How to set up a Wi-Fi router at home yourself: connection tricks. Wi-Fi router for dummies: purpose, operating principle, device connection How to connect a Wi-Fi router

Wi-Fi provides fast wireless Internet access without being tied to wires and a modem. You only need a device with a Wi-Fi module - using it, several devices can connect to the network at once.

To properly configure the router you do not need special education

Buying and setting up a router will take a little time and does not require special knowledge. To consider in detail all stages of connection, we will use the settings for TP-Link brand models, the most popular among a large number of users.

Before you move on to installing Wi-Fi, you need to figure out how to install your router and make sure it's working properly.

How to connect a Wi-Fi router? First, we choose a place for it - the main thing is that it does not stand on the table where the computer is located or on the system unit, since in such cases interference in work often occurs. Therefore, we move it a little away from other equipment and place it closer to the center of the house so that the waves cover as much area as possible.

To find out how much the router covers the room, after installation, download special applications - they will make the device work as efficiently as possible.

On the back of the router there are the following connectors (in the basic version):

  • 4 Lan - port for connecting to a PC. A maximum of 4 computers can be connected to one device at the same time. We insert the cable into one of the ports, and connect the other part to the connector on the back of the system unit.
  • A cord with an Internet connection is installed in the WAN cable socket.
  • We plug the power cable into the outlet.

Here you will also see a reset and on/off button - their functions are clear. When you have sorted out the wires and inserted them where needed, an icon about a new connection will appear at the bottom of the desktop. Now we need to find out if your PC has installed the router correctly.

Device Manager - setting up the operation of a computer with a router

How to enter the router settings and check whether the computer correctly recognized the equipment. We use the Control Panel, stop at the chapter Network Connections - if you have Windows XP, in Windows Vista/7/8 this section is designated “Network and Control”, “Network and Sharing Center”.

Current connections will appear here - select “Local Area Connection” and look at the properties. You will now see a list of components where you stop at “TCP/IP Internet Protocol”. Here we check how the checkboxes are marked:

  • Typically, lines are highlighted that talk about automatically obtaining an IP address and DNS server.
  • For some suppliers, information is entered manually, so you will see filled-in lines. Check them with the data in the contract or instructions for the device, enter the correct numbers if they do not match.

The next step is to move on to how to enter the router settings.

Browser and entering parameters

The router is configured using a browser.

Enter your IP address in the address bar. In most cases, this is the combination - the standard version of the address, which, however, differs for some Internet service providers. After pressing Enter, you will see the Wi-Fi router settings. If this does not happen, then the IP address is not suitable and you need to enter other numbers.

How to find out the IP address:

  • In documents or on the back of the router.
  • If, when entering the properties of “Local Area Network Connections”, the IP address field was previously filled in and was not set to automatic detection, copy it.
  • Try checking other addresses - the last two values ​​may look like 0.1, 0.2, or 1.2.
  • Enter in the command line (it opens through “Start”) the action cmd, and then ping 168.x.1, and you will be shown all the device parameters.

After entering the IP, a form for entering your login and password appears in front of you. We fill both lines here with the word admin, after which the parameters of the router itself will appear directly.

Reflashing equipment

First of all, setting up a router begins with flashing it to the current version - after the release of each model, a lot of time passes, during which improvements are made and errors are corrected. Therefore, installing the most current version will avoid operational problems.

You can get it on the manufacturer's website. Download the file and go to the settings again (you know how to enter the router settings through a browser) in the System Tools, subsection Firmware Upgrade. Here we select “Browse...”, upload the file and after clicking Upgrade the update will begin.

Clarification: The firmware is optional, so you can do without it - it will not interfere with the operation of the device.

Setting up an Internet connection

After rebooting the Wi-Fi equipment (it will happen automatically), we proceed to setting the parameters for accessing the World Wide Web. In the System Tools section, select the Password tab and enter new data to enter the settings at your discretion.

Now in the Network section we stop at the WAN graph, where we select the type of connection provided by the provider. Mostly this is a dynamic IP (Dynamic), but in some cases this option is not correct.

How to find out your connection type?

It is listed in the documents along with the rest of the data for setting up a Wi-Fi router. If they are missing, find them on the website of your Internet service provider or contact a specialist by phone.

Note: if you need a different type of connection (not dynamic), enter additional information yourself in the fields located in this form after selecting the desired parameter.

The remaining fields will be filled in automatically when you select the Dynamic IP option.

Let's move on to the Wireless section. We put a checkmark next to Enable (if there is such a line), in the Wireless Network Name or SSID we come up with a name for the connection that will be seen by everyone who wants to use Wi-Fi. Below there may be a tab for selecting your country - indicate it, save the changes made and move on to the next stage of our setup.

Wireless Security - you should take filling out this part of the parameters seriously, because here you can secure your network from unauthorized access. Select WPA/WPA2 and set a password in the PSK Password field - without it, no one will be able to establish a connection with your Wi-Fi.

Additionally: MAC Address and copying it

Sometimes providers tie a Wi-Fi access point to the PC's network card. This equipment has a personal MAC code, which we copy into the router settings - to do this, click the “Clone MAC - Code” button.

Where can I find it? Depending on the manufacturer, the address may be located in different sections, mainly in Wireless. In the most common TP-Link models, the MAC address is located in the Network folder; to copy it, you need to select a special column.

The Wi-Fi router setup has been successfully completed. Confirm the reboot - the router will prompt you to do it, then all the changes made will take effect.

Wireless access is convenient, practical, it’s easy to install such Internet, it just takes a little time and a little effort. Now you know how to go into the router settings and fill out all the necessary fields to get quick access no matter what part of the room you are in, and use the Internet on any device that supports this technology.

Based on the name, a reasonable question arises: why do you need to connect the router through the router, what is the meaning of these actions. The fact is that users are often faced with a situation where the Wi-Fi signal is not able to cover the entire area of ​​their homes. This is a common occurrence for large private houses, for example, with an area of ​​100 m3 or more. Regardless of the model, routers have a limited coverage area, and to increase it, repeaters are used that can “expand” the space significantly. For the same purpose, two routers are connected to each other using a connection to the same network. The second router acts as a repeater, thus achieving both signal amplification and expansion.

It is important to know! When setting up such a connection scheme, when you need to connect two routers in order to expand the existing Wi-Fi network, you will need to configure the router in repeater mode. But this method is not suitable for all devices; some models do not support this function.

To connect router to router, a LAN cable is most often used. This is easy to do: no specific skills are required, and it does not take much time. But not everyone knows how to connect a router to another router via cable. It is naive to believe that it is enough to connect one device to another and everything will work. No, of course, you will need to delve a little into the process and understand the intricacies, since there are two completely different connection schemes. Before taking any action, you should familiarize yourself with both, and then choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Network of routers cascaded LAN-WAN

This scheme is preferable for the majority of users, in any case, it is used more often. First, you need to figure out how to properly connect two routers with a cable: from the LAN socket to the WAN input. This is done for a simplified way of setting up the Internet, which will be a feasible task even for beginners in this matter. A tree-like “Wi-Fi” bridge is built using this principle: in this way, you can connect countless routers using one access point.

But first, this chain needs to be established. It is noteworthy that the last device in this chain uses the settings of the previous one, and this simplifies the task. The process of how to connect and connect two routers actually comes down to the fact that you need to enable the dhcp function on the main router:

After the changes are saved, wait until the connection appears and work quietly.

Communication between routers using an equivalent LAN-LAN scheme

With this option, you need to connect the routers with LAN ports, using a cable by sequentially inserting it into the LAN port of one device, and in the opposite direction. Such a connection creates one logical segment, and the wireless networks must have different SSID names with the same addressing. To configure and connect, unlike the previous method, you need, on the contrary, to disable the DHCP server. To do this, first go to the web interface of the primary router, the DHCP server tab, and remember the pool of distributed addresses. By default, the range of values ​​is from 2 to 100:

  1. Open the settings of the secondary device, go to “Network” - “Local network”.
  2. If they have the same IP address, it needs to be changed. The address is not selected from the DHCP server pool, that is, we set the value to or something like that.
  3. Go to “DHCP Settings”, disable the server by checking the box next to “Disable”.
  4. Click on the “Save” button, then reboot. We managed to connect.

Wireless connection

There is another recognized option for how to connect a router to another router via wifi. Connect them together by creating a wireless “Wi-Fi” bridge, as a result of which you can install routers at a great distance from each other, while increasing the coverage area. In this case, cables will not be needed, this is a positive thing: they will not interfere. But this option is not without its negative sides: it’s easy to connect, but the network loses stability, which is accompanied by a decrease in speed. If there are serious reasons not to use a cable for the connection, this would not be the worst option. When using the wireless method of connecting and connecting routers, you should keep in mind that not all devices support WDS mode; this mainly applies to outdated models.

Wireless bridge based on WDS

A wireless network bridge can be created simply by connecting two routers into one Wi-Fi network, but the process itself is complex and time-consuming. The detailed settings methods differ on different routers, but the principle of creating such a bridge with your own hands is unchanged: this requires WDS support.

To expand coverage, it is recommended to connect and connect one router to another via Wi-Fi, using devices of the same brand. In other words, if the main router is, for example, Asus, the operation and connection will be more stable when using an additional device of the same brand.

Configuring the main router for WDS mode

Different routers have their own settings, and many manuals have been published on this subject. But the process and sequence of actions described in them are so complex and confusing that a novice user is simply lost. And the principle of how to configure a router (main) in order to connect with an additional one comes down to one thing, regardless of the device model:

Setting up a second router for WDS mode

Everything is a little more complicated here, but figuring out how to set up a WDS wireless bridge for the second router before connecting is also not difficult. Setting up a router in bridge mode for an additional device looks like this:

  1. First change the IP address of this device.
  2. Set an identical channel as the main one, the same value is indicated.
  3. Enable the “bridge” function (WDS) by checking the box.
  4. Designate the network name (SSID) used by the main device.
  5. Next you need to enter the mac address of the main router.
  6. Specify its password, key type and Wi-Fi network password.
  7. When you enable the WDS function, a Search button will appear. Click on it to scan available networks.
  8. Select the desired network – “Connect”.
  9. Specify the “Key Type” and “Password” of the main device network, then “Save”.
  10. Go to “DHCP Settings”, disable the DHCP server.
  11. Click on the “Save” button and reload. We managed to connect.

Connecting an access point (AP) to the router

Before connecting both routers to create and configure a wireless bridge, connecting them to each other, you will need to update the firmware and begin setting up the access point, which will help expand the coverage radius. The connection will help create a distributed network using multiple APs to obtain a connection through both devices.

Connecting APs to each other

In order to connect two devices, the process begins by entering the router address on your computer or laptop in the browser search engine via: Then press Enter and enter the user details in the registration window: admin and admin. Next, go to the router’s web interface:

  1. In the settings, select “Wireless networks”.
  2. In the network name - SSID - indicate the name, for example, WL550gE, and in the WPA2-PSK column create a password for the wireless network. Remember it or write it down.
  3. In the IP Config folder, open WAN & LAN, where the IP address of the first access point is indicated. Remember it.
  4. In the “Wireless Networks” folder, select “Bridge”.
  5. In the new window, find AP Mode, where you select “Mixed Mode”, and as a bridge – the WDS Only option.
  6. Here select a fixed WDS channel, value 1, 6 or 11.
  7. Activate the “Connect to access points in the list of remote bridges” function.
  8. Enter the MAC address of the second access point with the value 00:0E:A6:A1:3F:6E – “Add”.
  9. Click on the “Finish” button, then “Save and reload”.

Setting up a second AP

To connect the second router to the access point and connect to the first, a similar sequence of actions is used. Then go directly to the device settings:

  1. Open the menu and specify the network name (SSID), it must match the first AP.
  2. Open the DHCP server in the IP Config menu.
  3. In the “Enable DHCP server” line, select the “No” option, then “Apply”.
  4. In the “Bridge” menu, specify the same channel as the first AP.
  5. Enter the MAC address of the first access point with the value 00:0E:A6:A1:3F:87 – “Add”.
  6. In the “Password” field, you must enter the code word created by the user for “WPA2-PSK” in the first router.
  7. Click on the “Finish” button, and then “Save and Reload”.


The process of how to connect and connect one router through another can be difficult or easy depending on the option chosen. But first you need to ask yourself questions: is it worth it and why are we combining routers? If the answer is yes, and the goal is clear, all that remains is to choose the most preferable method to connect both devices into one.

With the development of the level and prevalence of the Internet, the number of devices that use the World Wide Web has also increased. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and even TVs all require an Internet connection for comfortable work. When there are more than two such devices at home, the question arises of how to connect them simultaneously. In this case, a useful device will come to the rescue - a router, the purpose of which is to distribute the Internet connection between various devices. There are several types of routers, so before purchasing, you need to determine which one is right for you.

By type of connection

The most common type is a router with an Ethernet connection. This refers to a standard network cable (called "twisted pair") that can be connected directly to a computer. But if you want to connect several gadgets, then you must immediately connect a router (more on this below). The connection speed can reach 1 Gbit/s, it depends on the capabilities of your network card and provider.

The second type of connection is called ADSL. It is used to obtain an Internet connection through telephone networks and is more common in the private sector where it is not possible to connect via Ethernet. If you have a telephone at home, then there is no need to run additional wires. True, you won’t see speeds of more than 24 Mbit/s (this is the maximum speed, provided there is a high-quality modern telephone line).

LTE connection is the third type of router. With this connection, you get wireless Internet via 3G or 4G networks. This is currently the most expensive and least common connection method.

If you have decided on the type of router, then you can proceed directly to the question of how to install the router. And you should start by choosing a location.

Choosing a place

Routers come in both wired and wireless varieties. If you need to connect both your phone and tablet to the network at the same time, then you should ask how to install a WiFi router at home. Moreover, a wireless router does not exclude connections using wires.

Before connecting, it is advisable to choose the optimal location of the router. Avoid placing on concrete lintels or in remote corners of the apartment, as this will reduce the usable coverage area. The ideal place is in the center of the room. Most often, the connection location is limited by the location of the incoming Internet cable. It makes sense to immediately connect and configure the router. And only if the signal level does not suit you, then start worrying about the location.

Let's start connecting

The cable must be connected to de-energized devices. For an Ethernet connection, simply plug the incoming network cable into the special jack on the back of the router (labeled WAN). If you have an ADSL connection, then you should use a so-called splitter (included) to separate the telephone and Internet signals.

For initial setup, you will also need to connect a network cable (also included) to your laptop or desktop computer. This is necessary to log into the administrative panel of the router. We will consider the connection process using the example of a router manufactured by TP-Link. If you know how to install a TP-Link router, then there will be no problems connecting devices from other manufacturers, since the principle is the same everywhere.

We go to the administrative part

In order to log into the device interface, you need to have the following data: IP address, login and password. This information is printed on a label at the bottom of the router. For most models, universal login information will work. Address:, which must be entered into the address bar of the browser. After entering the address and pressing the Enter key, a window for entering your login and password will appear (by default, the login is admin and the password is admin). But there may be options, as in the photo below, where the settings page address is different. Therefore, check the label or instructions for the device.

After entering your login and password, you will be taken to the administrative part, where you first need to open the DHCP Server tab. There you need to activate this server, that is, check Enable or “Enable” (depending on the interface language), and click the “Save” button.

The next step in the process of how to install a Wi-Fi router is to determine the type of connection.

Connection type

If you do not have information about the type of connection, you should check with your Internet provider. Without the correct settings, the Internet will not work. The simplest option is a type called “dynamic IP address.” All you need to do is select this option and click the save button. In rare cases, you will also have to fill in the “Hostname” field.

A rarer type - with a static IP address - requires additional filling in the fields with IP address, default gateway, subnet mask and DNS server (provided by the provider). And when connecting PPPoE (from the English Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet), you must fill in the fields with the user name, password and password confirmation.

After setting up the Internet connection, you can move on to the question of how to set the TP-Link router to wireless transmission mode?

Wi-Fi setup

To do this, you need to find a tab called “Wireless Mode” (options are possible). Then you need to enter the SSID name of the network and select mode. If you are not sure that all your devices support the latest n-mode, then it is better to choose a mixed bgn option.

Next, you should save the settings and reboot the router. Then we’ll move on to the question of how to set the WiFi router to protected mode. For these purposes, the settings provide a “Network Security” section. Here you should select the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption mode and enter a 12-digit password. In the future, this password will need to be entered one-time on each new device that you want to connect to the network.

After this step, the question of how to install a Wi-Fi router can be considered closed.

Possible problems

If you can’t log into the administrative panel, try changing your browser. Some devices from different manufacturers have poor compatibility with the Google Chrome browser.

Be careful when entering the router's IP address. If the firmware was updated, it may become instead of (or vice versa).

If after setting up the router you have a weak wireless network signal, then consider installing the WiFi router in another, more open location. Sometimes in administrative settings you can select the signal strength level. Some router models have detachable antennas. If you change them to more powerful ones, you will be able to significantly expand the coverage area without changing the router (which is much cheaper).


The instructions described above are universal. It will help you decide how to install a D Link, ASUS, Netgear, Linksys, etc. router. Differences may only be in the administrative panel interface or minor nuances. Provided that you did everything correctly, all that remains is to connect your gadgets and enjoy the convenience of using the Internet wirelessly.

Good day!

Many users are intimidated by setting up a Wi-Fi router on their own, and when purchasing it, they also order a service to connect and configure it.

In my opinion, the price for this service in many stores is too high (sometimes it reaches half the cost of the router)- especially since many people can cope with this operation on their own (you just need to figure it out a little 👌).

I also want to immediately add that if in the future you need to change your password, settings for accessing the Internet (or anything else), you will still have to go in and figure it out yourself...

That is why I “sketched” this small instruction article, with pictures and explanations of each step. I hope the step-by-step presentation of the material will help you figure out how and what to do.

So, let's get to the point... 👌

👉 Addition!

You can also read my other article about how to start from scratch

Step-by-step instructions: connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi router

Selecting a location and placing the router

Many users make one mistake - they do not pay attention to the place where they install the router. No, for testing and initial setup this is not so important, but for continuous operation of the device this is not good in all cases...

The fact is that depending on where your Wi-Fi router is placed, it will be very depend on reception level networks in different parts of your home. Significantly reduce the Wi-Fi signal: load-bearing thick walls, mirrors, metal doors, etc.

That's why, position the router it needs to be approximately equidistant from all devices that will connect to its network (and also to ensure that there are minimal obstacles to the network signal).

An example of unsuccessful and successful placement of a router in a 2-room apartment is shown in the layout below.

On the issue of choosing and placing a router in an apartment

In general, I think the message is clear: depending on the location of the router, the quality of the network signal, speed, errors, etc. will depend.

Connecting the router to the computer

A typical router delivery consists of (example in the picture below):

  • the router itself;
  • power supply;
  • network cable (usually 1-2 m long). Used to connect the router to a PC (laptop) and configure it;
  • operating instructions;
  • antenna (there may not be an antenna - in some routers it is built into the device body).

Those. there is everything you need to start connecting and setting up the device.

The connection itself comes down to the following:

  1. connect the router with a network cable (which comes with the router) with a computer or laptop. By the way, please note that the router usually has 4 LAN ports for this (most often marked in yellow). On some routers, the marking may be Ethernet instead of LAN;
  2. disconnect the internet cable (coming from the provider) from the computer system unit and connect it to the router: to the WAN or Internet port (usually marked in blue);
  3. connect power to the router and turn on the device;
  4. If everything is done correctly, various LEDs on the device will begin to blink...

If shown schematically, the Wi-Fi router becomes like an intermediary between your computer and the Internet cable from the provider (see picture below).

Important! Connecting the router to a PC (laptop) using a network cable is necessary for the initial setup of the device. Subsequently, the cable can be disconnected and the router placed in a more convenient place.

Configuring network card settings

Before you go into the Wi-Fi router settings, you need to correctly configure the network card (especially if you previously had different default settings).

First you need to open a tab in:

Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections

The easiest way to do this is to press a combination of buttons Win+R, enter the command ncpa.cpl and click OK.

Next you need to open properties connection through which the connection to the router is made (most often this will be a LAN connection, you may have something like an Ethernet connection).

Then you need to open select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and open its properties.

In the tab "Are common" set to receive the IP address and DNS server automatically. Save settings.

Obtain IP address and DNS server automatically

Such settings are suitable in 99.9% of cases, because... your Wi-Fi router has an active DHCP server looking into the local network - which will give a free IP address to your computer/laptop.

Entering the router settings (device IP address)

To go into the Wi-Fi router settings, you need to know its IP address (which you just need to enter into the address bar of your browser and click on it).

Each router has its own. In most cases he , but there are exceptions:

  1. address for D-Link and NetGear routers: ;
  2. address for TrendNet routers:

👉 To help!

How (login to the web interface). What to do if the settings page does not open


Also pay attention to the stickers on the body of your Wi-Fi router - almost always the IP address is indicated on these stickers. By the way, on the same stickers you can find the login password for accessing the web interface.

After you enter correct IP address to enter the router settings and press Enter - you will see a window asking you to enter your login and password (example in the figure below).

As a rule, in most cases both the login and password will be admin. If you can't log in, try leaving the password field blank.

Setting up a router (router)

If the password and login were entered correctly, then you should be in the web interface (with a bunch of different settings, links, etc.). Each manufacturer and different router models have a different interface.

But there is one thing in common: the menu is usually located on the side or on top. The basic settings in the menu are also identical and are set in a similar way. So, having looked at how one router is configured, you can configure another by analogy...

As an example, I’ll take such a popular brand of routers as TP-LINK (with “green” firmware in Russian) .

Cloning the MAC address of an old network card

The fact is that many providers charge extra. protection that checks the MAC address. And if the MAC address does not match (or has been replaced) - access to the network is blocked.

To clone a MAC address, you need to open the link in TP-LINK routers "MAC Address Clone" (in the "Network" section). If you have an English version of the firmware, then look for a link like "MAC Clone" .

MAC address cloning

Setting up Internet access

Setting up Internet access mainly depends on the network design of your Internet service provider. The necessary parameters for accessing the network must be specified in the contract for the provision of Internet connection services.

Most often, the connection type used in Russia is PPPoE (note: a dynamic IP address is issued upon connection. To access you must enter your login and password).

It is impossible to open the WAN (Internet) tab in the router and first specify the connection type (for example, PPPoE, see "2" in the figure below). It is also necessary to indicate username and password (see “3” in the figure below 👇, data can be taken from the agreement with the Internet provider).

All that remains is to save the settings. In most cases, you do not need to enter anything else. Now the router can access the Internet - and the Internet should now appear on the computer that is connected to it with a network cable.

All that remains is to configure the wireless network...

Setting up a Wi-Fi network

To set up a Wi-Fi network, you first need to open the tab (or in English "Wireless Settings") .

In this tab you need to specify the network name - i.e. the name of the network that you will look for to connect on your gadgets: tablets, phones, etc. (in some cases, if there is a bad signal, it makes sense to select a channel. ).

Then you need to open the tab "Wireless Network Security" (or in English "Wireless Security") and select the type of protection.

Today, one of the best types of encryption is WPA2-PSK, which is the first in the list (we select it).

PSK password is the password that you will need to enter when connecting to a Wi-Fi network.

Actually, after saving the settings, the router will reboot, and after that you can connect to the Wi-Fi network and use the Internet.

That's all the setup... 👌

I understand that in this article I did not consider many subtleties that in particular cases can have a great impact on the operation of the network. But, probably, all of them cannot be provided for in one article...

As I work on the site, I will touch on this issue more than once or twice...

The question of how to connect a wi-fi router to a computer is asked by users when they want to use the Internet throughout the apartment and have free access to the wi-fi network from several devices. In addition, they are interested in how many computers can be connected.

Installing and connecting a router is a simple process, which, however, requires careful adherence to the algorithm of actions.

Router installation

Installing a router can be done in two ways:

  • via wireless network;
  • using a twisted pair (a special wire that usually comes with the device).

The second method is less preferable. In order to make a connection, three main components are required:

  1. Actually a wi-fi router;
  2. A desktop computer or laptop with an installed network card;
  3. Network cable.

Before purchasing a router, it is recommended to study the parameters of your own computers and other devices, since not all routers are compatible with all computers. Moreover, the older the laptop and/or software, the more difficult it is to find a compatible router.

ASUS routers are considered one of the most universal. ZyXEL also has good characteristics. Also, before purchasing, check the signal range of the device.

If you only need a Wi-Fi router to use the Internet from a phone or tablet at home, then inexpensive router models designed for 4–6 devices are quite suitable for you.

However, still pay attention to how many computers can be connected to the network at the same time.

Advice! Special requirements for the device should be made if you plan to create a powerful local home network for storing data. Also, when choosing, it is worth checking what speeds the device supports; they must be gigabyte. Otherwise, working on the Internet will become very difficult.

Wired connection

Connecting a router using twisted pair is quite simple, but with such a connection its operation becomes much more complicated.

In particular, you will not be able to move the computer away from it more than a certain distance. Therefore, this option is not applicable for laptops. But it may be a good solution if you have a desktop computer.

This wi-fi connection has its advantages. For example, it is believed that in this way the Internet causes fewer interruptions during operation.

  • First, connect an Internet cable to the router.
    Find the WAN port on the back of the device and plug the cable into it. Then take the network cable and connect it to the router into the Ethernet port, and the other end into the corresponding port on the computer.
  • Set up your router.
    Open any browser and enter the device's IP address in the address bar. The address must be in the format The true IP of the router can be found on the sticker on its bottom or in the technical documentation for the equipment.

After the IP is registered, the setup program will require you to enter your login and password. Then you can change the password for convenience. After this, the main wired network settings menu opens.

Important! If you are using a wired connection, then pay attention to the number of connectors in the router. How many there are - so many computers you can connect to the device.

Wireless connection

If you intend to connect your Wi-Fi router wirelessly, you will have to set up the connection in two stages. The first of them is the actual settings, and the second is work on network security.

  • In the router menu, open the “Wi-Fi” tab, and there find a tab called “Manual settings settings”. The names of the tabs may vary depending on the type of router, but their meaning is usually obvious.
  • In the main settings we find the SSID field. We write the network name in it. This is the name that you will see when connecting to the Internet from any device. Set the correct region in which the wi-fi network will work.
    Next, you need to select a channel for data transmission. It is better to leave the one indicated initially. However, over time it can be changed if problems arise with access to the Internet.
  • Choose wi-fi standards. It is advisable to leave the mixed ones installed by default. Now choose how many network users can connect several computers to it at the same time.
    If the number of users should not be limited, select “0”.
  • Go to the “Security” or “Security Settings” tab. In the field at the top, select the type of protection. WPA2-PSK will do. Enter the password in the “Key” field. Such measures will protect you from hacking and from those who like to use the Internet at someone else’s expense.
    Only someone who knows the password can connect the device to the network.

The advantage of this method is that you can use the Internet throughout the apartment. And, in addition, only with this type can you connect a second, third, or more computers located far from the device to the network.

Connecting a wired network is a little easier; it requires not so much additional work with security parameters as entering data that is not always at hand. Go to the “Network” tab in the router menu, and from there to the “Connections” tab.

Fill in the blank fields, if any. If all fields are filled in, confirm your selection.

Go to the “IP Settings” tab. Here you need to specify the LAN network address and subnet mask. This data must be specified in the contract for the provision of services by the provider. However, sometimes this data is not provided. In this case, you can call the provider's customer support.

There you will be required to provide this information. Confirm your selection by clicking the “Save” or “OK” button.

A wired network, although more secure, is not very convenient and does not allow you to connect the Internet to a second or even several computers. However, the choice of connection type depends solely on the user's needs.

How to connect a router to a computer

In order to connect the router to the computer, you need to connect a blue cable to one of the four blue sections. In the computer settings, the connection is configured in the Network and Sharing Center.
