Updating directx on windows 7. Where to download and how to install DirectX - detailed guide

If you love computer games, then you probably know that without the latest version of DirectX, many 3D applications simply won’t run. And even relatively simple two-dimensional games often require this package. I will tell you how to update DirectX on Windows XP to the latest version.

First, let's look at version numbers. WindowsXP does not support version 10 and above, they were designed for Windows 7, Vista and other newer operating systems. There are unofficial packages that do install DirectX 10 and higher on WindowsXP, but I strongly recommend avoiding them. We will use the official DirectX9.0C, which has been considered the latest for many years. But here everything is not so simple - over time, the version number did not change, but changes were made, various revisions appeared. The last update was released in October 2007. It is likely that there will be no more new revisions. There are also unofficial later builds.

Checking the installed version

Since DirectX 9.0C has not been updated for a long time, you might mistakenly think that your computer is running an outdated version. Fortunately, this can be checked in two ways. The first is to use the DirectX Diagnostic Tool utility. Calling it is very simple:

  1. Click "Start" - "Run".
  2. In the window that opens, type “dxdiag” without quotes and press Enter.
  3. The utility we need will open, in the window of which information about the computer is indicated. The DirectX version is displayed at the bottom of the window.

Unfortunately, this program only shows the version, but does not indicate the specific release date of the package. At least this way you can identify a clearly outdated package, for example, 9.0B.

The second method will also not give a specific answer, but you will know for sure whether your version is different from the latest one. Its essence is very simple - you need to download the DirectX web installer from the official Microsoft website. This program independently checks the version of the installed package. If it detects that the latest DirectX is installed, it will simply report it. If not, she will offer to download and install the latest version.

There is also a third way - try to launch a recently released game, but this is like dancing with a tambourine, and the result will be inaccurate. Of course, there are other methods, but they are relatively complex and require certain skills, so I won’t talk about them.

Installation options

Let's figure out how to update DirectX on WindowsXP, a video of this process can be found on the Internet, but even without it everything is very simple. The first way is to install the latest version from the game disc. Often, developers add the necessary additional software to their disks, including the package we need for the newest version at the time of the game's release. This option is not the most successful, but it is suitable for those who do not have unlimited Internet access.

Another way is to download MicrosoftDirectX 9.0C from the official website. Without a doubt, this site has the latest version. You just need to run the installation program and follow its step-by-step instructions. After installation, it is advisable to restart your computer.

The third option, the most convenient if you have unlimited Internet, is to download the web installer, which was described above. It will check the installed version itself and download all the necessary files, if necessary. The process occurs automatically, the user does not have to deal with the versions at all, you just need to confirm that you want to update. This is very convenient for those who do not like to fill their heads with unnecessary information, which is why I most often use the web installer.

I remind you once again that you should download software from Microsoft only on the official website, only this guarantees the absence of viruses and adequate operation of the programs. After the update, you will be able to play games that require older versions of DirectX without any problems.

Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

Installing and regularly updating components and drivers DirectX will allow you to optimize Windows to the fullest extent possible to take full advantage of all the capabilities of modern multi-core processors and advanced technologies in the field of computer graphics.

Download and update DirectX

For DirectX driver updates, you need to install the official utility from Microsoft on your computer - dxwebsetup.exe. After installation, it will automatically download and install the missing versions of DirectX components and drivers on your computer running Windows 7 | Windows 8.1 | Windows 10

You can download Microsoft DirectX ® Setup from (0.28 MB, checked for MSE and Avast viruses) or from the official Microsoft website (Live ID account required).

Important! IN Windows 10 By default, DirectX 11.2 and DirectX 12 packages are already installed. Packages are downloaded and updated through Windows Update.

How to install DirectX

During the process of installing and updating DirectX, you must constantly connect your computer to the Internet. The program downloads the missing packages from the Microsoft server (usually no more than 100 MB).

Run the dxwebsetup.exe file, accept the terms of the license agreement, refuse to install the Bing panel if you prefer to use another search service (the less on your computer, the faster Windows runs). After this, the initialization and installation of DirectX components will begin. .

Before downloading and installing DirectX SDK components and updates, the utility will inform the end user about the size of the downloaded DirectX executable library files.

After the program finishes, restart your computer. Do not forget to install all important updates for Windows 7/Windows 8 on time to ensure your games and work and maintain system security at a high level.

How to find out the DirectX version

You can get information about the version of DirectX you are using using the program preinstalled on any Windows computer. DirectX Diagnostic Tool" To do this, open the Start menu, type dxdiag in the search bar, and open dxdiag.exe in the search results.

To launch dxdiag in Windows 8, launch the search bar with the keyboard shortcut + (Win+Q) "

The version of DirectX used on the system will be indicated at the very bottom of the first diagnostic tool window (in our case, this is DirectX 11). It also displays detailed information about the system - processor, BIOS version, paging file and RAM size. Computers running Windows 8 come with version 11.1 of the executable libraries, while computers running Windows 7 come with DirectX 11.

Updating DirectX on a computer without Internet access

If the computer where you need to update DirectX does not have Internet access, you can download in advance a special “Distribution package” that contains all the latest updates to the executable libraries.

The latest version of the update package is available on the English-language Microsoft website. Download link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109

After downloading, write the Direct X executable file to external media (USB flash drive) and transfer it to the computer on which installation is required.

Information is current as of 2016 for all versions and flavors of Windows. including Windows 10 64-bit.

Any person who plays games on a computer or even uses the latter to solve everyday problems has most likely encountered such a thing as DirectX, but not everyone knows what it is, whether the presence of this component is necessary, why it needs to be updated and where download Microsoft DirectX 12 for Windows 10 for free?

What is DirectX?

Explanations in complex technical language are inappropriate in this case; such information is always easy to find on official websites or on Wikipedia. In simple words, it is a library or set of instructions that are responsible for the interaction of computer hardware and software. DirectX relies heavily on the video card, but it doesn't leave it alone and knows how to open up other parts of the PC to use their maximum power to play or create in real time the game elements that the developers have written in advance. It works automatically, so you don't have to worry about how to enable DirectX 12 on Windows 10. And, yes, it is not only a playback tool used by gamers or regular computer users, but also a tool for developers to find the maximum level of interaction. between hardware and software components. However, the question of how to reinstall DirectX on Windows 10 x64 or, in general, whether it needs to be installed, arises especially often among the former.

This set of libraries was developed by Microsoft and is used exclusively on Windows operating systems.

What is DirectX for?

It should be noted that if you have never encountered such a concept and can vouch for the fact that you have not installed anything like this on the system, the component is still present, and there is even a way to view the DirectX version on Windows 10. Despite due to the fact that it is aimed at gaming projects, it is also used in other OS processes, therefore it is necessary, and is installed along with it. Depending on the version of Windows, the version of the libraries also varies - from 9.0 in Windows XP to 12.0 in Windows 10. And so on, when a new OS is released, there will be a new update of the libraries. Again, this is a very important indicator. Each new version of the set not only adapts to a new operating system, but also provides expanded capabilities for developers, so, in theory, the same game launched with version 9 and 11 can look very different - especially when it comes to visual effects. This is why it is important to know how to install DirectX 12 on Windows 10.

Important! The set itself will not affect the quality in any way, but the number of technologies available in different versions can significantly affect how the developer uses them, and what ultimately comes out of the game. Based on this, one can understand .

How to find out the DirectX version in Windows 10?

Checking the current version installed on the system is not difficult even for novice users.

The easiest way to check the DirectX version on Windows 10.

Fortunately, these libraries are a component that is easy to find and install. It's free and always has been. However, this also hides another difficulty, especially for inexperienced users. There is a high probability of receiving a malicious file. But, again, there is a simple but reliable way to avoid all possible problems - download installation files exclusively from the official website.

Download and install a set of libraries

In this case, this is the official Microsoft website. Find the “Download” or “Download” button on the website.
Then click “Refuse and Continue.”

Download the file dxwebsetup.exe, then run it.

It is recommended, both during download and installation, to pay attention to all stages of the installation process and to the dialog boxes that appear, during which the company will try to supply you with several of its products - from Microsoft Office to the Bing panel. These are, of course, not malicious files, but if you don’t need them, they can be completely useless.

We agree to the terms of the license agreement.

Then install them.

After installation, click “Finish”.

The site emphasizes that this component cannot be removed, so it is advisable to create a point so that in case of any problems you can easily restore it from the right place, thus avoiding the need to reinstall it entirely. There are no options offered during installation and you don't know where DirectX is located in Windows 10. Even the path is selected automatically, so there should be no difficulties in the process.

How to update DirectX 12 version for Windows 10?

It is important to know how to update the version of DirectX 12 for Windows 10 for 64 bit or 32 bit - by downloading the installation file from the Microsoft website, you do not receive a distribution kit of a specific library, but rather an assistant that will first determine the version of your video card and operating system, and then, based on At this point, it will download the necessary files for installation. So, in effect, by installing libraries this way, you are updating the set of libraries to the latest version. This is not manually regulated, but is based on certain factors.

In rare cases, the set is not updated. This can be solved by a simple reinstallation.

This is the only answer to the question why DirectX 12 is not installed on Windows 10.

What if I don't trust Microsoft?

If you don't trust Microsoft and want to find out for yourself which version your video card supports, then you can do a few things:

  • Visit the manufacturer's official website and find the corresponding table. This is a pressing question, so there shouldn’t be any problems finding it;
  • Use any program that determines a set of PC components. One option is to offer the free GPU-Z. The necessary information is in the “Graphics Card” section in the “DirectX Support” field.

DirectX is a set of software solutions that are used by developers to create software. DirectX gained popularity as a means of developing video games. Every time, along with the launch of a new edition of Windows, Microsoft releases a new numbered build of DirectX, which allows you to create even more realistic and high-quality visual effects and use your computer resources more productively.

DirectX is distributed free of charge and is often included with the purchased game on the same disc. Apart from this, there are several other ways to update DirectX on Windows 10.

Checking the current DirectX version

By default, Windows 10 comes with DirectX version 12 pre-installed. This assembly is the latest edition of the library and does not require updating. To verify this and find out the version of DirectX you are using in Windows 10, you need to:

  1. Click on the search bar on the taskbar or press the Win + R key combination.
  2. Enter the command “dxdiag” in the text field and click “Run”.
  3. Examine the data in the window that appears, at the bottom of which the version of DirectX you are using should be indicated.

Important! Even though Windows 10 comes with DirectX 12 pre-installed, the dxdiag dialog box may show an earlier version in some cases. This is due to the fact that the video card used on the computer does not support the technologies used in DX12. Information about the technologies supported by a video card can always be obtained on the official website of the device manufacturer.


The only way to update DirectX 12 on Windows 10 is to check for a library update through Windows Update. Any attempts to download the web installer from the official Microsoft website or get help on upgrading DX to the latest version 12 will lead the user to the Windows 10 upgrade page.

So, to check for updates for system components, you need to:

  1. Open Computer Settings.
  2. Go to the "Update and Security" section.
  3. Click on the “Check for updates” button.
  4. Agree to install updates.


To follow the instructions step by step, we recommend watching the video.

In custody

It is important to remember that new editions of DX appear extremely rarely - often updates occur only a few times before the next major version appears. Therefore, if the task of downloading Directx 12 for Windows 10 is set to improve the computer’s performance in games, then it is better to check the status of the drivers or think about improving the hardware of the device.

DirectX is a set of necessary libraries for Microsoft Windows 32 bit and 64 bit. The new Direct X11 is designed for the correct operation of various computer games, as well as for other programs, for example, for playing video and sound in some players. Players can also use it. Any computer games use 3D graphics, which will be implemented using Direct X12 technology. Without timely updating of the DirectX technology software for your computer, your computer game may not start.

Even if you already have this program installed, but an older version, then for proper operation and display of 3D graphics of modern computer games, we recommend that you download and update DirectX for free to the latest version.

In technology Direct X There are also low-level features such as two-dimensional (2D) graphics acceleration. There is also support for various input devices, such as joystick, keyboard, mouse. There is also support for audio equipment to ensure high-quality sound. Often, when installing a game, it may come bundled with DirectX 11, also outdated versions DirectX 10 or DirectX 9.0c. These versions are no longer relevant and we recommend that you update them to the latest version DirectX 12. This is all due to the fact that DirectX for Windows 10, 8, 7 can be updated quite often, and it is necessary to monitor the updates. With each new version of the program, new libraries are added, new technologies are introduced to improve the quality of graphics in computer games and more. Every gamer should always have various fresh drivers at hand, one of which is DirectX 11 and 12 for Windows 7, 8, 10. So we recommend that you install the latest version of DirectX, which you can do for free download DirectX 11 / 12 for Windows 7, 8, 10 via a direct link without registration and SMS to our website.

Thanks to this installer, which you can download below, you will receive an update to DirectX 9.0c, 10, 11, 11.1, 12 for Windows 10, 8 and 7. You just need an Internet connection. By running the Web installer, you can update DirectX to the latest version from the official website.

The official release of DirectX 12 for Windows 7, 8, 10 took place a long time ago. We would like to point out that you do not need to install DirectX 12 for Windows 10, since it is built into the Windows 10 system.

Often users do not know the answer to the question - how to check the DirectX version on Windows 10, 7, 8? To do this, you need to simultaneously press the Win + R keys on your keyboard (where Win is the key with the Windows logo) or click on the Start button (in Windows 10 and 8 - right-click on “Start” - “Run”), and in the search field enter dxdiag, and then press Enter. A window will open DirectX Diagnostic Tool, and in the “System” tab you will see information about the installed version of DirectX.
