What is google trends. Google trends: how to use Google trends in online marketing? What problems does Google Trends help solve?

Determine the interests of the target audience, analyze the demand for goods or services, track current and past trends, popular events, and also find out the number of queries on Google from different regions for certain keywords - all this can be done using Google Trends.

What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is a service that allows you to find out how popular queries or events you are interested in are geographically and over time. Allows you to compare trends by their significance

This tool can be called an analogue of Yandex Wordstat in Google, however, the main difference between Google Trends and the first is that it provides users with qualitative rather than quantitative indicators. That is, the service shows not how many times a specific query was entered by users, but how popular this query is (or not) relative to the total mass of queries on Google.

What problems does Google Trends help solve?

Using Google Trends you can:

  • Track the popularity of news and products that users are searching for on the Internet.
  • Track the activity of the target audience. Analyze the dynamics of search queries over a certain period of time and identify seasonal dependencies.
  • Obtain analytical data by region and use it to assess the influence of geographic factors.
  • Look for new niches or markets.
  • Create a content plan, select ideas for news, blog articles, videos, etc.

How to use Google Trends?

Working with the service is quite simple. We go to the main page of Google Trends and enter the desired search query in the search bar. For example, “vacation in Turkey”

Afterwards, the service will open the Analysis page, on which in the first place there will be a graph with the dynamics of popularity.

On the graph itself with the results, by hovering the cursor over a certain point, you can find out the level of popularity at a specific point in time, expressed as a percentage of the highest value for the selected period.

Under the main line with our query in Google Trends there is also a field for filters in which you can set:

  • Region (worldwide, country, region) in which the analysis will take place.
  • The time period for which you need to obtain data. Any period is available, starting from 2004 (for the last hour, 4 hours, 1, 7, 30, 90 days, as well as arbitrary periods).
  • The category to which the request belongs. This parameter is especially useful as it allows you to specify the query if the search word has several meanings.
  • Web search section. Here you can determine the direction of the search: on the Internet, Youtube, news, pictures or products.

Fine-tuning query analysis in Google Trends. The graph changes in accordance with the specified filter parameters.

Google search statistics by region

One of the useful features of Google Trends is the ability to get an idea of ​​the popularity of a query in a specific region. In GT you can find out the popularity of a query on Google by country, region and city. The “Popularity by Region” block is located on the “Analysis” page under the “Popularity Dynamics” graph.

To drill down by city, you need to select “cities” from the drop-down list in the “Region” tab.

Search operators in Google Trends

Operators allow you to control the matches and precision of queries.

  • holiday in Turkey. By typing a search query without operators, you will get results containing the search words in random order and similar queries.
  • "vacation in Turkey." By placing quotation marks around the query " ", the result is an exact word order match and the exclusion of similar queries. At the same time, this operator assumes that queries with additional words may be included in the statistics.
  • holiday in Turkey - Istanbul. Using - it is possible to exclude words from the results. For example, Istanbul, if you are not interested in queries related to this word.
  • holiday in Turkey + Türkiye + Turkey. The + operator allows synonyms or misspelled queries to be included in the results.

How to compare query trends?

GT has the ability to compare trends for several queries at once. For this:
On the main page of Google Trends at the top of the page in the field we give the query No. 1 that interests us.

The system will provide data for this request.

In the “Compare” field we give query No. 2. The trend of this query will be displayed along with the trend of the first one.

You can also set an analysis filter by region or period for each request. To do this, click on the icon next to each request and click “Select filters”.

In Google Trends, similar queries to a given one are presented in a separate column at the very bottom of the “Analysis” page. In this case, these requests can be filtered by two parameters:

“Trending” - displays similar search queries indicating the growth in popularity of the query as a percentage relative to the previous period. For words whose popularity has grown more than 50 times, the designation “Super Popular” is provided.

“Leaders” - displays the most popular search queries (topics) as a percentage. Where 100% are received by the most popular queries in comparison with others.


Google Trends is a powerful analytical tool for determining the popularity of queries, events, persons, etc.

Once you understand how it works, you can use the data you receive to understand trends (for example, be the first to cover events and get a lot of traffic), and create ideas for content in your own business.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

In 2007, Google gave the world a service that analyzes search queries, records and stores this data. Initially, the service was available only for the United States, but over time other countries were added. And in 2013, it became possible to look at the statistics of Google search queries in Russia. In order to understand the importance and usefulness of the tool, you need to understand its capabilities. Therefore, let’s not waste time and move from words to action, or rather to practice.

How to use Google Trends

Let's move on service link. The first thing we see is the well-known search bar; this is where we will enter the queries that interest us. For example, let’s enter the word “Kalina”. The question immediately arises: what was the user going to find? A car, a berry or maybe the lyrics of a song? For such controversial cases, in order to weed out the non-target audience, there is a function for selecting topics.

Below there is a filter which has the following selection functions:

  1. Selecting the region of the request. You can specify both country and city.
  2. You can set a period to view statistics for a specific year or month or for the last 7 days (even hourly), which can be very useful if you have an information portal that constantly posts the latest news.
  3. Select a category. Google Trends will offer you its own options, but you can choose yourself from a more complete list.
  4. Search direction. Understand where the user tried to find information: in pictures, videos, news, or a regular search on the Internet.

As you can see in the graph, there is a stable seasonality of the query “buy a bike”, where the peak of popularity falls every year in May, and the dynamics of the Google query is growing every year. It often happens that popularity can rise two or more times a year: for example, tires become popular both in spring and autumn.

We should also mention the search operators that also work in Google Trends. If you have forgotten how to use them or didn’t even know, you can read them in.

Please note that the charts display numbers from 0 to 100, where 100 is the highest value for the selected period.

Next comes popularity by region. The darker the area, the higher the frequency. Based on the data, the Leningrad region is the leader in the “Buy a bicycle” request. You can watch both individual regions and cities. It is also possible to view the chronology of requests for a selected period in the form of a slide show. The chronology of query statistics will be indicated for the selected period in the filter, so if you are interested in history for a different time period, you should change the date in the filter.

At the end, Google Trend provides statistics on similar queries on the Internet. Here you can see the top topics and queries, as well as those that are actively gaining popularity. This information is really useful. Based on trend statistics, it is worth paying attention to the expansion of the range of tricycles and Stealth bicycles.

Now that you have a list of queries that are worth focusing on, you can compare by brand or type.


Google Trends data is used to estimate flu or other disease activity.

It’s also worth paying attention to “Comparison”. This function makes it possible to compare search queries with each other. Or draw a parallel request in different countries. For example: citizens of the Republic of Belarus are more interested in such a question as “presidential elections” than residents of Russia.

It is also possible to compare statistics over time periods by overlaying graphs to understand how the request dynamics are going this year relative to last year.


Google Hot Trends is an add-on and shows the latest and most popular searches

Let's summarize the statistics of Google trends queries

We learned that the number of users who want to buy a bike is growing every year. This request has a seasonality that begins to grow in December, gains a peak in popularity in May, and then declines until December. Based on the statistics of Google Trends search queries, we understand that the prospects for bicycle sales are great, and we know when to expect an influx of customers. We saw that it was better to focus on advertising in the Leningrad, Moscow and Kaluga regions, while in the Vologda and Pskov regions the popularity was much less. And according to Google data, searches for buying a tricycle are up 400%.

Expert opinion

At first glance, the functionality of Google Trends is quite simple and primitive. It seems that it is not very informative, but this is far from the case. This service makes it possible to view statistics of Google search queries in the past, find out what is happening now and, after analyzing the data obtained, make a forecast for the future. If you have an online store, then you will be able to understand in which regions it is better to “push” and at what moment. If the site is informational, then Google Trend will indicate popular news queries that are skyrocketing right now or find topics that have maintained high ratings for a long time. It also helps in developing and expanding the semantic core. Stay in the search trend and learn to look into the future.

Hello dear site visitors!

The Google Trends service aims to show all users what is most often searched on Google. Used as a more advanced and simplified Wordstat service from Yandex.

It is much more interesting to look at the information here. If in Wordstat everything is presented in the form of a table with key queries and their number, in Google Trends there is a large number of pictures and beautiful graphs.

The purpose of the service is to show the number of searches for a specific query in different countries and at different times. Google Trends can show both the terms that are popular now and the search phrases that have become the most popular at a certain time (or during a specific month, year or day).

Webmasters can improve search results through this service. With its help, you can view the dynamics of growth or decline in the level of popularity of one or another, find out information about the reasons for this behavior of indicators, as well as much other information.

Google Trends shows the user not only current dynamic indicators, but also forecasts of the behavior of a particular search word/phrase. They should not be taken as exact data, but they are as close as possible to future results.

The user can not only conduct analysis, but also search for popular trends on YouTube, and look at infographics of the popularity of a query in specific regions and at a specific time.

The powerful technical base of Google Trends makes it possible to use it not only as a search tool, but also as a powerful information base for getting acquainted with the latest popular news. The service does not create its own materials; it only shows the most relevant ones, providing links and a brief description.


Google Trends is a very powerful tool for search engine optimization. Both ordinary users and webmasters can always stay up to date with the latest fashion on the Internet. At the moment, its functionality is not as rich as in the case of Yandex, but the interface is intuitive. The service itself draws in its visitors with its form of presenting information, so you can stay here for as long as possible. To use the service, no prior registration is required, and working with it is free.

How to use Google Trends

We go to the website: https://trends.google.ru/trends/?geo=RU. Here you can immediately select keywords

In the “Subject” search line, you need to enter the desired query (keyword), for example, “Buy a T-shirt.”

On the same page, just below, you can see what people searched for in the last 24 hours.

We select “Analysis” and get this window, where we immediately select the desired country and enter the keyword:

According to our request, from year to year the dynamics of popularity have almost the same trend. The peak of popularity occurs in the summer (May - August), and in (September - April) the popularity is much lower.

For those who are developing a marketing strategy, this analysis will be very useful.

For a more expanded, specific dynamics of popularity, based on a narrow request for a specific topic, we will conduct another analysis:

  • buy a T-shirt - blue graph;
  • where to buy a T-shirt - red graph;
  • buy a men's T-shirt - yellow graph;
  • buy women's t-shirt - green graph.

Looking at the graph, you can see that the most popular request for the keyword is “Buy a T-shirt.” “Where to buy a T-shirt” is less popular; fewer people search for this query. As for the yellow and green graphs, they are almost the same and the least popular in relation to the previous graphs.

Analysis by pictures

Look how the graph has changed when searching by images:

Create an Alt attribute for images on the site based on these requests. In this graph, blue has the most requests. Write down keywords in the product card. In this case, “Buy a T-shirt” (Alt attribute).

Popular queries by region

Here you will find out where the most popular queries are by region, city by keyword:

Choose regions, cities and promote your product.

What excites your target audience at the moment? What do they most look for and trust? The result not only in terms of SEO, but also in contextual advertising and other online marketing tools depends on seasonality, popularity of the topic and the most important ability to correctly and quickly respond to the trend. A free service will help you catch this wave of popularity (hype). Google Trends. In this article I will describe all the capabilities of this trend analysis tool.

What is the main purpose of Google Trends?

This tool appeared in 2007 and was distributed only in the USA. After 5 years, residents of Singapore, Japan and India got the opportunity to use Google Trends, and a year later, in 2013, it came to Russia.

List of countries where Google Trends available:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Argentina
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Great Britain
  • Vietnam
  • Germany
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Türkiye
  • Philippines
  • France
  • Switzerland
  • Sweden
  • Japan

I think the number of countries will expand every year.

So, let's highlight 4 main indicators which can be highlighted in Google Trends:

  1. Find out the popularity of the topic and the latest trends;
  2. Conduct seasonality analysis for your niche;
  3. Conduct an analysis of geographic data on the popularity of queries and topics;
  4. Comparison of the popularity of topics or queries.

Let's look at the service for clarity using examples in pictures.

What's trending on Google right now?

The home page of Google Trends in Russia displays the latest events that have occurred over the past 24 hours. We see the title of the news - a headline consisting of coherent keywords, for example: “Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus” and so on. On the right is a small graph that shows how the news grew hourly; in order to get more detailed information, click on the title and go to the page with the specific news.

After moving to a specific event, we see that Trends interacts with Google News by displaying a block with media news for this event.

I also want to draw attention to a very important element like the dynamics of popularity, where you can track at what time the maximum interest in the topic occurred. (The screenshot shows that in Russia maximum interest occurred at 14.00)

Regarding the elements: I will tell you about popularity by region and popular queries later.

The situation in the USA is slightly different. In addition to issuing the latest news, there are also very interesting indicators. For example, yesterday on August 21 there was an eclipse, the first graph shows which states had a lunar eclipse and which states had a solar eclipse.

In addition to this, there are also indicators: Interest in the person of Donald Trump and Game of Thrones. Let's take a closer look at the latter.

As you can see, the data for this event starts from July 13 to the present day, and Season 7 of Game of Thrones started on July 16.

Google Trends collected as much information as possible about this event, even dividing the types of requests of visitors: Which artist is searched for most often, and so on.

Google Trends Leaders Page

On the page "Leaders" Google Trends service allows you to see events over the past few years.

The statistics are general and only the TOP events of the outgoing year in Russia are presented.

Regarding events in the USA, the situation is different. It is possible to view, in addition to data for the year, also data for the past month. There are also many more compiled TOP ratings on various topics, which can also be very useful in analysis.

How to see the dynamics of search queries in Google Trends?

When planning your advertising setup, you need to take into account the growth or decline in demand for a service/product in order to correctly calculate the budget. The Google Trends service allows you to track how many people typed a query on a topic over several years, a month, a day, and even an hour. In the graph above, I indicated as an example the Acer company, which is losing its popularity from year to year, so if you have an online store for computers as a priority, you can put other more popular brands and advertise on them.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at what steps need to be taken to get statistics.

1. Enter a search query

In the search bar we enter the query we need. My advice: in the tips, when you enter a query, select not a query, but a topic (in my case, the topic is a smartphone), because it covers all queries related to it.

As we can see in the graph, there were certain jumps in requests (this is due to the release of the next iPhone model). If we hover over the graph, we will see the popularity of this request for a week, and in general the entire graph is the dynamics of popularity.

How is it built? Let me give an example of the definition that Google Trends gives:

“Popularity dynamics are numbers that indicate the level of interest in a topic, taking into account the highest indicator in the table for a certain region and time period. 100 points mean the highest level of popularity of the query, 50 – the level of popularity of the query is half that in the first case, 0 – the level of popularity of the query is not higher than 1% of the level in the first case.”

Let's look at the remaining elements. There are additional filters just above the graph:

Region– in the first drop-down sorting we can select a country by which we can see the dynamics or indicate the whole world.

Period– the following sorting is temporary. Here we can set the time period for trend analysis. (Since 2004, last 5 years, per year, 90.30, 7 days, last day, 4 hours, hour). You can also set the time period we need (But the countdown starts only from 2004).

Search selection– indicate the type of search from where to collect information.

Search types:

  • Search by images;
  • Search by news;
  • Search by product;
  • Search on Youtube.

2. Using operators in Google Trends

To work effectively in Google Trends, it is possible to specify special operators for entered queries.

“iphone buy” – using quotes in Google Trends allows you to prohibit the inclusion of similar queries and change the ordering of words. Exactly the same function is available in the Yandex Wordstat service.

“iphone -free” is an exception from the statistics of search queries that include a certain word. In other words, we write down negative keywords.

“iphone + iPhone” – adding synonyms to the statistics, for which we can see more complete statistics.

3. Comparing query trends in Google Trends

It is also possible to compare different queries with each other. For comparison, let’s take other phone brands: Samsung, Nokia, HTC and the once popular Siemens.

As we can see, the graph shows different color lines for each of the queries, which makes it easier to perceive the information.

What can you see on this graph?

Siemens was considered competitive and was on par with Nokia and Samsung, but then lost its momentum and later stopped making phones altogether. At the same moment, HTC and iPhone (Apple) began to grow, but the former quickly lost popularity.

The company that has held steady and still produces smartphones is Samsung.

By the way, if you type in popular phone brands in comparison today, the most significant growth is observed for Xiaomi, again speaking about what is better to advertise now;)

I hope you understand how to use this tool.

4. Analysis of statistics by region in Google Trends

You can analyze the popularity of queries by region and country.

From the graph we see that most of the world's population uses an iPhone. Let's take a closer look at how things are in Russia. The indicator for subregions, which appears when we select an individual country, will help us with this.

Accordingly, those regions where Samsung predominates can redistribute the budget towards this brand. For example, Nokia is doing best in the Republic of Karelia, you might ask why? Perhaps because the subject of the Russian Federation borders Finland. These are the kinds of things you can understand based on Google Trends.

5. What are the popular trends currently on Google Trends?

Just below you can see another useful feature - similar queries and their popularity.]

That is, looking at these indicators, we can guess which product or service was popular in 12 months.

But there is an even more useful function called trending.

With the help of trends, you can predict in advance what the spike will be and already load all the necessary keywords into your advertising campaign. How to do this correctly, information for individual reflections and, rather, articles.


Today I talked about a rather interesting tool used in website promotion - Google Trends. And even though it is not intended to collect the frequency of search queries, I believe that it is a significant competitor to Yandex Wordstat in terms of analyzing a group of queries, and in some places it even wins. Therefore, it is better to use these tools together.

So... if you have any questions, ask them in the comments!

Analysis of search queries and changes in their popularity over a certain period helps companies quickly respond to rapidly changing market demands. By adding information relevant to potential customers to the site, the company increases the attractiveness of its site and its popularity. Programs and resources for trend analysis will help you find out what people are currently looking for on the Internet and how their interest in this concept has changed.

What does the concept of trend analysis include?

The concept of trend analysis is present in many sciences. It is usually understood as an analysis of changes in any indicator over a certain period of time that has passed since the moment taken as the base level. This method is often used in accounting and financial auditing.

In relation to search engines and website audits, trend analysis means the analysis of the following information:

  • About the popularity of certain search queries (phrases, expressions, individual words) in a certain territory or in a specific language;
  • About the dynamics of popularity for a given period;
  • Comparing the popularity of several queries with each other.

For analysis purposes, a trend is understood as the direction of changes in the indicator under consideration, most often presented in the form of a graph.

Why study search trends?

For a company, especially one specializing in trade in goods and services, to be successful, it needs to monitor market demand and adapt to it. First of all, this concerns assortment policy and regulation of sales volumes and markets for a particular product. Changes that occur should be reflected on the company’s website - new products, points of sale, promotions and advantageous offers are added.

In addition, you should take into account exactly how the potential client formulates his request and ensure that it is present in the same form on the site and is visible to search engines.

Along with a specific product or service, people often look for related information that the company should post on its website.

You can identify seasonal declines in increased interest in a product by taking these points into account when planning your sales strategy for the year.

Tools for trend analysis

Among the most popular and convenient resources for analyzing trends, many users note Google Trends as a convenient, informative platform for collecting and analyzing information about search queries. This web resource allows you to study the popularity of certain phrases and words in comparison with the entire volume of queries in the search engine. Statistics can be viewed both around the world and in a specific territory: in a specific country, city. Google Trends can show news related to a query in the interest graph. If there have been significant increases or decreases in attention to specific words or phrases in places where news or important events are posted, this may mean that the event is affecting the popularity of the query in question.

Other useful resources for conducting trend analysis:

The trend analysis service developed by Google remains the most effective and informative among all similar resources, so in most cases it is recommended to use it.
