Which processor is better: Intel or AMD. Choosing the optimal processor: Intel or AMD? What's better: Intel or AMD?

When choosing a personal computer, we very often think about what brand of processor will be there, what is the performance of the video card, what is the capacity of the hard drive? But most users simply buy a system unit and do not delve into the technical parameters of their devices. Therefore, in this article I would like to bring some clarity to perhaps one of the most pressing questions on the topic of PC components - which processor is better to buy - Intel or AMD?

Comparison of Intel and AMD processors

I would like to start this article by identifying the main advantages and disadvantages of both brands, and then make a small conclusion about the possibility of their applicability in different computer configurations.

So, let's list main advantages of Intel processors, which will contribute to the choice:

Stable operation and good performance in an active application (game, archiver, video converter); . excellent optimization for many computer games - therefore, greater performance compared to similar models from AMD; . good overclocking potential even at the “factory” level; . well-implemented multi-threading mechanism, virtualization technologies; . increased efficiency of second and third level processor memory; . reduced energy consumption.

But you can’t talk only about the advantages without considering disadvantages of Intel processors, which are also available from this brand. Let's present the most significant of them:

Frequent platform (socket) changes do not allow replacing older processor models with more modern ones; . requires a good cooling system, especially during overclocking or maximum loads; . clearly overpriced models of the i3, i5, i7 series.

Let's now consider a direct competitor - the AMD brand, which has recently caught up and, in some respects, surpassed Intel. Next, let us give an example of the main positive qualities of AMD processors:

A very reasonable price, even for powerful models, which means a good price/performance ratio; . Well-implemented multi-platform functionality - the ability to install processors of various sockets (AM2+, AM3); . well-implemented multitasking - the processor copes with 3-4 applications running simultaneously thanks to a larger number of physical cores; . stability in operation and normal overclocking potential.

And now some significant ones disadvantages of AMD models:

Some programs are not optimized for working with AMD processors (for example, programs for working with vector and raster graphics CorelDraw, Illustrator, ACDSee). This is due, first of all, to the quality of multi-threaded optimization of these processors; . It is better to immediately replace the standard cooler of the cooling system with a more expensive and efficient one; . there is a tendency to increased energy consumption; . insufficiently optimized work with RAM.

In the end, which processor is better - Intel or AMD?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously by considering only the pros and cons of the models. We will determine the three most popular PC categories, and in them we will indicate which processor is better to take for everyday work.

First category- budget office computer. Any processor will do here, be it Intel (G540, G550, G630) or AMD (Athlon II X2, A4-3400, Sempron 140, 145). Each of them will cope with the assigned tasks while working in an office, school or university.

Second category- multimedia system. There are two options: if you want to build an inexpensive machine without using discrete graphics, then take a closer look at AMD processors, especially the Trinity series, which provide more powerful graphics, or take a closer look at competitors, namely Intel G2020, G860, G2120.

Third category, concerns the PC gaming segment, then we would recommend using both AMD (FX6300, FX8320, FX8350) and Intel Core i3 series processors to build an average gaming computer. But for more powerful gaming solutions, Core i5 and Core i7 are still preferable.

Happy shopping!

The debate over which processor is better - AMD or Intel - has been going on for more than a decade. It would seem that the current state of affairs on the market eloquently indicates that the victory in the “cold war” between the brands of two North American countries was won by a company from the United States, that is, Intel. The company now occupies more than half of the global processor market in all segments. Canadian AMD almost ranks among the “third world” of chip manufacturers, based on revenue indicators. But in terms of technology, the “northerners” are in no way, as most experts believe, and have never been fundamentally inferior to their counterparts from the “south.” And today it is impossible to say unequivocally which company holds the leadership in terms of its “know-how”. Which processor is better - AMD or Intel? By what criteria are chips from the USA superior to similar solutions from Canada and vice versa?

Strengths of Intel processors

Many IT specialists consider solutions from the American brand to be ideal for working in single-tasking mode - when only one active application (or game) is running. When a user operates a PC in a “single window” format, if you will.

In addition, a number of experts agree that the world's leading software manufacturers adapt their products primarily for Intel processors. Which is no wonder due to the current market positions of the Americans. As they say, a purely “democratic” principle: “software” is written for the “ruling” majority. It, as marketers' reports indicate, uses American chips.

Another undeniable advantage of Intel processors is their relatively low power consumption. This, according to some experts, is a direct consequence of better compatibility with games and applications. The processor does not have to work too hard to accurately process all the necessary data streams. As a result, the chips do not heat up so much and therefore do not require the installation of expensive cooling systems.

Overclocking factor

For many years, users, when choosing which processor to buy - AMD or Intel, kept in mind a rather significant criterion - the “overclockability” of the chips. Many experts agree that historically it was the Canadian company that was more loyal to “overclockers” who dreamed of setting sky-high frequencies on their chips - just to work faster. A significant percentage, if not the majority, of Intel processors overclocked very poorly. Just a few years ago, according to this criterion, we would have had the right to give microcircuits from Americans a fat minus. But today we’ll put a plus. An increasing number of experts agree: Intel processors can overclock superbly. Especially those that come in lines with the letter K.

Among other advantages of Intel processors is fast interaction with RAM modules. In addition, their own memory, which is the “cache,” usually operates at a higher frequency than that found on similar chips from AMD.

Cons of Intel processors

When figuring out which is better - AMD or Intel, you should, of course, refrain from an excessive flow of praise for either brand. And therefore now about the shortcomings of the “Americans”.

The most important disadvantage of chips from Intel that experts and many users note is that installing a processor of a new line, as a rule, requires replacing the socket (the connector where the chip is connected). This means that you need to change the motherboard (and sometimes other hardware components with it). These are, first of all, additional financial costs.

The next disadvantage is not difficult to “calculate”, remembering one of the above-mentioned advantages in the form of fast work in single-tasking mode. It is logical to assume, and experts say the same thing: Intel processors do not cope effectively with work if several applications are running simultaneously (we are, of course, talking about “demanding” programs, games, photo and video editors, etc.).

Price factor

Intel processors, when compared with solutions in the same class as AMD, are, as many experts believe, more expensive. Not significantly, of course, but on average by 15-17 percent. If we take a purely financial criterion, then the choice between which processor to buy - Intel Core i3 or AMD FX, may be difficult. These two classmate chips cost approximately the same. But if we compare the “giants” - Intel Xeon MP and AMD Opteron Dual Core, then American microcircuits in most modifications comparable in class will most likely be significantly more expensive. And therefore, many experts consider the price of Intel processors to be a disadvantage.

Advantages of AMD chips

Having praised and criticized processors from Intel, let's try to summarize the pros and cons of the “Canadians”. First, about the advantages of AMD processors. Having said that Intel prices are higher, we will automatically write down the fact that AMD chips are cheaper as a plus. Same with multiplatform. To install an AMD chip from the new line, in most cases you do not need to change the motherboard. The socket will most likely be the same.

Another advantage of AMD processors can be easily guessed from the fact that Intel does not cope with multitasking very effectively. According to most experts, Canadian microcircuits behave very well when simultaneously running several demanding applications.

AMD processors, although this is no longer a clear competitive advantage, traditionally have good overclockability. Especially in lines like FX. Let's write it down as a plus.

Cons of AMD processors

For many users who are deciding which processor is better - AMD or Intel, the argument in favor of the second is the fact that the first gets quite hot. And therefore, it often requires the installation of an expensive cooler (remember that we said above that there is no need to do this when using chips from Intel).

In principle, the disadvantages of AMD chips are also easy to guess based on the advantages of their American competitors. This means higher power consumption, less rapid data exchange with RAM, and slightly worse compatibility with games and applications from the world's leading developers.

Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the “Canadians” and “Americans” listed above, what preliminary conclusions can we draw (referring, of course, to the opinion of experts)? If we are talking about which processor to choose - AMD or Intel - for games, then the first one is highly likely to be more suitable. Simply because gamers love, firstly, to get carried away with “overclocking”, and secondly, to “upgrade” their PCs (install more powerful processors as they are launched on the market). In terms of the first component, AMD is at least not inferior. In terms of the second, it is superior. Since installing a new AMD processor will most likely be easier than Intel, based on the absence of the need to change the motherboard.

What is the best processor for a laptop?

If a user is deciding which processor to prefer, AMD or Intel, for a laptop, what should he pay attention to first (besides Intel's undivided sales leadership in this segment as well)? First of all, the fact that chips such as AMD Trinity types A4 and A6, according to many experts, are ahead of competitive solutions from Intel in terms of graphics processing (at a low cost compared to similar chips from Intel). But this is only at the level of budget laptop models.

If we are talking about the middle and “premium” price segments, then it is much more difficult to determine what is more powerful - the “mobile” Intel i5 or AMD, for example, the A10. Some experts give preference to the Americans, others - to their Canadian counterparts. The first arguments are energy saving, which is very important for laptops, since one of the main criteria for their functionality is battery life. AMD supporters, in turn, say that the solutions of the Canadian brand ideally implement the transfer of certain types of modules from the motherboard (such as, for example, the graphics subsystem) to the processor architecture.

AMD and Intel: history of relationships

First, some historical facts. The American company Intel appeared in 1968, the Canadian AMD a little later - in 1969. The confrontation between brands, which has been relevant for the last decade and a half, as noted by many experts interested in the history of the IT market, did not begin immediately. At first, the Canadians simply copied the flagship American product - the 8080 processor, releasing it under the AM 9080 brand. Their first independent development was the AM 2900 chip.

Pentium and its competitors

Intel, of course, was conquering the market at a rapid pace, offering consumers a wide range of processors with different prices and performance. In the 90s, the Pentiums, which later became legendary, appeared. However, their undivided leadership was prevented by processors like K6 from AMD, which, according to experts, were in no way inferior to solutions from the Americans. Gradually, more and more new brands of chips from Canadians were introduced to the market - Athlon, Duron, Sempron. Their competition with Intel chips was very high. Users kept asking themselves the question: “Should I install an Intel Pentium or an AMD Athlon on my computer?” Many who decided to choose the second option did not regret it.

Intel is the sales leader

More or less equal competition between solutions from Intel and AMD continued until the mid-2000s. The Canadian company's market share either approached or moved away from that of its competing US corporation. It is worth noting, of course, that there was no period when AMD overtook Intel in terms of global sales.

In the mid-2000s, Americans began to consolidate their leadership in sales even more confidently. But the question of Intel's technological superiority remains open. And therefore, the expert community does not have a clear opinion as to which processor is better - AMD or Intel, despite the difference in financial indicators between companies.

Intel and AMD: platform comparison

Many experts believe that AMD was even ahead of Intel in terms of technology in some lines and classes of devices - this was in the late 90s and early 2000s. A more or less equal confrontation took place until the end of the 2000s, while solutions such as AMD Athlon in the K8 and K10 architectures and Intel chips in the Core 2 Duo and Quad models “fought” among themselves in the global sales arena. Users of those years sometimes did not have at their disposal objective criteria that allowed them to decide which chip - AMD processor or Intel Core 2 Duo - to choose.

Intel Technological Breakthrough

However, in 2008, the Americans developed chips running on the unique Nehalem architecture, which made it possible to produce chips such as Core i5 and i7. These processors, the production of which also involved Sandy Bridge technology, are believed by experts to have played a decisive role in shifting AMD's position in the segments of similar chips.

The Americans, having created a significant technological foundation, continued to surprise the market. Processors based on an even newer platform - Ivy Bridge - have gone on sale. Their performance caused exceptional delight among IT market experts. What has the Canadian corporation been doing all this time? Nothing special, experts say. All they did was refine the K10 platform, which was certainly good, but in many ways inferior in terms of manufacturability to Intel chips.

AMD's attempt at revenge

AMD, according to some experts, had a chance to catch up with competitors by introducing chips to the market on the promising Bulldozer platform. However, in practice, the product turned out to be very ambiguous, according to experts. By most criteria, it loses to solutions based on the Ivy Bridge architecture from the Americans. Therefore, for many experts, the answer to the question of which is better - AMD or Intel, based on the comparative characteristics of the two platforms, was unambiguous. The American solution in this case outperformed the product from the Canadian brand.

At the same time, experts note, processors based on Bulldozer, as well as their improved modifications on the Vishera platform, show excellent performance in multitasking mode. That is, one of AMD’s traditional competitive advantages, as can be seen in the example of such chips, is preserved.

Criterion of goals and objectives

Experts recommend that if the user is in doubt about whether to choose Intel or AMD, look at the types of tasks that will be performed on the PC. For games, as we said above, solutions from “Canadians” are at least perfectly suitable, and, quite likely, they will look more advantageous than American ones. If we are talking about home PCs on which games will be launched infrequently, then, most likely, chips from AMD will also be the optimal solutions. Mainly due to their relatively low price when it comes to processors such as Trinity and LLano. For office PCs, in turn, processors like Pentium G may be more optimally suited, as they cope well with resource-intensive tasks within a single thread. If the user is interested in high technology and ideal performance, and price is a secondary factor, then it makes sense for him to pay attention to expensive solutions based on chips such as Intel Core i7 with index 3970. This processor guarantees stable and fast operation with all types of games and applications.

Both AMD and Intel are suitable for modern games; these brands have lines of powerful processors with almost identical characteristics in the same price segments.

The classic debate about which processor to choose between Intel and AMD becomes even more lively when it comes to the gaming configuration of the computer system. These two companies are giants of the computer industry in their own way, so it is quite difficult to identify a leader among them.

Having spent quite impressive sums on the purchase of a powerful processor for a gaming PC, the user has the right to demand an appropriate return from it. In the end, how smoothly games will launch and run will largely depend on the processor. The debate about which solution is better can be boiled down to two main points:

  • analogues have similar characteristics, but at the same time may differ in price;
  • how much higher a person is willing to pay for higher performance.

AMD or Intel for games? Which processor is best for a gaming computer?

CPU clock speed

Most modern processors from Intel, including the Intel Core i7, have a clock frequency of 2.70 to 3.60 GHz. Likewise, most AMD processors have a frequency of about 4.5 GHz. As you can see, the speed in the top lines of processors from both manufacturers is very high, which can cover the shortcomings of each processor performance architecture; this all boils down to the fact that the clock frequency no longer affects the same as, for example, a few years ago.

Processor cost

Of course, AMD unconditionally wins in this regard; its models are cheaper and more accessible than those of its competitor. AMD FX processors start at $100 and are well suited for gaming.

Currently, you can choose the AMD FX-6300 or FX-6350, which costs about $120, which is about 15% cheaper than the Intel i3, meaning it can be used to build a budget gaming computer. Once the $150 budget is exceeded, Intel's solutions usually become more attractive due to their higher performance, but there is always an exception to the rule. In fact, similar gaming performance between AMD and Intel comes with similar prices, which rarely fluctuate.

The difference in price often convinces the average person that the more expensive the better. But not everything is so simple; some users notice that performance should be sufficient, not excessive. And we must admit that for most tasks, the performance of mid-segment processors will be quite sufficient. So is it worth paying a large amount, sometimes twice as much, for power that will be unclaimed? In this regard, it is a matter of perspective and financial security of the buyer.

Some users choose a more budget option because its performance will be enough for gaming, while others prefer to shell out for a more famous and powerful product. Typically, AMD is the leader in the mid-price segment, but this is also not the rule.

Integrated (built-in) video adapter

The video card is of great importance in the gaming configuration of the computer, directly affecting the quality of graphics. Of course, an integrated video adapter does not have its due importance in modern high-performance games, but for budget-saving and casual games it will be the best option.

It is worth noting that 75% of overall gaming performance depends on the graphics card. Although both processors use excellent, integrated high-quality video adapters, to obtain the highest realism, you should take care of purchasing a video card separately.

Overclocking potential

Processors, as a rule, have a fixed frequency and overclocking potential. However, gamers prefer processors with the ability to increase clock speeds, allowing them to get better performance and impact in games. This feature is called “overlocking” or, more simply, processor overclocking. The basic principle is the ability to increase the clock frequency above the base.

If you are a fan of using the overclocking potential of the processor, then AMD is the preferable option as it may seem at first glance, since they are in the modern FX line, usually have an unlocked multiplier, a larger number of cores, albeit at a slightly lower operating speed.

Intel processors, as a rule, have a locked clock frequency and, therefore, are not suitable for fans of fine-tuning processor tuning, but everything can be decided by purchasing a processor with an unlocked multiplier, while the cost, as well as the processor frequency, will also increase, not to mention the purchase of additional cooling and dedicated specifically for overclocking the motherboard, which in principle may also be characteristic of AMD.

Other factors to consider when choosing a processor

When deciding whether to choose AMD or Intel for games when comparing these processors, it is important that they are compared on similar platforms and in the same price segment. The size of RAM, motherboard characteristics and all other parameters must be identical. Only these subtleties can identify a specific leader, even in a synthetic test.
Various tests will show that, on average, both processors are equally good, although Intel performs some tasks a little faster, but the price is most likely a little higher. But the main conclusion should be that the gamer should get the optimal price-to-feature ratio. PC gamers understand that small differences are really minor and may not make up for a big difference in price.

In addition, by saving a little on the processor and buying a product from AMD, you can spend the extra money on a good video card, the performance of which can make a lot more difference in games.

Which AMD or Intel processor should you choose for modern games?

When choosing a processor, first of all, decide on your needs and capabilities. From a neutral point of view, if the high price does not bother you, of course choose Intel. If you are financially strapped but still want to buy a processor with almost equal efficiency and performance, AMD will be the best choice. In addition, processor versions vary greatly; it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the prices of a particular product in advance and, if possible, not neglect reviews and synthetic tests.

Assembling a computer can be a very difficult task, especially if you are not experienced in such tasks. There are a huge number of components that you can use, but it is important to choose components that are compatible with each other and will provide maximum performance.

The central processing unit is one of the most important components of a computer; it is here that all calculations are performed. It controls the operation of all other components, so it is important to choose the right one. At the moment, devices from two manufacturers are available to you: AMD or Intel processor. These companies create almost all the PC processors in the world. But they are quite different from each other. In this article we will look at how these processors differ so that you can choose which processor is better amd or intel in 2016.

Before we look at the detailed characteristics of the processor and technologies, let's go back to the roots and see how both companies started.

Intel appeared a little earlier than AMD, it was created by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore in 1968. Initially, the company was developing integrated circuits, then began producing processors. The first processor was the Intel 8008 model. Back in the 90s, the company became the largest processor manufacturer. And he still continues to invent and implement new technologies.

Oddly enough, AMD or Advanced Micro Devices was created with the support of Intel. The company was created a year later - in 1969 and its goal was to develop microcircuits for computers. At first, Intel supported AMD, for example, by providing licenses for the use of technologies, as well as financially, but then their relationship soured and the companies became direct competitors. Now let's move closer to the processors themselves and their characteristics.

Price and performance

Both Intel and AMD offer processors in a wide price range. But AMD processors are cheaper. The cheapest are AMD Sempron and Athlon, these dual-core A-series processors sell starting at $30. The dual-core Intel Celeron G1820 is slightly more expensive at $45. But this does not mean that AMD chips are definitely better. Intel is known to give better performance for the same price. You'll get a more powerful processor if you choose a Celeron, Pentium, or Core from Intel. If you compare amd and intel 2016, the former consume less energy, generate less heat, and higher performance is confirmed by many tests.

But there are a few exceptions to this rule; AMD sells quad-core processors for much less than Intel, for example, you can get the A6-5400K for just $45. If you're running software that needs a lot of cores but can't afford an Intel Core i5, then you'll be better off with AMD. The same is true for eight-core processors from the AMD FX series, which are much cheaper than Intel Core i7.

AMD chips also provide the best integrated graphics cards. For example, the AMD A10-7870K allows you to play most games in low detail and up to 1080p resolution. Of course, this is not a gaming card, but it outperforms all Intel HD Graphics cards, so if you want to game on a budget device, then AMD is a better choice.

CPU overclocking

Most processors have a fixed clock speed and it is set at a level that ensures that the processor will operate as stable and for a long time as possible. Users who want to get more performance overclock the processor by increasing its frequency.

AMD supports overclocking much better than Intel. You can overclock both cheap processors for $45 and more expensive ones for $100. As for Intel, here you can overclock processors of only one category - Pentium, for $70. It is well suited for this task, and from a base frequency of 3.2 GHz it can be overclocked to 4.5 GHz. AMD FX series processors with a frequency of 5 GHz support overclocking up to 13 GHz, although this requires special cooling.

In fact, budget Intel processors are not designed for overclocking, but AMD ones are quite suitable. If you want to overclock, then AMD is a great choice. There are several high-end Intel chips, with eight or ten cores. They are much faster than AMD chips. But AMD has a lot of power headroom, so they dominate overclocking. You won't find anything faster for home use.

Gaming performance

Gaming is one of the most basic areas where a powerful processor is needed. AMD has several processors that come with an integrated ATI Radeon graphics card. They offer excellent value for money. Intel also has such solutions, but if you compare Intel and AMD processors, its performance is lower.

But there is one problem, AMD processors are not as fast as Intel, and if you compare AMD vs Intel, then Intel may perform better in heavy games. Intel Core i5 and i7 will perform much better in games if you use a good external graphics card. The difference between amd and intel processors is that Intel can produce 30-40 more frames per second.

Energy efficiency

The confrontation between AMD and Intel, or more precisely, AMD's attempts to keep up with Intel is much worse than it looks. Both companies are holding up well, but the processors need to consume a lot less power. Let's try to compare intel vs amd processors.

For example, the Intel Pentium G3258 consumes 53 Watts, and the A6-7400K from AMD consumes the same amount. However, in tests, Intel's chip is faster in many aspects, sometimes by a large margin. This means that the Intel chip will run faster while consuming less power, so the AMD will generate more heat and therefore produce more noise.

If the question is which processor is better amd or intel for a laptop, then energy efficiency is even more important because it directly affects battery life. Intel processors last longer, but Intel hasn't driven AMD out of the laptop market. AMD processors with integrated graphics are found on laptops over $500.


AMD and Intel have been battling it out for two decades, but in the last few years Intel has started to gain the upper hand. New Pentium processors have slowly replaced AMD at various price points.

If you have the budget, then Intel is obviously the best solution. This will remain true if your budget allows you to purchase an Intel Core i5. AMD can't compete with Intel on performance, at least not yet.

If your budget is small, then perhaps you should look towards AMD, here the loss in performance is compensated by an increase in the number of cores. Such processors handle some operations faster, for example, AMD encodes video faster.

If we compare Intel and Amd 2016 processors, Intel is more energy efficient and therefore produces less heat and noise. For a regular computer, these features are not so important, but for a laptop, efficiency is very important.

But all is not lost with AMD; in 2017, the company is going to release a new architecture - Zen. Based on the available information, it is very promising. If you still want to buy AMD, then you should wait for the release of Zen.

Thus, the Intel processor is better than AMD, but in some situations the latter can give excellent performance and outperform Intel. For the Linux operating system, the manufacturer of the processor does not matter much. This is exactly the component that is fully supported by the kernel. Which processor to choose AMD or Intel in 2016, in your opinion? Which is better amd or intel? Which one would you choose? Write in the comments!

To complete the video from 16 bits ago about the history of Intel vs AMD:

For games, it was very, very relevant. Now the situation has changed dramatically. If one of the manufacturers of processor solutions, Intel, has gone far ahead, then the second, which is AMD, continues to mark time. But there is still competition in the entry- and mid-level CPU segments. Also, the situation may change dramatically in the first half of 2017, when AMD should finally present its updated microprocessor platform.

Current computer platforms

Before we figure out which is better - AMD or Intel for games, let's look at the list of current processor sockets from each manufacturer of this equipment. This list includes the following sockets:

    FM2+- the most affordable solution for assembling a budget-level system unit.

    AM3+- the most productive socket for installing a CPU, which was released a very, very long time ago, but is still the most productive platform from AMD.

    LGA1151- a very recent socket that was introduced in mid-2015 and will be relevant at least until mid-2017. Its performance level allows you to assemble almost any computer system, including gaming ones.

    LGA2011-v3- this combined socket allows you to build both regular PCs with maximum performance and servers with different levels of performance.

People's socket from Intel

Let's start looking at the question of which processor is best to choose for games with Intel's advanced and main computing platform. Be that as it may, LGA1151 is a unified socket that makes it possible to build office PCs, mid- and high-level system units, and even entry-level servers on similar hardware. Entry-level chips in this case are Pentium and Celeron. These semiconductor crystals are perfect for office computers, but they are not recommended for use as part of a gaming system for the reason that the most demanding toys require 4 cores, and they only have 2. Therefore, entry-level gaming machines can be assembled based on chips from the family i3. This semiconductor crystal, as in the case of entry-level chips, has 2 cores, but the HyperTrading technology implemented in them allows you to turn them into full-fledged 4-core processors at the software level. In turn, it is most advisable to assemble a mid-level system unit on an i5-class processor (in this case, there will be 4 program code execution blocks on the semiconductor chip), but for the premium segment, an i7 CPU is intended. The latter, like the i3 family of chips, support HyperTrading and can process code in 8 threads with only 4 physical cores.

Intel offer for computer enthusiasts

The only market segment in which the question does not arise: “Which is better - AMD or Intel?” is the niche of computer enthusiasts. There is no worthy answer from AMD to its eternal competitor Intel in this niche. Perhaps the situation will change in early 2017, when an updated microprocessor architecture from AMD, codenamed “Zen,” will be presented. Well, Intel, as noted earlier, offers computer enthusiasts processor solutions based on the LGA-2011v3 socket. This platform is combined: it allows you to create both high-performance system units (i7 series chips) and servers (Xeon line of processor devices). In this case, the minimum of the CPU will be 4 cores, and the maximum will be 10. There is also full support for NT technology, and the number of program threads is doubled. Another important feature of this platform is that its RAM controller can operate in 4-channel mode. All other processor sockets can only operate in 2-channel.

AMD base platform

Entry-level AMD processors are socket FM2+ solutions. These are hybrid chips, and their main advantage over other platforms is their powerful integrated graphics subsystem. Theoretically, this approach allows you to save on purchasing a discrete graphics accelerator. But you can’t expect phenomenal performance from an integrated video card. Its capabilities, at best, are enough for most not very demanding games, and far from the maximum settings. Therefore, in this case, it will not be possible to get anything more than an entry-level gaming system. Within this platform, processors can contain only 4 computing units.

The most productive AMD socket

This socket appeared back when there was a dilemma: AMD or Intel would be better to choose for games. Much time has passed since then, and this platform is outdated. The level of performance allows you to still build a mid-range PC. But such CPUs certainly cannot compete with the most productive Intel chips. Such semiconductor solutions support DDR3 RAM and are produced using an outdated technological process - 32 nm (that is, their energy efficiency is far from the best).

Graphics subsystem

In the context of a gaming system, it's not enough to think about whether AMD or Intel is better for gaming. An important component of such a computer is the video card. As a rule, the number of FPS depends on its performance, and it also significantly increases the cost of the system unit. And if in the context of an entry-level gaming PC you can refuse to buy discrete graphics at the expense of performance, then in the case of a mid-range and especially premium-segment gaming machine you certainly cannot do without such a computer accessory. Currently, entry-level gaming systems are recommended to be equipped with the RX460 accelerator from AMD and 4 GB of RAM for $140. If you want to save money, you can purchase the same accelerator with 2 GB for $110. NVidia does not have a worthy answer to this product in this niche. Although it costs less (about $100), it also loses to the RX460 by about 30%. In turn, the GTX 950 is already 10% better in performance than the AMD product, but costs about $200, and this is clearly an exorbitant cost for an entry-level PC. In the middle level, it is recommended to install the NVidia solution - GTX 1060 with 6 GB of RAM. Its level of performance will be quite sufficient to unlock any processor solution in this niche. As an alternative from AMD in this case, you can consider the RX 480 with 8 GB of RAM, but their cost is slightly higher with a comparable level of performance. Premium PCs must be equipped with the most powerful graphics adapter - GTX 1080 - and 8 GB of memory. But only a dual-processor graphics accelerator can unlock the potential of the CPU for a computer enthusiast. For example, Pro Duo of the Radeon line. Yes, it has only 8 GB of memory, but the presence of two semiconductor crystals at once allows it to solve any problems and show phenomenal performance in all cases.

The situation with the memory subsystem

A difficult situation with the RAM subsystem has currently developed in the segment of desktop computers. DDR3 modules are now more affordable, but their use in a gaming machine significantly reduces its performance. Therefore, it is recommended to buy such strips only in cases where there is no alternative. That is, if you use a PC based on an AMD CPU, you will have to use this particular type of RAM. But for Intel chips, it would be more correct to use DDR4, and thereby increase PC performance.

Entry-level PC

It is in the entry-level gaming PC segment that it is most difficult to choose between Intel or AMD. It’s hard to say what’s best for gaming in this case. On the one hand, there are affordable AMD CPUs with powerful integrated graphics. But at the same time, the performance of the processor part will suffer. On the other hand, you can buy an Intel product with a discrete video card, but you will have to overpay for it. Recommended configurations from both the first and second manufacturers are listed in Table 1, which shows the configurations of basic gaming systems.

PC component name

PC from AMD

Price, USD

PC from Intel

Price, USD



Video card


Mid-range gaming systems

A comparison between Intel and AMD in this part of the processor market indicates that the former has better-performing chips, while the latter has more affordable chips. Therefore, you will have to make a very difficult choice: either save money and buy a PC that will already work at the limit of its capabilities, or add a certain amount and take a system unit with a reserve. Recommended configurations for mid-level gaming machines are shown in Table 2.

PC component name

PC from Intel

Cost, USD

PC from AMD

Cost, USD



Video card


Solid State Drive

Premium solutions

"What processor do I have?" This question is irrelevant for this part of the computer market. In this niche there are only solutions from only one manufacturer - Intel. These PCs are purchased for a very long time and remain relevant for 3 to 5 years due to their high performance.

Two possible configurations for premium and PC gaming systems are shown in Table 3 below.

PC component name

Premium class

Cost, USD

Solution for the computer enthusiast

Cost, USD



Video card


Solid State Drive

Prospects for the development of processor technology

At the beginning of 2017, the issue of choosing a CPU between AMD or Intel should become relevant again. At this time, as noted earlier, AMD will introduce the AM4 socket and a new generation of central processors. Preliminarily, their performance level is comparable to the performance of top Intel processors. Therefore, after that everything will come down to price and personal preference.

If AMD offers an excellent product with an attractive price tag, then Intel will have to respond with dignity and also reduce the cost of its chips. This should benefit the end buyer, who will be able to collect at a lower cost.


Now let's summarize and decide which is better - AMD or Intel for games. Be that as it may, it is absolutely wrong to consider the possibility of purchasing one based on an AMD chip on the eve of the announcement of a new platform from this manufacturer. Although these products have very, very affordable prices, common sense dictates that it is better to wait until the first quarter of 2017 and only then select the configuration of a new PC for gaming.

Well, in the case of Intel, there is plenty to choose from. Its computing platforms are only at the equator of their life cycle and will be relevant for at least another 1.5-2 years. At the same time, they have an excellent performance reserve; they will be able to solve any problems without problems for a long time. The only drawback in this case is the higher cost of such products. But there is no escape from this; a high-performance PC cannot be cheap.
