How to fix a computer that won't start. Do-it-yourself computer repair - practical tips How to repair a computer at home

The LIFE-IT service center is dedicated to setting up, upgrading and repairing PCs at reasonable prices. An extensive price list of services applies to electronic equipment from manufacturers:

  • Acer;
  • Asus;
  • Dell;
  • Lenovo;
  • Samsung and many others.

SC engineers are ready to repair personal computers from absolutely any manufacturer. The service cooperates with manufacturers of original PC spare parts. A wide range of spare parts in stock reduces the time spent searching for the necessary components for replacement.

LIFE-IT provides free diagnostics of failed equipment. Delivery of client equipment to the company’s base and return is carried out by courier service. When a technician is called to your home, functionality is restored and the PC is configured right in front of the client. Upon completion of the work, the employee will issue a guarantee. The warranty period, depending on the work performed, is up to 3 years.

PC repair with home visit in Moscow

It is impossible to restore and repair computers urgently without special diagnostics. When ordering the “on-site computer repair” service, the client will need to indicate the symptoms of the breakdown (no image on the monitor, no response to the power button, no sound, etc.) and indicate the device model. Based on the application data, the engineer will take the necessary tools and components.

The qualification of a service center engineer allows you to repair a computer at home in a matter of minutes. In this case, the client pays only for the specialist’s work time, which allows the device to be repaired at a profit.

The list of services provided by the master at home includes:

  • Installation of the operating system;
  • Prevention of the cooling system;
  • Replacing and cleaning the hard drive;
  • Replacing the matrix and backlight.

The wizard will easily recover files from damaged media, protect devices from viruses and eliminate the effects of overheating.

Repair service computer equipment

The laptop and computer repair service center offers a wide range of restoration and upgrade services. The service center specialists will replace the failed device component as soon as possible:

  • HDMI, DVI, VGA connectors;
  • monitor glass and matrix;
  • motherboard;
  • power button;
  • keyboard.

Using a hot-air station, SC engineers can easily solder microcircuits and contact tracks, restore the operation of power supply circuits and display backlight, and carry out preventive cleaning of the cooling system using thermal paste. In addition, the list of operational services of the service includes system repair and computer setup. A reasonable price for computer equipment repair makes LIFE-IT an attractive service for students and teachers, office staff and directors.

Computer repair in our service center

If you need computer diagnostics and repairs, feel free to contact LIFE-IT. A team of specialists will solve any PC problems. People contact us to solve the following problems:

  • The power supply gets very hot and makes noise;
  • the monitor is broken, there is no image on the screen;
  • the keyboard does not work after flooding;
  • the operating system does not load;
  • setting up an Internet connection.

To view the full list of services provided, look at the computer repair price list or check with the call center operator for information. Fast computer repairs both in our office and at home .

The service center provides high-tech repairs of computer system units and monitors at the best price in Moscow. In addition to PCs, the company performs prompt restoration and modernization of laptops and all-in-one PCs, smartphones and tablets.

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  • A system unit is a whole complex of devices that closely interact with each other. This is a fairly reliable system, provided that it was initially assembled from high-quality components and by specialists who know their job. But sometimes problems arise that require intervention, but the average PC user is vaguely aware of some problems. Some problems require the intervention of qualified technicians, and some can be solved at home. Repairing system units will not become a problem after reading this article. So, let's begin.

    What is a system unit? This is a set of devices that ensure the operation of a computer. Their list includes the motherboard and RAM, video card, hard drive (hard drive), network and power supply and a number of other optional devices.

    Computer instability is most often associated with software problems. That is, you can fight this only at the operating system level, without physical intervention in the computer hardware. However, there are problems in which the user still needs to repair the system unit.

    For example, a common problem is overheating of components. This is what most often suffers from. If you don’t think through an effective one at the initial stage, then in the future this can cause unstable operation of the computer. Constant overloads and shutdowns are direct evidence that the processor is overheating.

    System unit repair may also be necessary if the computer simply does not turn on. Most likely, the reason lies in a failed power supply. Unfortunately, they can rarely be repaired; it’s easier to replace them.

    Various artifacts on the screen, especially during a computer game, are direct evidence that the video card is not functioning correctly. Sometimes reinstalling drivers or updating them to the latest version helps. If not, then you should check the cooling system in the same way as on the central processor.

    By the way, in order to check the temperature of certain components, it is enough to install third-party software, for example, Everest. This complex will also help to diagnose components. To find out the peak temperature of a particular system unit device, contact the manufacturer. For example, for processors this value should not exceed 70 degrees Celsius.

    But it is not always possible to repair a system unit yourself. For example, this phenomenon is associated with periodic power surges in the network or with a manufacturing defect in the board itself. At the service center, the capacitors can be resoldered and replaced with new ones, or they will offer to replace the entire motherboard.

    In any case, if you are sure that you will not be able to repair the system unit yourself, we advise you to contact specialists. This will save you nerves and time, and also protect you from larger breakdowns.

    Hello, it's been a while since I wrote on my blog. It’s a lack of time, or a lot of things to do, or a spring mood, or maybe I’m just looking for “excuses.” Apparently, we need to find a way to “kick ourselves.” Perhaps you should read some book on motivation. Okay, let's get to the post itself.

    Since my blog is dedicated to the topic, I simply had to write this post. I think the situation is when the computer just won't turn on familiar to every PC user. What to do in such a situation? You just need to read my article and take a couple of methods to note. I am sure that the answer to this question has already been written thousands of times, but I know that useful information is never superfluous, and I will try to contribute.

    Perhaps someone will want to immediately take the computer to specialists, but there is no need to rush, I sure that in half the cases you can fix it yourself. Just imagine in 50% of cases you don’t have to spend at all not a penny for repairs!

    I will give a short list of steps that will help you, if not fix your computer, then at least identify the problem. Knowing what exactly is faulty is already half the battle; you can try to replace the part yourself or still take the computer to be repaired, but be sure that they will not “put noodles on your ears.”

    So let's look at 2 options for computer failure:

    • the computer does not start at all;
    • The computer starts up, but there is no image on the monitor.

    Let me make a reservation right away that there is no universal repair algorithm that is 100% suitable for any computer. My article is more of a guide to actions that even an unprepared user can take to repair his desktop PC.

    Option 1. The computer does not turn on (the coolers do not spin, the indicators do not light up).

    Let's take the path from simple to complex.

    Checking the power supply

    First, you should check the electricity in the outlets. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, but many people don’t think about this basic action. This is especially true for apartments with separate electricity circuits for lighting and sockets. That is, the lights in the house may be on, but the sockets may not work.

    Then be sure to check all connections from the outlet to the power supply itself, since the surge protector or UPS may be turned off.

    The power supply went into protection

    Quite often, the computer refuses to turn on after a power outage. The fact is that all modern power supplies have a protection function against voltage surges or short circuits. In such cases, it simply “goes into protection,” that is, it does not supply power to the motherboard.

    To bring it back to life, just unplug the power cord from it for a few seconds (10-20 seconds), then plug it back in and try to turn on the computer. It is very interesting to watch the surprise of users when this method works =)

    If this time everything is quiet, then don’t be upset and have to arm yourself with a Phillips screwdriver. First of all, remove the left cover of the system unit.

    Disable everything unnecessary

    After we get to the computer components, we just need to carefully inspect the motherboard and other components. If you do not see any signs of overheating or other visible signs of a malfunction, then we try one by one turn off power to the hard drive and optical drive, you can even remove the RAM, which will help eliminate their malfunction. In addition, by turning off the components one by one, we reduce the load on the power supply, which can also cause a malfunction (this is written a little below). After each disconnected part, we try to turn on the computer, if it eventually works, we try to return the components to their places, finding out which part is causing the malfunction.

    I almost forgot, pay special attention to the capacitors on the motherboard, if they are swollen, they need to be replaced. If you have no experience in soldering components, it is better to contact a service center.

    This is what a good and swollen leaked capacitor looks like.

    Checking the power and reboot buttons

    After disconnecting the components, you should try to disconnect the front panel of the computer to prevent malfunction or sticking of the power and reboot buttons themselves. To do this, you need to find a connector on the motherboard that is connected to 3 or 4 thin wires from the front panel of the case. Typically, such a connector is signed as “ f-panel", and the connectors for the power or reset buttons are " power sw" And " reset sw" respectively. You just need to pull these connectors out of their places, but before that it’s better to remember how they were located.

    After disconnecting the button connectors, you need to try to close the contacts of the power button with a screwdriver (indicated as power sw or +pw- on the board itself), as in the photo below!!! Be careful not to short-circuit anything unnecessary, as this may lead to undesirable results.

    In my case, I bridged the 3 and 4 upper left contacts. On the motherboard designation they are signed as “ +PW-»

    If after this procedure the computer does not turn on, return the button contacts to their places and move on to the next step.

    Checking the power supply

    If the basic steps do not help, we can assume that the power supply is faulty. It’s good if you have a spare unit at hand, then we simply connect the power supply to the processor and motherboard from a new power supply unit; if there is no spare unit, then we try to test the voltage of the installed one. How to do this, I wrote in the article How to check the power supply.

    Quite often, the cause of a power supply malfunction is swollen capacitors, for which a service center will charge about 500 rubles to replace.

    Turn it on on your knee

    Let's assume that all the previous steps did not produce results, then you can try to turn on the computer on your “knee”. What is the essence of this method?

    You need to remove the motherboard from the case, having first disconnected all the wires from it and unscrewed several bolts (usually 6 or 8). Thus, we will receive a motherboard with an installed processor, cooler and RAM. You also need to connect the wire from the monitor to the video card, which will have to be plugged into the connector if there is no built-in one. After the motherboard is removed, connect power to the processor and the board itself. That is, we must reproduce the process of assembling a computer, only outside the case.

    Then you need to put it on cardboard or any other non-conductive surface and try to “start” it by closing the contacts with a screwdriver, as described above. Do not place the motherboard on carpet - be aware of static electricity!

    If this method worked, then you need to look for a problem when assembling the computer inside the case. For example, sometimes the cause of a malfunction is a bolt lost during assembly, which gets between the motherboard and the case and, accordingly, closes the contacts on the back of the board.

    If none of the above methods have made the computer work, then you need to prepare yourself for one of the most unpleasant breakdowns - replacing the motherboard. Of course, this should be done if you are confident that other components are in good working order. It’s good if the model is not too old and you can buy a new one with similar parameters at a component store. Quite often it happens that it is not possible to find a new analogue, then there are two options:

    1. buy a used board (which I do not recommend);
    2. buy a modern motherboard with replacement of the corresponding components (processor, RAM, cooler).

    Option 2: The computer turns on, but nothing on the monitor

    We rule out a malfunction of the monitor itself

    As a rule, on working monitors, an orange/yellow or red indicator should light up when turned on, and after a signal is received from the computer’s video output, the indicator changes its color to green or blue. If you are not sure how the monitor works, then you can check it by connecting it to another computer or to the video output of a laptop.

    Quite often, the cause of monitor malfunction is a dead backlight. This malfunction can be diagnosed if when the computer is on try turning the monitor off and on again. If the “picture” appears for 1 second and disappears, then the monitor backlight is faulty. Alternatively, you can also try looking at the screen from above from a higher angle. In some cases, you will be able to see a barely visible familiar image, which will also indicate a malfunction.

    Checking the video card

    If we are confident that the monitor is working properly, we proceed to inspect the system unit.

    Of course, the first thing you should do is check the integrity of the video cable connection. If there are no problems with this, then the first thing that comes to mind in this situation is a faulty video card, but checking its performance is quite problematic if there is no integrated video card or a spare one. Therefore, in such cases, the simplest thing would be to check the RAM, and leave checking the video card for later if nothing else helps. You can also ask your friends for a video card and try to run it with it. The only condition is that the video card connectors must match, and it is advisable not to take a very powerful one, since your power supply may not have enough power.

    Checking RAM

    I already wrote an article about how to test memory modules using the MemTest program, but such a test is suitable for cases when the computer spontaneously reboots or goes into BSOD.

    In a situation where the monitor does not display an image, you need to try removing all memory modules. If they are absent, the computer should emit a continuous squeak. If you hear this, this is very good and means that the computer is getting to the point of checking the RAM, which means that most likely the problem is in the “slats” themselves. In this case, you should try installing the modules one by one and find out which of them is causing the failure.

    Resetting the BIOS

    Reason for resetting BIOS There may be unsuccessful efforts to overclock the computer system by the user or installation of incorrect settings. One way or another, this simple action will help avoid many problems.

    At the next step, it is also advisable to make sure that the power and reset buttons are not stuck. How to do this is written above.

    As you can see, any user can perform all these actions independently. I really hope that my tips will help you fix your computer. And only if none of the above actions bring results, you can give the computer to specialists for a more thorough study of the problem.

    A computer breakdown is a very unpleasant thing, however, in most cases it is possible to repair computers yourself. This is especially true for modular repairs - by replacing the problematic spare part with a similar one from the store, you are highly likely to restore the functionality of your computer.

    Computer power supply failure do-it-yourself repair

    Unfortunately, electrical networks in our country, and especially in its remote corners, are practically not protected in any way from various voltage surges that occur due to major and minor accidents, thunderstorms and other natural and man-made factors. If users do not buy a good surge protector, equipped with a voltage and current stabilizer and a safety system, then sooner or later the power supply of the home computer will become unusable. The picture is complemented by the constantly decreasing quality of components, including the power supply.

    The failure of a power supply is sometimes accompanied by sparks and loud bangs, after which you can find traces of soot on the walls of the power supply or traces of electrical breakdowns in the form of melted insulation inside the unit. If the unit “gone” quietly, the traces may not be noticeable, however, take a closer look at the capacitors if they look like this:

    So, most likely, they are the reason. You can try re-soldering, however, it is much easier to buy a new unit. To install, you need to unscrew the four mounting screws, disconnect all connectors, remove the old unit, then install the new one, securing it with screws and returning everything to their original places. This little reminder will help you connect the devices correctly:

    This will be useful to you

    Failure of storage devices and drives, hard drive does not work

    Often a burned out power supply causes many more problems than it might seem. By passing a current with inflated characteristics through itself, the power supply often supplies devices with a charge that is also higher in current or voltage. Doing so may damage your hard drive or optical drive. However, there may be other reasons for failure - factory defects, improper operating conditions, depletion of service life. In the case of drives, you shouldn’t even think about repairs - buying a new device will cost much less, after which it must be connected correctly. SATA connectors have become the de facto standard. The wide connector is responsible for power, and the narrow connector is for data transfer; protection against incorrect connection is provided.

    A hard drive failure may be preceded by various extraneous noises and knocking noises produced by the mechanics of the drive. If the mechanics are intact, then you can try changing the hard drive controller:

    If you bought a new hard drive or drive, you need to connect it correctly. The old IDE standard, which is inferior to the championship, provides for a Molex-type power connection and a special cable on which up to two devices can operate simultaneously:

    RAM burnt out - do-it-yourself repair and installation

    This type of malfunction can only be determined if there is a known working RAM module. As a rule, there are no external signs of damage. RAM is made using very small parts and technological processes that exclude its repair. You can try to wipe the module contacts with alcohol or clean them with an eraser, but such a procedure rarely helps bring them back to life.

    The consequences can be different - using a memory module that is not suitable for the frequency limits, overclocking the memory bus, overheating, static electricity... Symptoms similar to module malfunctions are caused by incorrect installation of RAM in the channels - before installation, you should read the corresponding section of the motherboard manual. The instructions might look like this:

    Installation and removal of modules should be done with special care - the modules themselves and the slots for them are quite fragile, so the use of force is unacceptable. To ensure proper installation, hold the module so that the slot spacer aligns with the slot in the module, then insert the module into the slot and apply even pressure on both sides. It looks something like this:

    After this, the latches should close, ensuring that the modules are held and make reliable contact. To remove the module, simply bend the latches and the module can be replaced.

    The video card burned out - replacing the video card yourself

    Every computer user who is fond of games sooner or later encounters video card failures. The reasons are obvious - using a video card in high performance mode for a long time leads to a variety of troubles. Constant high temperature entails thermal damage to various elements, which may be followed by disruption of electrical circuits and failure of individual parts of the video card. One of the symptoms of overheating may be the presence of persistent or temporary “artifacts” - stripes, dots and other elements that are clearly foreign and present in any video mode.

    Repairing the card yourself is almost impossible. The maximum you can try to do is restore the heat exchange between the video card chip and the cooling system, change the fan or a couple of capacitors. However, this requires certain skills that the average user does not always have.

    Replacing a video card with a new one is quite trivial - we remove the old video card, loosening the fastenings or unscrewing the holder bolts, remove the card from the slot and install a new one. On this DIY computer repair ends.

    Damage to the motherboard and processor - do-it-yourself repair and replacement

    Often the most expensive failures to repair or replace are those related to the motherboard and processor. If the processor burns out, then only replacing it with a new one that fits the connector helps. It is important to know which socket is used in a given processor model; usually information about the socket is printed on the connector itself or indicated in the documentation for the motherboard. This is what the socket of modern Intel processors looks like:

    When buying a motherboard, you should take into account the existing equipment - memory, video card, drives, etc., so that you don’t have to change anything. The ideal option would be to purchase the same model of motherboard, but this is not always possible - this market segment is updated very, very quickly, so there may be problems with the search.
