European university libraries and open conference system. Functionality of the Mendeleev Olympiad

After studying the Mendeleev Olympiad service, a list of functional capabilities was compiled:

    Online registration (registration date management)

    Viewing an existing account

    User password recovery (password reset via email)

    Taking the test online

    View general information about the Olympiad

    Viewing documents (regulations on the Olympiad, regulations on the Olympiad in law, regulations of the Olympiad)

    Viewing the “stage calendar” (i.e. viewing the dates of the first and second stages, as well as registration dates)

    Viewing the results of the Olympiad (winners of the first and second stages separately, as well as the winners of the Olympiad)

    Viewing assignments from previous years

    View the work of the current year's winners

    View previous years' results (four years, including the current one)

    Access control by Olympiad organizers

    Accounting for activities (events)

Thus, a list of requirements for the new service was determined.

Open Journal Systems Basics

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal and publication management system that was developed by the Government Knowledge Project as part of a federally funded effort to expand and improve access to scientific research.

Features of OJS:

    OJS is installed and managed locally.

    Editors can customize requirements, sections, review process, etc.

    Online presentation and management of all content.

    Module subscription with a choice of open access options.

    Comprehensive indexing of the content of part of the global system.

    Tools for reading content based on area and editors' selections.

    Email notification and comment option for readers.

    Full contextual online support.

OJS assists in every stage of the peer-reviewed publication process, from submissions to online publication and indexing. Through its management systems, it provides research indexing, OJS strives to improve both the scientific and public quality of peer-reviewed research.

OJS is software with free access to journals around the world. His goal is to create a publicly accessible, viable journal option for other publishers. Open access can increase a journal's readership and also provides an opportunity to contribute to the public good on a global scale.

Open Conference Systems Basics

Open Conference Systems (OCS) is a free web-based publishing tool that will create a complete web presence for your academic conference.

OCS will allow you to:

    Create a conference website

    Accept work electronically.

    Upload and evaluate work.

    Send reviews and comments with remarks to the author of the work.

    Post conference materials and documents in an easy-to-search format

    Assigning positions to conference participants (leader, track leader, reviewer, author, reader)

    Register participants

    Integrate online conference discussion post

Open Conference Systems (OCS) is an open source solution to managing and publishing scholarly conferences online. OCS is a highly flexible management and publishing system that can be downloaded for free and installed on a local Web server. It has been designed to reduce the time and energy devoted to the clerical and managerial tasks associated with managing a conference, while improving the record-keeping and efficiency of editorial processes. It seeks to improve the scholarly and public quality of conference publishing through a number of innovations, from making policies more transparent to improving indexing.

System Background

OCS is a conference management and publishing system. OCS covers all aspects of online conference management and publishing, from setting up conference website to operational tasks such as submitting, reviewing, editing, publishing, archiving, and indexing of the conference papers. OCS also helps to manage the people involved in organizing a conference, including keeping track of the work of directors, track directors, reviewers, and authors, notifying readers and registrants, and assisting with the correspondence.

OCS is flexible and scalable. A single installation of OCS can support the operation of multiple conferences, and multiple years for each conference. Each conference has its own unique URL as well as its own look and feel. OCS can enable a single director to manage all aspects of a conference, or OCS will support an international team of people with diverse responsibilities for a conference"s various aspects.

OCS supports the principle of extending access. This system is intended not only to assist with conference publishing, but also to demonstrate how costs of conference publishing can be reduced to the point where providing readers with "open access" to the contents of proceedings may be a viable option. The concept of open access is elaborated in a number of articles stemming from this project which are freely available under PKP Publications on Public Knowledge Project website.

The origins of OCS. Largely based on the existing code used for Open Journal Systems, OCS was developed to meet the needs of scholarly conference organizers. OCS is a research and development initiative of the Public Knowledge Project at the University of British Columbia. Its continuing development is currently overseen by a partnership among UBC's Public Knowledge Project, the Canadian Center for Studies in Publishing, and the Simon Fraser University Library. For more information, see the Public Knowledge Project website. The latest version of OCS is 2.1, released in April 2008. OCS has been used by over 100 scholarly conferences, as shown by OCS Conferences on the PKP website.

OCS Features.

OCS will allow you to:

  • create a conference Web site
  • compose and send a call for papers
  • electronically accept paper and abstract submissions
  • allow paper submitters to edit their work
  • post conference proceedings and papers in a searchable format
  • post, if you wish, the original data sets
  • register participants
  • integrate post-conference online discussions

In OCS 2.0, more features were incorporated:

  • manage conferences that occur more than once (e.g. yearly)
  • an expanded, multiple-round review system
  • email template system
  • localization & translation tools
  • credit card payment for registrations
  • automated "thanks-for-submitting" messages
  • accept login/password for participants
  • Creative Commons licensing of presentations
  • more customizable, scalable and secure code

New features incorporated into the latest version OCS 2.1 include:

  • Session Scheduler
  • Reviewer form
  • Multiple languages
  • Help files
  • Documentation

Management Structure

Editorial Process

New submissions typically go through four steps in the editorial process, involving directors, track directors, reviewers, and authors.

  1. Unassigned Queue: Items wait to be assigned to one or more track directors.
  2. Submission Review: Items undergo peer review and are subject to an editorial decision.
  3. Submission Editing: Items undergo layout and copyediting.
  4. Publishing: Items are scheduled for Website posting.
Editorial Roles
  • Site Administrator: Oversees the entire OCS installation, and sets up any new conference sites hosted on the installation.
  • Conference Manager: Oversees a conference site on the installation, including all of the user accounts particular to that site. The Conference Manager creates, configures and maintains any scheduled conference instances for their particular conference site.
  • Registration Manager: Responsible for conference registrations.
  • Director: Manages the proposal submission, editing, and publication process for a conference. Sets the conference timeline. The Director can also act as a Track Director.
  • Track Director: Responsible for managing the submissions for their particular track. They see the submissions through the review and editing process, and are responsible for accepting or rejecting them for the conference.
  • Reviewer: Provides peer-review of the submissions for the conference. Recommends for or against the inclusion of the submission to the conference.
  • Submit their proposals to the conference, and participate in the review and editing process.
  • Reader: Users that can register to read the proceedings, while some conferences do not require registration for that.

Creation and support of websites on the OJS (Open Journal Systems) publishing platform

The technical service of the ANO Publishing House "Scientific Review" provides assistance to editors in creating or modernizing websites for scientific journals based on the international publishing platform Open Journal Systems (OJS).

Advantages of the international publishing platform Open Journal Systems (OJS):

1. OJS is free and open source software. Those. You are not dependent on developers and imposed licensing agreements.
2. OJS was originally created as a specialized publishing platform. It supports data exchange with international abstract databases and libraries.
3. It has a low cost of developing and maintaining sites using OJS.

We offer services for developing and maintaining websites on Open Journal Systems (OJS):

1. Development of design and development of the structure of a scientific journal website

The appearance of the site is the face of the magazine, and a properly developed design with an individual structure will allow you to avoid future alterations and modifications to the site as a whole.

Therefore, it is necessary to approach the development of web site design with full responsibility and seriousness. The development and creation of a website design is a step-by-step process that is carried out after the development of the website structure and is the next step in creating the website.

This service includes:

Design concept development;
compiling a list of site modules;
creating an external site structure;
graphic design of website modules;
creating a website layout.

2. Installation and configuration of the journal website on Open Journal Systems

Having a domain name and paid hosting services, we can begin installing and configuring the site on OJS.

Open Journal Systems (OJS)- a freely distributed open solution for publishing scientific journals online, which in its functionality has no analogues in the world. OJS allows you not only to publish articles on the Internet, but also to organize the entire workflow of the publishing industry: acceptance, review and cataloging of articles.

OJS installation includes:

Create a MySQL database and user;
uploading content management system (OJS) files to the server;
setting up the main system configuration files;
basic configuration of the OJS interface, as well as the main modules.

OJS is a special and most correct system on the basis of which websites for scientific publications are created with further placement of issues and articles!

Setting up a publishing platform includes:

Setting up OJS for automatic and semi-automatic provision of metadata (indexing) into international abstract databases of scientific information (CrossRef, MedLine, Web Of Knowledge, Scopus, EMbase, Google Scholar, DOAJ);
setting up the export of article metadata for bibliography management programs (EndNote, ReferenceManager, ProCite, Mendeley, Zotero);
setting up a system for displaying bibliographic links to published articles in accordance with international standards (Vancouver, Turabian, MLA, APA, ABNT, CBE);
organization of a system for assigning digital identifiers (DOI) to each unit of stored information.

It must be emphasized that OJS (unlike many other content management systems) fully supports and exports all metadata that is necessary for posting scientific journals, articles and collections in international scientometric databases.

3. Posting information on the journal’s website

We provide services for filling magazine sites with information, as well as transferring information from old versions of sites to modernized ones. The content of the site includes the placement of such data and elements as:

Information about the journal;
information about the editorial board, editorial policy, guidelines for authors;
information about headings, collections, articles, authors;
other texts and graphic elements of the site;
information in the “footer” (lower part of the site);
menu elements, elements in the side columns of the site;
localization of some system elements of the site.

It is also possible to subsequently edit (if necessary) the posted information, data and elements.

4. Comprehensive support and maintenance of a scientific journal

This service includes:

Updating the OJS system to the current version while maintaining individual improvements;
minor interface changes;
finalization of the software and functional part of OJS;
renting server space and creating website backups;
enabling and configuring additional OJS modules;
changing text content on the site;
installing critical OJS updates;
proofreading translations of language versions of websites;
assistance in registering the journal in abstract databases.

The cost and timing of services for each specific project are individual. Send a request for development, comprehensive support and maintenance of a scientific journal you can email or call us on +7 499 34 68 127

Keeping track of household income and expenses is a complete frustration. Now, instead of sleeping, I’m trying to remember what I can do for money, because it’s generally unrealistic to feed a family on one salary.

  • Program in Perl - both ancient CGI applications and modern ones, using the Mojolicious, Dancer, Catalyst frameworks.
  • Programming in PHP: basically adding to existing applications rather than writing something big from scratch.
  • Configure CMS Drupal and WordPress, as well as improve their design themes.
  • To configure and improve Open Journal Systems, including the implementation of multilingual names - I did this in OJS 2.4.2,,, I think I can implement it in Open Conference Systems.
  • Cross-browser layout of web pages.
  • Program a little in Ruby (including using Ruby on Rails) - probably at the junior level.
  • A little programming in Javascript - both bare JavaScript and jQuery.
  • Constantly impress upon your colleagues the need to use a bug tracker and version control system.
  • (although I don’t consider these to be basic professional skills) take photographs, sing, accompany on a six-string guitar, drive a car, be Santa Claus, type notes in MuseScore and LilyPond - slowly but beautifully.

I want from 15 USD / 1 kRUB per hour.

Statt zu schlafen ( German) - instead of sleeping

RewriteRule ^en(glish)?/(\w+)(/?.*)$ /$2/user/setLocale/en_US?source=/$2$3 [L] RewriteRule ^ru(ssian)?/(\w+)(/ ?.*)$ /$2/user/setLocale/ru_RU?source=/$2$3 [L]

This will make it possible to use a URL like http:// hostname / language / journal / path, where language can be either the name of the desired language or its two-letter code. For the already reviewed series of “SUSU Bulletin” you can now use the following links:

  • - the first page of the magazine in English,
  • - list of issues in English,
  • - contact information in Russian,
  • - current issue in Russian.

Please note that there is no official Russian localization available for the OCS service.

However, there is not complete Russian localization of the environment. It should also be noted that this project is a team effort, therefore the localization of the environment was divided between the members of the working group.

The main localization library is the Locale folder, which contains folders with available localizations. Also, each module has its own localization files separately. The task is to localize the main libraries. The presented library has nine available languages; for our localization, a translation from English was chosen.

Any localization folder contains six main files: administrator, author, manager, message templates, localization and manager. Also in the English localization there is a “default” file.

During the work, all the specified files were translated, as well as some additional library files that are responsible for general site panels and system messages.

An obvious discrepancy between the requirements is that the test is conducted online. The OCS service does not support such a feature, and there are no modules available for it that would add it. Also, localization deficiencies can significantly complicate the holding of the Olympiad. It is also difficult to classify users. The head of the Olympiad must manually enroll all users in a specific track of the conference, which is unacceptable when holding events of this level.

In its standard configuration, the OCS service does not meet the requirements for the Olympiad environment.

As a result of this, there was a need to find an alternative solution. This solution was a virtual learning environment - Moodle.

Moodle Basics

Moodle is a course management system (e-learning), also known as a learning management system or virtual learning environment. Is an abbreviation for English. Modular Object- Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment(modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment). It is a free web application that allows you to create websites for online learning.

Moodle also allows you to connect the following types of modules:

    Course elements

    Administrator reports

    Types of tasks

    Authentication plugins

    Course formats

    Course reports

    Database fields (for the Database course element)

    Course subscription plugins

  1. Assessment reports

    Grade Export Formats

    Grade Import Formats


    Types of questions in tests

    Test reports

    File storage

    Resource Types

    Search plugins

    Assessment reports

    Grade Export Formats

    Grade Import Formats


    Types of questions in tests

    Test import/export formats

    Test reports

    File storage

    Resource Types

    Search plugins

Creating a project in Moodle and analyzing it

Figure 6

      If the resource was configured earlier, but the required subcategory does not yet exist (for example, in the “Mendeleev” category there is no subcategory “Best in Right (Social Studies)”), then it must be added.

Figure 7

Figure 8

      Deny guest access (Figure 9)

Figure 9

      In renaming roles:

Replace "Student" with "Participant"

"Teacher" replace with "Jury Member"

      Leave other settings unchanged

    Go to the created course. Rename each topic (for example, For 9th grade, For 10th grade, For 11th grade)

    1. Add a “test” course element to each topic (Figure 10)

Figure 10

      Set the name “first round” for the “test” element.

      In the synchronization section, determine the beginning and end of testing, as well as the time limit, according to the regulations of the Olympiad.

      Set the passing score in the assessment category according to the regulations of the Olympiad, set the number of attempts to 1.

      In "question properties" → "question mode" select "immediate feedback".

      Disable "retry reply"

      In the “viewing settings”, check the boxes opposite: “during the attempt”, “points”. “After the test is closed” check all the boxes.

      Add final review (if necessary)

    According to the situation for 2015.

    1. To display information on the second round, add the “Page” element, indicate “Second round” in the title

      In the “Contents” → “Page Contents” section, place all the necessary information about the second round of the Olympiad and embed the necessary content (pictures, links to pages) if required.

    If the regulations indicate that the second round will be conducted remotely, then the following implementation of the tour is possible:

    1. Add a course element “assignment” to each topic.

      Assign the role of inspectors (jury member) to the task element; a previously defined registered user can have such a role.

Figure 11

      Rename the “task” element “second round”.

      Add a description to the second round.

      Upload the tasks and answer form (if a strict answer form is provided) to the “additional files” section.

      Determine the deadline for completing the task in the "Available" section.

      The response type is "as a file".

      Feedback type "Feedback in the form of a comment" and "Statement with grades".

It is not difficult to see that the project has the required functionality. It should also be noted that within the service itself there is a messaging function, which makes the work easier for all users of the service. This environment fully satisfies the task.
