Self-study SEO from scratch. Independent study of SEO from scratch Seo promotion how to learn

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)- These are measures to optimize the site, which increase its position in the search results. The ultimate goal of attracting traffic is the monetization of an Internet resource.

The impetus for the development of this direction was the expansion of the information field in the network and the emergence of search engines (Yahoo!, Google, Yandex). Entering a query, the user received feedback in the form of a page with search results, search engine results page. The search engine architecture included:

  • Interface (the part with which the user works to enter a request);
  • Search robot (collects data from pages, documents or pictures);
  • Indexer (optimizes search by processed information).

The first to talk about the possibility of using search algorithms to promote websites Danny Sullivan, California-based technology journalist. He published the article "Search Engine Webmaster's Guide" in April 1996, where he introduced the concept Search Engine Marketing, which includes SEO as an optimization tool. In his publications, he wrote about attracting the interest of the search engine to sites artificially.

How and for whom does it work?

The idea of ​​optimizing websites for search results laid the foundation for the formation of a new industry in IT and business. After only 20 years, we have a rapidly growing digital marketing industry, the nuances of which a young specialist will have to understand in practice.

Let's start with the obvious: who needs SEO-optimization of a resource.

Who needs SEO?

The correct answer is everyone who wants to attract users to their site. It can be both commercial organizations and individuals who simply blog.

Now let's see how this magic works. While promoting websites, you should have a good understanding of their structure. If the first generation of sites was created without regard to design and user convenience, filled with tons of texts with clear keys, then the sites that we use today have become a quality product with a user-friendly interface, thoughtful design and optimized pages.

Search robots analyze websites and remember their content. Each resource is assigned a value by which it can be easily found and returned to a search query. The website ranking formula includes more than 1000 indicators. Many factors remain unknown even for developers, because since 2009 machine learning technologies have been introduced. Influencing known ranking criteria improves page relevancy.

Internal and external work optimization

In the first case, it includes:

  • Formation of the semantic core;
  • Work on the structure;
  • Optimization of texts and pictures.

External optimization is designed to increase the link mass. If earlier it was enough to buy, now only natural links are taken into account. These are mentions of the site on thematic portals, sites or reposts. Regular mention of the resource by users indicates that this is a SDL (a site for people). Natural links should be placed on trusted sites and be open to search engines.

In this regard, the question often arises, how to become an SEO specialist?

This profession has become in demand over the past few years and will continue to be so in the future, because every day there is more and more information. A modern person daily receives more data than fits in 170 newspapers. The desire to receive high-quality information in the minimum time is the reason why we open search engines today.

Looking ahead, let's say what SEO can become in the future. In an episode of the British TV series about technology and everyday life, Black Mirror (2011), people got the opportunity to rate each other, which have legal value. SEO specialists in this world do not optimize websites, but real people.

It is impossible to pump your skill without theory. To save time, go study the terminology here. Get to grips with the basics:

  • How to compose a semantic core and what tools are suitable for this.
  • Key Collector Guide.
  • SEO toolkit.
  • Preparation of technical specifications for copywriters and programmers.
  • Optimization of texts, images and meta-data.

Where to start learning?

If you are an adherent of classical teaching tools, then the book Igor Ashmanov and Andrey Ivanov "Optimization and promotion of sites in search engines" would be a very useful purchase.. The paper edition describes the basics well, but you will have to go to blogs and thematic resources for up-to-date information.

Visit the site first Sergei Koksharov( This is one of the largest expert analysts in the field of search engine optimization. His blog is regularly updated with helpful articles, webinars, and more.

Another useful blog Mikhail Shakin( Its portal publishes reviews of new programs, tools and interviews with experts in this field.

Ilya Rusakov( writes about SEO development trends, tools to help and publishes reviews of major conferences.

Be sure to check out the channel

Yesterday's meeting prompted me to write this article. One unfamiliar woman contacted me and asked me to help her figure out how to promote mlm via the Internet. I outlined what I myself do on the Internet, how I promote my mlm company, my business. But I thought that the question of how to promote mlm via the Internet would be of interest not to her alone.

Now a lot of networkers have paid close attention to the Internet. Agree that everyone wants to move from the usual, but now outdated ways of promoting mlm in the form of posting noodles, placing ads in newspapers and television, pestering passers-by with surveys, etc. to a more modern promotion of mlm via the Internet. After all, it's so enticing, sitting at home at the computer, in slippers and a cozy dressing gown with a mug of hot coffee, to promote your mlm and receive bonuses.

mmm on auto

What is most interesting is that many people think that it is enough to make a website for their business and product, and that's it, the business has gone! But behind the external simplicity lies a lot of knowledge, skills, work and diligence. In order to not only do, but simply understand what exactly needs to be done here, you need at least a minimum of computer literacy knowledge. And you need to start with this.

You should be able to freely use Skype, e-mail, easily navigate all social networks, be able to make a holiday card to congratulate friends on the holiday, etc. That is, you need knowledge of the computer alphabet. Without knowing the basics of working at a computer, you simply will not succeed.

There are many courses, both paid and free. It is better to choose a course on the recommendation of a person you trust. You can find many good courses for free on the Internet. But the thing is,

  1. You need to know where and how to find these courses.
  2. Be able to appreciate the value of such courses
  3. Often knowledge is given in a fragmented and unsystematic way.
  4. It is not realistic for a beginner to understand such a flow on their own.
  5. If you use free courses, then you will not have the opportunity to ask a question to the author of these courses.

And by paying a low, often purely symbolic amount for the course, you can get the opportunity to:

  1. Learn computer literacy online
  2. The ability to ask any question on a topic that interests you to an expert or trainer
  3. Practical help from the author of the course
  4. Learn computer alphabet faster and more correctly

The biggest difficulty in the first time of mastering a computer is that a person arrives at a complete loss from the many avalanches of the most diverse and new information that have flooded over him from the Internet. It often happens that a person starts looking for one thing, then immediately switches to another, then jumps even further, and so on. etc. And that's all. The man went headlong and forgot what he originally wanted to find and study.

When learning the basics of computer literacy and the Internet, in order to promote your MLM business via the Internet, there are two ways:

  1. First, study everything, and then start promoting your business through the Internet.
  2. Learn the computer alphabet and then, in the course of working to promote mlm through the Internet, deal with everything you need to know on the Internet.

These are two completely different approaches. The result will be almost the same, if you do not go astray. But in the first case, the training takes at least a year. At the same time, you practically do not do business, naturally you have no income. I personally went the first way. For a whole year, I was just doing what I was studying, how you can promote mlm via the Internet, all the tools, methods, methods, etc.

My business partner Mikhail Loginovskikh went the second way. He worked and studied at the same time. He may know less in this area than I do, but his income has only grown over this time. While my bonuses dropped to almost zero. Make a conclusion!

Based on my experience, I want to say that it is not at all necessary to be a webmaster and programmer on the Internet in order to convey your information to people. This can be done even through social networks. But you must have a clear, meaningful goal for you and a system that will help you achieve this goal.

You can create the system yourself. But it will be much more profitable for you if you enter an existing system that was created and promoted by professionals. The ideal option for any networker would be such an option when the system of work that your mentor uses in your company will coincide with your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis.

But, again, in order to objectively evaluate this system, you either have personal experience yourself and at least a minimum of knowledge of the computer alphabet. Or find such a person through the Internet who can help you figure it out. And for this, you need to learn how to meet and communicate on the Internet with people you have not known before. Only from personal communication can you understand how much a person has the information you need, whether he is of value to you, whether he can be trusted, etc.

Therefore, it does not matter how advanced you are now on the Internet. You need the bare minimum of knowledge - computer literacy. And you will have a real opportunity to promote your business in MLM via the Internet. To do this, you need to learn how to get to know people and communicate with them. If you learn how to do this easily, then your business will be built easily and quickly.

I wish you success in mastering the Internet and quickly promoting your mlm business via the Internet!

Sincerely, Vera Chernykh

From the author: good specialists in the field of SEO promotion earn an average of 100,000 rubles in Russia. for a successful order. If you have a desire to earn great money while working from anywhere in the world, then why not try your hand at search engine optimization? In this article, we will analyze SEO promotion in detail: how to learn, how long it will take, etc.

After reading the information below, you will not be able to become a mega-specialist in the field of search engine optimization at the snap of your fingers, however, you will receive a recommended list of further actions for developing in this topic. Drop negative thoughts about the fact that something may not work out due to lack of experience. The step-by-step plan below is tailored specifically for beginners who start from scratch. Therefore, follow the instructions, and you will succeed.

Step 1. Studying the theoretical base

The ideal scenario for beginners starting from scratch is to immediately sign up for expensive SEO promotion courses with experienced professionals who will transfer the maximum amount of knowledge over the allotted training period. However, of course, the main snag here is the issue of price. It is rare to find good specialized lessons on SEO website promotion from experienced gurus in this area, which are posted on the Internet for free. Therefore, we will go the other way.

First of all, you need to find a proven source of basic technical knowledge, after mastering which it will already be possible to move on to trying to apply new information in practice. Select several options and read the feedback from students developing according to the proposed methods.

It will take quite a long period of time to study the basics of SEO-promotion of the site - at least 2-3 months. Therefore, you will have to be patient and Doshirak from the local supermarket in order to survive during the training phase. Although it is quite possible to devote time free from the main work to this, and then simply move on to a new business as a whole, as soon as it starts to make a profit.

JavaScript. Fast start

SEO is not a direction where you can immediately act and figure out what and how. Here, customers rely on the knowledge of specialists and invest serious budgets to promote their sites to the top search engines. You can’t risk clients’ money, however, you shouldn’t delay training either. Read a few books or take a few courses, having mastered a certain base, and then immediately move on to practice.

Step 2. Applying the acquired knowledge in practice

Along the way, you will immerse yourself in a huge number of various SEO intricacies, as well as select for yourself several search engine optimization techniques that are used by leading experts. However, do not rush to feed yourself with illusions about the fact that they began to understand the topic.

Knowing and being able to apply what you have learned are two completely different things. You can draw an analogy with automation. A person who is perfectly aware of the rules of the road and driving a car, but who has not yet been behind the wheel, will certainly drive worse than a driver with practical experience. This suggests that if you really want to engage in search engine optimization, then you should not be afraid to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, while simultaneously improving your own skills.

The main thing is not to stand in one place. Constantly develop and set new goals in this direction. Take useful training courses, subscribe to useful newsletters from popular SEO optimization gurus, select several news sites for yourself on related topics (marketing, ecommerce, etc.) and track interesting information. Always stay on topic!

We are sure that you have learned a lot of useful knowledge from this article. Do not postpone the implementation of the presented step-by-step instructions for tomorrow or next month, but apply the information received today. After a few months of hard work, you may be able to reach a fairly good income.

You can start looking for clients with . Use it for direct sales or as a platform where you share educational materials with people on this topic.

That's all! Subscribe to our blog, and every day you will learn more and more interesting and useful. Good luck and see you soon!

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a practical example of building a web application

You have made your site. Well, or they ordered its production to specially trained people - in this case, it doesn’t matter. The site is beautiful, interesting, but for some reason no one comes to it. Unless you are ten times a day, and once a few of your friends and relatives. And the rest are in no hurry to enjoy the beauty and usefulness that was given to you so hard (or expensive). The problem is that people might have flocked to you in a wide stream, but the trouble is - they do not know about your site. And I'll tell you honestly: they will never know about it unless you take certain steps to promote it.

Promoting websites is even easier than making them. For some reason it always seemed that way to me. Yeah, only when you order "promotion" to professionals, for some reason it costs more than its production by professionals. What's the catch?
And the catch is this: the number of new sites that appear every year, yes there is a year - every day, is growing exponentially and, consequently, the demand for their production is growing. Where there is great demand, there is also great supply: millions of web designers and programmers are working today to serve this market. The competition is high and the prices just can't be very high - there will always be people who are willing to do the job cheaper than others. And there are more and more people who start making their own sites on their own.

Once launched, millions of new sites compete for consumer attention. But there are not much more of them, just as there are no more search engines - the main tools in achieving the maximum popularity of the site. The first ten search queries of Yandex or Google remain the same ten, for the right to be in which millions of sites compete and these millions are becoming more and more. That's why promotion professionals who know how to bring your site to the very notorious "top ten" are valued so highly.

If you are ready to pay 30-50 thousand rubles a month for the promotion of your site to those highly valued professionals, you can already leave here - the advice I want to give you is completely different.
By the way, if you are offered promotion cheaper, say, for 10 thousand per month, you can be sure that your site will never appear in the top ten! Even in a hundred - and that is unlikely.

Advice: not pay professionals for their work, but learn from them do this work yourself. Self-promotion of the site is, of course, a troublesome business, but, firstly, it is interesting, secondly, it is creative, and thirdly, it is much less expensive than paying for these services to third parties!

It's not hard to learn this. On the Internet today, a huge amount of information and training materials is not the topic of self-promotion of sites. To get started, go here - or type in the search engine the name Yusuf Gubaidullin and find one of his video courses, which he has already released quite a few.

As the saying goes, the one who seeks will find, the one who wants to learn will learn. The Internet is the future, but what is the future - the present is already impossible to imagine without the Internet, so the skills and abilities acquired in this area will come in handy, remember my words!

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Many people are interested in the question of how to learn how to promote websites and apply knowledge either to optimize their own resource or to make money. This is not an easy science, there is no such specialty among university disciplines, and it can be mastered under the condition of great desire, constant self-improvement and readiness for experiments. Let's take a look at some common learning methods.

How to learn website promotion in courses

If you have free time and a sufficiently large amount of funds, you can choose the easiest way to learn website promotion - specialized courses. Advantages - the minimum time spent on mastering the theory, relevant knowledge (if the courses are good), clear presentation and emphasis only on important topics (it is assumed that the student will learn everything else during independent practice).

But there is also a big minus - this is a small number of really high-quality training programs against the background of outright hack-work. Moreover, the big name of a coach may mean nothing: the history of the industry knows examples when eminent optimizers taught how to promote websites, giving outdated or ineffective knowledge for a long time. Conclusion: studying will allow you to learn the basics of optimization, but only if you choose a quality course.

How to learn website promotion yourself

There are many people who are more comfortable learning how to promote websites by gaining knowledge from open sources (fortunately, there are many of them) and making their own practical attempts. With great perseverance, the method can be effective - but at the same time, you need to strive to develop your skills, know which directions to move in, and monitor trends. In general, the “trial and error” method in this situation is not the most effective, because:

  • have to spend a lot of time;
  • you need to understand all the specifics of the work, and this is almost impossible for a self-taught person;
  • a lot of effort is spent on trying, experimenting and working;
  • high risk of launching failed projects in advance;
  • you will have to “burn” more than one budget until an optimal strategy is developed.

How to learn promotion? To practice!

Theory plays an important role in teaching website promotion, but cannot replace everything. It's worth explaining. In fact, optimization is a cat and mouse game with search engines: they do not reveal the secrets of the algorithms, and the optimizer needs to unravel at least some of these secrets in order to find a way to promote the site to the TOP and keep it there without sanctions. Therefore, unlike mathematics, there are no exact formulas here: there is only a minimum of proven practices, and a sea of ​​​​methods, assumptions, arguments.

What is the outcome? To learn how to promote websites, you need to study the basic theory, and then practice. The best way to do this is on your own website. This should be a resource that is not a pity: after all, there is a high probability that there will be errors in the first stages, and this will affect the positions in the issue. Many novice optimizers do this: they create personal blogs in which they share their knowledge and the results of their application in practice. It's a good way to learn.

Need a mentor to learn website promotion

Self-learning to promote has another drawback - this way you can only learn the rules for optimizing small resources. A self-taught person will never cope with the promotion of a large project: an online store, an information portal or another site with thousands of pages. There are practically no specialized courses that provide such deep knowledge. What to do? Where do professionals come from?

The best way to learn how to move like a pro is to find a mentor. This can be the adoption of experience on a paid basis (essentially, tutoring) or joint work on projects. The second method is preferable, since the knowledge gained will be both theoretical and practical, the methods used will be proven and effective.

How to learn website promotion? Keep up with the trends!

SEO specialists need to constantly share their experience by attending thematic online and offline conferences. Speakers at them in most cases are proven professionals who come to speak with a case of relevant and effective practical knowledge. But this is not yet a guarantee of success.

The optimizer must not only know how to learn how to promote sites, but also how to constantly be aware of events. And they change very often in this industry: many practices are considered obsolete after a few months. What do we have to do? Least:

  • read official news feeds of search engines;
  • be subscribed to the blogs of famous optimizers;
  • track news on the topic on authoritative portals;
  • participate in discussions on the forums of SEO-specialists.

Usually, any innovation causes a heated discussion and a joint search for new methods is what a beginner needs when learning. It’s also a good idea to constantly study the market and analyze the most successful resources.

So which way to choose?

How to learn website promotion and get high-quality knowledge? The ideal method is the combination of all the above methods. Courses will provide the necessary foundation. Independent development of information will expand knowledge. Working with a mentor will give invaluable practical experience. Communication with colleagues and tracking trends will allow you to improve and always be “afloat”. In the meantime, training is underway - to promote really important projects, it is better to turn to professionals.
