The bitter truth about sitting at the computer for a long time. My child is constantly sitting at the computer! A small dose of social media

When they start talking about addictions, including computer addiction, I become interested, analyze the information and, of course, try on myself what I would do in a given situation. I guess I'm addicted to the computer because... I work on the computer for a very long time, and when I don’t have work, I just look through the pages of websites... I know how to stop sitting at the computer and how to get rid of addiction, because... I was quite able to give up games, and I probably would have been able to give up the Internet too, if not for work, because of which I have to come back all the time. So, here are some really working tips that you can apply if you want.

If you often sit at the computer and cannot quit this activity, try following the following tips.
1. Find yourself an alternative activity, just do something else - it often happens that we kill time, some sitting in front of the TV, some on a bench with a bottle of beer, and if you need to give up long periods of sitting at the computer, then you need a new activity.
2. Set limits for yourself - for example, you can only work for a certain time, maybe before the alarm goes off, or maybe from 8 to 9 o’clock. If you have some free time, use it to do something useful, you can read an interesting book - not about computers, just fiction, about love :) for example, but if you just sit, you will most likely return to the computer.
3. Five minutes before the end of work, begin to prepare yourself for the fact that you will soon finish work, mark for yourself how many pages you need to look through. If you want to wean your child off, then go into the room and say “five more minutes and lunch”, no one will get up from the computer right away, you can make a row, pull him out by the collar, but this will cause a lot of negative emotions, and if you are in five minutes, the child will be mentally and morally ready for the fact that he will have to get up from behind the computer. Take up free time – there should be no choice between doing nothing and sitting at the computer.
4. Prepare yourself, you must come to the conclusion that if you do not view all the sites today, do not complete the level to the end, you will be able to do it tomorrow, because tomorrow there will be many updates at once and you will view them at once, because The game has reached the point where you will start tomorrow, and it will be easier to complete the level with fresh strength. Use self-persuasion.
5. You need to resort to the help of other people carefully, otherwise they can get used to the role so much that they will ruin your whole life and you will develop conditioned reflexes - when you appear, you will be angry, remembering that this person is forcing you to do something that you don’t want . Therefore, my advice is not to aggravate relationships, do not talk about the dangers of sitting at the computer for a long time, but keep busy, take into account the properties of the psyche, the fact that the psyche is inert and any person who works or plays with passion will never immediately give up what they are doing.

People are designed in such a way that they need rest, and the best rest is a change of work :)
Relax more outdoors.

This electronic asshole is stealing your golden moments from perhaps your best years. Now think about why your best years look so bad. How much time is wasted! Not for entertainment, but for thoughtless, aimless gatherings in front of the monitor. Most people just sit there, not trying to find interesting information, but hoping that the information will find them. This results in a lack of personal time, work suffers, some suffer, their studies, some even their personal lives. At the university we had a teacher who did not allow us to spend a single second of class aimlessly. For an empty second glance out the window (not just sitting on the phone), she could, if God forbid she noticed, get kicked out of the couple. Because it’s all empty, it takes away the “golden minutes of the couple” and prevents the most important grains of knowledge from getting into your head. Deep down in our hearts, we wanted her to die in terrible agony from gangrene of the ass, but over time you begin to understand that she, in general, was right. Although it is impossible to sit for an hour and a half in maximum concentration.

We won’t tell you how not to waste time in life, because sometimes Oblomov’s “charming idleness” is simply necessary to unload an exhausted body. But we’ll probably tell you how not to waste it on the computer. Because this is a scourge... motherfucker.

Health is at risk

At this point, you will understand that it is not in vain that your grandmother constantly laments: “She sits in her computer and does not see the white light. Everything clicks and clicks!”

Please note that aimless gatherings are sometimes simply no worse than a productive worker under the control of a Cerberus boss. Emotionally you burn out like a candle wick. And what happens to your soul when, in addition to get-togethers, you need to do unpleasant work, I don’t think there’s any need to explain. It would seem that you should sit and work, but no, it’s impossible not to waste an hour or two. And so it is for many.

Therefore, before you open a tab on VK, remember the words of modern hippocrates that sitting in front of a computer screen for more than 4 hours a day can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (even if you do enough physical exercise throughout the week ), that is, work is killing you, and then there’s the thoughtless sitting around.

Some researchers swear by the Bible that too much screen time causes damage to brain tissue, which ultimately reduces the brain's ability to function. Well, the most common is carpal tunnel syndrome, to which the most avid computer users are most susceptible.

But that's not all. We don’t want to call you crazy, but if, God forbid, you have some minor violations, then the flow of easily accessible, like the ladies from the Red Light Boulevard, information online can feed you with unnecessary unnecessary thoughts. By the way, many hypochondriacs like to search the Internet for diagnoses of symptoms that have barely appeared. The result is panic and dark thoughts. We don’t call hypochondriacs mentally ill, it’s just self-medication, as Elena Malysheva says, “Mazday, paid medicine is foreign!”

Let's keep quiet about Internet addiction. Moreover, let’s not even mention the gaming room. We already know everything about them: addiction, then depression, anxiety, feelings of isolation, irritability, headaches, weight loss or weight gain. And all this gets worse with extra online hours. Also, sitting mindlessly, you simply don’t have time to do the work. There is little time left, and trying to do everything in time, you begin to get nervous and hysterical. As a result, a nervous system disfigured like a smoker’s lung and broken ribs from a customer to whom you did not deliver the order on time.
If you, like most people nowadays, don’t care about your health and don’t care about the risk of turning into a cardiovascular psychopath because you’re depressed, then move on.

Make a list of your favorites

You will need to write a list of sites, public pages and games visited by your person. Look at them. Look carefully. Now, with a cool head and common sense, exclude unnecessary ones from this list. Leave only those that you really cannot live without, and those that may be useful to you for life and work. Of course, you don’t need to think about BroDude, it’s definitely on the list of necessary sites. And now, leaving only the most necessary, with a slight movement of the hand, without regret, like Taras Bulba killing his Andriy, remove everything unnecessary, unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings and uninteresting public pages. Look, well, look! Isn't it a miracle? What a small but neat list it turned out to be.


However, some comrades, for example, bloggers, people working with information, need an abundance of information. Even arch-necessary. In such cases, the patient should not sharply limit the flow of information. Although bloggers also spend hours aimlessly sitting around meaningless. In this case, you need to create a schedule for using the computer. Set aside a certain amount of time for entertainment and other aimless pandemonium. Just no concessions. There wasn't enough time, there wasn't enough time. Be honest to yourself, not to us, don't deceive yourself.

You will immediately notice that for, in Nekrasov’s language, “fun” you don’t need so much time that you manage to do everything. You can even set a timer for yourself so that God forbid you miss hour X - the hour when you need to start working. By the way, some people recommend working hard first, and then playing with toys and communicating with distant relatives. Just the desire to have fun and relax will be enveloped in black smoke, and the work will be completed faster. Plus, you'll be so tired that you won't be able to sit for very long.

A small dose of social media

Anti-stick technology

Well, and finally. Internet technologies, if you don’t know it, also take care of your life. The accounting program Yaware.TimeTracker will help you make sure that the reason for your “underachievement” is ineffective use of time. By installing it on your computer, you will be able to control your Internet usage and avoid falling into the traps that are so generously placed on the Internet.

The browser will also help you avoid quicksand. Google Chrome has such an extension – Blocker. In the settings of this extension, you can specify a list of addresses to which you want to block access. Now, when you try to launch something prohibited, you can see an eloquent inscription: “Do something useful!” If you really, really want to watch something, for example, on YouTube that you have blocked, then you can click on the unlock button and enter a twenty-digit randomly generated code. At number 14 you will wonder if you really need to watch this video. Unless, of course, this is something as important as Pakhom’s performance in the “Battle of Psychics.” Then it's better to unblock it for a while. There are simply holy things.

We know that, in general, we have not offered you anything new. Did you think we would tell you the magical method of the Uruguayan healer Cosvidubl, according to which you need to eat a toad’s liver on the full moon, and everything will go away? No, in this case you can go to church, light candles and ask God for deliverance from addiction. True, you still have to promise something in return. If this helps you, we are glad. But in any case, to solve any problem, you need to make an effort.

Are you worried about spending too much time on the Internet? Although the Internet can be a good source of relevant information and also provide a great opportunity for social communication, many of us begin to suffer emotionally and physically from the side effects of excessive computer use. There are many different options you can take to curb your computer habits and spend more time away from your screen.


Identifying the Sources of the Problem

    Figure out what you're risking. Sitting in front of a computer screen for too long isn't just a waste of time. This can cause physical and emotional burnout. Understand that spending too much time on the computer can have a negative impact on you. Correctly understanding the potential risk will give you additional motivation to reconsider your habits.

    Make a list of what you do on your computer. To understand where and how you spend too much time on your computer or laptop, track the sites you visit and analyze everything else you do on your computer. Which sites are causing the problem? Calculate how much time you spend on the Internet.

    • Do you use the Internet mainly for social networking? Are you a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram user? Have you found yourself mindlessly scrolling through your news feed? Try to figure out why you are so interested in social networks and how you could reduce the time you spend on them.
    • Many people use the Internet to watch television, movies and other video materials. Do you spend a lot of time on Netflix and YouTube? Is watching videos the main form of your recreation? Is there anything else you could do instead of relaxing by watching videos online?
    • Are you overly obsessed with the news? Do you read the New York Times, Huffington Post and other news websites to keep up with the rest of the world? If so, could you subscribe to a few magazines or read a newspaper instead of checking the news feeds solely on your computer?
    • Do you play any games? Many people use their computer primarily for gaming, whether it be online battles with other players or single-player games. How many hours do you spend playing computer games every evening/night?
    • Track how much time you spend on your computer during the week, make a complete list of all the sites you visit and all the tasks you do on your computer. Try to figure out which sites, applications or games take up the most time from you.
  1. Analyze how much time you spend in front of a computer screen. Many people are very surprised after they calculate how much time they spend sitting at the computer. Find out approximately how many hours a day you spend in front of a computer screen. This may give you more motivation to reduce your screen time.

    Changing the way you use the Internet

    1. Develop a schedule for using the Internet. When it comes to using a computer, you cannot completely give it up. We are increasingly dependent on the Internet and email for work, social life, paying bills and shopping. Developing a schedule for Internet use is the most viable option for resolving the issue. Simply limit the time you spend online without having to completely eradicate your habit.

      Use technology to your advantage. There are many applications and add-ons (add-ons) that can block your access to those websites that take up a lot of your time. If self-control does not help you reduce the time you spend sitting at the computer, then spend some effort installing such an application.

      Uninstall everything you don't need. If you spend a lot of time on your computer playing games or some other applications, then consider maybe it's time to uninstall them.

      Make it difficult for yourself to access. Sometimes the “out of sight, out of mind” principle effectively helps reduce the time spent on the computer. Difficult access to the Internet or laptop in itself can give you extra time to think about what you are doing, so you can come to the right decision and take a break from the computer.

      Take breaks. Even if we are careful about the time we spend on the computer, sometimes we still have to use the computer for work or study. If this is also true for you, take breaks to minimize the physical and emotional side effects of spending too much time on the computer.

    Changing your usual lifestyle

    1. Find yourself a hobby. Often the computer serves as the main form of recreation for a long time. If you've gone down this route in terms of your entertainment activities, then try to find some new hobbies to help you combat excessive internet use.

      • If you want to do something after work, try crossword puzzles, Sudoku, board games and cards. If you live with a roommate, family, or someone else who is important to you, suggest a weekly game night.
      • Set yourself days without the Internet or days with limited Internet time and use this time for other activities. Hiking in nature often helps reduce Internet addiction. Try organizing hikes on weekends or jogging after work.
      • If you read a lot online, then consider buying real paper books and subscribe to magazines that interest you. Evening reading can help you get away from the computer.