1s does not have enough memory when updating. Restarting the server service

One of the most common errors that arise when working with 1C 8.3 is “Not enough memory”. In reality, it can occur after many events - updating, processing large files, generating a report, loading data, and others. This means that any administrator and 1C developer must understand the essence of the problem and be able to fix it. Simply increasing your PC's RAM or hard drive will not solve this problem.

Solving the problem on the client computer

The reasons for this error do not lie entirely in the 1C system, since you can see a similar error in other applications. The problem is that in operating systems of the Microsoft family, by default, a certain amount of memory is allocated for each application. For 32-bit systems this value is set to 2 GB, for 64-bit systems - 4 GB. When the software exceeds this value, an error window appears on the monitor.

The easiest way to get rid of such messages is to delete objects marked for deletion in the configuration. This helps infrequently, but eliminates unnecessary hesitation. In addition, the risk of these actions is minimal, since it does not require intervention in the internal settings of Windows. If removal does not help, then you will have to fight with other methods.

Another solution for 32-bit systems is to switch to the 64-bit version or allocate more memory to applications. The first option is much more correct, but sometimes for various reasons it is impossible. Then there is only the option with the action algorithm shown below, but you should use it very carefully - there may be significant problems with the performance of the entire system.

This algorithm is quite simple:

  1. Open Windows Command Prompt. Use the Start menu or the Windows key combination +R and enter the command “cmd”;
  2. In the window that appears, type the command “bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3200” (for example, we will increase the limit to 3.2 GB). It is worth increasing the limit carefully and gradually;
  3. After confirming the successful completion of the operation in the Command Prompt window, restart your PC and try again the steps that led to the error. If the problem does not go away and 1C still crashes, you can increase the limit again;
  4. After successful completion of the operation without an error in 1C, restore the default Windows restrictions with the command “bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva”. This is a necessary step so that the OS does not compromise its performance for the sake of 1C and other applications.

This solution allows you to perform an operation that cannot be performed due to the 1C “Insufficient memory” error. It can only be used in emergency cases when the operation must be performed right away. In other circumstances, it is better to try to run 1C on a 64-bit platform and repeat the operation there.

You should take the message that there is not enough memory on the server during an update or large-scale operation much more seriously. The problem may be untimely completion of processes launched by various software, resulting in “layering” and accumulation of them in virtual memory. The second source of such an error is the intensive work of various programs with memory reservation and freeing. There are various software to solve these problems, but practice shows that it causes connection breaks and 1C crashes.

Errors like these make you wonder whether the 1C server is powerful enough. Increasing its capacity will benefit the company, but this error can be circumvented in other ways that do not require an injection of cash.

Of course, you shouldn’t use them all the time, but one day they can help you urgently perform resource-intensive work if necessary. Among the popular methods that can help solve the error of insufficient memory on the server are:

  • Restarting 1C work processes, which will lead to a decrease in memory used. This option is suitable only for experienced administrators who understand the 1C server administration console;
  • Using the technology log, find the table that, when loaded, receives the “Insufficient memory” error during an update or other operation. If an error appears when working with the “config” table, then check the configuration with the “Check the logical integrity of the configuration” flag. You can find this function in the configurator in the “Configuration” menu.
  • Another common 1C error occurs when there is not enough space on the hard drive on the server. Temporary tables take up a lot of space, and if there is not enough space, the administrator sees the error “There is not enough free memory to perform the operation.” In this case, it is difficult to give precise advice, since the design of the server or cluster may differ significantly in different versions. Among the standard solutions that help in such cases, you can find restarting the server, increasing free space, optimizing queries, and updating the version.

    In companies with a large number of users, the error “Insufficient free memory on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 server” occurs quite often. A big problem and a prerequisite for this is insufficient analysis of the required performance. Therefore, when implementing 1C, pay great attention to sufficient server power so that in the future you do not have to adjust performance at the expense of stability.

    The same situation can occur during the generation of a large report, execution, when executing, loading a large information base, etc. Note that this happens when performing some large-scale operations that require a certain amount of computer resources. Moreover, in normal mode the 1C program works relatively normally.

    Tips such as cleaning the disk on which the program is installed, running it in the program, using it by selecting Compressing infobase tables , most likely will not give the desired result, although they are also worth trying.

    For the 1C program to work, certain requirements are imposed on the computer parameters, and if their characteristics do not correspond to the installed program, then problems may arise in the form of slowdowns and the appearance of this type of error.

    After adding more RAM to our computer, the error appears again. In this case, the reason lies in the limited allocation of address memory by the operating system for software:

    • in 32-bit operating systems, by default 2 GB are allocated for various programs and the same amount for the operating system,
    • in 64-bit operating systems - the memory capacity is already 4 GB.

    When working with 1C and performing an operation, you can use Task Manager monitor the processor load process and the free amount of memory. In our case, during the update this figure approached zero and at that moment the “Insufficient memory” error occurred. Launch Task Manager possible by pressing keys Ctrl+Alt+Del and opening the tab Performance, monitor these indicators.

    Thus, we need to increase the size of the allocated address memory for applications (including 1C). This can be done in two ways: switch from a 32-bit system to a 64-bit system or increase the default amount of address memory allocated. The first option is more correct, but for some reasons it may not be possible, so let’s consider the second option for solving the problem.

    The “Out of Memory” error in 1C 8.3 and 8.2 is not that rare. It can also be found in the configurator (for example, when comparing configurations), as well as in the 1C:Enterprise mode when performing labor-intensive processing: for example, when writing a large base64 file.

    This error can occur not only in the 1C program, but also in other programs of the Windows operating system.

    The thing is that in 32-bit operating systems, by default there are 2 Gigabytes for various programs and the same amount for the operating system. In 64-bit OS, the amount of memory allocated for applications is already 4 Gigabytes.

    Following from the above, you need to increase the size of the allocated address memory for applications, which is the 1C program. This can be done in two ways: switch from a 32-bit system to a 64-bit one, or increase the initially allocated amount of address memory.

    Of course, the first method is better and preferable, but if at the moment, or at all, you cannot use it, then you can use the second.
    Start day, go to the operating system command line. To do this, go to the Start menu and type “cmd” in the search bar.

    A search for programs will be displayed in front of you. Select the one called “cmd”.

    You can also open the command line using the Windows + R hotkey combination.

    In the window that opens, type the following command and also press “Enter”:

    bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3200

    In this case, you will increase the amount of address memory to 3200 Megabytes.

    After you have succeeded, it is strongly recommended to restore the previous amount of address memory. This measure is temporary, since when allocating memory for applications, the operating system has less memory. This may compromise the stability of Windows.

    To restore the address memory to its default value, you can use the following command, which is also entered on the command line:

    bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva

    Please note that with the common “Out of memory” error in 1C, deleting marked objects can also help. Perhaps the program has accumulated a lot of them and it is difficult for the program to process such volumes of data. If this method does not help, then you should increase the bitness of the Windows operating system.

    Let's take a closer look at the options for fixing the “Not enough memory” error in 1C 8.3.

    Method 1: Increase address memory size

    There is a limitation in the allocation of address memory for software by the operating system: for a 32-bit system - 2 GB; for a 64-bit system - 4 GB.

    Step 1

    To increase the size of the address memory, you need to do the following: run the command line with Administrator rights:

    • Start – Run – enter CMD in the command line and press Enter:
    • Or right-click on the Start button and select Command Prompt (Administrator).

    Step 2

    Next, we find ourselves in a dialog command window, where we must type a command to increase the address memory. Enter BCDEdit /set increaseuserva xxxx on the command line, where instead of xxxx we indicate the amount of virtual address space in megabytes. For example, on 32-bit systems, 3072 MB is recommended:

    Step 3

    Reboot the computer. Let's perform actions in the 1C 8.3 program that were not possible before.

    Step 4

    After performing operations, it is better to return the address memory to its default value. To do this, enter BCDEdit /deletevalue increaseuserva on the command line:

    Reboot the computer.

    Method 2. Delete documents and directories marked for deletion

    In the 1C 8.3 platform, it became possible to use a scheduled task.

    Removing marked objects allows you to:

    1. Increase system performance;
    2. Reduce database size.

    Step 1. Create a copy of the database

    Open the item: section Administration – Program Settings – Support and Maintenance – Backup and Restore:

    Set up a schedule for automatic database copying and click Finish:

    For more details on how to make a backup copy of 1C 8.3, see our video tutorial:

    Step 2. Delete marked objects

    Open the item Automatically delete marked objects according to a schedule: section Administration – Program Settings – Support and Maintenance – Routine Operations:

    We set up a schedule for automatically deleting marked objects in 1C 8.3 at a convenient time. For example, during a lunch break and click Finish:

    As a result of these actions, the size of the database will decrease, system performance will improve, and the 1C “Insufficient memory” error should not occur.

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