How to create a VKontakte group for sales? The main components of a successful sales team. How to create a business in contact How to create a group in contact for sales

Greetings, dear readers. Social networks have long been part of our lives, so it is simply vital for all owners of absolutely any business, both traditional and remote, to run them in order to be successful, so today we will talk about how to create a group in VK.

VKontakte, despite the growth of Odnoklassniki and Facebook, and even despite Instagram, remains the leader in promotion, there is a simple explanation for this.

Benefits of social VKontakte networks:

  • Different audience segments.

We know that in OK the main audience is women over 30 years old, mainly from the regions, on FB - the most affluent audience, on Instagram - advanced youth. VK has all these segments from children to bankers.

  • Habit of buying online.

VK people have developed an understanding of online shopping, they are happy to buy goods without leaving their favorite social network. networks, this is the so-called autonomous trading, i.e. when we do not transfer a person to external sites.

So, we need to sell through social media. VKontakte network, what needs to be done for this?

There are 2 vectors of promotion through VK:

  1. Creation and promotion of your community.
  2. Purchase of advertising in existing ones.

We will consider both options, and today we will talk about the first.

Many people here have a question: how many of them to create: one or several?

How many communities to create for business?

In some cases you need to create one thing, in others you need to create several different ones, everything here is individual and depends on your business.

Most often, for one business it is still better to create one group or public page; we will analyze which one is better to choose further. For example, if you have a travel agency, then you do not need to create several communities for different tours, for example, “Tours to Egypt”, “Tours to Bulgaria”, etc., because their promotion will not be as effective as if it were there was one community.

It is necessary to create several communities in the following cases:

  • Different audiences.

If your product is consumed by different audiences, for example, if several businesses operate under your brand, it is a mistake to create one community like “Cargo transportation in Perm and cheap abstracts.”

In this case, you need to create separate communities, because these are completely different offers for different audiences and different content is needed here.

If a subscriber receives more than 40% of the content that does not correspond to his interests, then he will leave such a community.

  • Bilingual business.

If you have interests, for example, not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, then you cannot maintain one community in different languages.

  • Differences between offers in different regions.

For example, Internet providers do this, since their tariffs differ in different cities.

  • Very intense marketing policy.

For example, the Wildberries store, it has many subscribers, the store has a lot of activity, is advertised, in this case you can highlight different directions, they do just that, they have a common community, there is a separate public for selling household goods and a group with children's goods , there is also a division by country (Belarus, Kazakhstan), etc.

The more targeted information a subscriber receives, the higher the likelihood that he will take the action we are targeting.

When we have decided on the required number of communities to develop your business, we proceed directly to its creation.

How to create a group on VKontakte step by step?

Step 1. Go to your VKontakte page, select “Groups” in the left menu and click the “Create Community” button.

The following window appears.

Step 2. Let's come up with a name.

I advise you to choose a concise and memorable name that will attract attention and reveal the essence of the group itself. In the next article I will talk in detail about how to choose the right name, and you can adjust it.

Step 3. Select the type of community.

What to choose a group, public page or event? Today, the difference between them is becoming less noticeable; the first, second and third formats have their advantages.

Below is a table that shows the differences between the different formats.

Possibilities Group Public page Event
Participants write on the wall No

It is possible to disable this feature

Participants can “suggest news” to the communityNo No
Participants can add new photo albums, videos, audio recordings, documents

It is possible to disable this feature


It is possible to disable this feature

Restricting access to community materials

It can be configured so that anyone can join, so that they can join only by invitation or by submitting an application, and only by invitation of managers


Can be configured so that all users or only those invited by the administrator can participate

Block with products, which is displayed on the main page of the communityEatEatNo
Event start and end timeNoNo

This format is really only suitable for some meetings; a reminder about the event appears the day before the start

Display on participants' personal pages

The list of groups is displayed in personal information only if the participant has not hidden it with privacy settings; in any case, no one views it

If a participant often visits your public, then he appears in the top 5 in the “Interesting Pages” block, the page’s avatar is visible there and there is a greater chance that one of his friends will see your community and enter it

The list of events is displayed in personal information only if the participant has not hidden it with privacy settings; in any case, no one views it

Community Invitations

You can invite 40 friends per day


You can invite members of your communities up to 5000 per day

Think and choose what best suits your business: a group or a public page. Here, of course, it would be a mistake to create a public page like “Effective treatment of hemorrhoids,” because not everyone wants this to be displayed on their personal page; in this case, you need to create a group.

My advice is to create a group at the initial stage, so you can invite your friends to it, and when all those who want to join, you can transfer the group to a public page. The creator of a community can change its type independently, without resorting to requests in technical support. support, if the number of participants does not exceed 10,000. Just as in the case of transferring a public to a group, changing the community type is allowed no more than once a month.

Step 4. Click the “Create Community” button.

Your VKontakte group has been created and you are in the “Edit Information” menu.

Group settings

  • Name- we already have it.
  • Community Description— here we write a description of the group, indicating what it does.
  • page address— we change the address to a more beautiful one than the default set of numbers, it is advisable to make it as short as possible so that subscribers can easily remember it and find you.
  • Community Topics— select the most suitable topic from the list and indicate age restrictions.
  • Web site— enter the address of your website, it will be displayed on the main page of the group.
  • Comment filter— automatically deletes comments containing obscenities or words you specify.
  • Location— we indicate the address if you have an office or you have a regional group, or you want to promote a product in a certain city, for example, if you have a store or do manicures at home.
  • Room in Snapster— indicate if it exists (photos similar to Instagram are shared there).
  • Community Posts— if necessary, we connect community messages. This is a very convenient thing, messages are addressed directly to the community, and all managers can respond to them. The subscriber does not need to look for the group administrator, who often hides himself from the contact block, in order to ask a question. And administrators will not get confused about which of their several communities the question is asked. To immediately see on your personal page that the community has received a message, you need to add your group to the left menu.

Next, we enable the functions that you will need and configure access for them (who can add and edit: editors and administrators or all community members). I think that there will be no problems with setting up privacy, especially since VKontakte prompts pop up.

I do not recommend disabling participants’ ability to comment and show all sorts of activity in albums and other things, and even more so in discussions, because the higher the audience activity, the faster your group moves. If someone sends spam or behaves inappropriately, then the blacklist will help you.

Let me just explain what materials are. We need them if we want the “Latest News” block to appear on the main page of the group, which is a wiki page; the name of the block can be changed and the page edited as you please.

If you have an online store, then connect “Products”, then cards with the products you created will be displayed on the main page of the community.

Congratulations, you now have your own VKontakte community, the next thing you need to do is to create it.

If something is unclear to you and you still have questions, please ask them in the comments, I will be glad to answer them. Also subscribe to blog news so you don't miss new articles.

They are not only a means of communication and information exchange between participants, but also a powerful marketing tool that allows you to raise your business to a completely new level of operation. Let us further analyze what exactly promotion on social networks gives a business, as well as how to create a VKontakte group for business.

The benefits of thematic groups on social networks

Firstly, the creation of a VKontakte group is its full-fledged representation on the Internet. This indicator is especially relevant for businessmen who do not have their own website. VK group for business is an excellent alternative to the latter.

At the same time, promoting your product and attracting the attention of an additional audience is sometimes achieved here faster and easier than in the case of a website. It is enough to publish something catchy and unusual, and community members will immediately spread it throughout the network.

Secondly, there is a real opportunity to attract potential clients. You can invite residents of certain cities or countries, people of a certain age, gender, with similar life principles and interests to your VK group. In the case of your own website, this is not always easy to do.

Thirdly, it has long been noticed that a considerable number of World Wide Web users search for the product they are interested in not through search engines, but by asking the corresponding request in their favorite social network. It is not surprising that individual VKontakte groups are gradually turning into full-fledged online stores with many different products.

Fourthly, each user of the group has from several tens to several thousand friends. It is enough for him to recommend the product he likes from your catalog in his feed, and dozens, or even hundreds of visitors will come to the community. Some of them will definitely join the group and turn into your potential client.

Creating a VKontakte group for business

Creating and maintaining a VKontakte group for the purpose of business development takes place in several interconnected stages:

This completes the creation procedure, and then you can begin to design, fill and promote it.

IndexA comment
Name It is necessary to adapt to the search query of interest.
Conciseness and brevity, without unnecessary symbols, to the point.
Description What services do we provide, what do we sell.
Why should we contact you?
Full contacts: address, phone, mail, website, Skype, opening hours.
Avatar Attractive and colorful, preferably made by a designer, and should reflect the essence of the community.
Call to subscribe.
Contacts: link to website, phone number.
Navigation menu Links for discussion.
Banner design and wiki layout.
Contacts Contacts on the avatar increase trust in the group.
How to contact you must be indicated in the title of the albums and under each photo.
In the contacts section, you must indicate how to contact the manager/administrator and a link to the website.
Interactive component Polls: create a maximum of twice a week, calling for comments.
Discussions: interesting topics, questions for admins.
Hold promotions at least once a month.
Group content Commercial posts should occupy no more than 50% of the content.
Entertaining posts: pictures, interesting facts, humor.
Useful content: tips on services/products offered.
It is mandatory to post with photos.
Albums of the group Photos of goods must be of excellent quality, and a description of the characteristics must be included in the caption.
Optimal promotion of a VKontakte business will be achieved if you include at least one key for a given product in the description.
Under each photo you need to indicate the price and contact information.
Reviews Their presence helps to increase customer loyalty and, as a result, increase sales.
Create appropriate topics in discussions.
Practice giving gifts/discounts to clients for reviews.
Purchase terms Specify the form of payment and where/to whom to pay.
How can delivery be carried out?
What guarantees are provided: possibility of exchange, cash on delivery, etc.

Taking into account the above tips, you will be able to turn a simple VK group on a popular social network into an effective platform for selling supplied goods or services.

Business and social network VKontakte - two entities are compatible

It's no secret that the social network VKontakte is by far the largest and most popular network in the CIS. Every month the number of its participants is only increasing, visits, involvement, viewing depth - all these indicators are growing at incredible speed. In one of the previous articles, we talked about how to promote your business on Facebook, while emphasizing the fact that there is a very high-quality and solvent audience there. Many believe that only schoolchildren who are interested in naked girls, cats and comics are on VKontakte. Yes, not without this, but if you know how to work correctly with VKontakte, the result can exceed all the most optimistic expectations.

Most VKontakte users use the network to communicate, watch videos, listen to audio recordings, and other ways to spend free time. But there are those who consume, and there are those who benefit from it. You can make money on VKontakte - and this is no secret. You may have a question: “How do ordinary users earn money there?” There are a lot of opportunities here - from advertising in your communities to selling goods and services. Today we’ll talk about how to develop your VKontakte business, what to pay attention to in order to create a high-quality selling group and offer your products through it.
Among people who specialize in promoting VKontakte businesses, the expression “VKontakte Online Store” appeared. And this is quite logical. It often happens that you do not need to create third-party sites, and a well-designed and filled group can cope with the role of an online store ten times better. Personally, I know several people who earn over $5,000 net just from selling various VKontakte products. Interesting? Then let's figure out what and how to do. In this article we will give 11 basic recommendations for promoting your business on VKontakte.

1. Target audience
To begin with, you must decide on your target audience, and then understand whether it makes sense to develop your business on VKontakte, because your potential buyers may not be there at all. For example, if you sell rolled metal, then it is unlikely that among VKontakte users there will be those who are looking for such information specifically on social networks. In this case, it is worth creating your own website and working closely with the SEO, promoting the necessary queries in search engines.
Vkontakte sells very well small goods that are purchased in China: various jewelry, watches, gifts, and other trinkets. Clothes are also in demand. You need to understand that the majority of users of this social network are young people under the age of 27. It is their needs and requirements that your business should meet.

2. Study your competitors
I’m sure that your niche will not be unique, so it’s worth finding and studying your competitors’ public pages. Understand what they do and how they do it. Analyze user activity, understand their preferences and tastes. Be sure to pay attention to which posts receive the most comments, reposts, and likes. Evaluate the business model for yourself, and try to highlight 5 positive aspects and 5 negative ones in order to improve them later.

C Tatiana on topic:

If your competitors are selling well, then yours should be no worse. The main thing is a clear and in-depth analysis, highlighting strengths, understanding how you are going to build your promotion, how you will offer products to potential buyers.
Perhaps it is worth creating some kind of corporate identity, an interesting name, upon hearing which a person will immediately associate it with your group and your products. An excellent example of branding is the El Contrabando Cartel community, which has almost 90,000 subscribers. If you are interested, then come and see how the guys do business, how they lead the community, what kind of subscriber engagement they have. I advise you to definitely analyze them and compare them, because everything is done concisely, clearly and tastefully.

3. The group must be credible
The main problem that many VKontakte buyers face is the reliability of their purchases. It often happens that after ordering and paying for a product, a person does not receive what he wanted. There is no limit to disappointment, and next time, if there is any, he will study the group inside and out before ordering.
Therefore, your group should inspire confidence; a potential buyer should not doubt that everything here is honest and reliable. How to do it? First of all, open contacts. In the leadership section of the group there should be real people, with normal names, live accounts and avatars. A person must understand who he is ordering from, what your name is, what you are like. If all communication goes through some kind of “Seller of Sellers,” then the question creeps in: “Why do they hide their real pages?”
It will also be a big plus if you create a separate album where you place permits: certificates of registration of the enterprise, various certificates and permits to engage in this type of activity. If a person sees that you work officially, then trust becomes maximum.

4. Interesting content
Make sure that in your community there is more than just advertising of the products being sold. As a rule, people unsubscribe from such public pages very quickly, because they do not want their news feed to be filled with advertising spam.
Again, let's go back to the El Contrabando Cartel public. If you scroll through the wall, you will see that 95% of all the information is entertaining, and only from time to time advertising posts pop up. It is also worth noting that all posts are thematic and harmonize very well with the main idea of ​​the community. Almost all posts have hundreds of likes and dozens of reposts.

5. Fill the group with people before promoting
It has been proven more than once that people are more willing to join communities that already have a certain number of subscribers. Some say that no more than 1000 “bots” should be added to the group, some say the figure is 5000, some even more. To be honest, for a selling community, 1000 bots to start is quite enough to create the appearance that the group is alive, there are people in it, and the potential client will not be the first to decide to subscribe. The crowd effect kicks in: “Am I worse? I’ll also subscribe, maybe when I need their products.”
The main thing to understand here is that bots are a dead audience, and they are only there to make an appearance. You shouldn’t count on any activity from these subscribers, but pay attention to real promotion and real clients.

6. Place ads in popular communities
Without advertising, it will be very difficult to fill the group with real people. Of course, you can spam comments in other groups, you can send suggestions to friends and acquaintances, but all this is ineffective and will not bring the expected result. Therefore, prepare yourself for the fact that you will buy advertising in large and well-known communities.
Before ordering advertising posting, ask the public administrator for access to statistics, look at the audience, their age, gender. Pay attention to the number of visitors, coverage, and engagement. All this is of great importance and can significantly affect the effect of advertising. If you sell products for young mothers, and in the public you have chosen 60% of guys are under 21, then it becomes clear that such advertising will not have an effect.

7. Targeted advertising
Advertising in large public pages can be supplemented with targeted advertising from Vkontakte. To be honest, in the right hands, targeting can be incredibly effective. The main thing here is to understand which advertising is most beneficial. Experiment, change pictures, slogans, names of advertising blocks. Experiment with ad sizes, timing, reach, and keywords.
I’ll say right away that targeted advertising is not cheap, but if you find the right scheme and understand how to make it as effective as possible, then it can be an excellent addition to regular public advertising.

8. Hire a professional
It often happens that a person begins to promote his VKontakte community, but without knowing the basics of promotion, without understanding the mechanism of work and interaction with users. As a result, a lot of time and money are wasted, but the effect is zero.
If you see that your knowledge in the field of business development in social networks is at a rather low level, but your expectations from the project are maximum, then do not be afraid to turn to specialists and entrust them with the development of your company. At first it may seem that such expenses are not necessary, and you can do everything yourself. But remember that the miser pays twice.

9. Clean the group from spam
I’m sure that when your group begins to gain popularity, along with potential clients, spammers will come who want to advertise their public pages “for free.” You will have to deal with all sorts of garbage, you will have to regularly clean the group of spam. If a new subscriber comes to the group and sees that there is a lot of unnecessary information on the wall, then you will get the impression that you don’t care about the community, its subscribers, that you are not a serious person. And I don’t want to deal with this. Therefore, make it a rule to review the public page 2 times a day, block spammers, and clear the group.

10. Make friends with popular people on VKontakte
Social networks have their own stars and popular people who have tens, or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers. As a rule, their opinion is followed, they are listened to, and they are imitated. So, one of your tasks is to make sure that these people remember you and mention you in their statuses and comments. This can be done simply - give them some kind of gift (your product), and let them talk about it. You can try to buy a post from them, but everything is not so clear-cut. In general, there is a task, but how you solve it depends only on you.

11. Feedback from participants
Don't forget about your subscribers. Communicate with them, respond to comments, conduct dialogues, ask questions, and also try to respond to their requests as quickly as possible. Very often I see a picture where, under a product photo, people ask about the price, ordering and delivery methods, and their questions are ignored. It is clear that in this way the entrepreneur loses some potential clients, which is not good.

Interesting facts about Vkontakte that will convince you that you need to develop a business on this social network:
In May 2013, the number of VKontakte members exceeded 200 million.
A new record was reached in December 2013. The network's daily audience was more than 51 million people.
More than 250,000,000 pages are viewed by users every day
About 70% of all VKontakte visitors live in Russia
About 60% of all users are over 25 years old
The most popular and dynamically developing social network in the CIS

I offer a detailed manual on how to create a VKontakte group to sell goods on the Internet. Now it is enough to create a community in contact and directly attract customers through social networks with thousands of visitors.

Hello, my dear blog readers. Today there will be a useful article for many users of social networks. Business on the Internet is taking on more and more new forms, creating communication channels with potential buyers. Business is looking for an audience. Social media has a huge human resource and businesses want to connect with it.

The VKontakte social network is the largest and most popular Internet platform, with an audience of more than 81 million daily visitors. Companies, both large and small, in search of common ground with this mass, create, pursuing two goals (feedback and sales) with one idea - to gain customers. The social network was especially actively used by small companies and individuals to conduct business.

Until September 2015, the Vkontakte platform did not have specially oriented technologies for presenting products, except for advertising tools. The product offering was limited to photographs and product descriptions, plus advertising posts. To purchase or obtain information, the buyer needs to make contact on his own, so the likelihood of a transaction is reduced.

In the fall, an opportunity was presented that significantly expands the possibility of doing business on a social network. The “Products” service is integrated into communities and public pages, expanding functionality to the level of a simple online store.

Entrepreneurs are striving to master a trading tool for business through a social network. To avoid mistakes, it’s worth figuring out how to create a VKontakte group to sell products correctly and fill it with attractive products with excellent graphics.

How to create a community in contact and its main types

Interaction with a social network begins with a simple registration to create a personal page that provides access to the capabilities of the service. It is impossible to work in contact without your own page. The menu on the left reflects the sections; to go to the communities section you need to select “My groups”

The tab displays a list of groups of which you are a member, if any. To create a group, you need to click the “Create Community” button. From a mobile device, such as a phone, a group can only be created through a browser. The official application is slightly limited in functionality compared to the full browser version.

In the window that opens, you need to decide on the name and type of group.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the community types and examining the differences and advantages between them.

  • The group, by design, was created to unite people with a common idea or interest, primarily for communication. Groups are much more widespread, first of all, because they appeared along with the social network itself. The tool has become familiar to users. The group can be closed or open, but everyone can join the open one, and the closed one with the approval of the group administrator.
  • A public page is created to officially represent a company, personality or brand. The main purpose is information and promotion of the subject of the page. A public page is a narrower communication tool, a way to tell about yourself or a company, but by design it is less intended for commerce. A public page cannot be closed; its information is open to everyone, even users without their own page.

When creating a public page, there is a choice of 4 types, with slight differences between each other.

A group is created in one click. When creating any type of community, a menu opens with settings, selection of blocks to use and other parameters. In the future, to change the parameters, you need to follow the link under the main image (avatar) of the community - “Community Management”

Functional difference between a group and a public page

It is necessary to understand the significant differences in order to understand how to create a group in a contact to sell goods. A group and a public page have differences in design:

Differences are visible in the arrangement of blocks, for example, a block of photographs. For more detailed settings, you need to go to “Community Management”.

One of the main differences between a public page and a group is the “Latest News” section, or rather, its absence on the public page. In the “Latest News” section you can create a menu group with easy navigation and a unique design. Often used to sell goods.

No less important is the difference in the work of the central element of the community - the wall. Posts are available only to the page administration; users can be allowed or disabled to comment on posts.

Other differences include:

  • Users of a group are participants, and users of a public page are subscribers. The name of the entry button is similarly different.
  • The group can be linked to a location; you just need to indicate the location in the appropriate field.
  • A public page can have a birthday; for this you need to indicate the creation date; the group does not have this option.
  • The public page does not have an “Invite Friends” button; instead, it has the “Tell Friends” option, a very effective way of promotion. This way, the user simply receives information about the work of the public page, as opposed to a forced invitation from the group.
  • Only the public page has an events block for organizing meetings or celebrations.

In the process of working and understanding how to create a community in contact, you should pay attention to the interesting and unique content of the group in order to promote it. There is, from paid advertising to the exchange of publications between groups with similar topics.

How to create a group in contact to sell goods

Returning to the creation process, after defining the group type, enter a name. For example, the name is “Shop”.

The “Community Description” field provides information about the company, its goals and activities. It is better to make the description interesting and concise.

Indicate the topic of the community, in accordance with the company's activities and age restrictions, if any.

Creating a product showcase in a group

The service is available absolutely free, but is disabled by default. To connect, follow the “Management” link. In the “Information” tab, indicate “Enable” at the bottom.

The service offers the functionality of a small online store; indicate the city where the store is located and the currency used. In the contact field for communication, indicate a person, for example a manager, responsible for communicating with customers. By clicking “Write to the seller” a dialogue will open with him.

“Store Description” opens a window for editing the company description

As a result, a new block “Products” will appear.

The next stage is the catalog, for which we figure out how to create a community in contact. To add a position to the catalog - “Add”, or click on the block name to go to the catalog.

Here you can create a selection, in other words, by category.

Each collection has a name, preferably in accordance with the category, and a main image (Cover). Size no less than 1280x720 pixels.

Filling out the selection is done by adding and filling out an individual card.

Give each product a unique name and description, listing its benefits. Like a selection, each copy has a main image. When uploading, a miniature image must be marked for display in the general catalog.

You can also add additional photos, up to 5 pieces. In the “Category” field, select the appropriate one in the list and enter the price. If it is not yet in stock or you are not ready to offer it to customers, check the “Product not available” checkbox.

The result of all the work will be a convenient and visual catalog, with information, prices and attractive photographs.

If the offer is of interest, the client can contact the seller - “Write to seller”. The “Recipient” field automatically specifies the person you selected earlier, for example, a store manager. The selected item is attached to the message template; you can additionally add your own questions or comments.

Without a doubt, the “Products” service is a convenient tool that simplifies the interaction between buyer and seller on a social network. It is enough to figure it out once and understand how to create a contact group to sell your products today in order to effectively use and develop this communication channel with a huge audience of potential clients.

Here's an example of an existing sports nutrition store:

For a more complete understanding of what you read, I advise you to watch my video instructions

I hope the material will be useful for many aspiring Internet entrepreneurs. Please like and repost this article if you liked it.

Maintaining a VKontakte group- the process is quite complicated and if done incorrectly, you can ruin the whole job.

In this article I will talk about important adviсe and some secrets community management in the current year 2019.

Previous years have brought many changes to the social network: community messages, products in the group, widgets, a unique opportunity have appeared, the rules for conducting competitions have become more stringent, and the number has increased for various reasons.

All this significantly affects the running of the community. And today a huge effort should be made so that the group reaches the TOP and begins to generate profit/sales.

How to lead a VKontakte group in 2019: secrets and tips

You can always find current promotion methods in the article:.

And now I will tell you about some aspects of competent group management:

1. If you plan to run a commercial community (a company representative office, a store selling something), then it is recommended that you do so rather than a public page (public).

This is due to the fact that public pages are suitable for entertainment content, and groups are suitable for promoting goods/services, etc. The bonus is the opportunity, and this is one of the effective methods of promotion. This function is not available in public pages.

2. must clearly reflect the content that is published in it.

In the title and description, provide brief and at the same time succinct information about the activities of the community (you can). Don't forget to add a couple of keywords so that users will find the group in search.

3. Create a unique group design that will attract the attention of visitors and potential subscribers.

Start with and then create a beautiful, convenient menu. I also recommend or.

4. If the community is a representative of any company or store, then it is necessary.

5. Don't forget which will lead to the website or menu.

The button is very eye-catching in a mobile application.

How to lead a group on VK

6. Entries should not be cumbersome and must include images.

Naturally, entries must be unique; it is not recommended to borrow posts from other thematic communities - the group may be blocked. If you wish, you can add - this may affect the popularity of posts.

Bonus: for unique and interesting posts you can, which is issued for a week (the coverage of posts with the tag increases 5 times).

7. Don’t forget to write “longread” articles that appeared at the beginning of 2018.

A very useful tool that can significantly increase the coverage of such posts. High-quality, voluminous articles are in great demand - verified.

Maintaining a community on VK

8. Be sure to use it - it will save a lot of time.

Stretch the publication of posts throughout the day with a timer for 15-20 minutes after the hour. This is due to the fact that 90% of communities publish posts every hour (14:00, 15:00, 16:00) and the news feed of subscribers is completely cluttered during these hours.

Therefore, set the timer for 15-20 minutes (14:15, 15:20) after an hour and then subscribers will definitely notice your posts and your reach will increase.

In addition, we calculated .

9. Set up a connection between yourself and group visitors.

The best way is to connect. This way, visitors will be able to ask you any question and receive an answer on behalf of the community.

10. Install one that will attract the attention of visitors.

The widget is displayed under the main group information and contains calls to action.

11. Connect if any.

A very useful feature for commercial communities that are created to sell goods/services on social media. networks.

12. - a great way to connect with subscribers.

Send important news to those who have signed up for your newsletter.

Maintaining a group on VK

13. Add , with which you can easily create active buttons for purchasing tickets, making appointments, questionnaires, surveys, etc.
