Taxi dispatch information system. Dispatcher control system Dispatcher information system is being created

Automated system of unified duty dispatch service (AS EDDS) is a system designed to provide information support to the daily management body of the RSChS at the municipal level. AS EDDS includes the following structural subsystems: automation equipment complexes (CAS):

  • KSA EDDS municipality; KSA of interaction (KSAV) of the EDDS with municipal departmental duty dispatch services (DDS), dispatch services of potentially dangerous objects, life support facilities for the population and objects of mass gatherings of people;
  • KSA of operational duty services (ODS) of subordinate fire and rescue, search and rescue and emergency rescue units (hereinafter referred to as subordinate units);
  • mobile KSA (MCSA) of subordinate units deployed on vehicles.

In order to effectively solve the assigned tasks, appropriate functional and supporting subsystems are created as part of the EDDS AS (see figure). The functional subsystems of AS EDDS include:

  • automated dispatch system (ADS), designed to collect information from the population and organizations about fires, natural and man-made disasters, as well as for operational management of subordinate units;
  • decision support system (DSS), which serves to provide information support for management decision-making processes for emergency response to emergency situations;
  • system for the preparation of management documents (SPUD), the functions of which include the preparation of formalized organizational, administrative and reporting information documents;
  • automated system of advisory services to the population (ASCO), designed to provide reference and information assistance to citizens via the Internet on issues of ensuring life safety.

Supporting subsystems include:

  • information and navigation subsystem (INS), designed to determine the location and status of vehicles of subordinate units;
  • automated warning subsystem (ASO) - for prompt and reliable generation and delivery of warning signals and information to officials, and, if necessary, to the population in emergency zones;
  • operation support subsystem (ESS) - to protect confidential information and means of processing it, as well as to solve problems of ensuring reliable operation of AS EDDS;
  • integrated communication and data transmission subsystem (ISCS), necessary for the exchange of information between duty and dispatch services and subordinate units.

ISPD includes two subnets: a fixed core communication and data network created using wired communications, and a mobile communication and data network organized using radio channels.

The functional tasks of AS EDDS provide automation of the following basic control functions:

  • formation and maintenance of regulatory and reference information about the objects of emergency rescue operations, subordinate units, territorial zones of their responsibility (departure schedules or plans for attracting forces and means);
  • collecting and summarizing information from subordinate units about personnel on duty and the condition of existing equipment (combat note), monitoring their readiness to perform assigned tasks;
  • receiving messages from the population and organizations about fires, accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters and entering them into the database;
  • processing messages from the population and organizations about fires, accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, incl. determining the composition of the involved fire and rescue forces and means provided for by the departure schedule (plan for attracting forces and means), as well as the composition of the notified interacting DDS;
  • preparation of orders (vouchers) for departure and available information about the situation for the involved fire and search and rescue units;
  • bringing data about a fire, accident, catastrophe or natural disaster to the involved DDS;
  • support for making management decisions to eliminate the consequences of a fire, accident or natural disaster;
  • continuous collection and synthesis of data on the actions of the involved forces and means, on the progress of emergency response or fire extinguishing;
  • constant information on the progress of liquidation of emergency situations or fire extinguishing of interacting DDS;
  • preparation of operational reports on emergency situations to higher authorities;
  • monitoring the actions of the EDDS duty dispatch personnel.

The EDDS AS uses software and hardware that ensures: computer-telephone integration of dispatch complexes with a private PBX to create a call processing center (CALL center), to ensure synchronization of the processes of receiving and transmitting telephone calls and the formation of a card, with registration of the number in it the caller, his last name and address based on pairing with Caller ID equipment and the telephone network subscriber database; pairing cards about emergencies and fires with a multi-channel digital system for recording telephone conversations; interaction of functional tasks with a geographic information system (EIS) to display geo-referenced information on an electronic map of the area; interaction of dispatching systems with an automated voice notification system.

AS EDDS are created and developed as part of the automated information and control system RSChS. In order to reduce the overall financial costs of their creation, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is implementing a unified scientific and technical policy in the field of development, implementation and improvement of such systems.

Sources: Popov A.P., Nekhoroshev S.N. Automated system for operational dispatch control in emergency situations. Materials of the 11th scientific and technical conference “Security Systems (SB-2002)” of the International Forum of Informatization. State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. - M., 2002; Popov A.P. The main directions for the further development of the Unified Duty Dispatch Services of the cities of the Russian Federation. "Security Systems", 2002; Popov A.P. Basic system solutions for creating EDDS. - M., 1999.

This article examines the positive effect of the introduction of housing and communal services in the aspect of increasing the energy efficiency of municipalities.
Estimates of the depreciation of fixed assets in the housing and communal services system vary. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently announced the figure of 50%.
Some experts say 70-80%. This means that energy efficiency will decrease, and the number of man-made accidents and, accordingly, losses will only increase.
Of course, the effect of introducing energy-saving light bulbs or automated energy consumption accounting systems (meters) can be calculated immediately. But there are technologies that will allow us to draw conclusions, including whether it was necessary to change the light bulbs? Often warn, and in the event of an emergency, minimize losses from the incident.
Energy saving begins where accounting begins, and automatic accounting is the most complete, accurate and efficient, allowing you to manage the process in dispatch mode, carry out the most relevant energy-saving measures, and monitor compliance with technological and labor discipline.
The energy efficiency of a municipality, and therefore the economic effect, is achieved through formalization and standardization of processes and their transparency, non-duplication of information, strengthening the control function over organizational and technical processes, increasing the speed and quality of decisions made, and reducing the burden on personnel.
It follows from this that accuracy, speed and coordination depend on how specific and clearly defined the regulations for the interaction of city services in the event of an emergency.
Joint dispatch services play an important role in reducing the likelihood of their occurrence, as well as minimizing losses during their localization and elimination. Emergency situations require extremely fast, accurate and coordinated actions from all involved units and services. But even in the mode of current activity, what tools can be used to see in real time the processes taking place in the various life support systems of the city?
I am sure many people understand that this can be achieved by introducing automated information systems. Implemented on the territory of the Moscow Region, a very small control element in the housing and communal services sector, a unified dispatch service armed with an automated information system (AIS GODS), provides a cumulative effect to increase the energy efficiency of the municipality and the life safety of the population living in a given city or settlement. And this affects all spheres of life of the municipality, including possible energy losses and, again, opportunities to minimize them.
A unified information platform for all enterprises in the housing and communal services sector and residents, optimizing and automating the process of collecting data on housing and communal services provided to consumers and supplied resources, ensures subsequent synthesis and analysis of this information, and also generates reports for all interested management and control authorities, starting from housing inspection and management of the housing and communal complex to city authorities and residents.
After the appearance of this element in the city management system, only through organizational measures that do not require financial costs, in developing mechanisms and algorithms for the interaction of city services by the city administration, the approval of the “Interaction Regulations” will save a lot of nerves and financial resources in the event of an emergency or emergency situation in the city's life support systems.
The economic effect of introducing an automated information system depends on the specifics of each specific municipality and, of course, on the measures that are taken based on the information received. The higher the energy intensity of production (for example, in housing and communal services), the more unaccounted losses, and therefore the more tangible the total effect from the introduction of an automated information system that solves problems and improves energy efficiency, social and economic, etc.
Even in cities with developed infrastructure, the lack of interaction between services can lead to panic, loss of time for localization and elimination, and therefore increased financial losses. There are many examples...
An automated information system, which is the most important element of a functioning unified dispatch service, not only suppresses a sharp surge in the number of requests from consumers of residential complex services, but also fills the information vacuum that exists today in the field of housing and communal services.
Unfortunately, neither in the State Program of the Russian Federation “Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency for the Period up to 2020,” nor even more so in developing various Programs “Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency” by municipal administrations, is the possibility of implementation on territory of the municipality of a unified dispatch service with automation of its work through the use of special software.
Taking into account the low total capital investments, when implementing the project, it is necessary, in addition to popularization, to supplement the Programs developed by the administrations of the Moscow Region with a mandatory condition for creating the Housing and Public Utilities Service, necessarily equipping the created service with an automated information system.

Factors influencing the increase or decrease in energy efficiency of a municipality


Any Russian Defense Ministry

MO with GODS Housing and Communal Services and AIS

Possibility of monitoring the condition of the housing stock in real time

Yes, with the possibility of planning major repairs

The quality of information received by the governing bodies of the Moscow Region about the situation in the housing and communal services sector

On-line, high

Availability of Interaction Regulations

Even with the approved Regulations, there is a long response time to requests and, accordingly, losses

Minimum response time to requests, resulting in reduced losses

Control of time parameters of requests from consumers of housing and communal services, in accordance with regulatory documents

Possibility of confirmation of non-provision of services or provision of services of inadequate quality by the management company, in accordance with regulatory documents

Automatically upon request by any AIS user

Assessing the effectiveness of the capital repairs carried out


No requests to AIS

Assessment of the quality of services provided by management companies and service organizations

Subjective, not supported by facts

Automatically on-line, available to all AIS users

Material losses of the Moscow Region as the owner of residential or non-residential property

Not controlled, not systematized, not objective

Material losses of residents

Most often undervalued and not accepted for reimbursement

Confirmed AIS (time of receipt of the management company’s appeal, who is the executor, time of execution of the management company’s appeal, involved services, audio recording)

Repeated requests from residents

Uncontrolled flow

From the situation when they are present to their absence

Discipline of management executives

Time spent by a resident on transmitting an appeal

From 5 minutes to 45 minutes

Maximum 3 minutes

The automated dispatch control system (ADCS) of the UES is a hierarchically constructed human-machine system that provides, throughout the entire territory covered by electrical networks, the collection, transformation, transmission, processing and display of information about the state and mode of the power system, the formation based on the collected information, transmission and implementation of control commands in order for the system (at the expense of available funds) to perform the functions of reliable and economical supply of electrical and thermal energy of the required quality to all its consumers.

ASDU includes:

· control computer centers (UCC) in the UES Central Dispatch Office, UES ODU, UES Central Dispatch Center, control centers (DC) of electric grid enterprises (PES);

· automated process control systems (APCS) for power plants, power units of power plants and substations;

· centralized and local automatic regulation and control systems.

All elements of the UES ASDU are united by a single primary network for collecting and transmitting operational information and control commands.

The main component of the automated control system in the UVC is the operational information and control complexes (OIUC), with the help of which the dispatch personnel of the control center, control center and central control center carry out: monitoring the current state of the controlled power system (circuit, modes and controls), retrospective analysis of past events, assessment of promising modes . Using information about the current and future state of the EPS, load schedules, plans for carrying out repair work on operational requests, taking into account the instructions and recommendations of dispatch instructions and directive materials, dispatch personnel ensures:

· development of influences on controlled objects (regulation of EPS mode for active and reactive power, including regulation of power plant load schedules);

· bringing equipment and automatic and operational control equipment out for repairs and putting them back into operation after repairs;

· commissioning of new equipment and controls;

· changing the scheme of the controlled network;

· liquidation of emergency situations and restoration of normal operation of the EPS;

· maintaining operational reporting;

· transmission of operational information.

Control influences are transmitted by the dispatch personnel of the central control center, control center, and central control center to operationally subordinate objects through the dispatch personnel of these objects or directly to the automated control system and automatic regulation and control systems of power facilities using telecontrol devices. Control actions ensure changes:

· electrical network diagrams;

· composition of equipment of power plants and substations;

· algorithms and settings for automatic and operational control tools;

· automation devices;

· loads of power plant units;

· consumer loads;

· voltages at control points of the electrical network (by influencing the excitation of synchronous machines, turning on or off reactive power compensation devices, switching transformer annuluses).

All management tasks that ensure the formation of control decisions are divided into optimization and evaluation. The solution to optimization problems is achieved by satisfying any optimization criterion, and the evaluation problems are achieved by satisfying the corresponding equations of state of the object.

The main task of UES management is the reliable supply of electrical and thermal energy of the required quality with minimal costs for its production, transformation, transmission and distribution, therefore the main criterion when developing control decisions at all levels of the UES management hierarchy, whenever possible, is the minimum cost during the period under consideration. period of time. The economic independence of individual territories covered by UES networks may lead to the fact that management criteria for different parts of the UES (IPS, EPS) will be different and will require their mutual coordination using special algorithms. When forming and solving problems in automated control systems, it is necessary to ensure the requirements for the quality of electrical and thermal energy and for the reliability of power supply and heat supply to consumers.

The information support of the ASDU consists of the following information:

· meteorological situation forecast - to increase the accuracy of load forecasting and equipment failure probabilities;

· maneuverability characteristics of units and power plants - to calculate their available and operating power and the composition of operating and backup equipment on them;

· failures of the main equipment of the UES - for calculating and predicting its reliability indicators;

· quality of fuel supplied to thermal power plants;

· the state of the main equipment (generators, power lines, transformers, etc.) - to make a decision on the time to take it out for repairs (determined in advance during its diagnostics);

· actually ensured reliability of power supply and heat supply to consumers - to select optimal ways to increase it;

· forecasting water inflow into hydroelectric power station reservoirs - to optimize electricity production at hydroelectric power stations.

The necessary information comes from outside or is generated within the UES during the management process. In the management process, the largest volumes of information are generated and used at the pace of the process of production, transmission and distribution of electricity. Different controlled processes change in different ways: quickly, not fast enough and slowly, respectively, the delays in the implementation of control actions will be different, and the time for obtaining and using information will also be different.

The information provided by telemechanics is called telemechanical. Let us consider the approximate acceptable ranges of its delay when transmitting from control objects to the control center ( control information) and back ( team information):

· information for automatic emergency systems (tele-shutdown) - tens of milliseconds;

· telesignalization of the position of switches and disconnectors - seconds;

· telemetry of controlled parameters (instantaneous values) - units and tens of seconds;

· telemetry, telecalculation (integral values) - several tens of seconds;

· telemetry and telecommands for automatic control systems - up to 1 s;

· telecontrol (TC) - a few seconds;

· response telesignaling (after technical specifications) - up to 10 s;

· inter-level machine exchange between computer information databases OIUC - several minutes;

· dispatch list for energy production and consumption - 1 time per hour.

The quality of telemechanical information is determined by the error (accuracy class) of all devices included in the information transmission chain, and ranges from a fraction of a percent to several percent.

In addition, the delay of television broadcasts has a significant impact on the quality of television information. To reduce this delay, it is necessary to increase the frequency of measurements and the speed of information transfer, which requires expanding communication channels and increasing their cost. The use of existing communication channels without expanding them requires the use of information compression methods, adaptive message transmission algorithms, a priority system, etc.

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The development of an IS for a taxi dispatch service is carried out using the example of the compiled catalog of a taxi dispatch service. The catalog will show cars, their drivers, clients, dates of orders, order fulfillment, order cost, order addresses.

1. Subject area

The area of ​​consideration is the activities of taxi service dispatchers, who must:

Maintain a list of clients in which you enter the card number, first and last name, home address and mobile phone number.

A list of cars in which you enter the car number, car make, car license plate, car driver.

A list of orders in which the order code, order date, car number, card number, order amount, order status are entered.

A list of drivers, in which the driver’s last name, first name, and length of service are entered.

2. Formulation of the problem

The development of process models is illustrated by the example of creating the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

Modeling of system elements.

IDEF0 diagrams

DFD Charts

3. Conceptual requirements

To design the database, the universal design method ER method (entity-relationship method) was chosen. When using this method, it is necessary, first of all, to create an ER model that reflects the relationships between entities of a given subject area. Next, based on the ER diagram, databases are built.

Entities are conceptual requirements that must be taken into account when developing a database: catalogs of clients, orders, cars, drivers.


To create a database, it is necessary to uncover the essence of the conceptual requirements and normalize them. Table normalization is a sequential change in the structure of the table until it satisfies the requirements of the last form of normalization.

I normal form

A table is in first normal form if and only when none of the fields contains more than one value and any key.field is not empty.

We reveal the essence of conceptual requirements:

Cars (Car Number, Car Brand, State Number of Car, Driver).

Client (Card Number, Last Name, First Name, Home Address, Phone Number).

Order (Order Code, Order Date, Order Time, Car Number, Card Number, Order Amount, Order Status).

Driver (Last name, first name, length of service).

II normal form

A table is in second normal form if it satisfies the requirements of first normal form and all its fields that are not included in the primary key have a full functional dependence on the primary key:

Table 1 - Car

Table 2 - Orders

Table 3 - Clients

III normal form

A table is in third normal form if it satisfies the requirements of second normal form and none of its non-key fields is functionally dependent on any other non-key field:

Figure 3 - Car table

Figure 4 - Orders table

Figure 5 - Clients table

Figure 6 - Driver table

4. Structural scheme

Based on the third normal form, we create a structural diagram of the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

Creating a database structural diagram.

Enter the data schema: Working with Databases tab.

On the toolbar, click “Data Schema”.

Figure 7

Window with a list of tables

Double click on the table name to add tables to the field

Figure 8

Establish a relationship between tables

Figure 9

5. Work order

First, let's create a database by clicking "File - New - New Database". Set the database name, save location, and click Create.

Figure 10

Now we set the table structure.

On the Home tab, select the “Design” mode.

Figure 11

Save the table under the selected name.

Figure 12

Create a table in the designer window.

Figure 13

6. Creating Tables in Design View

Click “Create table in design mode.”

Enter a field name.

Select data type.

Set the primary key by clicking on the “Key” button on the toolbar, after placing the cursor on the field to the left of the desired name (the key field must be in the first place in the list of fields).

Set the name of the closing table after entering all the required fields and their types.

The tables are built in a similar way:



Creating a relationship between tables.

Click on the “Data Schema” icon on the toolbar to open the data schema.

From the additional “Add tables” window that appears, click on the required table names and click on the “Add” button.

Merge key fields of tables: by clicking the mouse, select a field in one of the tables that will be combined in the field of the same name in another table, and, holding down the mouse, drag this field onto the field to be joined. Release the mouse, and the “Change connections” window will open indicating the fields of the corresponding tables to be connected and the type of connection of these fields: “one-to-one”, “one-to-many”:

If the connection type is “one-to-one”, check the data integrity checkbox and click OK.

With the one-to-many type of communication.

Ensuring data integrity.

Cascade update of related fields.

Cascade deletion of related fields.

Click OK.

As a result, we have a diagram of connections between the tables of the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

7. Creating Forms

Go to the Create tab. Click on the “Form” button on the panel at the top. A form is created to fill out. Save the form under the name “Input Form”. Save. Right-click on the name of the form and select “Form Mode”. Or in the “Creation” tab, select “Form Wizard”:

8. Creating queries

taxi database constructor

Types of requests:

Simple query - creating a query from specific fields.

Cross-Query - Create a query that displays data in a compact format, similar to a spreadsheet.

Duplicate Records - Create a query to find duplicate records in a simple table or query.

Non-Subordinate Records - Create a query to find records that do not match any records in the subordinate table.

Simple request

On the Create tab, in the Queries group, click Query Wizard.

Figure 14

In the New Query dialog box, select the Simple Query option and click OK.

Figure 15

Figure 16

In the Tables and Queries group, select the table that contains the data you need. Note that you can use another query as the data source. Once you select a table, its fields appear in the Available Fields area.

9. Crossrequest

On the Create tab, in the Other group, click Query Builder.

Figure 17

In the Add Table dialog box, double-click each table or query that you want to use as record sources.

Add the fields you want to use to the Selected Fields list, and then click Next. Now you should set the grouping criteria used to divide your rows into columns

Add the fields you want to use to the Selected Fields list, and then click Next. Now you need to set the grouping criteria used to divide your rows into columns. At this point, you can select one field.

Select the field to group the columns and click Next. The last step is to select the calculation you want to perform to get your results. Select the field to calculate and then the function to calculate the summary data.

10. Generating reports

In order to create a report, you need to go to the “Creation” tab and select “Report”

Reports can be created using:

Report designer.

Report Wizards.

And manually.

In our database, a report is created using the Report Wizard. You need to click on “Report Wizard”. A window will open.

Figure 18

We transfer the available fields one by one by clicking the “>” button.

To transfer all fields at once, click the “>>” button

Figure 19

In the next window you can distribute grouping levels.

In the next step, you can select the type of report layout, as well as select portrait or landscape orientation.

You can attach stickers to the report. You can also create a blank report.

At the end of the database creation, an overall report should be created that includes all the fields.


The development of a taxi dispatch service process model was carried out using the example of compiling a taxi dispatch service catalogue.

The taxi dispatch service catalog shows the cars of their drivers, clients, dates of orders, order fulfillment, order cost, order addresses.


1. Gvozdeva V.A., Lavrentieva I.Yu., fundamentals of building automated information systems - Moscow, Publishing House Forum - INFRA - M, 2007. - 320 p.

2. Fufaev D.E., Fufaev D.E. Development and operation of automated information systems - Moscow, Academy Publishing Center, 2010. - 304 p.

3. Gagarina L.G., Kiselev D.V., E.L. Fedotova. Development and operation of automated information systems - Moscow, Publishing House Forum - INFRA - M, 2009. -384p.

4. Dimov Yu.V. Metrology, Standardization and Certification - Peter, 2005

5. Pirogov V.Yu. Information systems and databases: organization and design: textbook. Manual - SPB.BVH- St. Petersburg, 2009. -528 p.

6. Kharitonova I.A., Mikheeva V.D. MicrosoftAccess 2000 - St. Petersburg. : BVH-Petersburg, 1999. - 1088 p.

7. Maksimov N.V. and others. Modern information technologies. Textbook-M: “FORUM”: INFRA-M, 2011.

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UDC 614.8:351.86+519.8

Problems of organizing information interaction between duty and dispatch services of emergency operational services in the process of creating System-112

V. N. Zubkov, S. V. Ageev, O. V. Denisov, V. V. Tyminsky, A. S. Akulshin Abstract

The article outlines the main problems of creating and operating information systems for emergency services.

Key words: System-112, emergency call, unified duty dispatch service of the municipality, decision support, automated tools.

Problems of the Organization Information Interaction of Emergency Field services in the Course of Creation of systems-112

V. Zubkov, S. Ageev, O. Denisov, V. Tyminsky, A. Akulshin, Abstract Abstract

In the article the basic problems of creation and functioning of information systems of emergency field services are stated.

Key words: System-112, call emergency services, united dispatch office of the municipal entity, decision support, automated tools.

Long before the idea of ​​creating System-112, various services appeared in Russia and still exist to this day, which receive calls from the public about various incidents and organize an emergency response to them. In this case, the applicant himself qualifies the problem event for which he wishes to receive help with the competence of the operational service known to him and chooses which emergency service to address his problem using one of the specialized service numbers (01, 02, 03, 04, etc.). As a rule, this does not cause any difficulties. Cases of contact “at the wrong address” are not systemic, and their number does not exceed the usual

a large number of false messages received by these services.

In cases where the integrated use of forces and means of several operational services is required, various joint orders, instructions, regulations and agreements organize quite effective interaction through the duty (dispatch) services.

In order to optimize the work of dispatch personnel in receiving, processing, registering messages and organizing a prompt response to them, departments have developed and effectively applied various algorithms and rules. In modern conditions

Almost everywhere, registration of messages and actions of forces and means to respond to them, as well as recording of response results, is carried out in electronic form (from simple forms in Word or Excel format to certain “programs” developed, as a rule, by local departmental specialists). The development of full-fledged dispatch systems always requires high-level specialists from various fields in the field of information technology, so there are actually few such systems today. At the same time, even within the framework of one department there is no unified approach, so different divisions in the territories are equipped with different systems from different developers, with different levels of functionality, and varying degrees of automation. This is surprising, since the structure of the divisions of all the departments under consideration is strictly centralized from the federal to the municipal levels, all departments have algorithms and rules approved by these departments for receiving, processing messages, organizing responses to them, recording results and statistics, which are the same for all departments of this department in all subjects.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have made and are making efforts to create systems and complexes that automate operational dispatch functions, however, the systems centrally developed and implemented in these departments are more information-reference and accounting-statistical in nature than operational dispatch and manager.

It should be noted that the algorithms and rules for receiving, processing, recording messages, organizing a response to them with forces and means, taking into account the results of the response (resolving situations) are not fundamentally different in all emergency operational services. This conclusion can also be confirmed by understanding the chronology of actions of any services when responding to an incident report that falls within their competence:

a) receiving, processing and recording messages;

b) organizing a response to a message - dispatching a message to services (divisions, officials) competent to resolve them;

c) control (tracking) of response actions, coordination of the actions of various participants who directly respond to subordinate forces and means;

d) information support for decision-making (if necessary) for response participants;

e) registration of intermediate and final results; generation of statistical reporting, maintaining a database of incidents.

This suggests that it is possible to develop a unified software and hardware complex that would automate this process on the same principles in all emergency services or in any of them.

An analysis of the systems used in various ministries and departments of the Russian Federation that automate the process of operational dispatch control,

To date, I have not identified the presence of any automated system that unites, to a greater or lesser extent, various duty and duty and dispatch units of operational services on a single organizational, software and hardware platform, on common management principles. This approach greatly complicates the organization of interaction between duty units within the department, and even more so with the DDS of other departments.

With the advent of the idea (concept) of creating System-112, it became possible to create a software, hardware and information platform that would unite all DDS of emergency operational services (and, possibly, not only emergency ones) into a single information space (or even the “e-emergency” community - electronic emergency services) in order to make it convenient for the population to call emergency operational services using the “one window” principle and organize a set of measures to ensure an accelerated response and improve the interaction of operational services when receiving calls (incident reports) from the population. The unified software and hardware complex of System-112 could become a software basis (module) for organizing information interaction between the DDS of operational services in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Thus, System-112 can become the information and communication platform of the subject’s integrated operational dispatch control system (OSODU).

However, first, based on the tasks and functions assigned by the Concept to System-112, it is necessary to understand what System-112 is: information (informing), dispatch, control system or all together, and then determine the role and place of this system among other systems of the subject , implementing similar and related tasks and functions.

The system that receives and processes messages (information) from the applicant, according to GOST definition, is informational and does not need confirmation or proof of this fact. Also, the Concept clearly distinguishes control rooms among the tasks of System-112 - receiving messages and transmitting information about the incident to the DDS in accordance with their competence to organize an emergency response; registration and documentation of all incoming and outgoing messages, generation of statistical reporting on messages. From the definitions of the Concept it follows that System-112, according to the tasks assigned to it, is an operational dispatch system.

What is the role and place of the operational dispatch System-112 in the general structure of the divisions and services of the subject that implement similar operational dispatch functions in accordance with the competence and assigned powers?

The concept defines System-112 as a geographically distributed information system designed to unite emergency dispatch services on the basis of unified duty dispatch services (EDDS) of municipalities.

national operational services (fire service; emergency response service; police service; ambulance service; emergency gas network service; Anti-Terror service).

The description of the algorithm of actions of the “112” operators includes management functions, and also provides for a management vertical; therefore, we can consider that System-112 is an information-control system.

Most disputes occur on the basis of agreement or denial of this approach.

From our point of view, System-112 is an information system in its daily operation, but when switching to an “emergency” mode, it must be able to intercept the control function, which, in general, is included in the Concept.

To finally bring together the positions of supporters of System-112 as informing and considering it as a manager will be possible through the development of a regulatory legal act, possibly a Model Regulation on OSODU of the subject or System-112 itself, which will reflect and legislate the role and place of the EDDS and each emergency operational service . In turn, understanding the goals, objectives and functions of OSODU as a whole and its individual elements, especially EDDS, will make it possible to prepare technical requirements for a software and hardware complex that automates management processes and interdepartmental interaction between individual elements of the system.

In accordance with the Concept for the creation of System-112, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, its construction should be based on the EDDS of municipalities. Therefore, one of the key points in creating System-112 is determining the status and legal framework of the EDDS.

The analysis of EDDS created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation showed that, as a rule, they do not have any staff, much less legal status (an independent legal entity, organization), but are some kind of non-staff units under the administration. This approach underestimates the role and place of the EDDS in the system of emergency response to emergencies, and also does not allow for the proper organization of financial support for this service, and therefore the system as a whole.

The analysis of the forms and methods of creating the EDDS showed that the most rational is to create the EDDS on a regular basis as an independent legal entity, for example a special municipal institution, or as part of an emergency rescue unit, which is also a municipal institution.

Depending on the administrative-territorial division of the region and the population in municipalities, it is possible to create such institutions in each district or one for the entire subject with a branch network in other districts.

This approach, in our opinion, will make it possible to solve problems of both an organizational nature when creating System-112, and in the future to resolve the issue of

Also, one of the key points in creating System-112 is assessing the readiness of the information and communication (IC) infrastructure of the region for the possibility of using modern information technologies (IT) in the emergency call system. As the analysis showed, communication channels between the emergency response services in most regions of the Russian Federation were created in the 60s and are physically worn out, which periodically leads to problems with the communication operator communicating the call to emergency services, and even more so organizing the transfer of information (data), duty and dispatch personnel do not have access to modern information tools and technologies. According to the Concept, System-112 is a multifunctional information and communication territorially distributed system, which involves the creation of a developed and modern telecommunications component, i.e., fiber optic data transmission channels with sufficiently high throughput and reliability, the introduction of WEB technologies into the data transmission system and calls between EDDS and DDS.

Therefore, in order to select regions for the purpose of phased implementation of System-112, it is currently necessary to develop a methodology for assessing the readiness of regions, including DDS of emergency services, for the implementation of System-112, which, in our opinion, is one of the components (segment) of the information system being created in Russia society.

An analysis of the deployment and operation of System-112 in pilot regions showed that the most important in terms of organizing information interaction between departmental DDS is the subsystem for receiving and processing calls (incident reports) received by the unified duty dispatch service. This subsystem includes a call center (CC).

The subsystem for receiving and processing calls, or the so-called dispatch subsystem, is the control subsystem in the automated system (AS) of the EDDS.

Currently, several software and hardware options for constructing this subsystem are possible from the point of view of organizing interdepartmental interaction.

Let's look at the two most common options.

Option 1

Emergency services emergency services (01, 02, 03, etc.) already have their own departmental dispatch systems.

In this case, special software (SPO) must be created to process calls for the call center based on the EDDS and for the DDS of the emergency operational service, territorially corresponding to the EDDS. In practice, this can be realized by placing in the DDS a remote client workstation with open source software TsOV EDDS in addition to the departmental one

An automated workplace for receiving incident reports or, at best, developing a special integration software module to ensure information interaction between the SPO TsOV EDDS and special DDS software for emergency services.

The positive thing about this decision is that the deployment of the system and its implementation in the DDS occurs without a radical disruption of existing departmental automated tools that have proven their effectiveness to users through practical operation.

The disadvantages of this approach are determined by the direct method of its implementation. So, for example, when placing an additional client workstation in the DDS of the emergency service with the open source software TsOV EDDS, the operator will have to process messages received through the System-112 line and through the departmental system separately. To equalize statistics in both systems, the operator will have to manually transfer information from one to another, which not only does not speed up the process of processing messages and responding to them, but also inclines the operator, in a certain sense, to “sabotage” the new system, giving priority to the work, albeit not modern and less functional, but more familiar to the old system. In addition, one of the tasks facing System-112 is “harmonizing the method of calling emergency services with the legislation of the European Union,” and in accordance with European requirements, the operator must have one automated workstation (one keyboard, mouse, etc. .). The implementation of integration modules is problematic for another reason. A simple calculation of the number of DDS of potential integration objects shows that in practice, in the best case, it will be necessary to integrate with four to six AS in the subject - services 01, 02, 03, 04, emergency response service (or TsUKS), Anti-Terror service. Moreover, in each subject it is possible to have AS different from the AS in the same service in the neighboring region. That is, we have more than 250 potential integration objects. In addition, an analysis of the presence and state of automated systems in emergency services emergency services shows that most emergency services are not equipped with any dispatch programs, or even more or less modern information, reference or accounting and statistical systems. Therefore, integration will cause difficulties at the software level. To successfully interface systems, developers need to open up their developments to each other, and information security specialists need to make additional efforts to protect their networks and information resources after integration. The position of many heads of services, aimed at a certain departmental isolation, is also not conducive to effective work on integration. With significant organizational efforts and certainly large expenditures of both financial and resources of specialists in the field of information technology, the positive effect of the implemented solution is not at all obvious.

Option 2

As we mentioned above, the analysis showed that in most cases, departments do not have an automated system at all; messages are often recorded in a log, the response is organized and the actions of forces and resources are coordinated by telephone.

We also mentioned above the unity of the basic algorithms and principles for receiving, processing, recording incident reports, organizing a response to them and managing subordinate forces and response means in all emergency services of operational services, regardless of their scope.

In this case, the most rational thing is to develop a certain unified automated system that automates the processes of operational dispatch control in each of the DDS separately and OSODU as a whole, and put it on supply in all departments. A unified system should ensure the principle of entering data through one application only once; the data should be accessible to other applications without copying them. All actions of the operator (dispatcher) in the system must be automatically recorded in real time, storing information about who performed this action and when, so that the incident and the actions of emergency personnel regarding it can be completely restored, including for training purposes. goals.

When implementing this task, certain difficulties are also inevitable, related, on the one hand, to the need to develop a unified system for several services, which, despite the similarity of the principles of operational dispatch control, still objectively have their own specifics. On the other hand, the subjective, isolated position of managers and specialists in these departments and services will not differ significantly from the position when developing integration modules.

However, in this option, the positive aspects seem obvious - each department receives a specialized software product, developed in agreement (or with the participation) “for the tasks” of this department; the subject's crisis management system receives the unity of the software platform of all DDS, EDDS and TsUKS, which makes it possible to implement uniform and agreed rules for information exchange in the RSChS system. In addition, taking into account the role and place of System-112 discussed above in the subject’s OSOD, it is advisable to develop an AS within the framework of this particular project.

Each option has the right to exist and can be implemented in one or another subject.

But, in our opinion, the second option is more preferable, which is more complex at the initial stage (when developing a single AS), but subsequently, when replicating the system in the regions, the implementation effect eliminates the problems that arose during development.

The fact that the Concept provides for the deployment of System-112 on the basis of municipal EDDS

formations, which are the bodies of daily management of the territorial subsystem of the RSChS of the subject, seems correct and very justified. Today, the EDDS has legitimate powers to organize and implement the day-to-day management of the DDS, including emergency operational services (defined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation...), but in fact there is no technical basis for management. On the other hand, System-112 has such a software and hardware basis. The similarity of most tasks and functions also allows us to consider System-112 based on the EDDS of municipalities as an integral part of the operational dispatch control system based on the day-to-day management bodies of the territorial subsystem of the RSChS, i.e. based on the EDDS. And the centralization of operational dispatch control of all DDS of all interacting services, and not just operational ones based on the EDDS, is another argument in favor of developing a standard automated system of a unified operational dispatch control system for the subject.

But at the same time, it is necessary not to forget that System-112 is a complex information and communication system, which should become a certain segment of the information society being created, allowing the population to receive timely, prompt and qualified assistance. And this is impossible without the training of highly qualified duty and dispatch personnel or human capital proficient in modern information technologies, and without the creation of the proper information and communication infrastructure in the region. Otherwise, all efforts to implement System-112 can be reduced to a pile of purchased so-called hardware, on which more and more presentations about System-112 will be shown, but which will never function at the proper level.


1. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2008 No. 1240-r on approval of the Concept for the creation of System-112.

2. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 15, 2008 No. 779 “On the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2008 No. 1240-r.

3. Ministerial Order No. 379 dated October 27, 2009 “On the creation of a working group to deploy a system for calling emergency services through a single number “112” on the basis of the EDDS of municipalities in the Russian Federation.”

4. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated April 9, 2009 No. 224 “On developing the methodology for the deployment and operation of a system for providing calls to emergency operational services through a single number “112” on the basis of the EDDS of municipalities in pilot regions of the Russian Federation.”

5. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 1, 2009 No. 331 “On an interdepartmental working group to develop a methodology for the deployment and operation of a system for providing calls to emergency operational services through a single number “112” on the basis of the EDDS of municipalities in pilot regions of the Russian Federation.”

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No. 894 “On approval of the list of emergency operational services, the call of which must be provided by the telecom operator around the clock and free of charge, and on the assignment of a single number for calling emergency operational services.”

7. Decision of the board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated August 29, 2007 No. 7/1 “On preparation for the deployment on the territory of the Russian Federation of a system for calling emergency operational services through a single number “112”.

9. GOST R22. 7.01-99 EDDS. Basic provisions.

Zubkov Vasily Nikolaevich, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Kursk Region, head. Ageev Sergey Vladimirovich, Ph.D. Sc., Federal State Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies (FC), leading researcher. Denisov Oleg Vyacheslavovich, Central Branch of the Federal State Institution VNII GOChS (FC), head.

Tyminsky Vladimir Valentinovich, State Institution "TsUKS EMERCOM of Russia for the Kursk Region", head. Akulshin Sergey Borisovich, State Institution "TsUKS EMERCOM of Russia for the Kursk Region", specialist.
