What is a repost and how to do it on VKontakte. What does repost on VKontakte mean and how to do it? How to repost a VKontakte post

An ordinary Internet user may not always need to know how to repost in a contact.

After all, with the help of so-called reposts, you can transfer information, an image or video already known to one user to other people, a group or an entire community.

What is a repost?

This term refers to posting someone else's post on your page. Most often, this is a message sent by a friend or posted in a group the user is a member of.

Thus, a repost is a copy of the entire post, but without the comments related to it.

Using this action, you can replicate interesting and relevant messages from another page, increasing their popularity among friends, acquaintances and community members.

The more reposts, the more popular the information.

And the object of copying your profile or group can be almost any content - from a photograph to a musical composition. It is also acceptable to repost a video or link.

It is worth noting that a repost on VKontakte is immediately noticeable - by the name of the page from which the information was copied.

Thus, the message has two authors indicated at once - the one who reposted it, and the person or group who posted it earlier.

If there is multiple repost, the second title indicates the original source.

Types of reposts in VK

There are several repost options that can be done on VKontakte:

  • From one profile page to your own;
  • From the community to the wall of a social network user;
  • From profile to page in group;
  • From one community to another;
  • Repost as a personal message to the user.

All rules for copying and distributing information are the same both on a computer and when logging into a social network from a phone or tablet.

When working in a browser or mobile application, the icons are no different. Except that on a smartphone it will be more difficult to press them.

Repost rules

The simplest type of repost is to copy a message to your profile wall, regardless of where the original post is located - in the community or with another person.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Find a suitable interesting post, information from which you would like to see on your page;
  • Click the heart-shaped image below the message;
  • On the menu that appears with profile images of users who also liked the information, select "Tell friends".

Now a message from another page has appeared on your wall, which all subscribers can see.

And, if your profile is set to allow all friends to see your updates, they will be able to see this post the next time they log into their profile.

To do this, you should use an icon not in the shape of a heart, but one depicting a small megaphone.

Repost with a choice of recipients

Advice! You can make sure that your friends will receive a repost from your page and see it in their news feed by clicking on the “megaphone”. After this, a menu will appear for selecting a recipient.

Here you can specify who the message is intended for:

  • Friends and subscribers. In this case, the repost will only go to the wall. This method is additional for copying an entry to your profile;
  • Community subscribers. This option is only available for users who are also administrators of a group In contact with.

If there are several communities, in the field below you should enter the name of the one whose subscribers the information is intended for.

If you select multiple users, a conversation will automatically be created between the people to whom the message was sent.

You can attach a comment, a photo from your phone, a document, or even an audio or video file from your album to the post you repost.

If you select the “Timer” item here, the data will be sent to the recipients not now, but at the specified time.

This can be useful, for example, to remind you of an event.

Tab "Export" allows you to get a code that can be used to insert into a message not posted on VKontakte.


By learning how to repost, you can share interesting information, useful links, and even important work information with friends, colleagues, and community members.

With this simple but useful option, information on social networks can spread with amazing speed - because the number of copies of one message can grow not in arithmetic, but in geometric progression.

Good afternoon. In today's article we will talk about how to repost on VK and learn that VKontakte users can share posts on their page, in communities, and repost photos and videos.

What is repost

How to repost on VK: several ways

You can share posts in three ways:

How to repost a post on VK

How to quickly repost on VK? Take any news and click on the arrow icon below it.

Sharing the post is allowed on other social networks and even on websites. If you go to the “Export” tab, you will be able to upload a post to Facebook or Twitter, or copy the code and then post it on your blog (more about this is written in).

VKontakte has the opportunity to find out how many people shared a given post. There is a counter next to the icon. If you hover your cursor over it, a list of all those who distributed the post will appear.

How to repost in VK in a private message

Click on the arrow icon - then the item “Send by private message”, select a friend from the drop-down list:

Now the post will appear to those to whom it was sent as a message. Moreover, directly from the dialogue, a person can follow a link to go both to the public page containing the news and to the post itself in order to familiarize itself with it or read the comments.

Repost to VKontakte group

We carry out all the steps described above, only in the window that opens, select the “Community Subscribers” item. You can attach a comment, emoji, or attachment to your post.

It should be remembered that you can only repost to a VKontakte group if you are an administrator of a community. Then all your groups will be displayed in the drop-down list. Otherwise, this item will be inactive.

How to repost VKontakte from your phone

Reposting from a smartphone is done in the same way. Take the desired post and click on the arrow under it.

Then it’s like on a computer. You can select a user from those suggested or use the search, publish a post on your page or in the community, or copy the link. When you select the “More” button, the news can be sent to other social networks or instant messengers, by email, etc.

Delayed repost

A delayed repost on VKontakte is done in exactly the same way as. To do this, under the comments field you need to select “More”, and then “Timer”

The advantages of reposts or why they are needed

Now let's try to understand What are VKontakte reposts for?.

  • distributing and storing interesting and important information on the VKontakte social network. With their help, the necessary information is quickly distributed not only among friends, but also throughout the big city. Thus, social networks play the role of media. If you are afraid of losing valuable information, just repost the post on your wall so that at the right time you can quickly find it through search;
  • advertising of goods and services. By reposting you, others thereby promote you and your business, gather a target audience on VKontakte, which will then be able to use your services;
  • increasing the popularity of a public page or a specific user. If the post is really interesting, then social network users will not only read the news, but also follow the link to learn more about you or the public. This is how VKontakte promotes entire business projects or simply gathers people who are passionate about something;
  • earnings. You can earn money through reposts (but we will talk about this in the following articles).

Conclusion: reposts play an important role in disseminating information on VK!

Questions about reposts:

Question 1. Is there a limit on the number of reposts on VKontakte?

Answer: Yes, I have. You are allowed to make no more than 150 reposts of entries per day. After this, the operation will become available in 24 hours.

Question 2. How to find out who reposted?

Answer: You need to hover your mouse over the counter next to the arrow. A pop-up window will appear, by going into which you can see everyone who shared the post.

Question 3. Why can’t I repost from a group?

Question 4. Can I repost to other social networks?

Good luck to you, and see you soon.

You've probably heard about words like “repost” or “repost” if you are an active VKontakte user. After all, you can often see such a request in a post of some community, or sometimes friends write messages “please repost (something there) from my wall”

Let's figure out what this means. Repost(or repost) is when you post a post of some community, group, or person on your wall. You can say "reprinting". Have you noticed how quickly interesting videos and all sorts of quotes are distributed, because they are distributed in this way. Let's move on to a very simple demonstration, if you want to repost (repost), see below as:

The image shows everything, hover your cursor over the heart, if you just click on it, you will mark that you like the post, and if you click on the “tell friends” link, then this post will be on your page:

So, everything is simple in reality, but it happens that you also want to make your own addition to the post, or send a notification about it to specific friends, or repost it to your community. Then things go like this:

There are fields for your comment, this text will be above the post, there is a choice of audience where to repost, 1. Friends and subscribers - Repost to your page, shown above already. 2. Community subscribers - if you are an administrator of a group or community, you can publish there any post taken from another community or from a person’s page. 3. Send by personal message - this is sending a recording to one of your friends or by email.

The popular social network VKontakte is filled with a variety of content. Public pages and groups promote tons of entertainment content mixed with advertising, gaining tens of millions of views per day. But what should you do if you saw an incredibly educational or interesting post in a public post, but your friends definitely haven’t seen it yet?

If you don’t want to send the entire post with a selection of music and pictures, then you can send just one audio recording. To do this you need:

  1. Start playing it by clicking on the corresponding icon next to the track name. If you don’t want to listen to the entire audio recording, you can immediately pause it.
  2. In the middle of the site header, you need to click once on the name of the track that we just launched.
  3. After clicking, a fairly large drop-down window will appear in which we will see a list of audio recordings from this and other posts and the already familiar functionality of the player. At the top right you can see the previously described repost icon - a small megaphone that you need to click on once.
  4. In a small drop-down window, you can immediately start broadcasting this track to the status of your page and administrated groups, simply by checking the box next to the names.

    It should be noted that after checking the boxes on your page or in selected groups, any music you listen to will always be displayed in the status. In order to disable the ability for others to see the tracks being played, you just need to uncheck the previously selected items.

  5. If you click on the button in the above drop-down window "Send to a friend", then we will see a repost window, very similar to the one that appears when sending a post from the wall. The difference is that you cannot attach a photo or document to a message, and you cannot export an audio recording to a third-party resource.

Sometimes you want to save a video or note you like on your wall or simply send it to friends. However, sometimes this doesn't work out. Let's figure out why you can't repost from a VKontakte group to your wall.

There are only 2 reasons for this problem:

  1. The liked post was posted on behalf of the user;
  2. Closed community.

Let's consider each of these cases.

When you want to send a post from an open community to your VK wall:

This happens because in communities it is prohibited to repost messages made by users and subscribers of the group. Such prohibitions are related to the display of information when reposting. When you add materials to your wall, the name of the society from which it was taken is also published, thereby securing copyright for the note.

To read information posted in such a group, you must be a member. To do this, submit an application to join, and the moderator or administrator, after considering your candidacy, will decide to accept or refuse. Accordingly, it is also impossible to repost from such a page.

All information is available only to subscribers. It is impossible to send such materials even to your friends in private messages.

If you want to post a post on your VK wall, but you cannot repost, proceed as follows:

If you are a public administrator, please note that when posting a new note, you can select the publication method. On your own behalf or on behalf of the community.

VKontakte prohibits reposting from groups where the author of the post is the user, and not the community itself. You cannot share news from closed groups or materials that are only available to members.
