Apple TV also has problems: what they are and how to fix them. What should I do if AirPlay turns off when my iPad or iPhone is locked? Disconnect Apple TV from power source

Apple TV set-top box. The device now costs $69 in the US instead of $99.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said that Apple TV sales brought the company a record profit of $1 billion over the year. This amount also includes income from the sale and rental of films, TV series and television shows. In total, the company has sold over 25 million set-top boxes. “Apple TV is no longer just a hobby,” Cook said.

Apple TV streams movies, music, podcasts, and photos from your iTunes library, as well as from iOS mobile devices using AirPlay technology. Apple TV comes with an Apple Remote. iMore has prepared a list of the most important commands for the remote control.

1. Basic

Press Up, Down, Left or Right to move through the interface elements. Press the Select button to select an object. Click Menu to go back or Play/Pause to play.

2. Return to home

Press and hold the Menu button for 3 seconds to return to the Apple TV main menu.

3. Move or hide icons

Press and hold the Select button for 2 seconds to activate the icon moving mode. Press Play/Pause to hide the icon.

4. Video settings

Press and hold the Select button while watching a video to open the speaker, audio, and subtitle settings.

5. Rewind

Press and hold the Left button to rewind 30 seconds. Hold the button to continue rewinding. By pressing the Left button several times, you can change the rewind speed: slow, medium and fast.

6. Fast forward

Press and hold the Right button to fast forward 30 seconds. Hold the button to continue rewinding. By pressing the Right button several times, you can change the rewind speed: slow, medium and fast.

7. Rewind in Slo-mo mode

Press Play/Pause and then the Left or Right button to rewind the content in slow motion mode.

8. Fast forward in Slo-mo

Press Play/Pause and then press and hold the Left or Right button to initiate fast forwarding in slow motion mode.

9. Skip chapters

Press Down to enable chapter switching mode. Press Left to go back to the previous chapter or Right to enter the next one. If the video does not support chapter breaks, you will miss 30 seconds or 1/20 of the video.

10. Mark as watched

In the TV section of iTunes, press and hold the Select button to mark episodes as watched or unwatched.

11. Switch layout

Press Play/Pause while typing to switch between numeric and character layouts. Press and hold Select for 2 seconds to bring up a menu to change the layout. After selecting the one you want, press Play/Pause.

12. Reboot

Press and hold the Down and Menu buttons for 6 seconds to force the Apple TV to restart.

13. Sleep mode

Press and hold the Play/Pause button for 5 seconds to put Apple TV to sleep.

14. Pairing

Press and hold Right and Menu for 5 seconds to set up pairing with Apple TV. The same command, but with the Left button will break the connection with the remote control.

15. Remote application

The Remote app for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch lets you control Apple TV in a more convenient way. Application for smartphones and tablets available for download

Operating the Apple TV remote is fairly easy to use once you're familiar with a few steps to use it. Its special feature is touch control. Using the remote control, various manipulations with the menu, playback of several functions and much more are possible. We will tell you about this.

It must be remembered that the remote control panel is touch sensitive and excessive use of force is not only unnecessary, but can also damage the Toch. Use it carefully and there will be no problems associated with malfunctions.

So, a few points when using the remote control:

  • We take the remote control and point it at the TV.
  • We begin to move our finger, depending on which item is needed (up, left, right or down).
  • We indicate the selected one by gently pressing the panel so that a click is felt.
  • Next, swipe up or down on the touchpad to view and select the desired item.
  • Once you have found the list you need, swipe your finger to the right, thereby highlighting the required item.
  • Pressing the panel for 3 seconds returns to the previous list, double pressing opens the main page.
  • To view your program viewing history, you must double-click the Home button. To return to Home, press the button of the same name again. Accordingly, if there is no connection to the TV, the “Home” page will open.
  • The button on which the element is depicted (an arrow pointing to two sticks next to each other) fixes the playback or stop of video information. Or you can press lightly on the sensor until you feel a click. There are also other possibilities, including rewinding video content.
  • In order to fast forward, for example, a movie or other video, you need to:

Press the previously described button (to play) and swipe your finger sharply to the right. Or, press and hold the right side of the touchpad. The content will also fast forward;

  • In order to rewind, for example, a movie or other video, you need to:

Press the same previously described button (to play) and swipe your finger sharply to the left. Or, press and hold the left side of the touchpad. The content will also rewind.

  • To fast forward songs and other audio information, you need to:

Without stopping the music, press the remote control panel. Then swipe down to indicate the playback time. Swipe right or press and hold the right side of the touchpad until you find the part of the melody you want.

  • To rewind songs and other audio information, you need to:

Without stopping the music, press the remote control panel. Then swipe down to indicate the playback time. Swipe left or press and hold the left side of the touchpad until you find the part of the melody you want.

  • Pass. For video.

By pressing the right side of the remote control panel during playback, you can skip forward 10 seconds of the movie you are watching. Accordingly, by pressing the left side of the panel during playback, you can skip back a 10-second part of the movie you are watching.

  • Pass. For audio.

To skip part of the melody forward, swipe down on the panel and, having highlighted the desired song, click on the panel on the left to rewind 10 seconds back and on the right to replay the song 10 seconds forward.

How to Restart Apple TV

For example, you need to restart Apple TV 4; to do this, you can use the Settings menu or from the remote control. You can also turn off Apple TV and disconnect power from Apple TV.

If you are using Apple TV of the fourth or 3rd generation, then you need to find the “Restart” item in the “General” or “System” settings.

Using the remote control, hold down the menu buttons until the light on the device starts blinking.

Another way is when you turn off, that is, deprive your TV of power and after six seconds connect it again.

How to charge the remote control

When the remote control runs out of charge, a warning about this will appear on the TV screen. Charge the remote control for at least 30 minutes. Fully charging the battery takes one and a half hours. Using the remote control while you are charging the battery does not harm the device. It is prohibited to charge it from Apple TV.

You can charge the remote control in two ways:

  • If you connect the USB from the Apple TV kit to your computer.
  • If you connect the power adapter to the markup. It must be purchased separately; the USB adapter is not included.

Replacing the remote control battery yourself is not possible.

Have you finished all your work with the Apple TV set-top box and want to turn off the device? You also need to be able to do this correctly - after all, with shutdown, everything is a little more complicated than it seems.

Strictly speaking, you won't be able to turn off Apple TV in the traditional sense of the word (unless you unplug it). Instead, by pressing a button you will simply put it into sleep mode, where it will remain quietly until the next session.

By default, Apple TV will turn off automatically if the owner has been inactive for some time. So, in principle, you don’t have to “bother” with turning off the set-top box at all - just turn off the TV and go about your business, and after a while the TV itself will go to sleep. Well, if you still want to “turn off” the console right away, then you can do this in two ways - through the remote control or through Settings.

Turn off from the Apple TV remote

To turn off Apple TV with Siri Remote, do the following:

1 . Press and hold the Home button (the small TV icon on the remote) for five seconds.

2 . From the menu that appears, select Sleeping mode. The set-top box will turn off.

To turn on your Apple TV, press and hold the same Home button.

How to turn off Apple TV through Settings

Open Settings and select Sleeping mode.

After going into sleep mode, the set-top box can be safely considered turned off - it is inactive and does not consume energy. Of course, this sounds a little strange, but in fact it’s all true, sleep is identical to shutting down. By the way, sleep mode works in exactly the same way on Mac and many other devices.

Along with it, the set-top box will also turn off the TV.

How to set Apple TV to turn off automatically

If desired, you can also configure the period of time after which Apple TV will turn off automatically. To do this, go to Settings, select Basic and indicate the period you are looking for in the section Going to sleep mode after.

Based on materials from yablyk

Apple TV looks the same as most TV set-top boxes, but this device works not only with Apple equipment, but also with other home devices. For example, you can use Apple TV to set up and control Hue lights, play games, download apps, and stream videos from your iPhone or Mac to your big screen TV via AirPlay. Of course, Apple TV also has problems. We will talk about the most common of them in this article.

The essence of the fable is that Apple TV problems quite often arise even if the device is connected and configured correctly. These could be wifi connection failures, poor quality playback, or problems with the home theater. As a rule, the user can eliminate this kind of trouble himself. We will talk about what and how to do in each individual case. So:

Apple TV problems with WiFi

This is perhaps the most common category of problems that almost all Apple TV owners complain about, but which in the vast majority of cases arise through their own fault, and which can also be fixed without much effort. The standard list of complaints about so-called “wifi problems” in the case of Apple TV looks something like this:

  • “does not find” the wifi network;
  • does not connect to home wifi network;
  • connects to wi-fi, but does not connect to the Internet;
  • Wi-Fi connection often disappears and turns on " Buffering«.

If your Apple TV suddenly behaved in a similar way, then the troubleshooting procedure should begin by checking the IP address. To do this, go to “ Settings ", then - in " Basic " and click " Net «.

  • if this same address is not displayed in the “IP address” line, then you must first turn off (from the outlet, and keep it turned off for at least 1 minute) the existing router, after which ( “Settings” -> “System” -> “Restart now” );
  • If IP is displayed, the set-top box is connected to Wi-Fi, but the connection is constantly interrupted, then most likely there is a weak signal. Try moving the Apple TV to another location, closer to the router, or, conversely, move the router closer to the set-top box.
Apple TV problems with AirPlay

Through AirPlay service, as you know, you can stream a picture from an iPad or to a TV screen. This service is very easy to set up and, of course, is very useful in itself. If it works well, which is not always the case. If AirPlay suddenly fails, then the first thing you need to do is check that the Apple TV and the desired smartphone, tablet or laptop were connected to the same one. If these devices “catch” different networks, or the mobile device is connected to the Internet through the network of a mobile operator, then AirPlay will not work. One by one we open " Settings » in each of the devices and make sure that the name of your home wifi network is displayed in the corresponding sections.

It also often happens that AirPlay simply does not work. That is, you open a video application, get ready to turn on the stream, but for some reason the usual AirPlay logo is not detected. In this case, we can assume that the application you selected does not support the AirPlay service. In addition, it may also be that such support is blocked. Some mobile and TV apps actually disable AirPlay support to prevent users from streaming certain video content.

But AirPlay may not work due to a normal glitch. So it would also be a good idea to check your Apple TV settings in this situation. Open " Settings "and make sure that the AirPlay function is enabled. In addition, if AirPlay works, but is not stable and/or constantly lags, then also try moving your iPhone, iPad or Macbook closer to the console. If the problem was resolved in this way, then, obviously, the cause of the lags was the low quality of the streaming signal, and not AirPlay itself.

Apple TV - video problems

Sometimes Apple TV starts showing video without sound, or there is sound, but the picture disappears. In such cases, before taking any drastic measures, try simply restarting the stream. If restarting does not solve the problem, check. It must be well connected at both ends. If possible, connect your Apple TV using a different HDMI cable.

Plus, you need to check the resolution of the set-top box: “Settings” -> “Audio and video” -> “Resolution” . You will most likely see an option " Auto ", and that's okay. However, sometimes you need to manually set the resolution to what is supported.

Apple TV - Audio Problems

If the sound from the set-top box starts to glitch, then you should also start by checking the volume level. It can be disabled. If everything is fine with the volume, then we restart the stream as standard. Then we check the quality of the Apple TV connection to the TV (HDMI or optical cable, if used), as well as the quality of the connection to the audio receiver or. Carefully disconnect the cable and then connect it again. In the vast majority of cases, all “repairs” are limited to this.

Apple TV problems with the remote control

Without a remote control, Apple TV is just a black box, beautiful and almost useless. Almost - this is because if there is something wrong with the standard console remote control, then you can use it instead. But only if you have previously installed and configured the mobile application " Remote control » (Remote App). That's one thing.

As for the problems with the remote control, the most common one is the failure of pairing this device with the set-top box. That is, it simply does not connect, and “ “. In such a situation, you must first check the battery charge of the remote control. If it is discharged, then put the remote control on charge for at least half an hour. Then we bring it close to the body of the console (at a distance of no more than 5-7 cm), simultaneously press the buttons " Menu " And " Increase volume "and hold them like this for at least 5 seconds (the pairing process will begin). After the set-top box “sees” its remote control, disconnect it from the network. We wait a minute, turn it on and test the quality of the remote control.

One of the problems with the device is that Apple TV turns off, it occurs due to some reasons and very often confuses a person; high-quality diagnostics can confirm the problem.

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Apple TV turns off: main reasons

There can be various reasons why Apple TV turns off, the most common are:

  • The browser can't handle the stress. If the use of Apple TV occurs in parallel with the additional use of the Internet, then the load simply may be too great;
  • The device was not connected correctly;
  • The power cable is coming off. Power outages, connection errors and some other reasons can damage the power cord;

You can analyze the problem in more detail yourself or with the help of a specialist, but first of all it is recommended to check the correct connection.

Apple TV disconnects: making sure it's connected correctly

If Apple TV turns off, you can fix the problem by checking that the device is connected correctly, which is carried out in several stages. Among them are:

  • Make sure the cable that connects Apple TV to your TV is connected correctly. The process of proper connection is that one end of the cable is connected to the TV panel and the other to the device panel;
  • Check that the power cables are securely connected. The connection consists of connecting the cable to the Apple TV panel and to an outlet;

If these rules are followed and Apple TV turns off, you should restart the device. Follow these steps:

  • Turn off the TV and select the desired type of input channel;
  • Next, you should reboot the device. The reboot is performed by sequentially pressing the keys: Settings – Basic settings – Reboot.

How to fix power problems

The reason why Apple TV turns off may be problems with the power supply. You can fix this problem by restoring the device.

Recovery takes place in several stages, including the following:

  • On your Apple TV device, select Settings – General settings – Reset, and then click Restore;
  • The actions that you performed before should lead to the restoration of the original settings with the subsequent installation of a new version; you should not connect the power until the restoration is complete.

If your Apple TV turns off or you have other problems with your device, you should contact a specialist.

If you need a high-quality solution to the problem that your Apple TV turns off, our staff will be happy to help you. We also eliminate any other types of breakdowns that interfere with the normal functioning of the system and can cause it to fail completely.

We want to provide quality service and make your life more comfortable. Our company’s specialists can help equipment, provide high-quality equipment repairs, advice regarding use, and the like. After all, in our life nothing lasts forever. This also applies to expensive equipment, which can also break down at the most inopportune moment.

We employ only professionals who will help solve any problems with your equipment.
