What to do if the keyboard on Android is missing. Detailed instructions on how to restore the keyboard on Android with attached screenshots

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The advent of touch screens has completely eliminated the need for a physical keyboard on phones. The virtual input method has wider functionality and capabilities. However There may be problems with the operating system that affect the operation of this tool. In this article we will look in detail at what to do if the keyboard on Android disappears.

Causes of the problem

Since the keyboard is virtual, then the reasons for its disappearance are hidden solely in the software smartphone or tablet. Problems of this nature can be divided into two groups:

  • The text input tool application crashed.
  • Error in Android OS.

Will be useful

Dealing with trouble is quite easy. This can be done without involving a specialist or contacting a service center.


There are several methods to correct the incorrect functioning of the virtual text input tool. Let's look at the process step by step in each individual case.

Clearing cached data

During its operation, any application creates a set of data that is necessary for a faster response to user requests. Sometimes memory overload with such files negatively affects the correct functioning of the program. To do this you need:

  • Open your phone's settings, then go to the Applications section.
  • Find the program that is responsible for displaying the virtual keyboard. You can see its name in the “Language and input” section, “Input methods” column.
  • On the application page that opens, click on the “Erase data” and “Clear cache” buttons in turn.
  • Restart the operating system of the mobile device.
  • Check troubleshooting.

Selecting the default input method

If The keyboard on Android disappeared due to the installation of several programs that perform the same function, The system may crash due to the inability to select a default tool. The problem is solved as follows:

  • Visit your smartphone settings and open the “Language and Input” section.
  • Click "Current Keyboard".

But he himself is an active user of it. A tablet is a device that allows you to perform many actions identical to those that can be performed on a computer. The only distinctive feature is that a computer and laptop have a keyboard, with which it is much easier and faster to type text information and make queries, but on a tablet there is no such input device. However, the developers did not ignore this point. It is for this reason that a special program was developed that allows users to work on the tablet using the on-screen keyboard.

Solving problems with the keyboard on the tablet.

Unfortunately, sometimes you have to deal with technical problems when you discover that the on-screen keyboard on your tablet does not work. The first desire that most people have is to take the tablet to a service center. Of course, in this case, if necessary, the device will be repaired and the settings will be changed. However, there is still no need to rush to visit the service center, if only because you can try to do everything yourself, while saving your own finances. Our recommendations will help you understand this technical issue.

If you find that the keyboard on your tablet suddenly stops working, think about what caused such an unexpected “surprise”. Having found out the causes of the technical failure, it will be easier to restore the functioning of the input device, as well as prevent the recurrence of the failure.

Possible reasons why the on-screen keyboard does not work on your tablet

Experts identify two common reasons that provoke a situation in which such an important device on a tablet stops functioning. In particular, the touch keyboard on Android may fail due to:

  • and the operation of the language application;
  • technical software failure.

Incorrect operation of the language application

It often happens that all plans begin to collapse like a house of cards, only because of failures in the operation of various applications. In particular, after starting the system, you expect an on-screen keyboard to appear on your tablet. However, all attempts to restore the device's functionality are futile. Trying to launch the on-screen keyboard, many press various keys, but despite all these actions, it still does not work, and inexperienced users do not understand what to do. So, if it has been determined that the cause of the failure is incorrect operation of the application, we suggest making some adjustments:

  1. First, open the “Settings” section and find the language application in it.
  2. Next, it is recommended to pause its operation, then start the process of clearing the cache, and finally you will need to click the “Clear data” button.

In most cases, after performing such manipulations, the application returns to its “pristine” state. However, for any changes you make to take effect, you must restart the system, so be sure to restart your tablet. In most cases, after this everything starts working.

Software failure

This can happen even without user intervention. After starting the system, it is often discovered that the input keyboard does not appear on the tablet. All attempts to revive her remain unsuccessful. Software failure may occur due to the harmful effects of virus attacks. Anyone can easily “pick up” viruses while surfing. A failure can also occur if the user himself installed a new software application the day before, which came into conflict with the on-screen keyboard software.

In such cases, first of all, you should install anti-virus protection, which will allow you to quickly detect malware and also prevent it from re-entering. If an antivirus program is already installed, pay attention to the relevance of its databases, and update if necessary. After we have figured out the anti-virus protection, we make the following adjustments to resolve the problem:

  • open “Settings”;
  • find and open the “Language” tab;
  • click on the line “Input methods”;
  • put a tick in the checkbox next to the offer to launch the on-screen keyboard.

After performing these simple manipulations, you will find in most cases that an on-screen keyboard has appeared on your tablet, allowing you to work as before.

Wired and wireless keyboard malfunction

Modern tablets are not inferior even to some netbooks in terms of screen size, RAM capacity, processor frequency and other technical parameters. In order not to experience discomfort when entering text information, many users decide to purchase an additional wired or wireless keyboard. Unfortunately, it happens that it stops working. What provokes a technical failure, as well as what to do in such problematic situations, is difficult for an inexperienced user to figure out on their own.

What to do if your wired keyboard doesn't work

You can’t give up on the keyboard and rush to buy a new device just because it refused to “obey” you at a certain moment. You need to figure out why the removable keyboard does not work, why it does not start when you try to connect it again. Finding out the cause is important because this will help you avoid such a failure occurring in the future. The main reasons may be:

  • incorrect connection;
  • technical software failure;
  • breakdown of components;
  • overturned liquid that has flooded the interior of the input device.

Now let's start fixing the identified problem. Some keyboards have a power button, make sure it is in the correct position to turn on the device. Wired keyboards are connected to the tablet via USB connectors, which often fail. We recommend that you disconnect all other USB devices so that you can connect the keyboard through different ports. If everything worked out, it means that one of the ports simply failed. It doesn’t hurt to check the quality of the driver installation; if necessary, you can reinstall them.

What to do if your wireless keyboard doesn't work

Many active users prefer to deal with a wireless keyboard, which allows them to place it on the desktop in any position that is comfortable for the user. If your wireless keyboard stops functioning, we recommend that you first carefully inspect the batteries. They may have been inserted incorrectly by the user himself, or a lot of time has passed and they simply managed to run out. If this does not help, you need to update the wireless connection, check the functionality of Bluetooth, provided that it is involved in connecting the tablet with the wireless keyboard.

So, if the keyboard refuses to work on the tablet, follow all the steps we suggest. We are confident that you will find a solution to the problem that, in your particular case, will allow you to revive the keyboard.

If you are already tired of the current virtual on-screen keyboard on your smartphone, then there is always the opportunity to install another, newer, more convenient and/or simply prettier one. Moreover, turning on the default keyboard on Android is very simple. Of course, if you know how it's done.

Actually, the Android mobile operating system (especially its new versions released in recent years), as you know, is different in that you can configure and reconfigure everything in it to your heart’s content. Well, almost everything.

And even if at first it doesn’t always work out the way you should or as you would like, you can learn quickly.

At least, any user, even a very beginner and not very experienced one, can change the virtual keyboard in his mobile Android device without much difficulty. Fortunately, the range of such keyboards, both free and paid, is only increasing every day. Download and install any.

We will now remind you how to configure the default on-screen keyboard in an Android smartphone or tablet (for more information about the features of various smartphone and tablet models, see here - http://gsm-ka.com.ua/planshety-i-planshetnie-kompyutery/) . And we’ll talk about this using the example of a fairly popular software product. It's called SwiftKey (and it was just the first one that came to hand).

So, in order:

  • download and install the new keyboard in the standard way;
  • then go to “Settings” of Android;
  • tap “Language and input” -> “Current keyboard” (in the “Keyboard and input methods” section) -> “Select”;
  • then we find and tap our newly installed SwiftKey (or any other), which we want to use by default;
  • read the system warning that will immediately appear on the screen and click OK;
  • By the way, here you must remember to turn on the keyboard itself (the switch next to its name should be green), something like this:
  • return to the “Language and input” menu;
  • again tap on “Current keyboard”;
  • select our SwiftKey (or any other), after which the change will be saved automatically.

Now all that remains is to check the keyboard in operation. We just write a message and see how convenient the new thing is.

Each smartphone manufacturer tries to build its own virtual keyboard into its creation. But it does not always meet the user's requirements. In this case, the Android operating system allows you to replace the keyboard by downloading any other one. But not all smartphone owners understand how to change the keyboard on Android. If you also ask yourself this question, then today’s material is written just for you!

How are keyboards distributed?

Any virtual keyboard for a tablet or smartphone is a regular application. If the manufacturer has installed its own keyboard, then it is impossible to remove it without special tricks. But that doesn't mean you can't change the default keyboard that appears every time you type.

Third-party keyboards are distributed through the well-known Google Play online store. They may differ from each other in the location of the keys (layout), the ability to stick to the edges of the screen, a set of stickers and emoticons, support for themes, and many other properties. You can read more about this in our selection. best keyboards for android .

When installing a new keyboard, to activate it, most often you do not need to go to “ Settings", following our instructions. When you first start, it is enough to agree with the offer by answering it by pressing the “ Yes" Or the utility itself will transfer you to the desired settings window, where you just need to activate the switch for the installed keyboard.

Changing the virtual keyboard

You can easily select a different keyboard on your phone. To do this, follow the steps described below:

Step 1. Proceed to the section " Settings».

Step 2. Select " Language and input».

Step 3. Here you should select “ Current keyboard" It can be located in a subsection or tab " Keyboard and input methods».

Step 4. Here put a circle next to the item “ Russian", then click on the button " Select layout».

Step 5: You will be taken to the section described above. Here you need to activate the virtual keyboard that you want to use. Here you can enable voice and some other unusual input methods.

Step 6. Activate the keyboard for the English layout in the same way.

That's all. Installing a keyboard on Android is very simple - just download it from Google Play. There is nothing complicated in activating it - now you know how it can be done.

If the keyboard on Android has disappeared, the problem may be a failure of the application or the entire system as a whole. We will figure out what to do in such a situation and how to properly solve the problem.

Method number 1. Cleaning up trash in an app

If you are not using a standard keyboard, but an installed one, there may be some problems with it. Most often they are associated with garbage. This refers to the cache and other residual data. They need to be removed and then, most likely, everything will return to its place.

This is done as follows:

  • Go to settings. Open the “All Applications” section or simply “Applications”, then “Application Manager” (depending on the operating system version).
  • Open the keyboard application. For example, let's take Gboard, a fairly popular piece of software.
  • On the program page you will see two buttons - “Erase data” and “Clear cache”. In newer versions of Android OS, you need to additionally open the “Memory” section to see these buttons. Click first one, then the other.

If the problem is not solved, then its root lies somewhat deeper.

Method number 2. Keyboard selection

With installed applications that replace the standard keyboard, another problem is possible. There may be problems with its selection for work. And then the situation turns out that the operating system simply does not know which keyboard to launch and does not launch any.

To select a keyboard, do this:

  • Go to settings and open the “Language and input” section. Regardless of the Android version, this section is always called this way.
  • Click “Current Keyboard” or “Default Keyboard” (here everything depends on the OS version).
  • Check the box next to the one you want to use.

Note: Perhaps there is already some kind of mark there, but since the problem in question occurs, it means that some kind of failure has occurred. So put it again.

Everything is a little more complicated if you do not use an additional application, but use a standard keyboard. Although the solution is still simple.

Method number 3. Install the application

If the standard keyboard for some reason does not want to start, why not install an alternative one? In truth, they do not differ very much, so it is unlikely that such a replacement will cause you any inconvenience.

Here is a list of the best designs that have been most popular recently:

  • Swipe. The main difference of the application is that words are entered not by pressing each button separately, but sequentially.
  • Smart Keyboard. There is a large set of your own emoticons, additional symbols and other interesting features.
  • SwiftKey Keyboard. In this case, a custom dictionary is compiled, the set of words in which depends on the user’s correspondence on social networks and instant messengers.
  • Flexy. The user can install his own gifs on this keyboard, as well as a search bar, enable the invisible function, create a set of his own gestures and much more.
  • Adaptxt. There are many interesting features, such as turning off remembering when entering text. That is, the user will enter words, but the keyboard will not remember them. It is best to write unpleasant messages with obscenities in Adaptxt.

Download one of the above samples, install and be sure to select it in the settings. How to do this is described in method No. 2.

If no keyboard wants to work, you will have to resort to more serious measures.

Method number 4. Uninstalling an application

It is quite possible that some of the applications that you recently installed are conflicting with the keyboard. It can be either installed or standard.

This is especially true if you downloaded something related to text entry. These could be some sets of emoticons, speech synthesizers, and the like. However, now in any application there is text input in one way or another.

Therefore, try to remove those programs that you downloaded recently, before the problem appeared. Perhaps she will decide.

Clue: Removing applications occurs through the settings. You need to open the list of programs (“Application Manager”), select the one you need and click “Delete” on its page.

Method No. 5. Reset settings and data

This is the very last thing you can do when this problem arises, as well as many others.

Important! Before performing a reset, be sure to copy all your data to a flash drive and remove it from the smartphone/tablet connector, and transfer the contacts to your Google account. All this will be erased from the device.

To perform a reset, do this:

  • Go to settings, open the “Backup and reset” section.
  • Click “Reset settings” and on the next page tap the button with the same name. Wait a while and try entering some text. If the problem disappears, your actions are completed, and if not, proceed to the next step.
  • Return to the main menu "Backup and reset". There, select “Reset data” and on the next page click “Reset device”. Before doing this, carefully read the warning again and check whether you have saved all the data. Wait a while for the reset to complete.

After this, everything should return to its place.

If after resetting nothing changes, it is best to send your gadget for repair. There are probably problems with the hardware itself and they cannot be solved on your own.
