What is a hashtag and how to use it. How to use VKontakte hashtags How to set a hashtag in VKontakte

" Sound like a joke? Not at all... The conspicuous hash mark (#) has not only conquered cyberspace, but has also entered normal life.

On the streets and in the subway you can see billboards (from the English billboard - large billboards) with inscriptions that have a hash icon in the text.

For example, #IWORLDCLASS is a hashtag for a network of fitness clubs.

Rice. 1 Hashtag of a fitness club chain

Let's look at the main points about what you should know about the hashtag in order to stay in trend or simply be a literate Internet user.

What does a hashtag mean?

Hashtag (or hashtag) comes from the English word “hashtag”, which consists of 2 words: hash - the hash symbol and tag - label. You can find such a translation of the word “hashtag” as “distribution tag”.

A hashtag is a pound sign # followed by any word. The combination of a hash and a word (or words without spaces) has such an effect that the combination automatically turns into a link. If you click on a hashtag link, a selection of all messages (both yours and others) that contain this hashtag will open. Or you can enter a hashtag into a search, for example, into the search bar in , after which all messages with that hashtag will be found.

Messages, posts, and publications containing one or more hashtags are said to be “tagged with a hashtag.” You ask: how to tag a post with a hashtag? You just need to write one hashtag in your message. You can insert several different hashtags. Hashtags can be written at the beginning of the message, at the end or in the middle.

Where and why are hashtags used?

Hashtags are used mainly on social networks. They are used by ordinary users, but are most actively used by marketers, webmasters, and specialists in promoting a company’s brand, product, service, website or something else on social networks.

Of course, you can use hashtags not only on social networks, but also, for example, in:

Rice. 2 Enter the hashtag #ThankYouYandex into the Yandex search engine

Hashtags are used to label (tag, just from the word “tag”) any of your own messages published on the Internet. These tags are designed to combine disparate information according to common characteristics, which are hashtags.

Then, using such a tag, any Internet user can easily and quickly find the information of interest. Whoever and wherever tags different messages with the same hashtags, these messages will automatically become part of the same group. This unites, it helps to connect together largely different or, conversely, similar words, thoughts, phrases, articles, pictures and the like.

How to make a hashtag

You can take any word or several words (all words in the hashtag are written together, without spaces between words), be sure to put a # in front and... that’s it, the hashtag is ready .

5 writing rules:

1) The hashtag can be written in Cyrillic or Latin.

In RuNet (Russian-language Internet) you can also use both Cyrillic and Latin in one hashtag, as in Fig. 1. If you use hashtags written in Cyrillic in the burzhunet (English-language Internet), then this will not do any good, because the burzhunet is “friendly” mainly only with the Latin alphabet.

2) Punctuation marks and symbols ~ ` cannot be used in hashtags! @ # $ % ^ & * () = +

3) Any hashtag begins with a hash sign #, after which the word is written without a space.

4) A hashtag consisting of several words begins with the # symbol, followed by words without spaces, for example, a popular hashtag on the Instagram social network among Russian-speaking users #mirzhdenznatchtoyaem.

Instead of a space in a single hashtag consisting of several words, it is allowed to use an underscore “_” between words; do not confuse it with a dash “–”. For example, #internet_literacy.

5) There should be a space between two hashtags. For example,

  • #internet #literacy are two hashtags separated by a space,
  • #internetliteracy is one hashtag, so there is no space in it.

So, the hashtag has been created, let's start hashtagging. To do this, you need to enter a hashtag, for example,

  • in a message on a social network so that this message can be found by other users,
  • or enter into the search bar on a social network to find all posts containing such a hashtag.

Hashtag examples

#ThanksYandex (usually written without capital letters: #ThanksboyYandex, they rarely use the underscore between words #Thanks_Yandex)
#the world should know what we are

Spam in hashtags

Some optimizers, users, marketers abuse hashtags and insert a lot of hashtags into their messages. Sometimes they insert one popular hashtag (or several) into one message only in order to attract as much attention, clicks, and transitions to their message as possible due to the popularity of the inserted hashtag.

In hashtags, this is when a popular hashtag has nothing or very little to do with the content of the message. Such spam can be described as “misleading users.”

Hashtag history

The hashtag (or "#" sign) has been popular on the Internet for several years. It was even chosen as the word (or rather, sign) of the year by children in Great Britain.

The invention of the popular symbol is attributed to the Twitter service, which is far from the truth, since this social platform only contributed to its spread. The hashtag was actually created in the late 80s and originally served as a tool for classifying data on Internet Relay Chat, better known as “IRC.”

The hashtag's comeback came in August 2007, when designer Chris Messina asked what his Twitter followers thought of the icon. From that moment on, the career of the “grid” began to gain momentum.

In 2009, Twitter introduced it into its network, and since 2010, it has been used to highlight trends and hot topics in the media. And although social networks care about the uniqueness of their functionality, hashtags have expanded beyond the single online platform (Twitter). The developers of Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and VKontakte quickly became friends with them.


I accepted hashtags (like almost every noteworthy new product) with open arms. Some fans of the service began to actively use them, and social media promotion specialists (or SMM - Social media marketing) began calculating the optimal number of hashtags for the best results.

If you click on a hashtag in your Facebook feed, you can get all the posts that will be found on this social network.

Sometimes it is easier to find something on Facebook if you enter facebook.com/hashtag/ into the address bar of your browser and add the hashtag itself without a hashtag or a space. For example, for the hashtag #computer literacy you would need to enter:

facebook.com/hashtag/computer literacy

In the browser address bar it will look like this (number 1 in Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 How to search for information on Facebook using a hashtag

If you want your message to be found by other Facebook users, then you should add one or more hashtags to your message. For example, in Fig. 3 The message contains 3 hashtags: #postcrossing, #site, #computerliteracy.

If, for example, in a message you click on the hashtag #postcrossing (number 2 in Fig. 3), then Facebook will find and show all posts containing such a hashtag.

Not all Facebook users use hashtags, because many believe that they do not have much effect there.


Instagram and Twitter are natural environments for hashtags. In both cases, their use is not only reasonable, but also desirable.

#Love, #Instagood, #Me, #tbt, #follow #cute, #followme, #photooftheday, #happy, #tagsforlikes are examples of the most popular hashtags on Instagram. It is not the quality that is impressive, but their quantity. For example, users have already added more than 900 million images tagged with #love.

In order to view the Instagram photo database, enter any tag and after a while you will see a number of photos from different parts of the world or those that display certain emotions. We, the users, create trends ourselves: if the community can be convinced to use a chosen tag, Instagram turns into a repository of knowledge about users on a certain topic.


The same goes for Twitter. Twitter fans know that without hashtags, a message has no chance of reaching a wider audience. You should also remember that using very popular tags increases the risk of getting lost among the sea of ​​other posts with the same hashtags.

In Fig. Figure 4 shows an example of a message (aka tweet) from Twitter, and at the end of the message the hashtag #vkzhivi is added.

Rice. 4 Message (tweet) on Twitter with the hashtag at the end of the tweet #vkzhivi

On August 4, 2015, there was a 3-hour outage on VKontakte. VKontakte employee Georgy Lobushkin posted a tweet to reassure the user. The hashtag #vkzhivi became popular on Twitter in just a few minutes. If you click on it or enter it into the Twitter search, you can read all the messages that contain the same hashtag.

#In contact with

You can insert from 1 to 5 (more is possible, but this will be too much, close to spam) hashtags in each of your messages so that other users have the opportunity to find this message.

You can use hashtags to search for information. To do this, enter the hashtag in the VKontakte search bar, press Enter, look at the search results (number 1 in Fig. 5). These results change if you search under different headings (numbers 2-5 in Fig. 5).

For example, if you enter the hashtag #computer, then in the News section (number 3 in Fig. 5), which is offered by default, more than 44,500 entries will be found.

Rice. 5 Search VKontakte using the hashtag #computer in the “News” section

In addition to News (number 3 in Fig. 5), you can search for information with the same hashtag #computer in the categories

  • People (number 2 in Fig. 5),
  • Communities (number 3 in Fig. 5),
  • Audio recordings (number 4 in Fig. 5),
  • Video recordings (number 5 in Fig. 5).

If you need to search for information not throughout VKontakte, but only within one, then you need to add the @ sign to the hashtag, followed by the group address without a space. It will roughly look like this: #hashtag@gruppa

Rice. 6 VKontakte group address in the browser address bar

The group address can be seen in the top address bar of the browser at the moment when this group is open on VKontakte (number 1 in Fig. 6). For example, to search my group “Computer Literacy with Nadezhda,” the hashtag might look like.

Since the volume of information on the Internet began to increase exponentially, users have had the problem of searching according to given criteria, as a rule, this is a topic. During this period, the concept of “tag” (in other cases it is called “tag” or “key”), a prototype of a hashtag, appears.

Technically, a tag is a word or phrase that most accurately characterizes the text under which it is placed.

A tag is a key query (phrase, word) by which users should find the material tagged with it. Several similar tags can be placed under the same publication.

Later, with the development of social networks, a prefix was added to the tag and it turned into a hashtag without losing its meaning. Hash is the hash symbol “#” (from English hash). This prefix means that the keyword is preceded by a hash sign - nothing more.

What is the hash symbol for?

It's simple. When it comes to designing website pages and specifying tags for search engines, there are special sections in the code where tags are placed. These tags are invisible to the user, but search engines can see them. The tagging system in Youtube and some other services works in a similar way - there are special fields for specifying keywords that characterize the content.

But there are services with a simple interface, where nothing extra is provided. They have only one common field for entering information - these are Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte and others, usually social networks and instant messengers. In order to add tags when posting materials in these systems, the main content is separated from the tags with a “#” icon. More precisely, a hash mark is placed in front of each label, and the main text is not highlighted.

A hashtag is a word or phrase that characterizes the text, image or video it appears under, preceded by the hash symbol “#”.

Example of using hashtags:

For the first time, a search system using hashtags was used by the developers of the microblogging service Twitter, when they were faced with an avalanche-like growth in the number of users and their problems in finding like-minded interlocutors. After that, the hash text began to spread across the Internet, penetrating other social networks.

What is a hashtag for and how does it work?

The only purpose of a hashtag is to search for information. If you put a hashtag under a photo on Instagram or a message on Twitter, the service automatically understands their content and in the future, when one of the users of this network indicates the corresponding word in the search, your picture will be offered to him as one of the options.

A hashtag is a tool for promoting materials through search on social networks.

An example of a hashtag search on Instagram:

If you maintain your accounts not only for friends and relatives and want them to gain popularity, you need to put tags under each of your publications.

For any entrepreneur developing his business via the Internet using social services, the use of hashtags is mandatory, but they are also useful for ordinary users who are not promoting anything.

Tags give us the opportunity to quickly find materials of interest through search. We enter a request and receive a complete list of materials on the desired topic published on this social network.

In addition, by thoughtfully tagging your posts, you can easily sort materials by hashtags that unite them in the future.

To summarize:

  • Hashtags help in promoting a business;
  • Hashtags help in finding the right information;
  • Hashtags allow you to group different posts around certain topics.

How to make a hashtag correctly

In general, we have figured out hashtags, but how to use them correctly so that there is real benefit. I will give several rules, including technical and organizational ones.

1. How to write a hashtag

Remember that the hash sign and tag words are written together and without spaces. Individual hashtags are separated by a space.

  • #9 May - so right,
  • # May 9 – here the label will be empty,
  • #9 May – here the hashtag will only be #9.

If the key phrase is large (many words), then you can separate the words in it with an underscore, like this:

  • #9_May - so right.

The hashtag spelling options without delimiters and with underlining are perceived by search as the same thing.

2. What words to use

You can find lists of popular hashtags on many sites, but you should only use them if they are relevant to your content. Putting a photo of a tractor and captioning it with #love is, to say the least, strange. Use tags that are appropriate for your publication; if the tags are not relevant, there will be no benefit.

The frequency in different topics differs by orders of magnitude, but, in any case, choose hashtags in your category with an average level of popularity. If your post is too popular, it will get lost, and rare hashtags will not attract visitors. In terms of length, it is optimal to use phrases of 2-3 words.

According to their meaning, hashtags can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Event-news;
  2. Branded;
  3. Informational.

Event-news words are popular for a certain period of time and have a spasmodic strong demand, which subsides over time. The recent holiday of May 9 brought the request #9May to the peak of popularity. To get maximum traffic from such hashtags, you need to seize the moment. The growth of some of these online trends can be predicted.

Brand queries are related to well-known companies or trademarks. In some cases, you can use famous names to promote your content. But, more often than not, competition in such requests is high and your publications will be lost in the flow of information. The best thing to do is to work on building your own brand and promoting hashtags associated with it.

Information hashtags are the most stable source of attracting traffic, since once they become popular they have a stable demand for a long time. An example of such a hashtag would be #whatishashtag. People will be interested in this topic as long as hashtags are used in our lives or until everyone knows about this term.

3. How many hashtags to put

Instagram allows you to add up to 30 hashtags, while Twitter is limited to a total post length of 140 characters. Other social networks have no restrictions. But you should focus not on technical feasibility, but on the optimal description of the publication.

In most cases, 3-5 hashtags are enough to describe the content. You shouldn't suck the extra ones out of your finger.

4. How to better design hashtags

You can put hashtags anywhere in the publication (if we are talking about a text message), even at the beginning, at least in the middle, at least at the end. But when designing, look at the appearance and readability of the material. It is best to list tags at the very end, as boxes within phrases can make them difficult to understand.

When publishing media content (pictures, videos), it is recommended to provide a short text description for it and then add hashtags after it.

5. Which alphabet to use

Currently, all networks, including Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte, understand both the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. Use the alphabet that is convenient for you and your readers and subscribers; any hashtag will be understood and accepted.

That's all, today a new word has appeared in your dictionary and you can take it into account and benefit from the use of hashtags in your online activities.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Just five years ago no one had even heard of such a thing as hashtags, but now they many actively use, for example, on Twitter, Facebook, Contact or Instagram. What kind of things are these, without which it’s like being without hands? Where did they come from? And how to use them effectively?

Most of us probably imagine that hashtag is some word (or several words written together), preceded by a hash sign (in English this exactly sounds like hash, that is, hash). It may look like this: #amurtimur. The difficulty usually lies in understanding why they are needed. What have they brought to Twitter or Instagram that everyone is talking about, writing about, mentioning, promoting, etc. Let's get a look.

What are hashtags and why are they needed?

Generally used in many social networks or blogs. They serve a fairly simple purpose - to allow additional structuring of content by topic. For a post, you add tags that briefly characterize it (for example: forest, nature, lake, fishing).

In other posts they also add tags, but they don’t always come up with new ones, but, if possible, use ones that have already been used. After this, the visitor will be able to click under your post on a tag of a topic of interest to him (for example, “fishing”) and see all the posts that were tagged with this tag. The idea is great, and on social networks, tags allow you to quickly find something on the topic you need.

It all started with Twitter... Although no, it all started even before the Internet began to be associated with us, but was a completely incomprehensible thing where we communicated using IRC (an ancient version of chat, which, due to my advanced age, I even used - using the Mirc client, if my memory serves me correctly).

It was in Irka (IRC) that the idea came up to use a hash (the hash sign #, although a marker of data integrity when transmitted over the network, but this is from a different area) to mark (create) global topics (variants of threads on forums) . But it doesn’t matter, because no one remembers it anyway except me.

The newest one hashtag history has been going on since about the end of the first decade of the 2000s and is connected specifically with Twitter. It was at this time that the idea of ​​using a lattice took shape and took hold. After this grid (hash) a word (the tag itself) was written, which short but succinct characterizes the topic to which this message relates.

If one tag with a hash (hashtag) was not enough, then:

Do you know what's the coolest thing? After publishing a message on Twitter that contained words with hash marks, these same words (along with hash marks, i.e. hash tags) become links(read just in case). What do these links lead to? This is where the hidden meaning lies.

Links from hashtags lead to the Twitter message feed (Instagram, Contact and other networks where hashes are also used), in which their authors added the same hashtags to their messages. Here, for example, is the message feed (new ones at the top) by tag #kote on Twitter. This way, it can be very easy to keep your finger on the pulse of the topics that interest you:

Please note that following a link from the #kote hashtag will be equivalent to entering this query into the Twitter search bar located on the top panel (but you will only need to enter the tag along with the hash mark). You can check it yourself, for example, by entering “#cat” (without quotes) into the search bar, and then directly clicking on this tag - the pages with the results will be the same.

Rules for using hashtags on Twitter, Instagram, etc.

You’ve probably already learned some points about working with hashes from the above examples, but I think it’s worth listing all the rules for using hashtags (so you don’t wonder later what you did wrong):

  1. Hashtags can be placed in any part of the message(at the end, or at the beginning, or even in the middle) and their number is not limited, but it is recommended not to spam and use no more than 2-3 hashes per message. After it is published, they will become links. Essentially, these are keywords that characterize the topics your message relates to. Then it will be easier to find it for those who are interested in this topic.
  2. Spaces in hashtags are not allowed. Why? Well, the fact is that tags are written directly in the message and are separated from other words (and other tags) by spaces. If the spelling of several words is consistent in your opinion, then try using an underscore, or even better, write individual words in a hash tag with a capital letter, for example, like this: #PumpForFandomChick (readability greatly increases)
  3. There should also be no spaces between the hash symbol and the tag text - this is important, otherwise nothing will work.
  4. Consecutive hashtags should be separated by a space, although this, I think, is already clear.
  5. Hashtag can't consist of only numbers and cannot use the symbols ~ `! @ # $ % ^ & * () = + . Everything else is acceptable (including Cyrillic) - you just need to put a hash at the very beginning of the character set. Accordingly, tags can be written in different languages. Using too many characters in one hash is probably not advisable. I think that ten or one and a half characters can be considered the upper limit.
  6. Using these keys, you actually create a feed with messages (opinions) from the entire social network community on a given topic (or add your message to an existing feed if the name of your hashtag matches someone else’s). By approaching this matter competently, you can get a very strong viral effect (an avalanche-like increase in popularity).
  7. Don't use too general words. There will be so many messages in such a “channel” that yours may simply get lost among them.
  8. The hash tag must fully correspond to the subject of the message, otherwise it may be regarded as spam with all the ensuing troubles.

In general, hashtags are successfully used by both ordinary network users and those who, having learned to correctly place hashes, manage to “unobtrusively” convey their information to the social network audience they need. Tags help you get into the “popular trend,” which itself will then take the product or brand to the pinnacle of fame.

In VKontakte, hashtags help, for example, to create categories within groups so that community members can easily filter messages from the general thread only on topics that interest them. Almost the same can be said about Facebook.

I repeat once again that in any social network (Twitter, Instagram, Contact, and others like them), hash tags help create what we call a channel, thread (this term is used on forums), topic, topic, etc. At the same time, you give other network users the opportunity to understand what your message is about without having to read into it.

Hashtags on Instagram

I think almost everyone already knows. This is a social network for mobile phones and tablets, in which it is not text messages that “rule”, but photographs taken. To start working with it, you just need to install the Instagram application and register in it. That’s it, then you can post your pictures (for example, after pre-processing with a filter built into the application).

From the above description it becomes clear that hashtags on Instagram are very important, because searching through photographs as such can only be done using the text describing them, which is not always available and does not always correspond to reality. But almost always tags with a hash sign in front of the title are added to the posted photos. They are the ones who allow your photo to catch the eye of those who are interested in this topic.

In this regard, on Instagram, unlike most other social networks, You are allowed to attach up to three dozen hashtags to a message. Otherwise, the rules for using hashes are no different from those described just above.

It is quite expected that those who, for example, or simply those who want to achieve quick popularity, are trying to take advantage of such a strong dependence of Instagram on hash tags. What are they doing?

  1. Firstly, they find a list of currently popular hashtags in this photo network (it is advisable that it be divided by topic, because you can pay for outright spam).
  2. Well, then in the description of the published photo, the first batch of popular hashtags from the topic to which the published photo (or close to it) relates is used.
  3. After a while, you will be able to add another pack of suitable tags in the comments to enhance the effect.

As a result, you can get likes for this photo and, possibly, new subscribers. But everything, of course, is not so simple, because there is very high competition among those who want to promote their Instagram page in this way. The key point here is, of course, the use of the right hashtags and the “killer” quality of the photo itself.

Tags allow you to search for content on Instagram based on the topics tagged in them. Actually, search in this social network it is conducted either by page names, or by hashtags.

Judging by the screenshot, the hashtag #prikol was added to more than eight thousand posts on Instagram. By clicking on it, we can view them in order of novelty, and at the same time check whether this tag was actually added to these posts.

A rather interesting example of using hashtags is structuring of goods. In fact, hashtags are cross-cutting for the entire social network, and by assigning tags such as #red or #zamsha to your products, for example, you are unlikely to achieve what you wanted, because such tags will display publications not only from your account. But you can do it a little more cunningly by creating unique hashtags, such as #red_ktonanovenkogo or #zamsha_ktonanovenkogo.

First create a structure of your products on paper, dividing them into different groups, and for each of them come up with your own unique hashtag according to the diagram shown. Well, when filling your store, assign appropriate tags to products so that a person can use them to filter your product based on some criteria.

Lists of the most popular Instagram hashtags

Let me list the most popular Instagram hashtags on some topics:

  1. Super-popular tags without topics
  2. Women's theme

  3. Love is a carrot

  4. Flowers
  5. Evening and morning dawns, sky, etc.
  6. Cats and dogs:
  7. Men's theme
  8. Beach

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Hashtags are popular tools that make it easier to navigate pages on VKontakte and other social networks.

In this article we will take a closer look at what they are, why they are important, and how to make hashtags in contact.

What are hashtags

Hashtags– these are tags that authors of public pages and personal pages on social networks use to tag posts. They are beneficial to both owners and users. Hashtags are characterized by:

  1. They group posts on a social network according to a specific criterion. Example: if a person saw photos of cats on VK with the hashtag “cat”, then if he clicks on it, he will be able to see other photos of these cute animals.
  2. A large proportion of social network users find their appearance attractive. This item is not for everyone. But people see romance in clicking on a link in a post and looking at similar pictures. Just magic.
  3. Hashtags can also be created using mobile devices, which is convenient. You can improve your group from anywhere.

Hashtags– this is modernity. They are used in a huge number of areas, and without them it is impossible to imagine either promotion on social networks or normal navigation within the group.

Why do we need hashtags at all?

Hashtags are optional, but desirable. After all, they are convenient, the list of their advantages is long:

  1. They allow the user to quickly find similar posts. It is enough to make just one click both using your phone and when using a computer.
  2. Hashtags make it possible to quickly promote a group among users who are looking for interesting posts. Moreover, it is free, and therefore if you use hashtags wisely, it will be much easier for you to promote the posts you need to the masses. However, many people use too many tags, which makes the posts completely unattractive. Remember that moderation is good in everything. If you do not follow it, then all attempts to promote the group using hashtags will be in vain.
  3. Hashtags make group navigation easier. For this purpose, a special variety is used, which will be described below. You can create categories like “our products”, “prices”, “reviews” and others. Use your imagination.

In general, it’s a convenient thing. At first glance, there are few advantages, but this disadvantage is compensated by the significance of the advantages listed above.

Where can hashtags be used?

Hashtags can be used in a huge number of areas. We will now list where they can be used.

  1. Competitions. Everything is simple here - you need to make a specific post tagging the competition, and then you can identify the participants using the hashtag. In general, there is a huge scope for imagination, everyone comes up with their own ideas. Very often, competitions are created by people themselves and not only in groups. Various promotions are held regularly. For example, a photo in childhood, where you need to post a photo of yourself at 5-10 years old and put a certain hashtag.
  2. Marketing. Hashtags are becoming an excellent way to promote any product.

You can use hashtags in the most original ways. They contain incredible potential that you just have to unlock. Hashtags are literally used everywhere.

How to make VKontakte hashtags

Achieving this task is not difficult. But understand what your goals are. If you want to promote a specific post within a social network, then put a hash in front of the phrase you want to use. It should look like #winter is coming. There are no spaces between the hash mark and the word in a correctly constructed hashtag. There are no gaps inside the key itself.

If you are making a hashtag for the purpose of navigating through the group, then in this case, after the word itself, put the @ sign and write the name of the group, which is displayed in the address. The “products” category in the bestsmart group looks like #products@bestsmart. The hashtag uses both Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.

Even something as simple as hashtags has certain subtleties that must be taken into account in order to work with them as effectively as possible. Let's look at them in more detail.

  1. Don't use too many hashtags. They have a distinctive style and therefore stand out from the background of ordinary letters. The social network writes hashtags in an underlined font and also colors them in blue. The letters are black, and when there are a lot of links after a post, it just dazzles your eyes.
  2. Don't use too general words. They won't help you find your post, photo, or page. He will simply get lost among similar ones.
  3. Use phrases that are very popular and play on it. There are special services that allow you to find out the currently most popular hashtags. At the same time, find the golden mean, otherwise you will violate the previous recommendation. The popularity of a hashtag is good, but it should only be recognized by your target audience. Otherwise, even if the post is seen, they are unlikely to pay special attention to it.
  4. Put hashtags at the end of the post, otherwise no one will read it. We wrote a couple of sentences, and only then put a grid with the word.


So, we figured out what hashtags are and how to make them. Let's summarize a little.

  1. A hashtag is a handy tool to use. But do it wisely.
  2. To create it, you need to decide on the goal. The more detailed it is expressed (that is, what you want from the target audience, in what time frame), the better. Having a vision makes it easier to evaluate current actions.
  3. The hashtag template for popularizing a post is #title.
  4. Template for group navigation #name@groupname.
  5. There should be no spaces in the hashtag.


A VKontakte hashtag is a means of systematizing information with which you can search for material by a specific word. The VKontakte hashtag appeared around the first half of 2012 and it’s hard to say that it gained massive popularity. However, knowing how to use this tool makes it easier to find the information you need. A hashtag is made up of the two words “hash” and “tag” and can be translated as “hash mark”, “lattice mark”. All hashtags begin with the hash symbol #. The hashtag can be used from two sides: from the community administrator and from the user. This will be described below.

But before we proceed to the main topic of the article, I would like to note another, no less important tool aimed at the effective use of the VKontakte social network. Many users often wonder how to promote their VKontakte group or account in the shortest possible time and without much worry. The answer to this question is the innovative and extremely popular promotion service today - Socprka. Subscribers to groups, friends to personal accounts, likes, reposts and much more.

How to make a hashtag on VKontakte?

This part will be useful for novice VK administrators. First, you need to decide whether you will lead your group with hashtags or without them. If you do this selectively, today you post with a hashtag, but tomorrow you don’t, then the meaning of the tag is lost and you are doing a useless job. The use of hashtags will be more useful for pages of a news nature, and less so for entertainment ones. To insert a hashtag, you need to add a hashtag, for example #self-development, to your post at the beginning or at the end (these are the recommended places for insertion). Thus, the user can combine your post into one feed with all posts containing this tag, including those from other VKontakte communities. In order not to overlap with other societies, you need to add the “dog” symbol after the tag and enter the name of our community, for example #self-development@ yuppiebiz. Now, when you click on this hashtag, the user will see posts about self-development from the yuppiebiz community in the feed, again, if the editors published it that way.

5 useful facts and tips for VKontakte community administrators on using hashtags:


  • You shouldn’t write a lot of hashtags in a post, optimally up to 3;
  • in VKontakte hashtags you can write in both Cyrillic and Latin letters;
  • You can use numbers, hyphens and underscores;
  • You cannot use other special characters: asterisks, slashes, dots, etc.;
  • To separate a hashtag from two words, you can use the second word with a capital letter or separate them with a hyphen or underscore.

How to use a hashtag?

You can search for hashtags across all communities or one specific one. To search, go to “News” “Search”, enter a hashtag with a message that is interesting to us, we get the result

The second method of use is to enter a tag with the name of the group through the dog, for example #self-development@yuppiebiz. In this case, the yuppiebiz community will be searched using the hashtag #self-development.

And the easiest way to use a hashtag is to simply click on the hashtag in a post.

Actually, the “lattice mark” on VKontakte has been discussed in general terms. I think now more people will use the hashtag, this convenient tool for organizing information. After all, a hashtag is an internal functionality of VKontakte, without embedding third party browser extension, makes it possible not to get confused in the exponentially increasing flow of text and graphic material on the VKontakte network.
