Recruits component k2. K2: additional fields in different places of the template

K2 provides an out-of-the box integrated solution featuring rich content forms for items (think of Joomla articles with additional fields for article images, videos, image galleries and attachments), nested-level categories, tags, comments, a system to extend the item base form with additional fields (similar to CCK for those acquainted with Drupal), a powerful plugin API to extend item, category and user forms, ACL, frontend editing, sub-templates & a lot more!

Using K2, you can transform your Joomla website to a news/magazine site with author blogs, product catalogs, work portfolio, knowledge base, download/document manager, directory listing, event listing & more, all this bundled under one package!

Give K2 a try & you"ll instantly love it! It"s easy to use and fun to develop websites with! If you need any help or want to contribute to the project, join us at the K2 community.


Since K2 is extensible with additional fields to its base item form, you can easily create category-specific content types, e.g. article, blog post, product page, directory listing.

K2 offers as standard:
- nested-level categories
- commenting, integrated with Google's reCaptcha & Akismet
- tags
- distinct item image (useful for articles/catalogs)
- image galleries
- videos
- attachments
- user pages (author blogs/user profiles)
- smart ACL for frontend editing
- unique plugin system to extend item, category & user forms
- AJAX based frontend editing & comments moderation
- Rest-like JSON/JSONP content output
- Native advanced SEF options
- Flexible sub-templates (for every content output)

K2 fully supports the Joomla API, which means any Joomla plugins will function properly within the K2 component & modules, either in the frontend or backend.


Pixeden, Groupama, Harvard, High Court of Australia, Amnesty International, Arturia, Vivaldi Web Brower & the Joomla Magazine are just some of the thousands of top Joomla sites around the world, fully powered by K2.


To utilize the built-in video & gallery features you need to install AllVideos (free) & Simple Image Gallery Pro, both provided by JoomlaWorks.

K2 is developed by JoomlaWorks & licensed under the GNU/GPL license.


Try K2! Install it, hit the "import" button to bring your Joomla articles inside K2, start playing with the component to see the flexibility it provides first-hand. Moreover? You no longer need a dozen of components & even more modules to do things like run a news site or a blog. Drupal & Wordpress have certainly met their match now!

From the previous article you learned how to create materials and display them on the site, and from this article you will master working with categories in K2, which have a large number of options. Once you set the parameters for a certain category, they will be applied to pinned materials, and they can also be assigned to other categories. Well, in conclusion, you will learn how to display categories on the site.

Creating a category in K2

Heading- this field indicates the name of the category

Header Alias- to indicate the name shown at the end of the URL

Inherit parameters from category- by selecting a category from the list, all its parameters will be inherited

Related group add. fields- here you select a group of additional fields that was created in the corresponding section

Access level- determine who is allowed access to the edited category

The picture can be uploaded from your computer ( Browse button) or find on the server ( Review on the server...).

On the right are parameters that relate not only to the category, but also to the materials attached to it.

Category Content Template

  • Select a template- if templates for K2 are downloaded, you can select them from the list

Method of displaying materials on the main page and in categories

Materials in K2 are conventionally divided into leading ( those that are displayed at the very top of the page), primary ( come after the leaders) and secondary ( located after the primary), links to the following materials may also be established.

  • Number of basic materials- specify the number of materials that will be shown at the top
  • Columns for Lead Materials- the number of columns into which the materials will be divided
  • Image size for leading materials- select the image size from the list for main materials (the exact sizes for each item are set below)

Similar parameters are indicated for primary, secondary materials and links. You cannot force the position of the material to be selected - it all depends on the type of sorting, which is selected below.

Other location options

  • Directory mode- if you select No, then materials not only of the category, but also of subcategories will be displayed
  • Selected materials- selecting to display materials marked as favorites
  • Sorting materials- here you select the order in which materials are displayed on the page
  • Pagination/Numbering- is pagination and numbering required?

Category display options

First, items are selected that will/will not be displayed when the category is displayed (such as title, description, picture, RSS link).

Material Image Options

Here you set the width for Very small/small/medium/large/extra large images. Their height will be calculated proportionally.

Options for displaying material in the category list

Thanks to these options, you can precisely configure which items, fields and icons will be displayed in the category list (content blog).

All points are intuitive, and for the most part familiar from Joomla materials

  • Enable K2 plugins- if you set Yes, then plugins for the material blog will be used.

Material Display Options

There are even more options here that are responsible for displaying complete material. By setting these options once, all owned materials will be assigned the specified parameters.

For convenience, the parameters are divided into subsections: Social sharing, Author settings, Related content.

Meta data

Standard parameters for meta tags

Displaying K2 categories on the site

In order to display K2 categories on the site, you should go to Menu Manager and in the desired menu create a new item for it. The menu item must be of type: K2 - Lists of materials - Categories. After specifying the title and other necessary parameters, one or more categories are selected for display.

  • If one category is selected, then only the method of sorting materials is selected below.
  • If selected several categories, then below are the options that correspond to the parameters in Category content template. It also sets up displaying links to RSS feeds.

Finally, you can set standard parameters for menu items and then save the changes. This will create a menu item showing the category(s).

Online service by OceanTheme are a platform where people can unite with each other with mutual interest to purchase premium templates and extensions Joomla! at a bargain price. The target audience of the service are individuals and small and medium businesses, professional web developers to create online stores, community sites or people wishing to have your blog. In our great collection of premium solutions everyone will find what he needs.

Our resource acts as an organizer pooling, specifies the number of people that you want to buy templates and extensions, the cost of goods, as well as the amount and access to these materials. Our website has a lot of opportunities for easy searching of templates and extensions. Intuitive navigation, tagging system, sorting by the filter and the tool "add to bookmarks" will allow you to find the right material you want incredibly fast. In addition You will always find the latest information, so as to update the collection every day.

Access to the entire database of materials is provided for the duration of the club specified in the subscription purse. Subscribers receive unrestricted access to all available archives, news and updates, as well as technical support throughout the subscription period.

All the products you can find on this site are 100% GPL-compatible, which means you can change them as you want and install on unlimited number of sites.

Thanks to our collection you will save a lot of time and money, as the templates and extensions are easy to use, easy to install and configure, multi-functional and diverse. That will allow you to create a website of any complexity and orientation, without learning advanced web development technologies.

Main features of our website

A rich set of functions, working out of the box:

Use all opportunities of our resource to get ready-made professional solution for rapid implementation of your business projects or creative ideas.

Use the search tools

Use advanced search and filtering, and easy navigation for quickly finding the desired web solutions in design, functionality and other criteria.

To favorite materials were always at hand, use the unique function "Add to favorites", and they are available in a separate section for the whole year.

Logged into our site, you will be able to leave comments and to participate in promotions, as well as use of a free subscription with permium access.

Join our club membership

Club subscription gives you full access to our entire catalog of original material. And includes premium templates and extensions for several years.

Download appropriate to your Joomla templates and extensions, both free and subscription for the club without any limits and ogoranicheny speed.

If you liked any material on the site, you can leave your voice, as well as share it with friends via social networks.

Component K2 is a very interesting extension for Joomla. The main feature of the component is that it allows Joomla to use new functions that are not available by default for Joomla, but are available in other similar CMSs such as Drupal and Wordpress.

First of all, this is the ability to add materials and articles to the site by site users, as well as creating news portals, blogs, catalogs, introducing additional fields for each article, adding videos to the site using the AllVideos plugin, image galleries using the Simple Image Gallery plugin, built-in a system for adding comments with a captcha from Google, a registration and authorization module, an author module that allows you to display information about the authors publishing articles, the presence of an archive, a category and tags module.

All these modules are built into K2 and are not included in Joomla by default. Working with this component is very simple, since the text editor has the same parameters as Joomla, and using categories makes it possible to set settings for all articles in a given category at once using the “Inherit from category” function. In addition, in each material it becomes possible to display social bookmarks, hit views, vote ratings, and navigation.

To date component K2 Already updated to version 2.7.1. This release fixes all known bugs discovered by the K2 community since previous versions were released. In addition, this version also includes major changes regarding the settings for displaying your content and editing it from the front part of the site. A new version 2.7.0 is expected in the near future.

How to properly update K2 to the latest version

Updating K2 to the latest version (2.7.1)

Many people are interested in the question of how to properly update the K2_v2.4.1 component or another version to version 2.7.1.

Updating the k2 component to the latest version, namely version 2.6.5, is quite simple. The new version of k2 is installed on top of previous versions. (No need to delete anything, just install the new version and everything will work). But before you upgrade, you should understand that if you are using your k2 template from previous versions, for example, k2 2.5.7 and earlier, such a template is not compatible with the new k2.

The template version 2.6.2 is compatible with version 2.7.1 although it differs slightly from the previous version in one file (generic.php) the path to the file components/com_k2

Download the K2 zip file and go to the extension manager (Install/Uninstall) in Joomla admin and select to download and install the zip file you just downloaded ( com_K2_v2.7.1.rus). After this, the component will be updated to the latest version, or simply use automatic update from the Joomla admin panel.

As always, do not forget your site, before updating K2 to the latest version, use the free one backup component Akeeba .

Yes, you are using your own or a modified template, then starting from version 2.7.0 there have been changes in the K2 template, so be careful when (after) updating you will have to adjust the template.

Installing a cracker for K2 through the Joomla admin panel

If you have the English version of K2 installed, then you can Russify it; to Russify the component, install the Russifier that, the crack is installed through the extension manager (Install/Uninstall) in the Joomla admin panel, like any other extensions for Joomla. After installing the Russifier, the K2 component on the site and in the admin panel will be completely Russified.

K2 is a materials component for Joomla! A CMS with some additional features reminiscent of CCK (Content Construction Kit - in Russian this can be interpreted as “component-creating-any-type-of-content”). Its developers are the Greek portal JoomlaWorks.

It allows the user to manage the content of the site in a more convenient and modern way. You can create a blog, a catalog of goods or services, a file archive, a multimedia gallery, an online magazine using just one component! The development of this powerful rhenium began in 2006, but, unfortunately, by this time, no documentation on it had been published. There are only a few articles and videos in English.

This small step-by-step instruction is written for those who want to try and study K2 in action, but literally don’t know where to start.

Step 1. Download the latest version of K2 from the official developer website. Step 2. Install K2 using Joomla Extension Manager.

Step 3. Download and install the latest translation version of the K2 component according to the instructions

Step 4. Open the K2 control panel through the “Components” menu item, or use it through the module on the main admin page.

Step 5: Create groups of additional fields. Name them according to their purpose: Blog, Catalog, Directory or whatever you like.

Note: Additional fields unify the presentation of materials, that is, when creating a new material in a category to which a group of additional fields is assigned, you can fill in these fields. And thus, all materials in this category will have this “field-value” information. This is absolutely necessary when creating a product catalog.

For example, you create a group of additional fields Catalog and add fields there:

b) Dimensions

And then, when creating each new material, you will actually create a product card, because when displaying the product under the description article, these fields will be neatly displayed in a tabular form (by default) in an additional table.

Step 6: Add Additional Fields to Your Additional Field Groups

Note: By default, any material already has a Title, Text and Main Image. Therefore, if you need to use K2 only as an advanced article engine (for News, Blogs), then you don’t have to use additional fields (as is necessary in most cases). Use additional fields to create File Archives, Catalogs, Galleries.

Note: You can import all existing categories and content from Joomla! using one button (In the upper right corner “Import”). This way, your transition from a regular materials component to K2 will be virtually painless. This is one of the properties that quickly gave K2 its current popularity.

Step 8: Add user groups. By default, Registered and Site Owner are present. You can limit the access rights of different groups to publish materials (in general or in certain categories), view, edit materials, and some other functions.

Step 9. Assign existing joomla users to the corresponding K2 user group. Set their gender, add a description and upload an avatar. This minimal blog questionnaire is included in the basic K2 package. The author's details will be displayed after the article or news he published.

Step 10: Add tags. The tagging system is not only a modern fashionable “trick”, but also really gives a breakthrough for the usability of the site, allows you to implement pseudo-multi-category, enhances linking for SEO, and brings order to chaos.

Step 11. Assign the corresponding K2 elements (categories, materials, user pages) to the menu items.

Note: It is this stage that raises the most questions for beginners. Often, an inexperienced user sets up K2, imports old materials, writes new additional materials into the appropriate categories, but does not see the result. And this is all because the menu items still link to Joomla Articles! Therefore, I paid special attention to Step 11!

Step 12. Publish the K2 LOGIN module in the module manager if you still decide to create an interactive site. You can also publish other K2 comments, K2 content or K2 tools modules. I will touch on them in separate articles.

Step 13: Add content to each category. If you followed steps 8 and then 12, then you can do this directly from the front panel of the site. Otherwise, you can always work through the admin. Joomla! Panel

There are still many unexamined points, but I will definitely cover them in the following articles. With these instructions in hand, any beginner can not only install K2, but also feel all its power, and then it’s a matter of creativity and perseverance.

Based on JoomlaWorks materials
