Interesting facts from the life of a scandalous girl! Who is Lena Miro? This is what happens in the life of a woman who can offend anyone Elena Miro live magazine.

Many people have heard about the notorious LiveJournal blogger and former member of the United Russia party! However, the details of the girl’s personal life are known only to a narrow circle of people. We have collected some facts from Lena's life...

Lena Miro's posts are mostly filled with anger and sarcasm. The blogger in his texts touches on both many famous people (for example, and), and society as a whole. However, the girl does not like to talk about her personal life: “I don’t even ask you to respect the boundaries of my personal, beyond which I don’t allow anyone. I only advise you to respect yourself and not rummage through someone else’s suitcase.” . But Lena could not hide some facts from her life.

Elena Mironenko (real name Miro) was born in Stary Oskol, although she initially declared herself to be a native Muscovite. Later, the blogger explained her deception by her reluctance to involve relatives in her scandalous image, which could cause attacks on relatives.

After school, Elena studied at Voronezh State University, after which she became a simultaneous interpreter. And in the 2000s, Miro entered Cambridge College, after studying there she came to Moscow and began working in her specialty.

The world learned about Lena Miro as a writer and blogger in 2010: the Amphora publishing house published 2 of her works - “School. Childhood is over" and "School: Fun physics / Werewolf with a pointer."

However, the book (allegedly biographical) “Malvina and the Cattle” brought popularity to the girl.

In 2011, Lena's articles often appeared in the TOP of the magazine, but most of them were characterized by harsh, offensive and tactless words. It was after such publications that the girl was expelled from the United Russia party, in which she was a member at that time.

It is noteworthy that before today’s scandalous page, Miro tried herself on two other blogs, in which she posted positive and bright information, but they did not arouse interest among Internet users. This is what forced Elena to change her communication style and start a scandalous blog.

Well, the girl was right in this regard; today Miro’s account on LiveJournal ranks 4th among the overall rankings!

In addition, Lena also runs a page on Instagram and attends various television programs.

At the end of 2017, information appeared on the Internet that the scandalous girl married a resident of Colorado.

Julia Vysotskaya became Woman of the Year according to Glamor magazine. The phrase “Yulia Vysotskaya” vaguely tells us something only because when Yulia was 22 years old, she hooked up with director Andron Konchalovsky, who was 58 years old at that time.

The “Nobody” girl and the grandfather-director met in the elevator, had lunch together, and the next day Konchalovsky invited Yulia to fly to Turkey. Julia agreed.((

Since then, Andron, who is already 79 years old, has been trying to mold the faceless Yulia into an actress or at least a beautiful woman.

Photo: Cyberspace & Time

So far no success.

This is what composer Eduard Artemyev, who wrote music for many of Konchalovsky’s films, says about Vysotskaya:

“Of course, Konchalovsky “made” her. I remember Vysotskaya as a very young student, when she first appeared in his life, she was plump, a little shy, always smiling. Her husband made her lose weight, was involved in her education - he bought Yulia courses in Los Angeles , under his influence she learned English, French, Italian."

Well, in general, yes: smiling, a bit plump. I would add: greyish.

Photo: Social networks

Especially in contrast with Konchalovsky’s other wives:


All that Yulia is capable of is to look like a cleaning lady and jump around the kitchen like a mad ladle, clogging up the airwaves of TV channels.


And this is Glamor magazine's Woman of the Year.

However, nothing surprising.

Well, in general, yes: smiling, a bit plump. I would add: greyish.

This is what those who read Glamor look like:

And this is the editor-in-chief of the magazine:

Photo: the Fashion Spot

Guests of the award:


Guests of the award:

Couple of the Year according to Glamor magazine:

I look at all this and think: “And why, in fact, is the magazine called Glamor? Why isn’t it called Bydlo?” Well, we don’t have glamor in our country and never have. There is a collective farm. There are cattle. And glamor - no, it didn’t happen

The blog of Lena Miro (real name Elena Mironenko) is extremely popular, with up to one and a half thousand readers commenting on some topics. There are many rumors about the author himself, but no one knows anything concrete. The writer’s messages make a strong impression on everyone who accidentally visits her page. The fascination with a photo of a pretty brunette in most cases goes away after reading her posts. She writes on any topic, and writes very cynically, actively using obscene language. The blogger likes to touch on topics that relate to the figure of middle-aged women.

The author writes very rarely about himself and does not delve into the details of his personal life. In her posts she only said that she regularly goes in for fitness, and that her affair with a millionaire, who is a thing of the past, provided her financially. In 2010, Lena Miro wrote an autobiography, and then two fictionalizations. According to the opinion, her page on LiveJournal is, the existence of which is supported by marketers, since after its creation the girl regularly left more than a thousand comments.

In one of her interviews, Miro said that she considers herself primarily a writer, and writes a blog in order to become popular. She pursues the only main goal in her life - to become famous, and it does not matter to her how to achieve this. To promote her blog, Lena spent all her time online and commented on topics that were top in LiveJournal, regardless of their content, she says. To ensure traffic to her page, the author tried to touch the heartstrings of readers. The best way she could do this was by using profanity and rude expressions.

Another scandal involving Lena

In 2011, a blogger wrote that she almost ran over an elderly woman in the center of Moscow. Popular indignation was caused by her message about the proposal to introduce a certain fee for the right to enter the center of the capital in order to avoid similar situations in the future. In her opinion, in this way, in the center of Moscow there will be exceptionally beautiful and rich people who are pleasant to look at. The bloggers' indignation was especially violent also because she was a member of the United Russia party. She did not hide her membership, and among the photographs that she regularly posted was a photo with a party card.

Later, the writer said that she did not know whether she was still a member of the party she joined in 2006, since she did not pay dues. After a loud scandal with the published message, representatives of “” filed a complaint against her that she did not deregister when moving to the capital, thereby violating party discipline. It was also announced that Elena Mironenko was expelled from its ranks. The party's executive committee reported that this issue was considered even before the publication of the scandalous post, since it did not take any part in the life of United Russia and discredited it.

Mironenko was very surprised by this development of events and the reaction of her colleagues, which she reported in her posts. She also wrote that, despite the current situation, she will support the party, because she considers it the strongest in the Russian Federation. United Russia reported that nowadays there is a check for future party members, which was not the case in 2006. Now, in order to join the ranks of United Russia, you must undergo a probationary period, which lasts six months. In this way, it is possible to ensure that everyone respects the party and is proud to be a member of it.

Blogosphere opinion

Experts came to the conclusion that Lena Miro’s posts are aimed mainly at a middle-aged, female, solvent audience. She selects her topics so that this particular audience is interested. The main difference from the authors of similar topics is the writing style. Lena Miro presents all the material in a catchy, unusual way, using folk swearing. In this way, she tries to keep the recipient on the blog. For the same purpose, it encourages readers to feel involved in what is written: asks for opinions, asks for advice, posts photographs.

In March 2013, the writer decided to close her page, explaining that she was tired of the imperfections of the world and constant unfounded slander. With such actions, she caused heated discussions in the blogosphere. Despite the satisfaction of many LJ readers, a large group of people wrote that now life in LJ would become much more monotonous and boring, asking her to reconsider her decision and return. According to the latter, it was Elena Mironova who was the best at motivating those around her. Already on March 18, the writer returned to the magazine and continued to fill it with extraordinary messages and comments.

Life is a constant movement, sometimes chaotic, irrational, sometimes painful. Everything around us is constantly changing, regardless of whether you are ready or not to accept and realize this movement. And, you know, the younger we are, the less experience and memories we have, the easier it is for change. Today I want to dedicate my review to a dying LiveJournal, namely the “Lena Miro” project, which in recent months has been struggling in agony, sensing imminent oblivion, and is fiercely resisting....

Yes, I didn't make a mistake. Project "Lena Miro". And there is Lena Mironenko, who is 7 years older than me. I remember how I was sitting in the kitchen with a laptop, counting a variation series to build a forecast, for the background the TV from NTV was broadcasting about the horrors of the past week... And my gaze was caught on a strange girl who could not string words into a sentence, but squealed inarticulately outright nonsense . A certain Lena Miro. Blogger. Well, I think it's interesting. It turned out that she is a very popular blogger on LiveJournal. I started reading. Even then I was surprised that the posts seemed to be written by different people. Different speech patterns, sentence construction, vocabulary. Especially "-" and "--". Basically, it just looks like the person writes some of it himself, and simply inserts some of it as finished text. For money, of course.

I remember when the grass was greener and the sky was higher...

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking. On LiveJournal, as a test, I started a diary, then another, a third... You know, monetizing a blog is not difficult, you just need to invest first (at a minimum, to buy on LiveJournal an exemption from advertising in the diary, so that there is a place to place your own...).

Yes, then I understood a simple thing. I make much more money as a strategist than as a self-taught blogger. No, I did not give up the idea of ​​expressing my thoughts in the media space. I gave up on the idea of ​​monetizing the blog. I just registered on an “unpopular” site and sometimes write for fun. According to my mood. How it rolls on, or how I pump it up.... That’s not the point. Why didn’t you express yourself on LiveJournal? Oh... Well, everything began to change. Bloggers began to move en masse to their own platforms (and what kind of blogger am I? At most, it’s a bummer... And why should I, strictly speaking, build a site for my own money in pursuit of illusory glory?), FB has conquered the Russians, the touch is not a miracle, but everyday life, and the project turned out to be interesting. We discussed it as a joke in the kitchen. And now we live on the money from this project, buy food and clothes, and can go to the sea. It's funny. Although, 5 years have already passed since we jokingly discussed this, but it seems like yesterday...

LJ. Litmus test. Lena Miro.

Yes, LiveJournal is dying. He is degenerating. It's like evolution, remember what I talked about at the very beginning? Everything changes. Reborn. How does this happen in the animal world? That's right, the strong defeat the weak, mass animal extinctions occur. Evolution creates new species, stronger, more resilient, with different functionality inside. It's the same with LiveJournal. And the most striking example is the blog "Lena Miro". Initially, it was interesting to read - an unusual style, a personal opinion that borders on rudeness, with public opinion. Curious? Yes, hell yes!

But times change, so do priorities. Alyona? No. She is a hostage to her image. She has a couple of her own topics that she has covered. What do we have to do? As a strategist, I will say to either follow the audience into the new and unknown or wallow in the swamp of your own fantasies. Lena, like most of us, is afraid to change. Let the changes be for the better, let the grass be greener, the sun brighter. No. Most want to sit with their inferior, but native swamp. This is psychology. It's the same with LiveJournal. Even Lena Mironenko admits this.

Anyone who itches something, “scratches” about it.

Yes, I myself, as Lena puts it, “skinny”, and also “chicken”, I have “pancakes”. Yes, this one is written by a woman who is 7 years older than me. Who lives so well that she can teach others how to live.

Yes, that’s exactly what she thinks and says. About us, about those who decide to read this. She is in agony, like a wild animal whose paw has fallen into a trap, she feels the inevitability, but tries to show aggression. What if it goes for a ride? Yes, over the year the posts have become even more angry, aggressive, pretentious and empty. How else? If you are 35, there is no job, there is only fitness, a blog and a “pancake” who is not asking you to get married. Books? And who needs them (look at the circulation)?

Yes, you can, of course, pump up your boobs, eat buckwheat, dry out your figure... But, alas, if you, a Blogger with a capital “B,” do you think it’s possible to treat your readers this way? What are we talking about? About complexes. No more. Just complexes that are reinforced by the agony of not accepting change. And we need to change!


Yes, I am a "chicken". According to the great "blochger". I am 29 years old. I'm married. She is 35, there is no “prince” nearby. I have a child, a loose butt with stretch marks. She also does fitness herself. I, if you believe her grading of people by weight (remember the saying about smart people in their minds, and stupid people in their clothes?), I can become her friend in theory. I just don't really want to. On the Internet, her blog is now constantly cited as purchased advertising. Agony. Just the agony of the Lena Miro project. Which contradicts itself. Who allows herself to speak like that...

Why? And there’s nothing else to cling to. Only trolling. It's over. And LJ too. Don't believe me? See top.

So, whatever you reach for, that’s what you will become. The cherry doesn't fall far from the apple tree. This is the end.

Yes, everything changes, sometimes too quickly. It's unavoidable. Let me give you a simple example. There is a man, there is a business. The business is profitable, but sanctions are imposed and income is rapidly falling. What to do? Either look for new niches, develop in a different direction, or simply close. Logical? It is logical if this is not your business. Most are not ready for change, they will continue to reanimate their brainchild, pouring the last things into it... The same is true in relationships when it’s “the last time.” Yes, it is very difficult to change, it is difficult to part with what is familiar. And you also need to be able to leave with dignity. And this is extremely difficult. It’s much easier to stand on a stool and shout to everyone about your leaving because of the bastardism of those around you. Yes, this is a convenient position, because in this way you can relieve yourself of responsibility, these are all circumstances. Is it true?

The saddest thing is that while a person is speaking and speaking, others are living, being happy and sad, being on the move, learning new things, and developing. So, maybe it’s time to carefully come down from the pedestal before it falls apart under the stamping of feet and squealing?

8 August 2011, 01:57

About philosophy Met with former classmates. There were four of them, and they all terrified me. Really. Not a single decent body: two are overweight, two are simply not in good shape. Standard faces of women who sleep less than eight hours a night. At the same time, on the surface they are not suckers: they are dressed and combed normally. Moscow has trimmed down at the level of office cattle. Their compliments to each other made me laugh: “You haven’t changed at all,” “You look so young,” etc. After listening to this nonsense, she asked: “Do you seriously think that you look younger than your age?” The girls were embarrassed, and I thought: why this deception? What makes average heifers of not the first or even second freshness, as well as pre-menopausal women who have failed in life and other evil spirits, exchange such pleasantries? Is this a ritual: you for me, I for you? Does life seem sweeter to them? Of them, only I look younger than my age, and this is logical: I train a lot (they don’t have that much time for this), eat right, sleep 10 hours a day, do what I love, the level of stress in my life is minimal. Despite all this, no one will give me twenty (which is exactly the age the girls gave each other). I won’t give it to myself either. And I won’t give you 25. 26-27-28, depending on the cycle. Given my lifestyle, the difference between the passport and “facade” ages will only increase over the years: I don’t inject anything yet, I limit myself to caring. Now my main goal is to build a body that will last until menopause without visual changes. When, closer to forty, I put on a competently pierced face, then I will be ready to accept compliments that I look much younger than my age. In the meantime, I work in the gym, clearly seeing the goal and knowing how to achieve it, and I am very critical of myself. About fitness Communicating with people who have embarked on the path of their own transformation from a macaque into a fitness person, I noticed that most often they ask two questions: 1) “Why am I not losing weight?” 2) “Why am I working out, working out, trying to look like a chick/boy at fitness, so that there is relief, that’s all, but I look like a wineskin of shit as usual?” The answers are as banal as simple pencils and have long been known to everyone, but some citizens refuse to acknowledge them, preferring to continue dragging their bodies to the gym purely to ease their conscience, and in fact working there to heat the air. Well, a little bit for your own health. So why, if the answers are known and simple, do people not hear them? Yes, because fitness, the goal of which is not performance in the gym, but a powerful visual effect, does not tolerate sybaritism. Here you need to shrink, concentrate and become an enemy to your body. Yes, yes, an enemy. Treat your body like an animal - lazy, insidious, unprincipled and cunning. Think of it as a mongrel who is trying to break free from the chain and run away, and for a sugar bone (in relation to you - an extra piece of pizza, cake or whatever else you like) he will sell the little soul to a neighbor (in the context of “neighbor” = “ extra kilos"). Your mongrel may be blackmailing you. Let's say you eat very little throughout the day. And, in principle, you may not eat in the evening. But your mongrel begins to itch: “I haven’t eaten all day, just a salad. You can also have a snack. Still, in terms of calories, the daily norm is not enough. Otherwise I’ll get gastritis.” And then you go to the refrigerator and eat something there, although you could very well abstain. By the way, we have come to the answer to the first question. Do you know why you are not losing weight? Because you eat enough to keep you from losing weight with your lifestyle. Yes, it's that simple. The fitness god is the most demanding: you may not come to Christ’s service, and he most likely will not notice, but the fitness god does not tolerate service according to the principle: “when the time or mood was right.” For this, he will definitely punish you with a swollen bump, an extra kilogram and a vile feeling of guilt. The main idea: in fitness, success and a breakthrough are achieved by those who were able to cultivate a fitness consciousness. There are no fools among us. I’ll write a book about this and teach you to think in fitness categories, and not stupidly sit for weeks on silage and chicken breast and do a hundred squats per set. Loose thighs = Loose soul The last few days I’ve been running for three hours: one and a half in the morning, one and a half in the evening. Plus a rocking chair. Here's a photo for motivation. Below I will explain why I need all this.
Actually, because of this story, I have been running for three hours for the last few days. You can run away from everything: from the loss of a loved one, from feelings of guilt, from problems and misunderstanding of the situation. Everything will pass, but the body will remain with you. The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, no. This is all of us at school en masse :)i. The mirror of the soul is the body. In a loose body there always lives a loose soul, into which, willy-nilly, you want to spit. An elastic body protects the soul; it cannot be offended by a sidelong glance, which, even if thrown. will only bring a smile. And yes: I don’t believe any woman who says: “I have a so-so body, but I don’t care, I’m happy.” I repeat: loose thighs = loose soul, which you always want to spit on. Therefore, we put on T-shirts, shorts, sneakers - and go! Nobody likes ugly people. Age aunts Once upon a time she (Larisa Guzeeva) was beautiful. Unconditionally, without the slightest exaggeration. And after some time she was still beautiful. Now she looks like this, but no, no, and :) and in her hellish program she says something like: “We, beautiful women, are allowed a little more than others.” Oh, these “eternal” beauties come from the USSR... At best, they lasted until they were 35 in a more or less fu*able appearance (and then only in clothes), then they became overfed, overweight, but continue to consider themselves irresistible. We have aged stars with such a sense of self - you can eat them with your ass. Yes, almost everything! It’s easier to name the one who stands out from this herd of pre-menopausal women with once beautiful, but now swollen figures and faces. Unless Valeria: She plows over her own body like hell. Well, maybe someone else, but I can’t remember right away. Look at American show business "over 40". There - the older the aunt, the more, almost to the point of insanity, she does fitness, so as not to turn into a laughing stock. About politics In politics, Prokhorov is a completely unintelligent child. Well, where does he go with his inarticulate bleating: “the good of the people, everything is for the person,” huh? Who will believe this and ignite?! Here is my presidential program, I give it to him with minimal modifications. 1. Economy We work little, rest and eat a lot. What good is it that the whole country, including lazy men, celebrates Women's Day on March 8th?! Therefore: - for 6 years (the first term) a moratorium on salary increases, - the abolition of half of the holidays and weekends (for example, November and the first of May). - I support a 60-hour work week, that’s what I do myself. 2. “Black redistribution” The land is not worthless to the degenerating peasantry, but to the entire people. Yes, free! New voucher privatization - land. Now!!! The person in charge is Chubais. (...) 6. Domestic policy - appointment of incorruptible foreigners (see paragraph 3), - restoration of classes - nobility, merchants, philistines, peasants, creative unions, minorities (including: aces), - electoral qualifications - choose and only taxpayers with higher education are elected, - class representation in the State Duma, - total local self-government according to the Solzhenitsyn system (“How can we develop Russia”) 7. Foreign policy - the main friend is China, - the main threat is China, - * you, not Kuril Islands! - * to you, not the base in Sevastopol! - an impenetrable cordon on the borders of drugs 8. Morality - no to Petrosyan - no to fat churchmen - yes to Solzhenitsyn, Weller and Zhvanetsky - no to same-sex marriage About fat teenagers On an evening walk I saw a plump girl of about 14. The latest iPhone, an LV bag, Jusiki pants, Chanel glasses covering her eyes, a vomiting dog, all that. In his hands is a bag of French fries. Nearby is a mother of about 40: sleek, thin, all on Botox and silicone. And so I look at this lady and think: what a soulless bitch you have to be to allow your child to stoop to this. She probably eats silage in the evening (if she eats it at all), but she bought some potatoes for her daughter. Does he really want to go out in contrast? Like not a mother, but a sister. The youngest, *. If I had a daughter and she started to “crawl,” I would explain to her popularly what it means to be a pig. If I hadn’t understood, I would have chained her to a wall somewhere in the garage, placed a bucket nearby to relieve herself of natural needs and fed me on a schedule, because the Chelsea Clinton phenomenon always drove me into a stupor. Well, her crowning post is about politics and roads, etc. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a vile old woman with bags on wheels rushes under my wheels. Almost knocked over the pin. She exhaled. I thought: in principle, it was possible to move over the pad* (the world would only benefit from this), but dooming yourself to serious hemorrhoids because of an old p* is somehow stupid. In this regard, I would like to support the cheerful guy from the dreary Sobyanin crowd, who proposed making parking in the center of Moscow paid: 500 rubles per hour. Moreover, I would go further. Here's what I propose: 1) Make entry into the center of Moscow paid. And let it cost not just some fucking 500 rubles, but 200 bucks. Then beautiful people in beautiful cars will drive there, and not collective farmers on f*cking wrecks and not office hogs on wretched Passats. And in general: let office workers go to their cabinets of curiosities by metro, or even better, move further away. Somewhere in Kolyma. Let the gold be washed. So at least some benefit will come from their meaningless existence. 2) Make entrance to the center of Moscow paid. Place the machines: put down the token - go through. This way we will rid the center of the most disgusting old women and other evil spirits in the form of honest but proud people without double standards, for whom there is the most beautiful Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya station. Surely, there are also shops, restaurants and entertainment spots there.
Elena Mironenko is known to some as 1) writer Lena Miro, 2) blogger Miss Tramell 3) cocaine addict from United Russia. The fiery Mironenko had her 15 minutes of fame. Will the blogger-translator-provocateur be able to convert the scandal into something attractive? Who knows. No one bothers that the brilliant Otar Kushanashvili began his ascent to the Olympus of sensations and received a cup of coffee in the face at the House of Cinema from the gentle hands of Vera Glagoleva. Then no one will really remember whether your coat was stolen or you stole it. That is why the same people who defended Yeltsin in the White House 20 years ago, a couple of years later (in 1993), with the same enthusiasm defended the same White House from the same EBN. This is the nature of the electorate. Most likely, Lena Mironenko ended as a project without really beginning. However, it cannot be ruled out, knowing the human material, that those who are now savagely attacking the blogger who chose “Beautiful people read me” as the slogan of her diary, in a few years will crave the autograph of the one who advocates for clearing Belokamennaya of poor pensioners and so indiscriminately scammed the mayor . Especially in the context of the fact that many in their souls secretly share the theses voiced by Lena, who is striving for shocking. Many of those whom the reader/viewer sees on TV screens. From those whom the reader/viewer chooses.
