation that the “100 minutes on the MTS network” service will be very useful, which makes it possible to get a 100% discount on 100 minutes per day for calls with all MTS subscribers.

As part of this service we receive:

  • 100 minutes for calls to MTS Russia subscribers
  • 100 minutes for calls to local MTS subscribers

These minutes will be consumed only after the free daily package for the “Super” service is completely exhausted. Unused minutes do not carry over to another day.

Service cost

Activation of the service costs 30 rubles, then a subscription fee will be debited daily for each day, debiting begins from the next day after connection. Prices may vary in different regions of the country. On average, this service costs approximately 2.5 - 3.5 rubles per day. For example, in Izhevsk and Novosibirsk - 2.5, in Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and the Krasnodar Territory - 3 rubles, in Moscow - 3.5 rubles. Prices include VAT.

How to activate the service?

You can do this in several ways:

    1. By dialing the combination *868# and waiting for a message that the service is activated
    2. Send message 868 to number 111
    3. By calling the MTS contact center
    4. Come to the company office with your passport
    5. In your personal account. You can enter it through the MTS website by going through the authorization procedure. To do this, you will need to enter your phone number in the appropriate field, as well as the password that will be sent to your phone when you click on the “Get password” button. Next, you will need to go to the service management tab and select “Connect new services” by checking the desired option. To complete the connection, you must click the “Next” button

How to disable the service?

This service is, of course, beneficial, but you may need to disable it. You can do this in several ways:

      1. Send message 8680 to number 111
      2. By dialing the combination *111*868# and select “Disable”
      3. In your personal account, you can enter it through the MTS website after going through the authorization procedure. To do this, you will need to enter your phone number in the appropriate field, as well as the password that will be sent to your phone when you click on the “Get password” button.
      4. Next, you will need to go to the service management tab, select “All connected services”, in the list that appears, find “100 minutes on the MTS network” and click on the red cross to disable it

How can I find out the remaining minutes for the “100 minutes on the MTS network” service?

The remaining minutes can be found as follows:

    1. Using the command *100*1#
    2. In your personal account


For each of us, our loved ones are dear and loved, and we all miss them, especially if they live very far from us, and we rarely have the opportunity to meet, which is why we so value the minutes of communicating with them on the phone. But it is often impossible to make calls, because communication is not cheap at all. But fortunately, prices for cellular communications are gradually falling and calls are becoming more affordable. Operators come up with tempting and profitable promotions to attract customers. For example, the Mobile TeleSystems company provides the “Call for free to MTS” service, which provides more than 1.5 hours of free communication per day throughout Russia.

The company's clients speak well of this service. Only questions arise about the process of enabling the option, and that’s exactly what will be discussed further.

Description, conditions and cost

For the company's clients with the "Super MTS" tariff plan, activation of the "Call for free to MTS Russia 100" service is available. In this option, 100 minutes are given per day. free outgoing calls to the numbers of this mobile operator when you are in your home region and throughout the Russian Federation.

It is suitable for those who make a lot of calls to subscribers of Mobile TeleSystems, travel frequently around the country, have a large number of relatives and friends in different cities, and like to call and congratulate many people on holidays.

The connection price is 3.5 rubles, which is considered payment for the first day of use. And the subscription fee per day is 3.5 rubles, it is written off at night as an advance for the next day of work.

Connection and disconnection is available at any time. The subscription fee is charged for both full and partial days.

How to connect

You can connect the option on any mobile device or on the Internet. So, there are three methods available:

  • Dial the USSD code on your mobile phone: *868# and send it by pressing the “call” button.
  • Send a free SMS containing the text: 868 to number 111.
  • Log in to your Personal Account on the company’s official website, go to the “Service Management” section, then “Connecting New Services” and check the “Connect” box in this option line.

To inquire about the number of minutes for the current day in the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” option, dial the USSD code on your phone: *100*1# and send it by pressing the call button. Or you can use your Personal Account to obtain information.

How to disable

You can disconnect connections in similar ways:

  • Dial the USSD code on your mobile phone: *111*868# and send it by pressing the “call” button.
  • Send an SMS containing the text: 8680 to 111.
  • Log in to your Personal Account on the official website again and disconnect.

We all love our loved ones, especially those who live far away. But we call them very rarely, because it’s expensive. Fortunately, mobile communications are becoming more accessible. Operators come up with interesting promotions to attract customers. For example, MTS introduced the “Call MTS for free” option. Agree that more than one and a half free hours a day is a lot.

There are many positive reviews online for this service. Questions arise only regarding the connection procedure. We will tell you about this in detail.

Description, conditions and cost of the option

For subscribers of the “Super MTS” tariff, it is now possible to activate the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” option. It includes 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes) per day for free outgoing calls to MTS subscribers in their home region and throughout Russia

Who is this service suitable for:

  • for those who communicate a lot within the network;
  • for those who often travel around Russia;
  • for those who have many relatives and friends in different cities;
  • on holidays when you need to make a lot of calls.

Service cost:

  • Connection – 3.5 rubles.
  • Subscription fee – 3.5 rubles per day.

The amount withdrawn when activating the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” service is the fee for the first day of operation of the service. Funds are written off at night, in advance for the next day. You can connect and disconnect 100 minutes for calls within Russia at any time. A subscription fee will be charged for both whole and partial days.

How to activate “Call free to MTS Russia 100 minutes”?

The connection “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” can occur from any mobile gadget, as well as via the Internet.

The option is connected in one of three ways:

  • From your mobile phone, send a USSD request *868#
  • Send a free SMS with the text 868 to the short number MTS 111
  • In your Personal Account - you must check the “Connect” line, in the “Service Management” item, section “Connecting new services”

To find out the number of minutes remaining for the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” option in the current day, enter the command *100*1# from the phone keyboard. You can also use your Personal Account.

How to disable “Call for free to MTS Russia 100”?

Disabling the “Call for free to MTS” option is similar to connecting:

  • Select the desired section in the “Internet Assistant” account and disable the option
  • Send an SMS with the text 8680 to the short number 111
  • Dial the USSD command *111*868# from your cell phone