Megafon roaming abroad: tariffs for international calls. Roaming megaphone in Russia

If you are moving around the territory of our state and you have a subscriber number for MegaFon RF, then a special connection is not required to continue using communications. Your number will be registered in MegaFon cellular networks automatically, and you will continue to use it.

Our review will tell you how Megafon services are priced when traveling around Russia and whether roaming within the country will finally be cancelled.

Under pressure from the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service), cellular operators have so far only canceled the terms. In particular, the concept of “intranet roaming” is no longer used - that is, the subscriber’s state when traveling around the country, and they have also decided on the name “National Roaming”.

Now the concept of “National Roaming” refers to the inclusion of a mode for the cost of voice calls and the transmission of short SMS messages in the event of an announcement of “an emergency situation in a certain region for a certain period.” The cost of services in this state will be as follows:

  • Outgoing voice calls to all numbers in Russia – 1 ruble per minute.
  • Incoming calls are free.
  • Outgoing SMS to Russian numbers – 5 rubles per message.
  • Incoming SMS is free.

The concepts of “Home Region” and “Home Service Area” remained, as did the concept of “Other Regions of the Country”. More tariff plans have appeared that operate throughout the country on the same terms (except for a few regions. The main ones are Crimea, Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Far East) and related or combined tariffs.

How much does domestic roaming cost?

The FAS continues to butt heads and advocates for the complete abolition of intranet roaming. Operators, including MegaFon, on the one hand, promise to abolish different prices for different territories within the state, on the other hand, they are in no hurry to remove the difference. The reasons for this persistence are clear - roaming prices are still quite high, but operators assure that it is not a matter of “thirst for profit”, but of the “technical complexity” of such a transition, which is quite strange to hear from the country’s leaders in high technology. FAS periodically issues demands and files lawsuits, and operators slowly invent new tariffs.

Roaming tariffs

Many tariffs that have already been put into effect have adjacent (combined) prices. Voice calls are the same price everywhere, but Internet calls are different and vice versa. Read a special review about MegaFon's terms of use on our website. Senior (more expensive) tariffs of the “Turn on” line and others with a subscription fee and package offers.

There are still tariff plans in which the stated prices apply exclusively within the operator’s home service region. Outside the home “zone,” completely different prices begin to work, as before. These are mainly junior tariff plans of the “Turn on” line, as well as other tariffs without a subscription fee.

Packages and options in roaming

The connected service packages differ in their coverage area, so when you run out of minutes or run out of Internet traffic, and you decide to activate additional Megabytes or time for voice calls, check the service coverage areas.

Important! There is a MegaFon rule - the coverage area of ​​additional packages and options is equal to the coverage area of ​​the main tariff plan. But the rule has exceptions.

What's always free?

The following services always remain free when roaming in the Russian Federation from MegaFon:

  • Contact technical support by numbers 0500, 8 800 550 05 00, +7 926 111 05 00 .
  • Check your balance using the USSD command *100#.
  • “Pay for me” service. Details at the link
  • Incoming SMS messages.
  • Check the remaining packages in the on-screen menu, called by the *105# command and moving around it, entering the item number using the device keyboard numbers, using the dial key as a data entry command.

Roaming options

To “ease the burden” of roaming costs when traveling around Russia, additional plug-in options are currently available. There are several of them:

  • Fell yourself like at your own home.
  • All Russia.
  • Travel without worries.
  • Crimea.
  • Everywhere Moscow is in the central region.
  • Internet in Russia.
  • Gigabyte for the road.

Fell yourself like at your own home

Activation by command *570#, in or by calling 0500 when contacting support staff. You can disable the option in the same way as you enabled it. Its cost is thirty rubles for connection and a daily fee of fifteen rubles.

Home region prices begin to apply almost throughout the country when this option is activated. On the territory of Crimea (with Sevastopol) the option does not work. For a list of exceptions for the use of network traffic, see the end of the article.

When this option is activated, all other roaming options will be disabled except for the “Crimea” option. Check on the website exactly how the option will work in a particular region by entering the name of the city or region in the search form on the page

All Russia

The option makes all incoming calls free while roaming, outgoing messages to all numbers within Russia cost three rubles, SMS within Russia cost three rubles. The first connection is free, repeated activations cost thirty rubles. Subscription fee seven rubles a day.

Activation by command *548#, in your Personal Account or by calling 0500 when contacting support staff. You can disable the option in the same way as you enabled it.

Does not work in Crimea and with the “Around the World” tariff. Does not apply to entertainment subscriptions.

Find out how the option works in different regions on the page

Travel without worries

Behind thirty nine rubles per day the option provides 30 minutes for outgoing calls within Russia and 30 SMS per day for free. Makes all incoming calls free when traveling around the country and free calls to MegaFon in your home region. The first connection is free of charge, repeated connections cost thirty rubles.

Activation by USSD command *186#, SMS command with the word “YES” to the addressee 0500991, in your Personal Account or by calling 0500 when contacting support staff. You can disable the option in the same way as you enabled it.

Works with almost all tariffs.


The option is valid throughout the Crimea. Connects for free. Subscription cost is 15 rubles per day. Provides the following conditions:

  • Incoming voice calls are free.
  • Outgoing voice calls to all Russian numbers for four rubles per minute.
  • Outgoing SMS to all Russian numbers for three rubles per message.
  • Internet traffic for five rubles per 1 Megabyte.

Activation by USSD command *105*1037#, SMS command with the word “YES” to the recipient 05001037, in your Personal Account or by calling number 0500 when contacting technical support. You can disable the option in the same way as you enabled it.

Everywhere Moscow - in the central region

For users of the capital region, the option “Everywhere Moscow in the central region” will provide thirty rubles per day and for thirty rubles upon activation the following conditions:

Activation by USSD command *105*167#, SMS command with the word “YES” to the addressee 000105167, in your Personal Account or by calling number 0500 when contacting technical support. Disable with the command *105*167*0 # or SMS with the word “STOP” to the addressee 000105167.

The option is valid in 13 regions of the central region of Russia.

A detailed list of scopes and nuances of the option is on the MegaFon website page at

Internet in Russia

Option cost from six to twelve rubles per day and thirty rubles for activation. It is an add-on for MegaFon All Inclusive tariffs and a number of basic options for the Internet in the home region.

Activation by USSD command *105*0042#, SMS command with the word “YES” to the addressee 0500942, in your Personal Account or by calling number 0500 when contacting technical support. Disable with the command *105*0042# or SMS with the word “STOP” to the addressee 0500942.

Makes traffic free in your home territory and almost throughout Russia. For a list of exceptions for the use of network traffic, see the end of the article.

Gigabyte for the road

Provides 1 GB Internet traffic for an unlimited period for three hundred rubles.

Activation by USSD command *105*730#, SMS command with the word “YES” to the addressee 000105730, in your Personal Account or by calling number 0500 when contacting technical support. Disable with the command *105*730# or SMS with the word “STOP” to the addressee 000105730.

Does not work for users in all regions. Works throughout the country. For a list of exceptions for the use of network traffic, see the end of the article.

Check the terms of use for your number at

List of exclusion regions

Territories of the Taimyr region and Norilsk, Magadan region, Kamchatka region, Chukotka, Sakhalin region, Yakutia, Crimea (with Sevastopol).

Here the cost of network traffic is 1 Megabyte for 9 rubles 90 kopecks.

A modern person wants to actively use communication services not only at home, but also when traveling around Russia and abroad. As soon as you leave your home region, communication prices skyrocket, or even dozens if you travel around the world.

Even a few minutes of an incoming call or a couple of megabytes of traffic can quickly reset your account to zero, or even cause it to go into deep minus. In order to avoid such problems, save money and stay in touch with people close to you, before your trip you must definitely connect to a roaming service that suits you. In this article we will tell you what roaming is, how to use it and what roaming to activate on Megafon.

Megafon roaming is a whole range of services that this telecom operator offers to its subscribers for calls, SMS and the Internet outside their home region. All services are divided into three categories: for calls, for SMS and for mobile Internet. You can choose a suitable service depending on what type of communication you will primarily use, as well as on your location: in Russia or around the world.

Here is a complete list of Megafon roaming services and packages in Russia and around the world. You can find out how to enable and disable these options in.

1. For incoming and outgoing calls:

— Roaming Megafon in Russia

1. “All Russia”
When traveling within Russia, the cost of incoming calls is 0 rubles. Outgoing calls to Russian numbers – 3 rubles/min, SMS – 3 rubles/min.
Connection: 30 rub.
Subscription fee: 5 rubles/day
Incoming call: 0 rub.
Outgoing call: 3 r./min.
SMS: 3 r.
2. “Trave without worries”
When traveling within Russia, you get 30 free minutes and 30 free messages every day.
Connection: 0 rub. – first, 30 rub. – repeated
Subscription fee: RUR 39/day
Incoming call: 0 rub.
Outgoing call: 0 r./min. (from the 31st min. – 3 rubles/min.)
SMS: 0 rub. (from the 31st SMS – 3 rubles)
3. “Moscow is everywhere – in the Central region”
After connecting, the cost of calls and SMS when traveling in the Central region of the Russian Federation corresponds to the original tariff
Connection: 30 rub.
Subscription fee: 3 rubles/day
Incoming and outgoing calls, SMS: according to your tariff
MMS: according to your tariff + 3 rubles.

Roaming Megafon around the world

1. "The Whole World"
First 30 min. free incoming calls per day
Connection: 30 rub.
Subscription fee: 25 rubles/day
Incoming calls: up to 30 min. – 0 rub, from 31 min. – according to the roaming tariff of the host country
Outgoing calls, SMS and other services are subject to the roaming tariff of the host country, which can be viewed on the official Megafon website.
2. “100 minutes – Europe”
Package of 100 minutes for communication in European countries
Connection: 990 rub.
Subscription fee: 0 rub./day
Volume: 100 min.
Minutes are spent on incoming calls from Russian numbers and numbers in the host country and on outgoing calls to Russian and local numbers.
3. “30 minutes – the whole world”
Prepaid 30 minutes worldwide
Connection: 990 rub.
Subscription fee: 0 rub.
The option is valid in all countries where Megafon has international roaming.
4. "Far Countries"
Option for communication – all incoming calls 6 rubles/min.
Connection: 30 rub.
Subscription fee: 9 rubles/day
Incoming calls: 6 rubles/min.
Other communication services: according to the tariff of the host country
5. "Around the World"
Minimum price for incoming calls and outgoing SMS
Connection: 15 rub.
Subscription fee: 9 rubles/day
Incoming calls: from 6 to 36 rubles/min.
Outgoing calls to numbers in Russia and the host country: from 6 to 36 rubles/min.
Outgoing SMS: from 6 to 16 rubles.
The cost depends on the country of residence, see the official Megafon website for details.
6. “25% discount on outgoing calls to Russia and all incoming calls”
All incoming and outgoing calls to Russia are a quarter cheaper
Connection: 30 rub.
Subscription fee: 15 rubles/day
7. “50% discount on outgoing calls to Russia”
Calls home with this option are two times cheaper
Connection: 30 rub.
Subscription fee: 25 rub./day
This service is available in all countries of the world except European countries
8. “50% discount on all incoming items”
Incoming calls are now half the price
Connection: 30 rub.
Subscription fee: 15 rubles/day
This service is valid everywhere except European countries
9. “Extended international roaming” Activation: free
Subscription fee: 0 rub.
The option allows you to use communication services in countries where there is no online tariff

2. To send SMS while roaming Megafon:
- around the world

3. For the Internet
— in Russia

For subscribers who often go on business trips or travel around Russia or abroad, there is a special “Around the World” tariff plan with advantageous offers of communication services.

Around the world
Very low prices for Megafon roaming when traveling in Russia and abroad
Subscription fee: 0 rub.
Travel around the world:
Incoming calls: from 6 to 36 rubles/min.
Calls to numbers in Russia and the host country: from 6 to 36 rubles/min.
Outgoing SMS: from 6 to 16 rubles.
International calls: from 20 to 60 rub.
The cost of communication services depends on the country of residence.
Trips around Russia:
Incoming calls: free
Outgoing calls to Moscow numbers: 1.8 rubles/min.
Outgoing calls to other numbers in Russia: 3 rubles/min.
Outgoing SMS to numbers of operators in the Moscow region: 1.9 rubles.
Outgoing SMS to Megafon numbers in Russia: 3 rubles.
Outgoing SMS to any mobile numbers in Russia: 3.9 rubles.
Switching to this tariff plan: 0 rub.

Let's summarize: before your trip, think about what communication services you will use, and choose an option or package of services for connecting Megafon roaming based on price and features. For those who are constantly on the move, the “Around the World” tariff plan is suitable, with which you do not need to constantly activate roaming services and pay a subscription fee.

Do you often travel abroad and need to stay in touch with colleagues and loved ones in Russia? Need to make calls to subscribers around the world? Choose Megafon tariffs with international roaming! With them you can make calls with virtually no restrictions and save money, especially when using optimizing options.

What Megafon tariffs can be activated for calls abroad and in roaming?

To connect, you just need to select a package, top up your account with a minimum amount, and in some packages pay for the connection. Subscription fee in all packages is 0 rubles! SMS and MMS, as well as incoming calls, are free in almost all directions, with the exception of some clarifications on the tariff pages.

Payment methods include: cash to the courier, Webmoney, credit card in the office, non-cash payment. We are ready to deliver any package in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can also pick it up at our office at Marksistskaya 20, building 8.

Details for each package including Megafon international tariffs for calls within the CIS, namely payments, cost of incoming minutes, number of minutes, special services, mobile Internet and other information are presented on the corresponding pages.

Get answers to questions and order a suitable Megafon tariff plan for communication abroad and calls around the world

We will advise you and help you correctly connect the appropriate package and configure your mobile phone for roaming communications.

When leaving your home network, do not forget to activate roaming or special services that will help you significantly reduce costs when traveling in your home country or abroad. A subscriber traveling outside his region does not need to connect to intranet or national roaming. Mobile operator Megafon has a unified network operating throughout the Russian Federation. But you should definitely activate special services in order to save on calls in other regions of the country. Without these options, all your calls and SMS messages will be charged as in roaming. The operator offers to connect to the “Be at Home” or “All Russia” services when traveling around your home country.

But if you travel abroad, simple options are no longer enough and you need to connect international roaming. Not every country in the world activates the service provision procedure automatically. There are cases when a preliminary connection to “Extended International Roaming” is necessary. In this article we will talk about how to activate roaming on a Megafon SIM card, as well as special services to reduce communication costs on domestic and foreign trips.

How to activate roaming on a megaphone for traveling around the world

As you already understand, Megafon services are provided throughout the Russian Federation, therefore, when leaving your home region, you do not need to activate roaming. Just don’t forget to top up your personal account first so that registration in a “non-native” network occurs automatically. There is also practically no need to connect international roaming - it operates automatically in 152 countries around the world. Unless you are going to a country not included in this list. In this case, you will need to independently activate the “Extended International Roaming” service.
Go to and log in to the Megafon website.

After that, go to the “Roaming” section and check out the available services.

This roaming option is activated on almost all tariffs, except for the line that provides exclusively Internet services for mobile devices. If you have one of these plans, you will have to buy a new SIM card or choose a different operator offer. The “Extended International Roaming” service is activated only at the company’s office, so take care of this before your trip so as not to be left without communication in a foreign country.

To find out in which countries automatic roaming is available and tariffs for communication services in roaming, open this link: . Don't forget to select your home region at the top of the page by clicking the appropriate button. Indicate the country you need in the search bar and check out the current prices for services. If the country is not on the list, the system will offer connection to the “Extended International Roaming” service and other options that will help you save on your trip. Click on the desired service and find out how to activate and how much it costs.

Options to save on roaming

There are several services that can significantly reduce communication costs when traveling in your home country and abroad. And you can choose the most advantageous offer from the operator. It all depends on how often you communicate while abroad or away from your home network.
For example, consider connecting the “Whole World” option. To do this, go to the “Services and Options” section and select the “Roaming” category.

In the “Roaming” category, go to the “Special Offers” section and select the desired category.

Next, select the option of interest, and in our case it is “The whole world”.

Enable the “Whole World” option.

National roaming options

For subscribers who often travel outside their home region, there are two beneficial services. The operator offers to save money when traveling around the Russian Federation using one of the options: “Be at home” or “All of Russia”. Read the terms and conditions of that other service and connect one of them. If you often use the Internet when traveling around the country, choose a different option. By connecting to the Internet in Russia, you will be able to access the network on favorable terms.

International roaming options

Those who travel abroad should pay attention to three options from Megafon. By pre-connecting one of them - “Around the World”, “Internet Abroad”, “Whole World” - you will significantly reduce your costs for calls, messages and receive profitable traffic packages.

Everyone knows that mobile operator services outside their region are much more expensive than at home. MegaFon offers its customers many attractive tariffs and options, which make cellular communications much more affordable when traveling around the country. For convenience, the operator sends a corresponding notification message to the phone of the subscriber leaving the territory of his city. At the same time, the subscriber can activate a suitable service at any time to optimize costs in national roaming.

In this article we will look at services and tariffs:

  • "Make yourself at home" service
  • Service "All Russia"
  • Tariff "Travel without worries"
  • Service "Crimea"

"Make yourself at home" service

The option is compatible with all tariff plans, except for the “Around the World” tariff and some tariffs of the “Turn on!” line. Also, the service cannot be activated if options designed to reduce cellular communication costs have already been activated.

To get information about active roaming options, dial the combination * 105* 530# and click on the call.

The daily subscription fee after activating the “Be at home” service is 15 rubles. This option applies to all regions of Russia, except the Crimean Peninsula and the city of Sevastopol.

When you are in your home region, the service remains passive and begins to operate after leaving the SIM card registration area.

How to activate the service?

The cost of connecting the option is 30 rubles. To activate the service, you can use the following methods:

  • Dial the combination *570*1# and click on the call. In response, the subscriber will receive an SMS, the text of which will indicate that the service has been successfully activated;
  • Send SMS to number 05001030, the text does not matter - it can be arbitrary;
  • Log in to your Personal Account and connect in the appropriate section;
  • Call the operator’s service center at 88005500500.

How to disable the service?

There are also several ways to disable the service:

  • Dial *570# and click on the call;
  • Take advantage of the capabilities of your Personal Account;
  • Call technical support at 88005500500.

After disabling the service, the subscriber will be sent a notification message that the option has been discontinued.

Service "All Russia"

The service covers the entire country, with the exception of the Crimean peninsula and Sevastopol. The subscription fee is charged daily in the amount of 7 rubles. In this case, the subscriber will be able to receive incoming calls for free, and the cost of a minute of connection for outgoing calls is 3 rubles. You will also be charged 3 rubles for sending each message.

Terms of service

  • The option does not work when making calls and sending SMS to numbers of entertainment and information services. In such cases, charging is carried out without taking into account the “All Russia” option.
  • The service is intended for connection on all tariffs except "Around the World".
  • The duration of the service is unlimited. It remains active until switched off.
  • The first time the service is provided free of charge, that is, no money is charged for the initial connection. The cost of each reconnection is 30 rubles.

How to enable the option

To connect to the service, you must choose one of the methods described below:

  • Send an empty message to 0500975;
  • Dial the request code *548*1#, then click on call;
  • Use your Personal Account;
  • Go to the company’s website, go to the roaming section and activate the service.

How to disable the option

To disable the service you can:

  • Dial *548#, then click on call;
  • Use your Personal Account.

To clarify information about whether the service is connected, you need to send a request *105*530#, dial which and click on the call.

How to pay for the option in the roaming zone

When roaming, subscribers have access to different payment methods, both using a bank card and by activating several services:

  • “Pay for me” – the subscriber can send a request to a relative or friend with a request to top up the balance;
  • “Promised payment” – this option allows you to borrow a certain amount from the operator;
  • “Pay when it’s convenient” – when activating this service, the subscriber can stay in touch even if the account balance is negative.

Tariff "Travel without worries"

This tariff plan is suitable for those who often travel around the country and actively use all communication services: make a lot of calls, like to send messages. The subscription fee is charged daily in the amount of 39 rubles. For this money, the subscriber is given the opportunity to make free calls and send SMS.

How to activate the tariff?

If the tariff is connected for the first time, then no money is debited; re-connection will cost 30 rubles. To activate a tariff plan you can:

  • Use the "Service Guide";
  • Send SMS to number 0500991;
  • Dial the combination *186*1#, then click on the call key.

How to disable the tariff?

To disable the tariff, you can choose one of the following methods:

  • Write an SMS with the text STOP and send it to number 000105975;
  • Use the command *548*0#, after dialing which click on the call;
  • Take advantage of the possibilities of the personal account.

Service "Crimea"

A special service has been created for residents of the Crimean peninsula and the city of Sevastopol, which is provided under the following conditions:

  • Subscription fee – 6 rubles per day;
  • The price of outgoing calls is 5 rubles per minute;
  • The price of SMS is 3 rubles.

There is no charge for incoming calls.

How to activate the service?

To activate the option you must:

  • Dial the request code *105*1037*1# and click on the call;
  • Send SMS to number 05001037.

How to disable the service?

To disable the service you can use:

  • Personal account on the company website;
  • Service Guide;
  • Customer service by calling 0500.

Internet in national roaming

The operator has also prepared attractive offers for active Internet users, including:

  • “Internet in Russia” – connection cost 30 rubles, subscription fee 1.5 rubles/day;
  • "Internet XS" – daily subscription fee 2.5 rubles;
  • “Internet S”, “Internet M”, “Internet L”, “Internet XL” - daily subscription fee 10 rubles.

International roaming

The mobile operator also took care of those subscribers who like to travel around the world, providing favorable conditions for communication while in an international roaming zone.
