Instagram in one style templates and examples. How to create a personal blog on Instagram and learn how to maintain it in an interesting, competent and correct way? Where and how to start blogging on Instagram from scratch? How to blog on Instagram: ideas

How to promote your Instagram page for sales yourself? What bots exist for promoting a store on Instagram? How to attract new followers for free when promoting an account from scratch?

For an enterprising and energetic person, Instagram is not only a convenient application for storing and displaying photos, but also a tool for enrichment. A well-promoted Instagram account brings its owner a stable income through sales of own and other people’s goods, advertising and high popularity.

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial issues from the HeaterBober publication. I will tell, how to promote Instagram and attract new subscribers on your own, as well as with professional help.

Read to the end - at the end you will find life hacks for keeping followers on your page, as well as a review of popular paid services for Instagram promotion.

1. Instagram promotion – expanding the client audience for your business

Social networks are a territory of unlimited possibilities. Instagram is no exception. Initially the resource was created as mobile application for shooting, storing and distributing photographic materials, but gradually the site expanded its functions and became a full-fledged platform for exchanging impressions, comments, news and likes.

The popularity of the service increased many times in 2012, when Facebook acquired it from the original owners for $1 billion . Many new functions immediately appeared here, including the option for recording and posting videos.

Today Instagram is hundreds of millions of registered users, a huge viewing audience, thousands of new pictures and videos every day. And unlimited prospects for earning money.

I will list the main ways to make money online:

  • selling your own and other people’s goods and services through a promoted account;
  • companies, products, events and anything that can be sold and advertised;
  • promoting accounts on a professional basis;
  • making money selling photographs.

The most profitable option is to own your own business. It doesn’t matter what you do – any products and services can be beautifully presented, shown and sold.

Instagram does not charge money for registering online and using all functions. All that is required for success is free time and desire. And a well-promoted popular account.

Page promotion – an indispensable condition for monetization. Popular accounts are visited by thousands of users per day, and with the number of visitors, sales volume inevitably grows.

What is promotion from a technical point of view? This is the deliberate and targeted popularization of your profile using various methods. Promotion can be natural or artificial.

The first option is when the page’s popularity increases due to truly unique and interesting content, non-trivial design and other features. Artificial promotion implies use of specialized programs, applications and services. For maximum efficiency, use both methods.

Profile promotion itself is one of the ways to make money on Instagram. This is done both by freelancers on exchanges and by entire agencies promoting websites on the Internet.

Instagram successfully integrates with Facebook and VKontakte. By connecting your accounts, you can automatically publish everything you filmed on Instagram on the pages of other social networks.

Businessmen, athletes, actors and other media persons have accounts on Instagram. A lot of people who take pictures with their phones use this network. Such popularity has turned Instagram into a kind of cult for an entire generation.

To promote your account, it is important that the posts are regular and the pictures are bright.

So, a promoted page on the Internet is a kind of capital, an asset that you use at your own discretion. It makes more sense to use the asset to the benefit of your wallet.

When your page turns into full source of income, you no longer have to waste time on promotion. The account will promote itself or with the help of a hired administrator.

But remember a few important rules:

  • the resource is created for communication, entertainment and content publishing: perceive monetization as a useful side effect;
  • You won’t be able to promote your account quickly – be prepared to waste time;
  • the main thing in this network is unique content, everything else is secondary;
  • The topic must correspond to the content.

Which account is considered promoted? This indicator is quite arbitrary, but among businessmen and money makers it is generally accepted that real popularity starts with several thousand followers. There are accounts on the network with hundreds of thousands of subscribers - this is a truly promising platform for a stable income.

2. How to promote Instagram yourself - step-by-step instructions for beginners

First of all, “Insta” is friendly community, i.e. a community of people who exchange impressions, experiences, observations and useful information with each other.

Here they hold competitions, organize promotions, collect likes and votes. A citizen of any country or a group of people can create their own page and use it for any purpose - within the limits of law and ethics.

I won’t write about how to create a profile and what the interface is - you’ll figure that out for yourself. The topic of the publication is promoting and monetizing your account, keeping followers on your page.

Most participants try to use their pages for their intended purpose - adding pictures from their lives, sharing observations and adequate content. Compared to VKontakte and Facebook there is less useless garbage here, the content is more lively and people are more open.

Act consistently and success is guaranteed!

Step 1. Create and design a profile on Instagram

Your photo (avatar) or image of a profile product is the first thing a potential follower will see. There will also be a short text here - personal data, description of the company or product.

For many, the design and first impression of a profile is a decisive factor. By looking at the image, people decide whether to follow you or not. If you treat your profile photo carelessly, you will scare away the consumer audience.

The description should be concise but informative. Indicate your location, type of activity, topic and link to the main site, if there is one. This is the only place on Instagram where you can put an active link.

We need a call to action - not a vague “if you want to see more, then...”, but a specific one - “ Click here, you will see a lot of interesting things" Or something like that.

Step 2. Prepare a content plan

Since in our case the purpose of creating an account is commercial activity, you need to think through a content plan in advance - what, when and in what volume we will publish.

Posts should contain high-quality photographs, short accompanying text and several thematic hashtags– important keywords that will make it easier for users to find the pages they need.

Don’t overload your page with intrusive advertising - combine promotion with information useful for followers.

Think ahead:

  • what consumer needs are you going to satisfy;
  • what audience are you targeting?
  • how best to design or present goods and services;
  • What else, besides the sales object, can you give the visitor.

Even business account owners are not prohibited from periodically creating personal posts and sharing their observations, knowledge, and impressions. But don't stray too far from the theme and stick to your own unique style.

Step 3. Publish new content

If you are promoting yourself - you first want to attract an audience, gain followers, and only then make money from your image, then personal photos will be the main content. If you are promoting your business, stick to the pre-selected style. The optimal frequency of posts is 1-2 per day.

For example, you cook deliciously and beautifully. Why not post photos on Instagram and thereby increase your popularity?!

  1. Use filters and don't be afraid to create– the more creative the photos, the more subscribers.
  2. Post only high-quality images– no one is interested in passing pictures.
  3. Make a little story out of every photo.
  4. Post videos periodically– but not too long, no more than 5 minutes.
  5. Sign your photos– where, when and why they filmed it.
  6. Use hashtags– then your photos will be easier to find.

Attractive visuals encourage you to study the text content. The more interesting the photo and video content, the more comments, subscribers, transitions to the base site and customer calls.

Step 4. Attract subscribers

The first subscribers will be your friends, acquaintances, and sometimes strangers who came to your page by accident. If you synchronize your profile with other social networks, you will quickly gain an audience.

Further promotion depends on your activity and creativity. The more time you spend promoting your page, the more you will achieve. If you don’t have time, but have free funds, use paid methods to promote your account. About them - in the following sections.

Step 5. Analyze page traffic and make changes to the strategy

Performance analysis is the study of indicators of audience coverage (how many subscribers), involvement (likes, comments), number of clicks (how many people followed the link).

If the indicators do not suit you, it is time to make changes to the strategy - slightly adjust the topics of the posts, make the page more “hooligan” or, conversely, academic.

3. How to attract new subscribers - useful tips and tricks

Free ways to promote Instagram require free time. But you also need to manage it wisely.

If you follow useful tips, things will go faster.

Hashtags are a useful thing: they help users find publications that interest them. Tags will attract your target audience and new subscribers to your page. But do not use common and popular keywords - otherwise your posts will be lost among hundreds of others.

General rules:

  • come up with your own label - it will increase your brand recognition;
  • do not make tags too long: 3 words in a hashtag is the maximum;
  • separate elements in hashtags with underscores;
  • Place tags not only in the explanatory text, but also in the comments.

The app remembers all the hash marks you've entered previously - as soon as you enter the first letters, a list of words will appear that you can use. The maximum number of tags for one photo or video is 30.

Your posts are the first thing users see when they visit your profile. And, given the type of publications, when the account is just opened, the aesthetics of not only one individual publication, but all of them together is very important. It’s also worth considering how photos and videos combine with each other. We’ll talk about how to run Instagram in the same style.

Stylish profiles, how's that?

If you can tell with clothes when they are chosen in the same style, then how can you determine this from an Instagram profile? There are several points by which you can evaluate stylishness:

  1. Color. The colors of the publications must be compatible with each other. There should be no jumps from warm to cold shades, from light to dark. Of course, depending on the time of year or other factors, the overall color scheme may change, but this transition should be as unnoticeable as possible for subscribers. For color consistency, you can, for example, use one or a pair of filters on an ongoing basis.
  2. The overall aesthetics of the publication. Behind these words lies the quality of photos and videos: composition, content, exposure. In general, make it look beautiful. No, not even beautiful, but BEAUTIFUL. After all, you can look at ugly photos in the profiles of ugly people, and you and I are not like that. Also, a common detail in all photographs can become an element that creates harmony. For example, a plush toy or something else. In this case, the photos will be combined even if the color scheme does not match very well.
  3. Text. Oddly enough, the text of publications also affects the overall impression of the profile. In terms of appearance, these are, of course, emojis. I advise you to be careful with them. Gone are the days when their very presence made people squeal with delight. Nowadays, the oversaturation of emoticons will only make you sympathize with the author of the post and donate money for treatment. And here, too, the principle of uniformity is important - the smiles must be combined with each other. And, if you write large text, I advise you to use emoji markers. This will allow you to unobtrusively divide your message into readable paragraphs.

Now I’ll give you a few examples of stylish accounts:

Color selection

Before you make Instagram in one style, you need to choose a color scheme that will suit you. To do this, look around you: maybe you live in an area with old brick houses, and the colors around you are dominated by black and brick red? Or perhaps your interior is done in turquoise and white.

Choose the colors that prevail around you, and you won’t have to worry about maintaining your profile.

But there is one nuance here. If, for example, you sell men's watches, an account in pastel colors is simply contraindicated for you. Therefore, in the case of business accounts, you need to look at the scope of activity.

Let's start running Instagram in the same style

Style is very important on Instagram. And, since you are reading this article, most likely you already have an account, but it was created without taking into account the factors mentioned above. So how do you start transforming your page? There are two possible ways here:

  1. Having thought through a color strategy, suddenly switch to it. You can delete previous publications, or you can not delete them; this is unprincipled, but it may offend the pedants among your subscribers.
  2. Take a closer look at your old publications and calculate the predominant colors. Then you can begin to gradually mix color schemes and eventually move on to a new one.

As for the text or an interesting detail, there are no options - we suddenly move on to something new. Although, if, for example, you decided to make a stuffed deer the main character of your publications, it would be interesting if, for example, he first appeared in the background as a blurry spot, then peeked out from around the corner, and eventually became the protagonist of the publication.

To summarize, I can give you some tips on choosing a style for your profile:

  1. Think about your type of activity. If you sell air guns, but you have a little seven-year-old girl living inside you, you still shouldn’t add a heart to every photo. Only if this heart is not realistic, of course.
  2. We choose a style based on the most frequently photographed location. This will make it much easier to design publications – you won’t have to apply a huge number of filters to achieve uniformity.
  3. The text of the requirements is universal: clear, concise, informative. Instagram is not Yandex.Zen, no one needs articles here. But this is also not a quote book by Paulo Coelho - don’t publish something that everyone has been tired of for a long time.

Instagram is a social network built on photographs. And it follows from this that the cover is very important here, because the first thing your subscribers and people who accidentally visit your page see is photo and video material. Therefore, right now, let’s get our butts up and go fix what we’ve done: choose a color, start writing correctly and delete that million emoji that you have already set.

How to manage Instagram correctly?

Social media isn't just about entertainment. Many profiles are created to conduct business, attract target clients, and simply make money by advertising.

The system has recently been accepting Instagram profiles for making money from advertising, this will be useful to everyone who is professionally involved in this.

How to manage Instagram correctly? So that people give a lot of likes, actively subscribe, comment, and in general, the profile develops.

First, you need to learn a few simple rules. Secondly, you will need to use white hat promotion methods. We will talk about all this in this article.

Rules for how to properly maintain an Instagram page

We have already told you... You need to learn various subtleties in order to achieve popularity as quickly as possible.

Here are some useful tips:

These rules will help you understand how to properly manage Instagram for a photographer, blogger, chef and professional from any other field. Becoming popular on this social network is not easy, the competition is high, but due to some tricks, the chances of collecting many subscribers increase dramatically.

How to properly blog on Instagram and promote it?

To actively develop your site, you need to not only maintain your profile correctly. You will need to attract attention to yourself, but not with markups.

Nowadays all beginners use them, but it is of little use. The only thing that might be useful is . Why do you need bots and non-target audiences? They create the appearance of a popular profile, and it is precisely these pages that ordinary people try to subscribe to.

There are other white-label promotion methods:

  1. Giving gifts - the word “free” acts on people like a magnet. If your subscribers receive any gifts, you can be sure that their acquaintances and friends will know about it.
  2. Famous people – photos with famous people help you grow faster on Instagram. They are difficult to take, but if you have the opportunity to take a photo with someone popular, do not miss this opportunity.
  3. Advertising exchange – look for like-minded people, similar accounts. Agree with them about mutual PR. Choose pages that are slightly more popular than your account.
  4. Events – Participation in real events also attracts attention. Visit them and take pictures to share them on Instagram. It is desirable that the events are also thematic.
  5. Advertising – it makes sense to invest in advertising. It can now be ordered from almost all popular profiles. If you don’t want to contact directly, find sites through the system

This is a thematic material that is dedicated to the topic - Instagram in one style. The topic is being revealed for our Instagram subscribers who would like to know a little more about Instagram in the same style. And also look at ideas and examples of styles that are specially created by designers and help simplify the problem of choosing a single style for your account. The material will be small, due to the fact that the site that we will talk about contains more than 650 pages, with elements of a variety of thematic areas for Instagram. Including ready-made templates, photographs, examples for maintaining an account in a single style.

In order to plunge into the world of Instagram in one style, or rather, templates and examples, we will need to go to a huge portal of English-language origin. Let us repeat, this is just one of the options and examples where you can get ideas, buy templates and use them. Keeping your Instagram in the same style. We will look at several pages, since it is simply unrealistic to transfer 650 pages here and describe each of them.

creativemarket- creative market, one of the names in the title is the website and it is truly so. A huge portal with templates for websites, fonts for working in photo editors, and so on. We are interested in Instagram, so you can register immediately or just look at the examples. To do this, enter the word instagram in the search bar, on the English layout. After which you will see a page with all the references in the description, designers and their works that are posted on the site.

What can you find for Instagram in the same style?

On the first page for the search query instagram, you will find;

Instagram templates for holding competitions, discounts, promotions. These are incredible examples of how you can design a post for online stores, cafes, restaurants and any commercial account on Instagram.

Instagram fashion and everything connected with this, the next package, which is called a fashion pack. These are 40 unique templates in three color schemes. And there’s a lot more, sometimes you can’t even leave there, your eyes are filled with variety.

Let's look at the third sentence, this is an instant hipster. It’s immediately clear in principle that this is a set of filters for photos that will be in the same hipster style. For photographers and selfie lovers, this is a great offer.

You can add a description of each package ad infinitum, it’s practically infinite, from thousands of designers who sell their work, relatively inexpensively. From 10 to 20 bucks, that’s less than a thousand rubles, cheaper even than a month of mass following.

Who is it suitable for?

For accounts of a design studio on Instagram, a printing house, an atelier, a dry cleaner. Restaurants and their Instagram accounts, cafes, bars. Fitness clubs, gyms, sports schools, individual teachers with their own Instagram pages. As well as dance schools, tourism, hotel business, celebrations, children's animators on Instagram.

Any commercial accounts on Instagram, from rental services, car service, sale of clothing, jewelry, to DIY jewelry, shoes, sports shoes, classic ones. Categories of all representatives on Instagram who have the opportunity to present their products, stories, videos in the format of visual content.

Free Package Bonus

On the website, you will find in the top menu a tab for free goods per week. These are 6 different packages that the developers make available for free download. There you can find fonts, business cards in psd format, templates for websites, including themes for Instagram. In any case, it’s all free, for those who are registered every week they receive a letter with 6 different offers. Which you can download and use to create your account.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Facebook research has shown that users view a post in 0.2 seconds. To interest them, you need to really stand out with originality and beauty. What if we are talking about a whole page of photographs? How to design it beautifully so that your subscribers are delighted? Let's look at the research and rules that will help achieve visual harmony.

We told you how to run Instagram for business in. In this part we will focus on blogs. However, some rules remain relevant for both personal use and for the company.

  1. Combine your photos into one interesting story that tells the reader what you do or are interested in.
  2. Select a profile topic and write about it in the bio. Support posts in this direction or related ones.
  3. Create high-quality and interesting content. Learn how to process photos. Curalate analyzed 8 million images and came to the following conclusions:
    • Light-colored pictures get 24% more likes than dark ones. Objects acquire clearer contours, allowing you to view them without tension, and there is no color “understatement” left.
    • Photos with a background are 29% more popular than those with an empty background. They contain more interesting information.
    • Images with blue colors receive 24% more weight than red ones.
    • Pictures with one dominant color score 17% more than those with several. Curalate suggests that when you look at photographs at a distance of one inch from your face, the lack of chaos and order helps you concentrate.
    • Photos with low saturation are 18% more popular than those with high or medium saturation.
    • Images with texture evoke a greater response from people than those without. Curalate say that various irregularities and shadows catch a person's eye and make him look closely at the photo.
    • Regardless of the results obtained, the word “creativity” has not yet been canceled. Focus on your principles and rules.
  4. Pictures with less than 5 colors are perceived better.
  5. Create a detail that will be in every photo. A certain shade, a small brooch, a signature on creative creations.
  6. Another important point on how to maintain a beautiful profile on Instagram: fill out information about yourself. This will allow people to immediately learn about you and make subscription decisions.
  7. Follow profiles that are already successful in the chosen direction. Analyze their techniques and try to repeat them at first. Over time, you will come up with great posts on an intuitive level.
  8. Create your own unique name by which people will recognize you. Take it seriously: it should be easy to read and pronounce.
  9. Research relevant hashtags. Keep aesthetics in mind: it is not recommended to use more than 30 tags to prevent the post from looking spammy. Create a hashtag with your name under which you can view all publications and mentions. Analyze effectiveness and change periodically to find audiences from different topics. If there are relatively fewer entries for a tag, then the entry will be more noticeable.
  10. Participate in competitions, SFS, discussions. Hold your own giveaways and encourage followers to be active.
  11. If necessary, indicate geolocation. Don't overdo it: put the places where the photo was actually taken.
  12. Record video. Study when subscribers are willing to watch them: in the morning, afternoon or evening. Videos are perceived better than just a photograph.
  13. Find the best time to post. For example, Monday is not the best day for serious analytics, and videos are more actively viewed in the evening, when people come home from work and can turn on the sound. For more information, see our article “Ideal Times to Post on Instagram.”
  14. Diversify your content. In addition to photos, post videos, stories, and broadcast. Write not only on your topic, but also related to it. Invite other bloggers or experts. Organize question-answer sections.
  15. Some bloggers devote a lot of money and time to photograph composition. For this they buy candles and jewelry. Think about what accessories will add variety to the background of your photos.
  16. Create a posting schedule. Determine the frequency. The lifespan of a post is 4 hours; you should not do it more than once in this period of time. Within the allotted time, the post gains most of the likes and comments. Using analytics services and observing the behavior of followers, calculate the best frequency. Namely: when they are ready to perceive new information.
  17. Reply to your subscribers. Even replying to a comment with an emoji will be nice. Communicate: People can provide new ideas for and keep you motivated.
  18. Nowadays it is important to add text under the image. You can write articles. If they are long: write some in the first comment and others in the rest. Or break it into several parts. Make sure your subscribers are interested in reading.
  19. Choose bright and short headlines that will catch the eye. Add numbers and question words. Surprise the reader, arouse curiosity or disgust, show concern for him.
  20. Conduct broadcasts, including joint ones: invite other bloggers and discuss interesting topics. Post the event announcement in advance so that more people can come. The entry remains for 24 hours and is deleted.
  21. Instagram Stories is a good opportunity to share news with followers, talk about sweepstakes and competitions. Like broadcasts, they are saved for 24 hours.

Combine different methods and achieve maximum effect.

Instagram Rules

Instagram has its own rules, violations of which are subject to content removal, blocking and some other measures.

  • Respect intellectual property rights. Only publish images that you have rights to. They must be genuine and not belong to another author.
  • Instagram takes care of children's photos. If children are partially or completely naked in the pictures, then such materials may be removed. Even if they are posted on a social network without a second thought, it is unknown how others can use this information.
  • You can't post naked parts of your body. They are allowed only in painting and sculpture.
  • Follow the laws. Forbidden:
    • firearms;
    • sexual services or photographs of minors;
    • support for terrorist activities;
  • Written permission is required for:
    • promotion of gambling;
    • lotteries;
    • online games for real money.
  • Do not use services for increasing subscribers, likes and reposts. Don't spam people unless they are interested in the offer and have given their consent.
  • Threats, humiliating materials for the purpose of blackmail, and spam are prohibited.
  • It is unacceptable to support conflicts based on race, origin, gender, religion, or disease.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, not mutilation.
  • When using videos with severe violence, you must mark them accordingly. However, you need to be careful: the administration reserves the right to delete such material, since Instagram is used by people of different ages.

Following these rules and helping to identify accounts that violate the law will help maintain the social network atmosphere at the appropriate level.

Complaints are carefully examined and a decision is made on the seriousness of the situation.

Instagram tracks user activity. If on one account the limit of likes, comments or subscriptions exceeds 150 per hour, then the corresponding buttons will be blocked. In case of repeated violation - for an indefinite period of time.

Let's sum it up

We analyzed how to beautifully run Instagram in the same style, what publications are allowed and how not to get banned. Despite this, you may have your own creative ideas within the culture that will help readers get an accurate picture of you. Experiment with colors, brightness, explore what your subscribers like and delight them as they are ready. This will help make your account more successful and interesting.
