Creation of email newsletters on WordPress. WPNewsman: WordPress Email Newsletter Plugin WordPress Email Newsletter Plugin

Friends, I welcome you back to my blog! After the smartresponder was closed, everyone began to look for what service to replace it with. Options, as they say, are a dime a dozen and one is better than the other, I personally switched to Mailer, but all services are paid. There is a great free alternative - wordpress newsletter.

Having your own mailing service is cool, and no one needs to pay. You create a subscription page on your own, collect subscribers, set up your own automatic mailing list.

And so, let's get started. To get started, you need install pl agin MailPoet Newsletters. Copy its name, go to the WordPress admin panel of your site, hover over the plugins, then “add new”, paste MailPoet Newsletters into the search, then “install” - “activate”.

That's it, the plugin is installed, now you need to configure it in order for the wordpress newsletter to work for you. You can observe that MailPoet has appeared in the menu, hover over it and in the menu that opens, first select the settings.

On the page that opens, there will be a video instruction in English and a button under it, click on it and get access to the settings. Here you need to fill in the following tabs: basic, forms, registration confirmation, send from ..., additionally, additions.

In the main ones, fill in the address, mail, choose when to send you notifications. I checked the boxes to receive messages when someone unsubscribes from my mailing list and who subscribes.

Write the sender of notifications in Latin letters, this name will be seen by people receiving mass mailings from you. Next, I checked the checkbox "link to the browser version".

Then comes the text so that the person can unfollow you. Come up with something original if you want, I left the standard version.

Now it's time to create the unsubscribe page. To do this, simply create a page for yourself, name it the unsubscribe page and do not put it in the site menu. And here, where your wordpress mailing is configured, select this page, that's all.

The next button in the settings is called "forms". This is where you create a subscription form to install on your site. The form is done very simply, everything is clear here. First click on "create a new form", then customize it as you like, all fields are easy to edit, texts change.

After the form is ready, save it by clicking on the appropriate button and then below the button, click on HTML, I show in the figure where it is. You are given a code that you insert into the widgets so that the subscription form appears on the site. How to insert code into widgets, read in detail in the article, " how to install ads on the site».

Guys, as you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated here, just do everything carefully and take your time. Let's go further, go to the "registration confirmation" tab.

Then comes the confirmation page. We do it simply by creating a page on our site, but do not put it in the menu. Here, in the mailing list plugin settings, select the page that was created specifically for this. And save your settings.

We go to the next tab, which is called "send from ...", here you can choose that your wordpress newsletter goes either from your mail or from the mailing service, if you have one. To do this, choose either "from your site" or "third party".

Next, choose the delivery method, I chose PHP Mail. Then you need to write the mail where the test letter will come and finally the most important thing. Select the number of emails to be sent at one time. I recommend choosing no more than 30 emails and 30 minutes between emails.

If you send large batches of letters, then your mail will be blocked, so it’s better not to take risks and set up how I write, let the mailing go for a long time, but it’s free and reliable.

Scroll down and in the settings that appear everywhere we prohibit subscribers from editing anything and save it. We go to the menu on the left to "mailing lists", I show in the picture where it is.

Here you create your wordpress newsletter, to do this, click on the "create new" button. Start by choosing whether you want standard mailing or automatic mailing. Automatic - this is the setting of a series of letters with which you will manetize your database. In other words, business offers or offers to buy something will automatically be sent to your subscribers.

Creating emails on this plugin is very easy, the only thing I did not immediately understand was how to add pictures to an email. And for this, you just need to first add a picture by clicking on the "pictures" button on the right, and then drag this picture to the place where you want to install it.

After the creation of the letter is completed, save it and proceed to the next step, these buttons are at the very bottom. And at the final step, you just need to check what you did, you can even send yourself a test letter by clicking on the "send review" button.

Once you have checked everything and made sure that the wordpress mailing list is configured correctly, click on the "send" button. That's all!

Friends, that’s basically all, it won’t be difficult for you to set it all up, and when you sit and climb in this WordPress plugin for a longer time, you’ll be perfectly oriented in it.

Guys, by tradition, go to " contests”And try to change 5 rubles for 10 thousand rubles, everything is real and honest here, I will be glad if you succeed.

Follow my blog, because I constantly post very useful information, but better subscribe to receive the most interesting articles in the mail. And another request, go over the icons of social networks that are now in front of you.

Hi all. I will continue the topic of sending letters, notifying visitors about new posts that you publish on the site. This will not let users forget about you, and will attract additional traffic. You need to install a subscription form on the site. There are several solutions for these purposes. One of them is to use a subscription form plugin for WordPress.

What is great about WordPress CMS is its constant development. Developers improve, add various plugins that expand the capabilities of the site. One of them is the SendPulse Email plugin, which can be used to place a subscription form on the site.

This plugin is provided by the SendPulse service. This is a marketing automation platform: e-mail newsletters, sms, viber notifications. The free plan has 2,500 subscribers and 15,000 emails per month. None of the competitors have such advantages.

Subscription Form Plugin for WordPress - SendPulse Email

Install the plugin in a standard and convenient way for you. The site has a detailed article on the topic. By activating the plugin, a section will appear in the WordPress menu SendPulse .

The data for setting up and operating the plugin must be taken from your Sendpulse account. After activating the plugin, you need to copy the Sendpulse ID and Secret in your personal account. Go to section Account settings.

Select tab API and and activate REST API.

ID and Secret will be automatically generated. These data must be entered in the plugin settings in the WordPress admin panel.

Here, specify the address book that users will get into by subscribing in the form.

In chapter Import also specify the address book in SendPulse where subscribers from WordPress will be moved.

Creating a Subscription Form with a WordPress Plugin

SendPulse Email

The plugin can generate an unlimited number of subscription forms. After all, they can have different purposes, differ in the subject matter of the subscription. They can be installed in different places on the site, track the conversion.

In chapter SendPulse Forms press Add form. Enter a title for the form. But the subscription form code itself should be taken again in the Sendpulse account. How to get the code, read the previous article.

Copy the received code and paste it into the required field. On the right, you will see a shortcode of the form generated. Don't forget to click Save. All created subscription forms are displayed as a list in the menu SendPulse Forms.

On the page of the site or in articles, in general, in the right place, you need to insert this particular shortcode. In the usual way - on the Visual tab of the text editor.

There is a choice - to create subscription forms without a plugin or use a subscription form plugin for WordPress, the main thing is to create. Send newsletters to interested visitors.

Good luck to you!

The main tool for making money in Internet marketing is e-mail newsletter. It doesn’t matter at all whether you sell your own products or someone else’s through affiliate programs, and also earn money on your site by placing ads. That is why today we are seeing a massive emergence of services that allow you to make your own e-mail newsletter Of course, it's not free at all.

Fortunately for those who maintain sites on WordPress, there is a free opportunity to create your own service e-mail newsletters using plugins. Why pay for a third party service when you WordPress does an excellent job of this. Now organize Newsletter on WordPress became simpler than ever.

Of course, you can forget about plugins altogether and WordPress and do everything yourself, then you should start by studying the video course

I recommend doing both. Continue to take real steps on your own together with WordPress and at the same time draw knowledge shared by real gurus in their video courses. So you will get invaluable experience in website building, consisting of practice and theory.

In this article, we will look at one remarkable mailing plugin. You will learn how to create your own e-mail newsletter on Wordpress blog with a plugin Mail Poet Newsletters.

Newsletter Plugin Mail Poet Newsletters

Plugin official website:

This is Russian mailing plugin which is easy and comfortable to work with. After installation and activation in the administrator console WordPress menu item will appear mailpoet with sections like: Settings, Subscribers, Newsletters.




default mailing plugin already created a form called "My first list". You need to edit it. You can add a new field: Name into your form, save, now the created form is available in widgets, drag it to the sidebar for example.

Confirmation of registration:

Send from:

Here you have to choose send: "From your site" or "The third side". If you have a large subscriber base, then you should use paid services for email newsletters, that is, choose "The third side". But, most likely, you, as a novice webmaster, have a small list of subscribers and you can send letters directly from your site. To check if the system is working, send yourself a test email and make sure you receive it. The test letter has arrived, so everything is working. Leave the default of 70 emails per hour to avoid spam.


Here you can set permissions for mailing lists for different user roles. In principle, you can leave the settings of this section by default.


The email address of each new subscriber who subscribes through the subscription form on your site will automatically appear in this tab. In addition, here you can add subscribers manually by entering email addresses, import and export lists using csv file.

Important! You can add manually only confirmed subscribers, otherwise your newsletter will go to spam.

It is also very important to separate subscribers into different lists. For example, those who have been subscribed to educational articles on programming in PHP are unlikely to be interested in lessons on photoshop. I think the analogy is clear.

Here we see two types of distribution: "standard" And "automatic". Standard mailing - for those who send letters irregularly. For example, you have an article on your blog and you inform your subscribers about your new article.

First step:

Second step:

Final step:

One of the first things to do when you start a new WordPress blog is to create your own. mailing list. Almost always, a special form must be connected to this process to register new subscribers and collect data from them about their email addresses. The list is then exported to services like Aweber or MailChimp; or the form is directly connected to these services for automatic mailing of letters within the subscription list.

The main advantage in using such services is their almost perfect work with lists and sending collective mailings (including news). The "reverse side" of the coin is the fact that as your mailing list "grows" so does the price of the platform's services. Personally, it doesn't bother me at all. But those who are looking for a powerful free alternative can turn their attention to the plugin Newsletter .

If you like plugins that work right out of the box, I have to disappoint you: this is just not the case. In this case, you'd better stay with MailChimp or Aweber. But if you don't mind fiddling with the settings and testing the plugin, then the plugin Newsletter will suit you. But on the other hand, all the time and effort spent will pay off for free and the power of this plugin. So let's get started!

Newsletter Plugin

You can download plugin from the official WordPress extension directory by this link .

After installing and activating the plugin, you will see an item in the menu called " Newsletter". Click on it - and let's start debugging and configuring the plugin.

Setting up the plugin

As you can see from the picture above, the side menu Newsletter divided into several nested sections. The first one is named Welcome". It describes the user's first steps after installing the plugin, there are lists of modules for working with this plugin, as well as links to documentation and technical support for working with this plugin.

In the second section you will find the plugin settings page. There is 4 tabs:

  • basic settings
  • Advanced settings
  • SMTP Configuration
  • Content limitation

In the main settings, you can specify your email address and sender name, which will be displayed to the recipients of your newsletter. You can also set the maximum number of emails sent per hour and the address to which notifications and response emails from users will be sent.

The tab with advanced settings allows you to provide plugin access to editors, set the key API, add custom styles css and switch between data encoding 8-bit And base64.

If your plans include using an external SMTP, its parameters can be configured in the corresponding tab.

And if you intend to restrict access to certain content for those who are not subscribers to your mailing list, then in this section you can activate the appropriate settings. This is very convenient if you intend to create exclusive content on the site, available only to subscribers to your mailing list.

The next section is called " diagnostics": in it you can send test emails, as well as view error logs, activity logs, etc.

The next 2 subsections are called " Subscription" And " subscribers". In the "Subscribers" section, you can view a list of everyone who has signed up to receive your email newsletter. In the "Subscription" section, you can create new subscriber registration forms, subscribe or unsubscribe buttons, subscription confirmation messages, pages, and welcome messages for new subscribers.

And finally, we also have a section " Newsletters". Actually, in it you can work with letters and create newsletters, which we will then send according to our list. To get started, just click on " new message".

You can choose a theme for your new email, create text and style it, use plain text file format, and upload custom design templates for new emails in your mailing list.

If you are satisfied with the previously received form of the letter, click on " Create the email".

Now we create the text of a new letter. At this stage, a fairly intuitive text editor is used, in which you can switch from the visually understandable editing mode to the HTML code markup mode.

Upon completion of work with the text and template, the letter can be saved for further use or sent as a test letter.


I really liked the plugin for its capabilities, despite the fact that it is free and provides users with a huge number of options for working with texts and letters as part of a regular mailing list for almost any number of subscribers.

Perhaps the only potential drawback may be the fact that when working with too large subscriber bases, the activity of this plugin can "slow down" your site, creating an additional load on the server and hosting. However, I did not have a chance to test this assumption. If you come across something similar - let us know in the comments.

Many bloggers believe that one of the most valuable things for a website is a list of email addresses. Even if you are not the most experienced blogger, you understand that the wider your list of subscribers, the more income you can get from your online business.

There are a number of providers on the Internet that specialize in email newsletters, but this review will focus on MailChimp, a widely used mailing list service that will help you create, grow, and maintain mailing lists for your blog. It is free if the number of subscribers does not exceed 2000, and the number of letters - no more than 12000 per month. On top of that, MailChimp offers pricing plans that increase based on your business.

By installing and activating the appropriate plugin on your WordPress site, you can increase the number of your email campaigns. This review lists the best MailChimp plugins that will allow you to expand your list of email addresses. Let's start!

5 Free WordPress Plugins to Boost Your Email Campaigns

1.MailChimp for WordPress

This is a free plugin developed by ibericode. When you activate the plugin and receive an API key, your MailChimp data will be available to you in the settings screen. This is quite convenient, because each address list has its own table, which includes all the data, including the number of subscribers in each group. You can choose the fields that you include in your subscription form.

MailChimp for WordPress allows you to display information in multiple panels. For example, in the top bar, you select a list of addresses from a drop-down menu and then customize it. The placeholder text can be written in another panel. You can also position the bar at the top or bottom of the page, change its color, and change the color of the buttons and text - these are great tools to help you maintain the color scheme in your blog.

Subscription forms can be placed anywhere using shortcodes. Redirect options are available to allow you to list new subscribers on an "Opt-in Success" page of your choice.

Finally, MailChimp also offers checkbox customization options. Visitors who leave comments or register on your site can also register in your address list by checking the appropriate box.

2. MailChimp Forms by MailMunch

This plugin will give you a little more freedom in customizing your forms without upgrading to a paid plan. This plugin easily integrates into your MailChimp account and you can use it to create as many forms as you want. So, if you update the content on each blog, you can create a separate form for each of them. MailMunch offers five types of forms: simple, embeddable, topbar, scrollbar, and sidebar.

The screenshot shows an example of a simple mailing form with various animated options. This is a fairly wide selection for a free plugin. You can also choose whether to insert this form into the login and/or logout page. If you don't want to have frequent visitors annoying you with popup forms, just change the frequency of this form from one visitor.

MailMunch allows you to display forms for specific URLs. It offers a lot of options, the only caveat is that if you want to do A/B testing, you'll have to upgrade to one of their paid plans.

3. MailChimp Forms by Optin Cat

With Optin Cat, you can add inline forms, popups, and sidebar widgets to your site. You can also customize the frequency of pop-ups and redirect new subscribers to any page on your site.

The free version of the plugin has an analytics feature, but its customization options are somewhat limited unless you upgrade your account. Optin Cat allows you to change the color of buttons, borders and text in any of the three types of forms. With Optin Cat, you can create unlimited forms for promotions, content updates, eLearning, and more.

4. Easy Forms for MailChimp

Once you've connected your API to MailChimp, you'll be able to add any list of email addresses to new signup forms. These forms can be embedded in pages, posts, or widget areas using a shortcode. Another way is to enter a new or existing post or page, click on the Easy Forms icon, and then choose which form you want to display. See example below:

Site visitors can choose a list of addresses for themselves when leaving a comment or registering on your site. The account settings display the number of new subscribers, unsubscribes, and the average subscription price.

This is the least customizable plugin we've seen so far, but if it suits you, you can try it. With over 20,000 downloads and frequent updates, this plugin has been proven over and over and is a good fit for your site.

5. Chimpy Lite – MailChimp WordPress Plugin

This plugin has fewer downloads (a little over 4000) and was last updated a year ago, but the ease of installation, integration and learning makes it very attractive. With the free version of Chimpy Lite, you can only create one form, but if your site is new or you only need one form option, Chimpy Lite is a good plugin to get you started with WordPress.

This plugin is responsive and allows visitors to add their addresses to your lists on pages, posts, sidebars, and under comment forms.


WordPress plugins for MailChimp are a great way to expand your email list on your site. Together with useful content, any of these plugins can help you set up a business on your blog.

If you haven't installed the plugin you need yet, sign up for your MailChimp account, create a list, and then download and activate the one of the plugins listed above that suits you. Determine the best type of form, as well as the placement and design of the form that will work on your site. This is a necessary part of the job. Over time, it will be possible to get an idea of ​​​​these things by analyzing the preferences of your site visitors.

Do you already have any of the listed MailChimp plugins activated on your WordPress site? Notice the difference in the number of email addresses? Let us know about it in the comments.
