What is an information product definition? The concept of an information resource, product, service, market for information services

Information products

Information products - documents, information arrays, databases and information services:
- resulting from the functioning of information systems; And
- intended for distribution or sale.

In English: Information products

See also: Information Products

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"Information products" in books


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2.1 Information products and services

The Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” introduced the concept of information resources.

Information resources (IR) - these are individual documents, arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, data banks and other information systems).

Information resources should be understood as knowledge that has materialized in the form of documents, databases, knowledge bases, programs, algorithms, etc., Therefore, IR should be considered as strategic resources of society. A methodology for quantitative and qualitative assessment of IR has not been developed. IR is the basis for creating information products.

Information product (IP) - a set of data generated by the manufacturer for distribution in material or immaterial forms. IP is distributed using information services.

Information service (IU) - making IP available to the user.

Information Services¹ computer services (e.g. library), however, are moving closer and closer to this. Currently, the provision of information services is almost impossible without creating and maintaining databases (DB).

Types of information services are classified depending on the type of individual entrepreneur.

1. Release of information publications;

2. Retrospective information search – targeted search of an application and forwarding of results;

3. Providing the original source or copy;

4. Traditional scientific and technical information services:

* reviews;

* translations;

5. Remote access:

* direct access;

* indirect access (newsletters, help desk);

(selection result based on search criteria) is loaded on the user's PC for further work;

* regular search;

6. Provision of information services:

* connection;

* software;

* creation of information systems;

* data processing at a computer center;


Market of information products and information services

IP and IU marketsystem of economic, legal, organizational relations for trade in products of intellectual labor on a commercial basis. This market operates:

· IP and IP suppliers;

· IP and IP consumers.

The history of the development of the IP and IP market can be presented as follows:

· 50s – scientific institutions, government institutions;

· 60s – electronic means of processing and transmitting information; the most important form of data presentationDatabase;

· 70s – global data networks; interactive search for information in a remote database;

· 80s – worldwide data networks(INTERNET), WWW, space and cellular communications.

Market structure of information products and information services

The following components can be distinguished in the structure of the IP and IP market:

1. Technological component:

2. Regulatory component;

3. Information component;

4. Organizational component.

As a result of the development of the IP and IP market, a information market infrastructure – a set of sectors, each of which unites groups offering homogeneous information products and services.

Approaches to determining the infrastructure of the IP and IP market are different. For example, you can offer an infrastructure of 5 sectors:

· scientific and technical information (I);

· objects of artistic culture;

· education services;

· management data and communications;

· household information.

Another example of infrastructure is shown in Fig. 2.1 and also includes five sectors:

Rice. 2.1 Sectors of the market for information products and information services

1. Business information:

Þ stock exchange information;

Þ statistical information;

Þ commercial information.

2. Information from specialists :

Þ professional information;

Þ scientific and technical information;

Þ access to primary sources.

3. Consumer Information:

Þ news and literature;

Þ schedule, orders

Þ entertainment: games, etc.

4. Education services.

5. Supporting information systems and tools:

Þ software products;

Þ technical means;

Þ development and maintenance of information systems and technologies;

Þ consulting on aspects of information technology;

Þ preparation of information sources: databases, knowledge bases

The activities of individuals, groups, teams and organizations are now increasingly beginning to depend on their awareness and ability to effectively use available information. Before taking any action, it is necessary to carry out a lot of work on collecting and processing information, understanding it and analyzing it. Finding rational solutions in any area requires processing large amounts of information, which is sometimes impossible without the use of special technical means.

Therefore, the information market is becoming increasingly important: the telecommunications market, the computer market and the information network market, the information technology market, the market for software products and knowledge, the market for information services in the financial sector, the “black” market for illegal information services.

Information today is considered as one of the most important resources for the development of society. The existence of a number of properties of information, similar to the properties of traditional resources, gave rise to the use of many economic characteristics (price, value, costs, profit, etc.) in the analysis of information production.

In the global information technology market, a stable circle of actors has emerged - producers, consumers, experts and institutional bodies - and a significant volume of business has emerged. Clearly defined sectors or segments have formed in the market structure in accordance with ideas about the market mechanism, and a stable and diverse range of products and services has emerged.

New information technologies involve providing the user with not only an information product, but also means of access to it (search tools, processing, presentation, etc.). These tools allow the user not only to visualize the content of computer files in which the information product is embodied, but also to obtain information in a volume and format that are relevant specifically to his needs.

Ideally, access tools should enable information to be found and presented to suit the user's needs, no matter where it is located. This opportunity is traditionally associated with the concept of “information service”.

Information service is a service focused on meeting the information needs of users by providing information products.

In other words, an information service is the receipt and provision of information products to the user. In a narrow sense, an information service is often perceived as a service obtained with the help of computers, although in fact the concept is much broader.

When providing a service, an agreement (contract) is concluded between two parties – the provider and the user of the service. The contract specifies the period of its use and the corresponding remuneration. The list of services is determined by the volume, quality, subject orientation in the field of use of information resources and information products created on their basis.

Information services arise only if there are databases in a computer or non-computer version.

Database– a set of related data, rules, organizations of which are based on general principles of description, storage and manipulation of data.

Databases are a source and a kind of semi-finished product in the preparation of information services by the relevant services. Databases, although they were not called that, existed even before the computer age in libraries, archives, foundations, reference bureaus and other similar organizations. They contain all kinds of information about events, phenomena, objects, processes, publications, etc. With the advent of computers, the volume of stored databases increases significantly and, accordingly, the range of information services expands.

Let's consider the classification of databases from the standpoint of their use for systematizing information services and products. Databases are usually divided into bibliographic and non-bibliographic.

Bibliographic databases contain secondary information about documents, including abstracts and annotations.

Non-bibliographic databases have many types:

· reference books containing information about various objects and phenomena, for example addresses, phone numbers of stores, companies, etc.;

· full text containing primary information, such as articles, magazines, brochures, etc.;

· numerical, containing quantitative characteristics and parameters of objects and phenomena, for example chemical and physical data, statistical and demographic data, etc.;

· text-numeric, containing descriptions of objects and their characteristics, for example, for industrial products, companies, countries, etc.;

· financial, containing financial information provided by banks, exchanges, firms, etc.;

· legal, containing legal documents.

Based on the possible types of information products and databases, the classification of information resources can be presented as follows (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1 Main types of information services.

Publishing information publications means preparing printed materials:

· Bibliographic and other indexes;

· Abstract collections;

· Review publications;

· Reference publications.

Information publications are prepared by almost all types of information services, bodies and systems. These publications contain secondary information that is created on the basis of working with databases, the provision of work with which is also a service.

Retrospective information retrieval– this is a targeted search for information in a database at the request of the user and sending the results either by mail in the form of printouts or by e-mail in the form of a file.

Providing primary sources is a traditional service of library services. This service provides not only for the issuance of primary sources, but also their copies obtained using devices of various operating principles.

Traditional scientific and technical information services are provided by advance order and include: preparation of reviews in the form of manuscripts; preparation of translations of texts.

Remote access to remote databases is organized on a computer network in an interactive mode.
The popularity of remote database access services is growing rapidly and is ahead of all types of other services due to:

· an increasing number of users who have mastered the information technology of working in the communication environment of computer networks;

· high efficiency of service provision;

· the possibility of abandoning your own information systems.

Traditionally, the main users of remote database access services are organizations. However, in recent years there has been a tendency towards a significant increase in the number of individual users.

These services are mainly provided by special organizations. Remote access to databases can be provided by subscription based on a subscription fee or under contracts.

The payment scheme may vary, but basically it is an hourly payment, depending on the amount of information received.

Remote database access services can be classified as follows:

· direct access to databases can be organized from the user’s local location;

· indirect access includes organizing user training, issuing a news bulletin, organizing a help desk, organizing meetings with the user to clarify questions of interest, sending questionnaires to users;

· the Downloading service allows you to download search results in a central database to your personal computer for further use as a personal database;

· regular search involves regularly conducting searches in arrays of one or more central databases and providing search results to the user’s terminal at a time convenient for him.

Preparation and provision of information services includes the following components:

· communications (telephone, telecommunications) for the provision of information services carried out in the form of data transmission;

· data processing in computer centers;

· software;

· development of information systems;

· development of information technologies.

From all of the above, we can conclude that information services are a special type of product in the information market.

In turn, the market for information products and services (information market) is a system of economic, legal and organizational relations for trading products of intellectual labor on a commercial basis.

The information market is characterized by a certain range of products and services, conditions and mechanisms for their provision, and prices.

Unlike trade in ordinary goods that have a material form, here information systems, information technologies, licenses, patents, trademarks, know-how, engineering services, various types of information and other types of information act as the subject of sale or exchange. resources.

The main source of information for information services in modern society is databases. They integrate suppliers and consumers of information services, connections and relationships between them, the procedure and conditions for the sale and purchase of information services.

Suppliers of information products are:

· centers where databases are created and stored, and information is constantly accumulated and edited in them;

· centers that distribute information based on different databases;

· telecommunications and data services;

· special services where information on a specific field of activity flows for its analysis, generalization, forecasting, for example, consulting firms, banks, stock exchanges;

· commercial firms;

· information brokers.

Consumers of information products and services are various legal entities and individuals.

Currently in Russia, the formation of a market for information products and services is rapidly developing, the most important components of which are:

Technical and technological component.
These are modern information equipment, powerful computers, a developed computer network and corresponding information processing technologies.

Regulatory component. These are legal documents: laws, decrees, regulations that ensure civilized relations in the information market. (Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”; Law “On Copyright and Related Rights”, Federal Law “On Trade Secrets”, Federal Law “On Electronic Digital Signatures”, etc.).

Information component. These are reference and navigation tools and structures that help you find the information you need.

Organizational component. These are elements of state regulation of interaction between producers and distributors of information products and services. There are five sectors of the market for information products and services (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2 Infrastructure of the information services market.

Information products and services Information products are documents, information files, databases and information services that are the result of the functioning of information systems. Information products are a general concept that includes two components: information products and information services.

Information products and services Information products are information products presented in material, material form. For example, books, articles, digests, analytical reviews, bibliographic indexes, abstract and factual databases, databases, websites, etc.

Information products and services In relation to the activities of an information scientist-analyst, an information product is the result of intellectual activity to create new information or meaningful processing of existing information, presented on a tangible medium (most often in the form of a document).

Information products and services Information service is the provision of information products to the user in accordance with his information requests. Information services are provided by libraries and information services, advertising agencies, design studios, etc. For example, searching for information on request, completing inquiries, issuing literature, copying documents, consulting a librarian or information worker, etc.

Information products and services Information products and information services are closely interrelated concepts, which can sometimes be very difficult to separate. The boundaries between information products and services are arbitrary. As a rule, the result of providing an information service is the provision of an information product to the consumer.

Information products and services The scope of consumption of information products and services is extremely wide. It includes: businesses (merchants, businessmen, economists, etc.); the sphere of professional activity of various categories of scientists and specialists (medics, lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc.); management sphere (employees of government bodies, managers); sphere of mass use (unlimited circle of mass users).

Information products and services The variety of information needs of people, the variety of areas of consumption of information products and services give rise to many categories of information consumers. Let us present a classification of the main categories of consumers of information products and services, using for this purpose various divisions: legal status, purpose of acquiring information, purpose of accessing information, subject matter.

Information products and services Classification of the main categories of consumers of information products and services 1. By legal status: 1.1. Legal entities: public sector enterprises; state administrative (government) structures; representative offices of foreign states (consulates, cultural centers, etc.); companies with foreign capital participation; large commercial structures; small and medium-sized businesses, etc. Individuals; scientists and specialists, students, students, retirees, etc.

Information products and services 2. By purpose of acquisition: 2.1. Individuals purchasing information products and services for personal consumption and forming a consumer market; 2.2. Persons and organizations purchasing information products for use in the production of other goods or services - the market for industrial goods;

Information products and services 2.3. Individuals and organizations purchasing information products for resale to other consumers for their own benefit - the market of intermediate sellers; 2.4. Federal government organizations and local governments that purchase information products and services to perform their core functions of administering power or for redistribution are the government market.

Information products and services 3. According to the purpose of consumers' access to information: 3.1. To use information in professional activities (management, entrepreneurship, research, development, production); 3.2. For the use of information in education;

Information products and services 3.3. To use information during leisure (amateur) activities; 3.4. To use information in everyday life. 4. On the subject of user requests: natural sciences, technology, medicine, agriculture, ecology, law, finance and statistics, etc.

Information products and services Taking into account the dependence on the profile of the main activity, organizations operating in the information market as producers can be combined into the following groups: centers that create primary documents, information products that were previously absent in the primary information flow (universities, research institutes, publishing houses, journal editorial offices , software development companies, Web design studios, etc.);

Information products and services centers - storage of information resources, database generators (striking examples of organizations creating bibliographic databases are VINITI, INION, RKP; organizations preparing factual databases: "Internord Compass", information commercial center "Foreign Communications", company "C.P.W. Well Pages Limited"; organizations specializing in the preparation of full-text databases: information and legal consortium "Code", etc.);

Information products and services centers – holders (custodians) of information resources (libraries, information services, museums, archives); centers that carry out analytical processing of information resources at the request of end consumers (information, analytical and marketing agencies).

Information products and services Structures that operate in the information market offer consumers the following types of services: direct access to databases, on-line mode; batch access to databases off-line mode; databases on floppy disks and CDs; consultations provided by specialists in the field of information resources; training in access to world information resources.

Information products and services Main types of information products; - documents as a result of document services, when in response to an information request the primary document itself is issued; - bibliographic information products as a result of bibliographic services, when in response to an information request, not the primary document itself is issued, but bibliographic information about it;

Information products and services - factual information products as a result of factual services, when in response to an information request, not information about documents, not the documents themselves, but facts extracted from them are provided; - analytical information products as a result of analytical services, which is the result of information research, when in response to an information request, information extracted from a variety of analyzed, processed and critically evaluated sources is provided.

Information products and services The production of information products and services is based on information technology. Technology" (from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill + logos, ..logy - science, knowledge) - this is a set of methods and means of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products carried out in the process production of products.

Information products and services Information technology is a set of interconnected technological processes and operations carried out in a strictly defined sequence, as well as tools, processing means, changes in state, properties, form of source information, ensuring the production of information products. The purpose of information technology is the production of information products.

Information products and services Information technology deals with unique raw materials that are subject to transformation - information recorded in documents. It is the need for semantic transformation of source information that determines the main complexity of preparing information products.

Information products and services Do not forget that any technology, including information technology, has three components: Raw materials. The raw materials in information technology are information resources, most often presented in the form of documents. But first, these information resources must be found. Thus, we come to the conclusion that an information scientist must know information search algorithms in both traditional and electronic media;

Information products and services Technological processes and operations, tools and means of labor. The found information resources must be subjected to analytical and theoretical processing, i.e. analyze and critically evaluate, select the information necessary to prepare an information product. For this purpose, an information scientist-analyst must use both the capabilities of information and communication technologies (ICT) and a personal computer, as well as methods of formalized collapsing of information, visualization and visual presentation of information (the use of tables, diagrams, graphs, multimedia presentations).

Information products and services Final product. It can be a wide class of information products - from individual documents (article, review, digest) to databases, websites, information arrays. The creation of each of the numerous types of information products must comply with the regulatory requirements imposed on them. Thus, we come to the conclusion that an informatics analyst must know their composition and structure, as well as regulatory documents (standards, instructions, rules, etc.) regulating the preparation of a specific type of information product

Information products and services Despite the variety of types of information products, the main typical stages of their creation can be identified: Search for information and selection of sources that correspond (relevant) to the topic or problem stated in the consumer’s request for information; Analytical and theoretical processing of found sources of information; Preparation of content (content) of an information product in accordance with the topic or problem stated in the consumer’s request for information; Design of an information product in accordance with current regulatory documents (standards, instructions, rules).

Information technologies Existing information technologies can be formally divided into two large interrelated classes: - software and mathematical tools for informatization, intended for the design of new information technologies; - applied information technologies that provide decision making and support.

Information products and services The most important requirements for any information products are: – targeting a specific category of users; - completeness and sufficiency. The completeness of information in each specific case is determined taking into account chronological, linguistic, geographical, type-species and other selection boundaries; – reliability, i.e. confidence that the sources used are reliable, verified and have undergone high-quality selection; – Accuracy i.e. compliance with information needs – compactness; – relevance (efficiency, novelty); – compliance with current regulatory documents (standards).

Information products and services Standardization is the activity of establishing norms, rules and characteristics in order to ensure: the safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property; technical and information compatibility, and also interchangeability of products; quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of science, technology and technology; saving all types of resources; the safety of economic entities, taking into account the risk of natural and man-made disasters and other emergency situations;

Information products and services Standard (from the English standard norm, sample), in the broad sense of the word, is a sample, standard, model, taken as the original for comparing other similar objects with them. It is important to say that special documents - standards - are used to assess product quality. A standard is a regulatory and technical document approved by the competent authority that establishes a set of norms and rules in relation to the subject of standardization.

Standards The most important types of standards are state standards (GOSTs), industry standards (OSTs) and enterprise standards. It is worth saying that the difference between them is determined by the degree of compulsoryness (breadth) of the scope of application - throughout the state, in a separate industry, in a separate enterprise.

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