Electronic money. Electronic payment systems

Hi all! Today we will talk about electronic payment systems. I will tell you what they are for and what they are.

What are electronic payment systems

Virtual payment systems are designed to pay for services via the Internet. Because money is transferred to the account quickly, large companies, mobile operators, banks, etc. use the method.

According to the payment scheme, they are divided into:

  • credit (work with credit cards);
  • debit (work with digital cash and checks).

About electronic currencies

In the lexicon of economists and ordinary Internet users, the term " Electronic money" or " EPS". The system rotates not cash, but virtual currency. People quickly transfer this money over the Web from one wallet to another. If desired, each person at any moment can exchange electronic finance for cash and non-cash funds.

Payment systems on the Internet have become commonplace. They are especially popular among those who spend time on the Web for work or pleasure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using electronic payment systems, a person receives the following benefits:

  • fast speed of purchasing goods and carrying out other operations;
  • low commissions compared to real stores;
  • ease of opening an electronic wallet;
  • full control over your income and expenses.

But there are a number of disadvantages, because of which many do not trust virtual currency:

  • deanonymity – all translations are recorded on the servers of the service. For full access, you must upload your personal data, including information from your passport.
  • Risk of Hacking - Hackers often break into people's wallets. The chance that your apartment will be robbed is much lower.
  • Blocking funds. When registering, the user concludes a special agreement with the payment system.


Almost all virtual payment systems work the same way. To start using any of them, you need to register and create a wallet.

When choosing a "payment", you should be guided by its capabilities so that it fully meets your needs.

most popular Electronic payment system in Russian-speaking countries are considered:

  • Advcash
  • Qiwi
  • perfect money
  • payer
  • bitcoin
  • Most Popular Electronic Payment System

Registration is always free. After it, you should understand exactly how you will receive money for the wallet. One of the common options is to give his number to the employer.

When buying goods or paying for services, you need to replenish your wallets with paper bills. You can do this through:

  • payment terminals;
  • exchange offices;
  • ATMs.

When registering in the electronic system, you need to enter only those data that correspond to reality. If necessary, technical support will require personal information from the user. When an account holder fails to show proof of identity, their wallet can be blocked.


Now you know all the theoretical foundations about payment systems. Decide for yourself which one you will use. It is recommended to register in several at once and look at the advantages of each of the systems.

How to choose the best payment system? Surely, when starting an Internet project, everyone faced this issue. Indeed, each business has many requirements in terms of the timing of the withdrawal of incoming funds, the maximum amount of commission, the necessary ease of integration and convenience for buyers. In addition, Internet business can be of different levels of riskiness and is often conducted from legal entities from offshore zones, which, of course, requires non-standard solutions. Next, we will consider the main electronic payment systems of the Internet that exist today, or rather their types with the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Electronic wallet systems such as QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex money, etc.

Payment intermediaries accumulating funds like PayPal or Moneybookers

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Internet electronic payment systems

In total, there are four main types of payment systems for the site:

1. Card payment systems for websites

Their typical representatives are not VISA and MasterCard themselves, but always a bunch of two legal entities, namely a bank and a processing company. Both of these organizations are always present and are essential elements of the card payments clearing procedure. The bank that opens the so-called "merchant account" is a repository for the received funds and is responsible for their "cleanliness". And the coordinator of the entire complex process of checking card data and the guarantor of transactionality is the processing center. At the same time, when a payment system for the site is connected, both of them can work with many other banks and processors. The only conditions are the existence of agreements and technical integration between the participants in the process.

When, when connecting to the payment system of bank cards, the question arises of contacting a bank or a processing company, the choice is made unconditionally in favor of the processing company. There are several reasons. Firstly, from the “bank + processing” bundle, only banks are responsible persons to card and interbank regulators, therefore it is incomparably harder to negotiate with a bank. Plus, as a rule, banks specialize only in certain types of businesses and do not work well with Internet companies that do not fall under their established template, and it is impossible to determine in advance whether a bank is suitable or not. Processing services, on the contrary, are not bound by strict requirements and the fear of losing a license and therefore are “absolutely flexible”, in addition, unlike banks, they employ IT specialists who are close to all your questions and who are always ready to suggest what and how best to do .

Given the above and the fact that both banks and processors work with many counterparties, it’s easy to understand that it’s easier to contact a processor that will almost certainly be able to work with you and then “fan out” your questionnaire to the banks with which it is integrated, rather than sorting through the banks in turn, waiting for one of them to agree and then, hoping that normal processing is cooperating with him.

With electronic currencies, everything is much simpler than with bank cards. Since these organizations simultaneously combine the functions of a technical provider when connecting, and a “central bank” for themselves, and a supervisory authority, and a legislator for their own money, it is easy to guess that under these conditions the bureaucratic component of connection is minimal. Of course, in Russia the Federal Law “On the National Payment System” has slightly increased the requirements for organizations, but in general, connecting to a payment system such as QIWI and WebMoney are the easiest non-cash payment solutions to integrate. Perhaps the only drawback of these systems is their low popularity, with the possible exception of such a group of buyers as technically advanced youth, which, of course, negatively affects the ability to use any electronic wallet as the main payment system for the site.

A special group of organizations that are, on the one hand, electronic wallets, and, on the other hand, work with real world currencies, are payment intermediaries. If you need a payment system for plastic cards, but you can’t go through the “compliance” procedure in any bank, or you just want to save time, then you can try contacting systems like PayPal or Moneybookers, which, acting on your behalf, will accept money into your account clients, and then transfer them to you. What is most interesting, commissions in such organizations can even be equivalent to normal processing. Unfortunately, in these systems there is always a requirement for each end buyer to complete the registration procedure, which greatly complicates the purchase process, which in the conditions of Internet commerce can become a fatal flaw.

Some processing centers working with VISA and MasterCard are striving to become universal payment systems. To do this, they integrate with many representatives of all previous groups. Due to the fact that they are the official distributors of all their counterparties, these "aggregators" provide their customers with "one-stop" services for connecting many payment solutions of "electronic wallets" and "payment intermediaries" at once.

As a rule, when contacting such an aggregator, a client only needs to fill out a questionnaire once, and then the aggregator takes over the entire process of working with other systems. At the same time, commissions and other conditions for each individual solution are always exactly the same as when working directly with service providers. The identity of the conditions with the end provider is a prerequisite for activity. One example of such an aggregator is our universal payment system Ecommerce Payments.

Dear Sirs, as you can see, we have done everything to become the most convenient and profitable way for you to receive payments. We own our own processing center, cooperate with many banks, and have organized a "one-stop shop" for connecting third-party providers. In addition, since our motto is "Everything for Internet business", we also provide legal and tax optimization services, as well as various consultations. Thanks to this, we are perhaps the most versatile online payment system in existence. We are always glad to see you.

In recent years, electronic payment systems have taken a firm place in the financial world, which is associated with the active evolution of money as a means of payment. In developed countries, this process has been rapidly developing over the past forty years, and in Russia - since the early 90s, which resulted in electronic money.

So, what is an electronic payment system? Briefly, electronic payment systems (EPS) can be described as a technology of direct mutual settlements between the participants in the transaction without additional conditions (interbank transfers, indication of personal data, etc.) via the Internet. Combined with speed, the use of EPS has contributed to the rapid development of e-commerce. Today EPS is a convenient payment method for mobile operators, Internet providers, large stores and many others. Let's try to understand how this happens.

Electronic money (ED) has gone through three stages of development. The first stage is magnetic credit and debit cards with extensive use of EPS. The second stage is the introduction of smart cards (with a stored amount). These EDs did not replace cash for their owners, but only made the management of bank accounts more efficient. So the main meaning of ED acquired a new meaning: a combination of the advantages of cash and electronic circulation of the money supply. The third stage in the development of electronic money - "network money" - has already made it possible to make "on-line" payments.

Today, several main technologies of payment systems are used as EPS:

  • use of credit schemes;
  • use of debit schemes
  • use of digital money.

The first of them - the most popular in the world - work with ordinary credit (plastic) cards (Visa, MasterCard, etc.). The second technology is based on the use of digital equivalents of checks and cash (NetCash, NetChex, NetBill, etc.). The third (the so-called payment gateways) is a category of electronic payment systems that translate the benefits of real cash into the Internet world (Citybank, DigiCash, PayCash, WebMoney, etc.). Let us consider in more detail the features of each type of EPS.

It has long been a tradition to calculate plastic card with online purchases. Credit card payment, accepted by a huge number of online stores around the world, is very popular. By the way, the presence of a psychological factor - the imperceptibility of ED - plays an important role. As a result, when paying with a card, its owner usually easily spends much more than when paying in cash. Of course, this circumstance plays into the hands of online stores. There are not many of them in Russia yet, so this service is not very developed due to a number of subjective and objective circumstances.

However, not only online stores welcome the use of credit cards. Offline sellers also accept them with pleasure, which is typical of both the world market and the Russian one, although credit cards are only gaining popularity in our country. At the same time, debit (salary) “plastics” are not very favored by both online and offline stores. This is explained by studies commissioned by MasterCard by IMCA, which showed that Russians spend on average 30% more money from credit cards than from debit cards. IMCA also found out that in Russia the average monthly cost for one credit card is about 8.5 thousand rubles, while for a debit card it is 2 thousand less. For those who use a plastic card at least 4 times a month, the same figures reach 13.5 and 9.15 thousand rubles. for each card, respectively.

However, sellers are not the only party interested in this system. Banks deliberately stimulate customer preference for credit plastic by simply setting the percentage for withdrawing money from credit cards higher than from debit cards. And it seems to the owner of a credit card to pay with it more economically than in cash, which leads to the mentioned psychological factor.

It is clear that all this is doubly convenient in an online store: money from a credit card is not only “easy” to spend, you do not need to pick up the card itself. The combination of the benefits of an online store and the convenience of the client is obvious: I went to the desired site, chose the product and the option "Pay with a plastic card", entered the card number and - get your purchase. I didn’t wander anywhere, I didn’t seem to spend money, but the thing you needed was already brought. The beauty! But, as usual - with spikes ... These spikes, that is, shortcomings, can hurt the user with the loss of money, since there is always a risk of losing credit card data. The situation is further complicated by the fact that with an electronic payment by card, it is practically impossible to 100% identify the payer, assuring that he is paying from his card. An online store can also get a shot in the form of a chargeback (fine, refund). The reputation of the online store, the payment system and the acquiring bank directly depends on their number, up to the possibility of further work. Chargeback is issued in case of receiving a refusal to make any purchase. Due to the lack of a signed receipt for an Internet purchase, this allows attackers (including true cardholders who colluded with someone) to make notes that "I (the real cardholder) did not make this purchase." According to analysts, the global damage from credit card fraud is measured in billions of dollars a year. So, according to the FTC, in the United States in 2003. amounted to about $ 50 billion. In Russia, the same figure almost reached $ 0.5 million (data from the GUBEP), and this is only taking into account the formation of the domestic credit plastic market at that time. The FTC notes that in the United States a victim of fraud in 2003. became every eighth owner of credit cards. Such sad statistics, of course, cannot but affect the trust of users in the use of electronic payments. Together with customers, all other participants in electronic payments, especially online stores, suffer from fraudsters. Factors contributing to the preservation of the number of consumers of EPS services, in addition to greater convenience and lower costs, are the security and confidentiality of settlements. So what is the electronic payment flow scheme and the main participants involved in it? Acceptance (processing) of plastic cards as a means of payment for Internet goods/services - Internet acquiring - includes:

  • buyer
  • online store
  • issuing bank (card issuer)
  • acquiring bank (conducting the primary processing of the transaction and providing the full range of operations with cards of partner banks)payment server (EPS, which ensures the security of the payment, etc.)

In some cases, there is no fifth participant, but due to the high degree of risk, such schemes are now practically not used. Visually, the scheme for implementing an electronic payment looks like this:

Essentially, the card EPS procedure ensures the security of card data transmission to the processing center of the acquiring bank. In fact, there are much more functions implemented, with many services, but guarantees are the main purpose of systems.

It turns out that card EPS play the role of an agent in managing operations with the card account of the cardholder. Representatives of this class of systems in Russia Cyberplat, Assist, Chronopay, etc. operate only with bank records, but not with the money itself. Against the backdrop of the traditional nature of Internet payments abroad, where plastic cards are the main means of payment, these systems have not yet become widespread in our country. In our country, the types of electronic payment systems operating with digital cash.

The use of digital cash provides a manageable level of owner anonymity, which prevents computer crime, and electronic cash flows can be tracked in real time, which is practically impossible when using "live" money. These advantages, against the backdrop of large-scale fraud, led to the emergence of this type of EPS, which work not with cards, but with their own currency in equivalent to real money at a stopped rate. By registering in the system, the client receives a personal Internet wallet. As it is replenished, the funds in it can be used to pay for goods and services in the online stores of the system. You can replenish your account, depending on the system, with a special prepaid card, bank or postal transfer, cash at special kiosks or exchange offices, and even ATMs of EPS partner banks. There are also a huge number of electronic exchange offices. As for the withdrawal of money from an electronic wallet, the maximum benefit for the system prevails here. For the client, this is an incomprehensible and inconvenient process, fraught with high interest rates, a meager number of ways to withdraw money, etc. What can not be said about using e-money from a wallet - there are plenty of options.

Advantages, however, can have a downside. The possibility of anonymity of the payer, on the one hand, allows him to make appropriate purchases, and the online store to avoid taxes. On the other hand, it is possible to deceive a client with one-day shops without providing paid goods and services.

Interestingly, initially e-money was conceived to pay for goods/services on the Internet. This explains the noticeable advance in the dynamics of the electronic payment market (70%-120%), the development of e-commerce (30%-45%). Nevertheless, the very idea of ​​digital cash in the current DigiCash design developed by Professor D. Chaum is definitely promising. And even with all the existing shortcomings, electronic money is quite firmly established in our daily lives.

Nevertheless, the development prospects and the future of such systems are not entirely clear. Despite the high level of protection, digital cash is still stolen, which representatives of payment systems explain by the user's ignorance of information security. So, first of all, it is necessary to determine their legal status. So, WebMoney calls itself a "system of property rights", "Yandex.Money" is a "prepaid financial product", and their activities are not regulated by the country's central financial institution. But in terms of virtual units, the role of EPS data in e-commerce and the commodity-money turnover of the country is increasing. At the same time, the fraud that exists in the traditional financial system is likely to find its place in the proposed systems of the future. Minimization of its distribution by ensuring the security and confidentiality of settlements using e-money can be solved by the development of legislation and the development of uniform standards for settlements.

It is undeniable that digital cash systems have already won their audience, ideally suited to a range of tasks. Of course, it is not yet possible to completely replace cash transactions. Cash transfers are quite inexpensive and their costs are low compared to the purchase price. Today, each e-transaction costs about 15 cents on average. It seems inexpensive, but at the cost of, say, a drink for 60 cents, it will be a decent cheat. But with expensive purchases, the effect will be the opposite. Considering the expansion of the potential audience of EPS, and given that businessmen and government organizations usually pay by check or other non-cash means, the transition from cash to electronic payments should be expected mainly in the household sector. But that's not all. If electronic payment systems prove to be cheaper or more convenient to use than traditional ones, then the business environment will be able to significantly increase the amount of working capital and, as a result, spend more. As a result, this will lead to an increase in their total income, which will also favorably affect the development of the economy as a whole. However, increasing sales is not the only benefit of electronic payment mechanisms. Their use can significantly reduce costs. It's no secret that cash management is an expensive, slow and insecure process. And systems that reduce the use of cash can reduce distribution costs, although they increase initial capital costs. In short, how much new forms of payments will reduce the total amount of costs in the short term will depend on the willingness of Internet providers to use them.

Summing up, we can say that in some cases, it is more convenient and easier to use digital cash systems than card ones. We repeat that in order to increase the reliability of this market and the degree of user confidence in it, a clear definition of the legal status and rules of the game for electronic payment systems operating with digital cash is necessary. To date, the general state of the market niche of payment systems in Russia is still at the stage of development. Accordingly, the volume of participants and the number of transactions carried out in comparison with North America and Western Europe is negligible. Nevertheless, observing some progress, it can be expected that the level of use of the Internet segment used for e-commerce will soon increase in Russia, along with the number of financial institutions and the quality of their services.

According to cnews website

Greetings friends.

It is difficult to imagine online payments, online investments, without the use of electronic money. Electronic payment systems have firmly entered our lives. Today we will talk about electronic payment systems ( EPS, electronic money ). Find out when the first electronic money appeared. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of electronic payment systems.

When the first sprouts of e-commerce began to emerge on the Internet in the early nineties of the last century, it quickly became clear that traditional financial institutions were poorly suited to the requirements and specifics of the World Wide Web. How do you imagine it - the purchase is made online, on the Internet, and you have to go back to the bank to pay for the goods? What then is the advantage? This is how digital money appeared and .

DigiChash, an electronic money payment service launched in 1994, is considered to be the first example of an electronic payment system. The founder of the common ancestor of today's e-money was a certain Mr. David Chaum from the sunny state of California, USA.

How electronic payment systems work.

There are a lot of electronic payment systems on the Web. Here are just a few of them:

The principles of functioning of electronic payment systems are different. Most founders of electronic payment systems tend to introduce their own digital currency. Since it is illegal to consider it money, nice-sounding symbolic names are invented:

  • Electronic payment obligations.
  • Certificates for specific online stores.
  • Gift certificates.
  • Digital letters of credit or checks.
  • Credit obligations with a guarantee in the gold reserve.

Experienced financiers understand that all these beautiful words mean only one thing - the complete absence of all kinds of legislative guarantees. In relation to electronic money, an ordinary user can only rely on the care of the owners of the electronic payment system about their reputation. After issuing its own virtual currency, the electronic payment system organizes a cloud financial infrastructure:

  1. The official portal where new members register and most transactions take place.
  2. Electronic wallets that record how much electronic money a particular depositor has.
  3. Electronic terminals or gateways for accepting payments on websites. All these critical nodes are united by a specially designed network of encrypted communication channels, through which the exchange of electronic money is carried out.
  4. Some electronic payment systems create their own networks of ATMs, electronic money exchange points for regular ones.

Additionally, each electronic payment system must establish links with real banks in order to convert real money into virtual. However, the dependence of EPS on conventional payment systems is minimal, which explains the presence of a large number of advantages of the former.

Advantages of electronic payment systems

  1. Almost instant transactions, money transfers, payment for goods, currency exchange.
  2. Due to the lack of a deployed physical infrastructure, the cost of an online transaction tends to zero. Most electronic payment systems on the Web try not to take commissions from ordinary users at all.
  3. Privacy and anonymity. This is an attractive moment for many semi-legal online services such as adult services or gambling.
  4. Simplicity and speed of opening electronic accounts.
  5. Replenishment of wallets and transfer of funds to real banks.
  6. Transaction security. If we omit the moment of trust in the payment system itself, then it is possible to protect currency transactions at the digital level much more reliably than at the physical level. Transferring web currency over an encrypted Internet channel is not like handing over a suitcase full of dollars in an abandoned warehouse.

Most of all, online payment systems are used by freelancers for settlements with remote customers, virtual casino players, online store buyers, and investors. Gradually, offline services are being drawn into the infrastructure of digital payments. It is very easy and fast to top up your mobile phone account with digital currency, pay the Internet tariff, even pay for some utilities.

Disadvantages of electronic payment systems

The disadvantages of electronic money stem from their incomplete legitimation. Not all services and purchases can be paid from your electronic wallet. Indeed, transactions with electronic money can be free, but converting into real banknotes is expensive. Since accredited banks do not convert virtual money into real money, private online exchangers charge huge percentages for transferring homemade certificates.

Due to weak government regulation and the difficulty of law enforcement control, scams and fraud flourish in the field of electronic money. In principle, any advanced user can concoct in five minutes on a free hosting “like a payment system website” or an exchanger, and for some time cut coupons from gullible users.

How to find out in practice whether this e-money service is fraudulent? It is necessary to check whether such banks of state importance as SBRF, Gazprombank, cooperate with this system. If the giants of the financial world agree to deal with EPS, then the average user has nothing to fear.

Future and prospects of electronic money

It is hard to imagine that states will long tolerate the existence of parallel financial institutions and even currency issuers with little government control. Evidence of this is adopted not so long ago.

So far, parliamentarians simply do not know what to do with it, with this Internet. When sorted out, electronic money is smoothly transformed into a conventional convertible currency. And then there will be peace and universal agreement at the level of fiscal structures in the world.

Already today, the largest payment systems on the Internet are closely cooperating with the state and are striving to obtain the status of legitimate financial organizations, to catch up with real banks and funds. Therefore, such services as WebMoney, Yandex.Money are vitally interested in the trust of users and will try to do everything to avoid any problems with electronic money transactions.

Successful Investments and success in all your affairs. See you on the blog pages.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Electronic money is becoming more and more dense in our lives. This is primarily due, which has now become one of the most necessary attributes of our life.

Moreover, it has long since crossed the level when we only scooped knowledge there. Now we live in the network - we communicate, buy, sell, pay for services, make friends, etc., etc. It is quite logical that in this environment there are their own systems of mutual payments, which allow moving away from primitive barter.

At the moment, there are already several dozen payment systems in Russia alone, and even more in the world. Of course, far from all of them are heard, but the very fact that there is competition gives ordinary users of electronic payments (all sorts of goodies for lure), which might not have been in the absence of a struggle for a client.

Of course, within the framework of one article, it will not be possible to cover all the players (and now there is still a wild hype around, which I wrote about in a separate publication), but we will definitely consider the most popular ones. At the end of the publication, I will also invite you to vote for the Internet currency that you personally prefer.

Three leading payment systems in Russia

It all started a very long time ago (mostly at the end of the last and the beginning of this millennium). At that time, monetary relations (electronic commerce, etc.) began to actively develop on the Internet, and plastic cards were the only available form of payment. The emergence of Internet money options has made it possible to significantly simplify the process of paying and receiving payments via the network (without leaving home).

But not only on the Internet, because now various electronic wallets offer you to use those lying on them not only for any operations within the Internet, but also in real life. So, for example, a system linked to an account, from which it will be possible to pay for your purchases in real life (supermarket, boutique, gas stations and other places where cards are accepted for payment). In fact, many payment systems already offer such services.

In Russia you can highlight 3 leading payment systems, but to put them in their strict places, I think, is unlikely to succeed. In each case, you will need to choose exactly according to your needs.

For example, Qiwi is truly a "people's" system and everyone who knows what payment acceptance terminals work with it. At the same time, WebMoney is used by almost everyone who earns in the Russian-speaking part of the Runet. Yandex Money and other electronic wallets have their own audience. But first things first.

Qiwi payment system

If the main complaints about working with Qiwi (and many other systems) relate to the work of their technical support service, then in the WebMoney payment system the main problem is. Personally, I solved this problem for myself, which does not allow making a single payment or authorization on sites without confirming this action on my mobile phone (a confirmation code comes in the form of SMS, or you put a special application on your phone to generate it).

Also, the safety and security of these electronic money depends. There are several of them, and I once wrote about some of them in some detail:

You also need to understand that there are various Internet currencies that are in circulation within this system. Currencies, of course, are conditional (in fact, these are just title units), but are rigidly tied to the official exchange rate of real currencies (fiat money) that coincide with them.

The main ones, of course, are dollars (WMZ) and rubles (WMR), but euros (WME), hryvnias (WMU), Belarusian rubles (WMB), etc. are also in circulation. In this regard, the need often arises. Read about the most profitable ways of this action in the above article.

Electronic Yandex Money

Personally, this system attracts me because you can link a plastic card from Yandex to your wallet so that you can later use it to pay in the store and in all other places where MasterCard is accepted. At the same time, the account on the electronic wallet is equated to the balance on the card and no interest is charged for such use of it (the commission is charged only when withdrawing money through an ATM). In my opinion, a very convenient way to withdraw pennies earned on the Internet.

This payment system allows you to deposit and withdraw funds in many ways, as well as pay for many services and goods. There is a mobile phone application that allows you to conveniently work with your e-wallet without having to download a browser. And in general about that, read in the given article.

8 best electronic payment systems in the world

- Once upon a time, the Payoneer Mastercard was the only acceptable way to withdraw funds earned by freelancers and stockers abroad. Now enough such systems have already appeared, but Peyoner (or Pioneer) is still very much in demand, because many bourgeois exchanges and earning sites cooperate only with him.

The main feature of the system is to receive a branded card and withdraw money from it earned in a foreign land through any ATM in the world. Although now it is possible to withdraw money from a Payoneer account directly to a local bank account and with a not very large percentage of the commission, many do not want to “shine” their income in the bank and use the card, because it is not associated with a bank account (prepaid) and problems with tax only when using it should not be.

Previously, withdrawing money from Adsense was rather inconvenient, but after connecting Rapida, everything became just fine (though only for residents of Russia). The fact is that in the Rapida system you can set up payment templates for the transit of electronic money from Adsense to any terminal options for cashing out convenient for you. Moreover, the templates are executed automatically when a payment is received from the Google contextual system.

Liqpay- Ukrainian payment system, the account in which is linked to the account in Privat-Bank. She positions herself as an alternative to the world-famous PayPal and Moneybookers, but in reality this is far, of course, not the case. Working with electronic money is quite safe, and read about the rest at the link provided.

10 most popular cryptocurrencies in the world

Cryptocurrency is generally difficult to attribute to payment systems, because due to the nature of this system, there can be no owners or people managing (and even administering) this system. She is launched and she begins to live her life without actually obeying anyone (all thanks to cryptography based on the great and terrible, which simply works wonders). This is its beauty and, in a sense, its disadvantage.

It is also difficult to equate crypto-currency with electronic money, because there is still no developed network of services and goods that could be bought with crypto-money. Somewhere something is possible, but it is still in its infancy. But at the same time, speaking of electronic money, it’s impossible not to plunge into the crypto world. Why?

because Cryptocurrency is a great tool for speculation, i.e. fast, often high-risk, but also very high earnings. Someone sells housing, and in a month or two doubles his capital. Someone plays "on a small scale" and has a stable additional source of income. There is a rush demand for cryptocurrency and it becomes more expensive.
