Arbitration Court of the Kirov Region. Arbitration Court of the Kirov Region Check the electronic signature in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

According to the law 218-FZ "On state registration of real estate", electronic XML documents and scanned images of documents must be signed enhanced qualified electronic signature. All programs of the "Polygon", "Polygon Pro" series and the "Signature Pro" program are signed with just such a signature.

For signature:

    Get signing key(certificate) in certification authority. The list of accredited certifying centers is published on the Rosreestr website (List of certifying centers). You can get a certificate from our certification authority LLC "Program Center" .

    Together with the signature, purchase and install the program on your computer CryptoPro CSP(it contains the required Russian signature standards), which can also be purchased from our certification authority LLC "Program Center" .

Note: other signing programs not required: CryptoARM Polygon», « Polygon Pro» and programs « Signature Pro»).

Note: if the signature key was received by you at the Certification Center before the release of the law 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" (before 07/01/2013), then such a key is valid until 01/01/2014. It needs to be replaced with a new one for use in 2017. This is due to the fact that, according to the new law, the number of the SNILS (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) certificate must be in the signature.

Software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

Sign an electronic document in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

To sign an XML file, do the following:

Note: if errors are found, then below the structure of the XML file, a protocol for checking the electronic document with warnings and / or errors will be displayed. It is recommended to correct errors and also pay attention to warnings.

Similarly, you can sign an XML file right from the " ViewXML”, to do this, in the toolbar, click on the button - « SignXML-file» .

  • After clicking, a window with a list of installed certificates will open. Select the one you want and click « OK» .

  • Next, the program will sign the main document and display a success message.

Note: in the same folder as the signed file, a signature file will be generated with the same name, with the extension * . sig.

Sign a group of files in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

The program has the ability to sign a group of files at the same time, to do this, do the following:

Note: if the list contains files that do not need to be signed, uncheck them to exclude them from the signing procedure.

  • Click on the button « Sign» , after which a window with a list of installed certificates will open. Select the one you want and click « OK» .

  • Next, the program will sign all documents and display a signing message.

Note: if errors occur during signing, a verification protocol with warnings and/or errors will be output. For correct signing, it is required to correct errors.

Sign a file in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

The program has the ability to sign any available file, for example, attached files to the project (scanned documents or image files), including the same way you can sign an electronic document (XML file).

  • home» in the submenu of the button « Sign all» click on the button - « Sign…”, after which the file selection window will open.

  • In the window that opens, select the file you want to sign and click the " Open».

    A window will open with a list of installed certificates. Select the one you want and click " OK».

  • Next, the program will sign the selected document and display a message about readiness.

Note: in the same folder as the signed file, a signature file will be generated with the same name, with the extension * . sig.

Check the electronic signature in the software modules of the Polygon Pro platform

If you received a signed file from outside and would like to check if the received file has not been changed after it was signed, or simply check the correctness of the generated file signature, run:

    On the ribbon of the program module in the tab " home» in the submenu of the button « Sign all» press the button « Check…».

    Select the file containing the signature (with the extension *. sig) to be verified, or a signed file, if necessary. If these two files are in different folders, then the program will display a warning window where you need to click on the " Repeat» and select the source file.

  • You will be given a protocol window with information on whether the document was signed correctly, by whom and when, or information about the discrepancy with the source file, or if other errors occurred, a message about this will appear.

Program "Signature Pro"

For easy interaction with Certification AuthorityLLC "Program Center", managing digital certificates and ES private keys, as well as signing various files with an electronic signature, the SignaturePro program was developed.

Instructions for signing files if you do not use programs of the Polygon, Polygon Pro or Signature Pro series.

How to sign a file with a digital signature?

This manual is an example, the exact steps may depend on the software installed on your computer. Part of the instruction was completed in February 2012, however, our programs provide a more convenient option for signing electronic document files enhanced qualified electronic signature.

To sign electronic document files: boundary plan, map plan, technical plan with an electronic signature, you must verify the presence of installed programs:

    crypto-provider "CryptoPro CSP";

    "Crypto ARM" - this program is necessary only when you do not use programs of the "Polygon" series, this program in terms of signing is identical to the programs of the "Polygon" series, therefore it is not needed; for signing files with programs of the "Polygon" series, see the previous page of the instruction; You can sign both with the programs of the Polygon series and with the CryptoARM program, if you think that it will be more convenient than using the existing capabilities of the programs of the Polygon series;

Each file (XML, scan of a printed document and application files) must be signed, since the cadastral registration authority only accepts pairs of files: the original file and the signature file to it. In order to sign a file, you need to select it in the explorer window and right-click (RMB), a context menu will appear, in it you should select the “CryptoARM” item, and then “ Sign…».

Then make sure the file name is correct

Important! set the switch to " DER encoding”, specify the folder for output files at your discretion. Press the button " Further". In the next window, assign signature parameters

In this window, the most important thing is to check the box " Save the signature in a separate file". Click the button Further". In the next window, click the " Choose»

the certificate selection window will open

select the certificate of your key in it (look by the name of the owner). After selecting, press the button OK" And " Further". In the last window before signing the document, click the " Ready».

Important! For each file, you need to make a signature file, since only a pair is accepted: the original file (xml or another) + its signature (sig file).

In order to implement the provisions of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by Federal Law No. 228-FZ dated July 27, 2010 “On Amendments to the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation”), which provide for the possibility of submitting documents to arbitration courts in electronic form by filling out the forms posted on the official website of the arbitration court on the Internet, by order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2016 No. 252, the Procedure for submitting documents to the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was approved. Submission of documents to the arbitration court in electronic form is carried out according to the rules established by the specified Procedure. The submission of documents by other means, including sending them by e-mail, as well as the submission of documents that contain information constituting a state secret, is not regulated by the Procedure.

The service providing the possibility of submitting documents to arbitration courts in electronic form - "My Arbiter", is available at: Questions, comments and suggestions related to the submission of documents in electronic form, please send to [email protected].



Approved by order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2016 No. 252


1.1. The procedure for submitting documents to arbitration courts of the Russian Federation in electronic form, including in the form of an electronic document (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for Submitting Documents) was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), Federal Law No. 96-FZ "On the Enactment of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation", Federal Law No. 220-FZ dated June 23, 2016 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding the Use of Electronic Documents in the Activities of Judicial Authorities" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of June 23, 2016 N 220-FZ), providing for the possibility of filing documents in electronic form, including in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature, by filling out a form posted on the official website of the court in the Internet information and telecommunication network.
1.2. In accordance with Part 7 of Article 4 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by Federal Law No. 220-FZ of June 23, 2016), a statement of claim, statement, complaint, presentation and other documents may be filed with the court on paper or in electronic form, including in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by filling out a form posted on the official website of the court in the Internet information and telecommunication network.
The provisions of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, which provide for the filing of documents in electronic form with the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "courts"), including in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as documents in electronic form), by filling out the form posted on the official website of the court in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" are implemented by applying this Procedure for filing documents.
Submission of requests, proposals, applications or complaints to the court in accordance with the Federal Law of December 22, 2008 N 262-FZ "On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation", Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ "On the procedure consideration of applications from citizens of the Russian Federation" The procedure for filing documents is not regulated.
Submission of documents in electronic form, which contain information constituting a state secret, is not regulated by the Procedure for submitting documents.
1.3. In order to implement this Document Submission Procedure, the following basic concepts are used:
electronic document - a document created in electronic form without prior documentation on paper, signed with an electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
electronic image of a document (electronic copy of a document made on paper) - a copy of a document made on paper, converted into electronic form using scanning tools, certified in accordance with the Document Submission Procedure with a simple electronic signature or an enhanced qualified electronic signature;
electronic signature - information in electronic form attached to the signed electronic document or otherwise associated with it and allowing to identify the person who signed the electronic document;
electronic signature key - a unique sequence of characters designed to create an electronic signature. The ESIA account of an individual is used as a simple electronic signature key;
ESIA - federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form";
appeal to the court - a document created in accordance with the procedural legislation, sent to the court;
the person submitting documents to the court - the applicant or his representative, the user of the personal account;
information system - information system "My arbiter";
personal account - an information resource located in the My Arbiter information system, intended for the exercise by participants in a trial of the right to submit documents to the court in electronic form;
system of automation of legal proceedings - an automated information system "Judicial proceedings", a software complex "Judicial-arbitration office work", automating the procedural activities of courts.


2.1. Personal Area

2.1.1. Documents are submitted through a personal account created in the information system "My Arbiter".
2.1.2. A personal account is created for an individual who submits documents electronically to the court; when submitting documents by a representative, a personal account is created in the name of the representative (hereinafter referred to as the user, the user of the personal account). Through the personal account of a representative, documents can be submitted in respect of one or more individuals and (or) legal entities represented by him.
A personal account is created automatically by confirming the personal data of an individual, including his last name, first name and patronymic (if any).
2.1.3. Access to the personal account is carried out through identification and authentication using the account of an individual ESIA (simplified, standard or confirmed).
2.1.4. When identifying and authenticating a user using a simplified, standard or verified account of an individual ESIA, it is possible to submit electronic images of documents to the court.
When identifying and authenticating a user through a verified account of an individual in the ESIA, it is possible to submit electronic documents signed with an electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2. Requirements for electronic images of documents

2.2.1. An electronic image of a document is created using scanning tools.
Scanning a document on paper should be done at a scale of 1:1 in black and white or gray (quality 200 - 300 dpi), ensuring the preservation of all the details and authentic signs of authenticity, namely: a graphic signature of the face, seal and corner stamp of the form (if available), scanning in full color mode is carried out if the document contains color graphics or color text, if this is relevant to the case.
2.2.2. The file of the electronic image of the document must be in PDF format (it is recommended to create an electronic image of the document with the ability to copy text).
The file size of the electronic image should not exceed 30 MB.
2.2.3. Each separate electronic image of the document must be submitted as a separate file. The name of the file should allow identifying the electronic image of the document and the number of sheets in it (for example: Invoice 996 dated 15122016 1 sheet pdf).
2.2.4. The files and data contained in them must be accessible for work, must not be protected from copying and printing of an electronic image, must not contain interactive and multimedia elements, embedded scripts in JavaScript or any other programming languages.
2.2.5. The electronic image of the document is certified in accordance with the Document Submission Procedure with a simple electronic signature or an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

2.3. Requirements for electronic documents

2.3.1. An electronic document is initially created in electronic form without prior documentation on paper.
2.3.2. The file of the application to the court must be in PDF format with the possibility of copying the text.
Files of documents attached to appeals to the court are submitted in the format in which they are signed with an electronic signature. At the same time, the files of documents attached to applications to the court can be submitted in the following formats:
1) PDF, RTF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, ODT - for documents with text content;
2) PDF, JPEG (JPG), PNG, TIFF - for documents with graphic content.
The file size of an electronic document should not exceed 30 MB.
2.3.3. Each individual document must be submitted as a separate file. The file name should allow identifying the document and the number of sheets in the document (for example: Invoice 996 dated 15122016 1 l.pdf).
2.3.4. The files and data contained in them must be accessible for work, must not be protected from copying and printing, must not contain interactive and multimedia elements, embedded scripts in JavaScript or any other programming languages.
2.3.5. An electronic document must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.
The procedure for submitting documents does not provide for the submission of electronic documents signed with a simple electronic signature or an enhanced unqualified electronic signature.
Electronic signatures used to sign applications to the court and documents attached to them must comply with the requirements of an enhanced qualified electronic signature; when creating them, the PKCS # 7 format (Public-Key Cryptography Standard # 7, a general description of the PKCS # 7 standard published as RFC (Request for Comments) number 2315, available at without including signed data.
The electronic signature must be contained in a separate file (detached electronic signature).
When a document is signed by several persons each electronic signature must be contained in a separate file.
The procedure for submitting documents does not provide for the submission of electronic documents signed with attached electronic signatures.
2.3.6. The electronic document must be signed by the electronic signature of the person who is indicated in the text of the electronic document as the person who signed it.
It is not allowed to submit to the court electronic documents signed by an electronic signature of a person who is not indicated in the text of the electronic document as the person who signed it.


3.1. General requirements

3.1.1. Requirements for the form and content of documents submitted in accordance with the Procedure for filing documents are determined by the procedural legislation of the Russian Federation.
Documents are submitted to the court by sending the corresponding application and the documents attached to it by the user.
Documents sent by the user in connection with rulings issued by the courts on leaving without movement a statement of claim (statement), appeal, cassation, other rulings, as well as documents sent at the initiative of the user as an addition to previously sent documents, are submitted as annexes to to the relevant application (petition) or to the cover letter, which should indicate, in particular, by whom, to whom (indicating the full name of the judge) and in connection with what (indicate the case number, details of the judicial act by which the documents were requested ) documents are sent.
3.1.2. When preparing to send documents in electronic form to the court, the user of the personal account fills out a form posted on the official website of the court in the information and telecommunication network "Internet":
1) the case number is entered (if proceedings have been initiated on the case):
when submitting a response to a statement of claim (application), counterclaim, application for joining the case, other application (petition) to the arbitration court of first instance, the user enters the number of the case considered with his participation;
when filing an appeal, a response to an appeal, a cassation complaint, a response to a cassation complaint, an application for revising a judicial act due to new or newly discovered circumstances, a response to an application for revising a judicial act due to new or newly discovered circumstances, an application (petition), the user enters the number of the case in which the appealed judicial act or the judicial act, the review of which is requested by the applicant, was adopted;
when submitting an application for awarding compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execution of a judicial act within a reasonable time, the user enters the number of the case in connection with the consideration of which he applies with the corresponding application;
2) information about the applicant, about the participants in the trial is indicated (this information is also indicated in the text of the submitted appeal), including:
if a legal entity is a participant in the trial, its full name, TIN, main state registration number (OGRN) are indicated (if it does not have a TIN, its PSRN is indicated), address of the location (with the obligatory indication of the postal code). If the plaintiffs (applicants), defendants (interested persons) are several persons, information about each of them is indicated. If a foreign legal entity is a participant in the trial, the requirement to indicate the TIN and PSRN does not apply;
if the participant in the trial is an individual, his last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date and place of birth, registration address of the individual (with the obligatory indication of the postal code), TIN (if any), whether the user is an individual entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneurs, the indication of TIN and OGRNIP is mandatory, the address of actual residence is also indicated), the presence of a power of attorney issued by the person on whose behalf the documents are submitted. If the plaintiffs (applicants), defendants (interested persons) are several persons, information about each of them is indicated. If a foreign individual is a participant in the trial, the requirement to indicate the TIN and PSRNIP does not apply;
if a participant in the trial is a public legal entity, the TIN and PSRN of the state authority or local government, in the person of which, in the applicant's opinion, the public legal entity acts, are indicated;
if a participant in the trial is an official of a state authority or local government body, the TIN and PSRN of the state authority or local government body in which this official carries out his professional service activities are indicated;
if a military unit that is not a legal entity is a participant in the trial, the TIN and PSRN of the corresponding federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law are indicated;
if a participant in the trial is a body that does not have the status of a legal entity, endowed by federal law with certain state or other public powers and created on the basis of a federal law or a decision of a federal government body, the TIN and PSRN of the federal body that ensures the activities of the user (or the defendant interested faces);
if a participant in the trial is a division of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), which is not a legal entity, the TIN and OGRN of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are indicated;
if a participant in the trial is a body that does not have the status of a legal entity, endowed by law with separate state or other public powers and created on the basis of a decision of a state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the TIN and OGRN of the highest executive body of state power of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation are indicated;
if a participant in the trial is a body (for example, an administrative commission) that does not have the status of a legal entity, endowed by law with separate powers to resolve issues of local importance, state or other public powers and created on the basis of a decision of a local government body, the TIN and OGRN of the local administration are indicated ( executive and administrative body of the relevant municipality);
3) telephone numbers (mobile, landline), fax numbers (if any), e-mail addresses and other required information are indicated;
4) the addressee of the appeal is indicated:
when filing a statement of claim (statement), a response to a statement of claim (statement), a counterclaim, an application for joining the case, another statement (petition) as an addressee, the user indicates as the addressee the arbitration court of the subject of the Russian Federation, to which the corresponding appeal. If documents are submitted in cases related to the jurisdiction of the Intellectual Property Rights Court, the user indicates the Intellectual Property Court as the addressee;
when filing an appeal with the arbitration court of the appellate instance, the user indicates as the addressee the arbitration court that adopted the appealed judicial act in the first instance (part 2 of article 257, article 272 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). When submitting a response to an appeal, application (petition) to the arbitration court of the appellate instance, the user indicates the appropriate arbitration court of appeal as the addressee;
when filing a cassation appeal with the arbitration court of the cassation instance, the user indicates as the addressee the arbitration court that accepted the appealed judicial act in the first instance (part 1 of article 275 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation) as the addressee of the cassation appeal against the judicial act of the Intellectual Property Rights Court, adopted by it as court of first instance, the user indicates the Court for Intellectual Property Rights (Part 1.1 of Article 284 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). When filing a complaint against a ruling of an arbitration court of the cassation instance (Article 291 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), the arbitration court of the cassation instance (arbitration court of the district or the Intellectual Property Rights Court) that issued the relevant ruling is indicated as the addressee. When submitting a response to a cassation complaint, application (petition) to the arbitration court of the cassation instance, the user indicates the appropriate arbitration court of the district or the Court for Intellectual Property Rights as the addressee;
when submitting an application for review of a judicial act due to new or newly discovered circumstances, the user indicates as the addressee the arbitration court of first instance that adopted the relevant judicial act. If a judicial act of first instance was amended by a court of appeal or a court of cassation, or a new judicial act was adopted by a higher court, the user indicates as the addressee the arbitration court that changed or adopted the new judicial act in the case (Article 310 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). When submitting a response to an application for review of a judicial act due to new or newly discovered circumstances, the user indicates as the addressee the arbitration court considering the application for reviewing a judicial act due to new or newly discovered circumstances;
when submitting an application for awarding compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execution of a judicial act within a reasonable time, the user indicates as the addressee the arbitration court that made the decision (Part 1 of Article 222.2 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation);
5) the type of appeal to the court is selected, its details are indicated and files of submitted documents are uploaded.
3.1.3. An application to the court filed by a representative must be accompanied by a document confirming the authority of the representative (Article 62 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).
The power of attorney is submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the represented person, or in the form of an electronic image of a document certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the represented person, or an electronic image certified by a simple electronic signature or an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person submitting the documents.
An order for the execution of an order issued by the relevant bar association is submitted in the form of an electronic image of a document certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the official who issued the order or certified by a simple electronic signature or an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person submitting the documents.
If an appeal to the court in accordance with the law and the Procedure for filing documents must be signed (certified) with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, when submitting such an appeal in electronic form, a power of attorney signed (certified) with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the represented person is attached to it.

3.2. Submission of documents in the framework of legal proceedings
in arbitration courts (in accordance with the Arbitration
procedural code of the Russian Federation)

3.2.1. The application to the court and the documents attached to it can be submitted to the court in the form of electronic documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person submitting the documents (the applicant or his representative), or in the form of electronic images of documents certified by a simple electronic signature or an enhanced qualified electronic signature the person submitting the documents.
3.2.2. Appeals to the court must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature:
statement on the provision of evidence (Article 72 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation);
application for securing a claim (Article 92 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation);
application for securing property interests (Article 99 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation);
an application for securing the execution of a judicial act (Article 100 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation);
a petition to suspend the execution of a decision of a state body, local self-government body, other body, official (Article 199 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation);
a petition to suspend the execution of judicial acts (Articles 265.1, 283 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation);
statement of claim, statement, appeal, cassation, containing a petition for interim measures (Articles 125, 260, 265.1, 277, 283 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).
These appeals are submitted to the court in the form of an electronic document signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person submitting the documents (the applicant or his representative), or in the form of an electronic image of the document certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature. At the same time, the enhanced qualified electronic signature, which certified the electronic image of the document, must belong to the person who signed the document on paper.
3.2.3. If the appeal to the court in the form of an electronic document or in the form of an electronic image of a document is signed (certified) by an enhanced qualified electronic signature, the electronic images of documents attached to the appeal to the court are considered to be certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person submitting the documents.
If an appeal to the court is filed in the form of an electronic image of a document, such an appeal and the electronic images of documents attached to it are considered certified by a simple electronic signature of the person submitting the documents.
3.2.4. The contested judicial acts are attached to the appeal and cassation complaints by selecting a copy of the relevant judicial act from the information system "Card file of arbitration cases".
The contested judicial acts may be attached to the appeal and cassation complaints in the form of electronic documents signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature (signatures) of the judge (judges) who adopted (adopted) the judicial act, or electronic images of the contested judicial acts certified by the enhanced qualified electronic signature of the judge, the presiding judge on the case, the chairman of the court (deputy chairman of the court) or an authorized employee of the court apparatus.
3.2.5. When submitting an application for review of a judicial act due to new or newly discovered circumstances, the user applies the rules specified in clause 3.2.4 of the Procedure for Submitting Documents.
3.2.6. Judicial acts may be attached to applications (petitions):
in the form of electronic documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature (signatures) of the judge (judges) who adopted (adopted) the judicial act;
in the form of electronic images of judicial acts certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the judge presiding over the case, the chairman of the court (deputy chairman of the court), an authorized employee of the court apparatus;
in the form of electronic images of judicial acts certified by a simple electronic signature or an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person submitting the documents;
in the form of copies of judicial acts from the information system "Card file of arbitration cases", certified by a simple electronic signature or an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person submitting the documents.


4.1. Upon completion of the download of files containing the appeal to the court and the documents attached to it, after checking the correctness of the entered data, the user, by selecting the appropriate option, sends the documents to the court.
4.2. After sending the documents to the court, the user receives a notification in his personal account about the receipt of documents in the information system, containing the date and time of receipt of the documents.
4.3. The date and time of receipt of documents in the information system is determined by Moscow time, fixed automatically and taken into account by the court when considering the issue of observing the deadline for sending an appeal to the court in accordance with procedural legislation (part 6 of article 114 of the APC of the Russian Federation).
In order to determine the moment of submission of documents, as a general rule, the date and time of the information system are taken into account, and not the date and time of the time zone in which the court is located - the addressee of the sent appeal.
The date and time of receipt of documents submitted to the courts located in the 1st time zone (Kaliningrad region) into the information system are determined by the date and time of receipt of documents into the information system minus 1 hour.
4.4. Viewing documents submitted to the court in electronic form is carried out by an employee of the court apparatus responsible for receiving documents in electronic form, who must make sure that the documents received in the information system are addressed to the court, are available for reading, and are drawn up in accordance with the Submission Procedure documents, including compliance with the requirement for the presence of a graphic signature of a person in an electronic image of an appeal to the court, requirements for an electronic signature. If these conditions are met, a notification is sent to the user's personal account about the receipt by the court of documents submitted electronically. The notice shall indicate the name of the court sending the notice, the name of the received appeal to the court and the attached documents, the date and time of receipt of the appeal in the information system and the date and time of its receipt by the court. The notice may also include the number of the relevant court case.
If these conditions are not met, the user is notified that the documents cannot be recognized as received by the court. The notice shall indicate the reasons why the documents cannot be considered received by the court.
4.5. Documents are rejected for the following reasons:
1) the appeal to the court is not addressed to this court;
2) the application to the court is identical to the previously submitted application;
3) the documents are unreadable, in particular: the pages of the document(s) are turned over; document(s) does not contain all pages; there is no way to determine the presence of all pages (no numbering); the file does not contain an electronic document or an electronic image of the document; there is no connected text;
4) the file of the appeal to the court and (or) the files of documents attached to it are presented in formats not provided for by the Procedure for filing documents;
5) the application to the court and (or) the documents attached to it are not presented in the form of separate files: one file contains several electronic documents or several electronic images of documents. The names of the files do not allow identifying the documents they contain;
6) the file of the application to the court and (or) the files of documents attached to it and (or) the data contained in them are not available for work, in particular: they are protected from copying and (or) printing, contain interactive or multimedia elements, embedded scripts in JavaScript or any other programming languages;
7) in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Procedure for filing documents, the application to the court in the form of an electronic document is not signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature or the application to the court in the form of an electronic image of the document is not certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature;
8) the electronic image of the appeal to the court does not contain a graphic signature of the person who applied to the court;
9) the electronic signature does not correspond to the type or format established by the Procedure for Submitting Documents. The enhanced qualified electronic signature has not been verified: at the time of signing the document, the validity period of the electronic signature certificate has expired, the electronic signature does not correspond to the document, the document has been changed (modified) after signing it with an electronic signature;
10) the case number indicated by the user when submitting documents does not correspond to the case number indicated in the application to the court;
11) the application to the court filed by the representative is not accompanied by a document confirming the authority of the representative to present documents to the court;
12) other requirements for electronic documents and (or) electronic images of documents established by the Procedure for filing documents are violated.
4.6. In order to attach to the court case, print out:
a copy of the appeal to the court received in the form of an electronic image of a document or an electronic document;
information on the results of verification of the enhanced qualified electronic signature of the electronic document, including information on the enhanced qualified electronic signature that signed the electronic document;
information about the results of verification of the enhanced qualified electronic signature of the electronic image of the document, including information about the enhanced qualified electronic signature that signed the electronic image of the document;
information about a simple electronic signature, which certified the electronic image of the document.
If necessary, copies of documents received in electronic form are printed out and attached on paper to the materials of the court case.
4.7. Documents received in the information system must be registered in the system of automation of legal proceedings.
4.8. Reception, accounting and registration of documents received in electronic form are carried out in the same manner in which the acceptance, accounting and registration of documents on paper is carried out.
4.9. Documents filed with the court in electronic form are available for viewing by other arbitration courts and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Since January 1, 2017, Russian citizens have been able to apply
statements of claim to courts of general jurisdiction in electronic form. Reception
appeals is carried out through the service of GAS "Pravosudie" and is available
all individuals who have an account in the ESIA or an enhanced
qualified electronic signature.

Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of Russia by two orders (from 27th of December and from December 28th 2016) determined the procedures for submitting documents in electronic form to courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts. The rules came into effect on January 1, 2017. They do not apply to non-procedural documents: letters, complaints or proposals, as well as documents containing state secrets.

Now every citizen has the opportunity to independently or through a representative file claims in electronic form through the Internet service GAS "Justice". Legal entities can use a similar service to submit documents to arbitration courts "My Arbiter" .

Let us consider the procedure for filing an application to the courts of general instance in more detail. And at first, the steps need to find and open the official website of the court. Then select the menu item “Submission of procedural documents in electronic form” highlighted in blue.

By clicking on the menu item, we get to the page of the Internet portal of the State Antimonopoly Service "Pravosudie". We see three sections in it, remember the “Case” section, it is in it that you will receive information and track the entire process of considering your application. But first we need to submit an application, so go to the "Appeals" section or press the button "New Appeal".

Here awaits us second step, entrance to the GAS "Pravosudie" system. There are two ways to log in: using account in the ESIA (Unified System for Identification and Authentication) or using enhanced qualified electronic signature.

  1. If you have a verified ESIA account, on the "User Authorization" page, click on the "Login" button.
  2. In the opened working window "PUBLIC SERVICES Entrance of the State Administration of Justice" enter the credentials and click on the "Login" button.

  1. On the "User Authorization" page, select "Login with Electronic Signature" at the bottom
  2. Make sure that you are using Internet Explorer 10 and higher, that CryptoPro CSP 4.0 R2 and higher is installed on the workplace.
  3. Enable the option to familiarize yourself with the "User Agreement" and click on the "Login" button.
  4. Select the electronic signature certificate, in the access confirmation window that opens, click on the "Allow" button.
  5. The home page of the personal account will open, which will display information about the authorized user.

On third step we choose the type of treatment, for example “Administrative Claim Statement” and form the statement itself . and form the application itself.

  1. We fill in the details of the applicant, it can be us personally or our legal representative.
  2. We attach documents (the rules for attaching will be below).
  3. Click on the "Create Application" button.

To attach a document necessary:

  1. On the current page of working with the service, click on the "Add File" button.
  2. In the "Add file" working window that opens, be sure to enter a value in the "Description" field and click on the "Select file" button.
  3. Using Windows tools, select a file with a document.
  4. Details of the attached file will be displayed in the "Add File" work window. If you need to attach a file with an electronic signature, click on the button "Attach EP File" .
  5. Using Windows tools, select a file with an electronic signature.
  6. In the working window "Add file" information about the attached file with the document, the attached file with the electronic signature will be displayed. Click on the "Add" button so that the details of the attached files are displayed on the current working page.

And now the final fourth step- sending an application to the court, for this we need:

  1. In the list of applications for the required application, click on the "Continue filling" button.
  2. On the page that opens, continue to form the details of the application.
  3. On the form for viewing the draft application, click on the button "Submit Application" .

After sending the documents to the court, you will receive a notification about the receipt of documents in the system. In the future, they will be reviewed by a court employee. Depending on whether the submission conditions are met or not, two options are possible. The user will receive either a notification that the documents have been received, or a notification that the documents cannot be recognized as received by the court.

In conclusion, we will talk about the requirements for signing electronic documents and images (scans), they are almost identical.

Images (scan copies):

  • PDF document format
  • scanning at a scale of 1:1, color black and white or gray, 200-300 dpi
  • maximum size 30 MB
  • simple or enhanced qualified electronic signature

Electronic documents:

  • document format PDF - for file with recourse to the court, PDF, RTF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, ODT for text documents, and PDF, JPEG (JPG), PNG, TIFF - for graphic documents
  • maximum size 30 MB
  • enhanced qualified electronic signature
  • the electronic signature must be contained in a separate file
  • if there are several persons signing the application, then each signature is stored in a separate file

To sign the texts of applications and attached documents with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, you will need:

  1. Program for creating an electronic signature, for example CryptoARM Standard
  2. A crypto provider that supports Russian electronic signatures, for example CryptoPro CSP 4.0
  3. Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature Key Certificate, you can order it .

when creating an electronic signature in CryptoARM, at the step of the wizard "Signature settings" do not forget to enable the "Save signature in a separate file" option.

According to representatives of the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of Russia, the possibility of sending claims, applications, petitions and other procedural documents in electronic form is implemented on the websites of all federal courts of general jurisdiction. The total number of potential applicants is estimated at more than 20 million people based on the number of citizens who have an account in the ESIA.

The number of citizens and organizations that can and will use the opportunity to quickly and conveniently send documents to the court, monitor them in real time, will only grow.

Question: I need a CEP for an individual. Here are the requirements: The electronic document must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. The procedure for submitting documents does not provide for the submission of electronic documents signed with a simple electronic signature or an enhanced unqualified electronic signature. Electronic signatures used to sign applications to the court and documents attached to them must comply with the requirements for an enhanced qualified electronic signature; when creating them, the PKCS # 7 format (Public-Key Cryptography Standard # 7, a general description of the PKCS # 7 standard published in as RFC (Request for Comments) number 2315, available at

Need CEP for individuals. Here are the requirements: The electronic document must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. The procedure for submitting documents does not provide for the submission of electronic documents signed with a simple electronic signature or an enhanced unqualified electronic signature. Electronic signatures used to sign applications to the court and documents attached to them must comply with the requirements for an enhanced qualified electronic signature; when creating them, the PKCS # 7 format (Public-Key Cryptography Standard # 7, a general description of the PKCS # 7 standard published in as RFC (Request for Comments) number 2315, available at ) without including signed data. The electronic signature must be contained in a separate file (detached electronic signature). When a document is signed by several persons, each electronic signature must be contained in a separate file.


Client 305052

Hello. Need CEP for individuals. Here are the requirements: The electronic document must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. The procedure for submitting documents does not provide for the submission of electronic documents signed with a simple electronic signature or an enhanced unqualified electronic signature. Electronic signatures used to sign applications to the court and documents attached to them must comply with the requirements for an enhanced qualified electronic signature; when creating them, the PKCS # 7 format (Public-Key Cryptography Standard # 7, a general description of the PKCS # 7 standard published in as RFC (Request for Comments) number 2315, available at without including signed data. The electronic signature must be contained in a separate file (detached electronic signature). When a document is signed by several persons, each electronic signature must be contained in a separate file.


will cost 1900 rubles


procedure is as follows


You need to fill out an application, pay the bill, come to us and pick up the EDS. EDS production time is 1 working day after payment.


enter your email, I will reset everything for you and sign for prices, terms, what documents you need to prepare, as well as an application.

Client 305052

Where are you at?

Client 305052

city ​​of Ulyanovsk
