Creating a guest book. Guestbook in PHP Exact guestbook php

1. Free hosting only has what it gives.
2. Better, but not at all necessary. A decent guest will leave a message as needed (via my form), but a good hacker will still bypass your $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE and $HTTP_REFERER too.
3. Length control is carried out, but only implicitly, by the database itself (the only thing is that the message itself can be huge - up to 64Kb).
4. Yes, there is, HtmlSpecialChars was used, AddSlashes was not used (and this is a big mistake, I admit my guilt, see below). With magic_quotes_gpc enabled, this problem not so acute, but the security hole remains (in the control panel).
5. Yes, I agree, it could be cut out, but the name #$@%#$^%$ is no worse than AF4ETX09T43. There is a hole in the e-mail and url, you can use scripts.
6. I wonder what is not uninitialized?

There are a number of interesting techniques, such as protection against automatic input through an image (as on this site)

It seems there were no pictures, why complicate the demo. So far I have never seen a guest with such protection. As for this site, this is not a guest site.

Anatomy of XSS Cross-Site Scripting

Very interesting, thank you.

Z.Y. If Aftor had bothered to read (and delve into) the articles on this same site, he would have realized how unprofessional his work is. It is worth taking into account the experience of previous Authors and, at least, respecting their work - they wrote for you.

Where is there lack of respect? Sorry if I offended anyone.

As for protection, I advise you to read the first paragraph of the article again, I did not set out to review a reliable guest book, but only to show how you can write the simplest guest book, for those who are just starting to learn CGI, because not everything comes at once, you need to start with something simple, and You also didn’t become so smart right away, you also made mistakes, so let’s leave the security aspects to other articles, other authors.

Yes, from a security point of view, this script is unprofessional, and I am not a professional in the field of security, which is why there is a corresponding disclaimer in the first paragraph, which, unfortunately, not everyone read.

PS Quote:
Law "On Copyright and Related Rights"
Article 6. Object of copyright. General provisions
1. Copyright applies to works of science, literature and art that are the result of creative activity, regardless of the purpose and merit of the work, as well as the method of its expression.
You can read the rest here:
Including Article 9. paragraph 1
And it’s not up to you to decide whether I should use my right or not.

For HTML codes, guestbook programming might seem unchallenging at first, and rightly so. When you see a guestbook, basic information is requested and it appears that anyone with a fundamental knowledge of the HTML programming language can write guestbook HTML codes. However, guestbooks, from the best to the worst, require a bit more skill than you think.

What is a Guestbook?

A guestbook is an online way to let visitors to your site comment or request information. Most guestbooks post what is written to the webpage so that everyone can read guest comments. The most common items you see on a guestbook are:

  • Name or Username
  • Where they reside (though you can set the HTML code to hide this fact)
  • Email (again, you can hide this fact and have it sent only to your email for communication purposes
  • Comments
  • Some guestbooks forego a comments section for a quick survey. You can usually find questions like "What did you think of this site: good, decent, bad, awesome" or "Was the information provided: enough, not enough, just right"
  • Options to request a reply or other information
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Guestbooks can be programmed to send this information to an email address of your choice so that you don"t have to continuously log into the site to view guestbook entries.

Where to Find HTML Codes, Guestbook

Whether you know HTML programming, you are a beginning web designer or you simply want a guestbook on your site, using prewritten HTML codes can save you time. The codes you can find online are typically well-tested and provide the most basic programming needed for easy-to-use guestbooks.

  • The code at HTML Comment Box provides the basic outline of an HTML code guestbook. All you need to do is customize the text to your needs and for your domain name. Instructions are provided at the beginning of the page. The code includes lines for name and address.
  • For a large selection of HTML codes and scripts, visit . With such a varied and large selection, you should be able to find one that works into the website you are creating. You can choose from basic guestbooks to more advanced programming that includes drop down menus and code for Macs and Linux machines. The codes are only 30-day free trials, so if you find a set of codes you like you"ll have to pay for the full use.
  • At Freebok you can input some basic information about what text you want on your guestbook and the website will generate the code for you. Afterwards, you can customize the guestbook even more by creating a template and editing the code in Freebok's template layout mode. Other instructions are available on the site to help you with certain links you may need. You do need to sign up for an account in order to use Freebok.
  • To quickly add a guestbook with just a comment box, go to Guestbook Code. The initial code is already generated, but there are five options you can check and uncheck in order to alter the code slightly:
    • Collapse Guest Book. This includes a link that can open and close the guestbook on the webpage you insert it on.
    • Put Guest Book At Top. If this is unchecked, the guestbook and comment box will appear below any entries in the list.
    • Show Submission Date of Entries. This will add a date and time. The time will be the user's local time zone, not yours.
    • Profanity Filter. Deletes any profanities that people may write.
    • You can also change the number of comments that are posted to the page for others to read. Minimum is one and maximum is one hundred. It"s recommended that you set it between five to twenty-five.

In this tutorial we will create a guest book in PHP using AJAX. The records will be stored in a database. The table will contain the following information: sender's name, email address, IP address and date-time of the last entry. jQuery will be used (to implement AJAX). Simple anti-spam protection will also be implemented - you can post no more than one entry every 10 minutes.

Step 1: SQL

For our application to work, we need to create a table:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `s178_guestbook` (`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) default "", `email` varchar(255) default "", `description` varchar(255) default "", `when` int(11) NOT NULL default "0", `ip` varchar(20) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

Step 2: PHP

The main file will contain the following code:


Guest book Add your review here function submitComment(e) ( var name = $("#name").val(); var email = $("#email").val(); var text = $("#text") .val(); if (name && email && text) ( $.post("guestbook.php", ( "name": name, "email": email, "text": text), function(data)( if (data != "1") ( $("#records_list").fadeOut(1000, function () ( $(this).html(data); $(this).fadeIn(1000); )); ) else ( $("#warning2").fadeIn(2000, function () ( $(this).fadeOut(2000); )); ) )) else ( $("#warning1").fadeIn(2000, function () ( $(this).fadeOut(2000); ) );

Your name:
Your email:
Fill in all required fields You cannot post more than one review within 10 minutes (spam protection)